Interview Date
Bill Lemman shares his recollections of Vanport Extension Center and its community of students and faculty, many of whom, like himself, had served in the military during WWII. He recalls highlights of his 41-year career in higher education and Portland State's evolution as an urban university serving a diverse student population.
Link to Portland State Magazine Issue
"Once a Warrior: Portraits of PSU Veterans" in PSU Magazine, Fall 2021
W.T. “Bill” Lemman has been affiliated with Portland State since its founding as an educational extension center for returning veterans. He enrolled as a student at Vanport Extension Center after his discharge from the Marine Corps in 1946. After earning his degree in Business Administration at the University of Oregon, he returned to Vanport in 1950 as Assistant Business Manager. He returned again in 1959 as Portland State College's Vice President for Business and Finance.
Lemman became Vice Chancellor of the Oregon University System in 1974 and served with the office for over 15 years, including acting as interim chancellor and interim president of Oregon Institute of Technology. He was granted an honorary doctorate from Portland State University in 2004.
Interview recorded on Zoom, July 6, 2021. This file is edited from the original recording.
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Persistent Identifier
Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Higher Education | Higher Education Administration
Recommended Citation
Lemman, Bill, "Interview with Bill Lemman" (2021). Portraits of PSU Veterans. 6.