
Submissions from 2019


Mechanics and Historical Evolution of Sea Level Blowouts in New York Harbor, Praneeth Gurumurthy, Philip Orton, Stefan A. Talke, Nickitas Georgas, and James F. Booth

Effects of Elastic Supports and Flexural Cracking on Low and High Order Modal Properties of a Reinforced Concrete Girder, Ali Hafiz and Thomas Schumacher


The Tides They Are a-Changin’: A Comprehensive Review of Past and Future Nonastronomical Changes in Tides, their Driving Mechanisms and Future Implications, Ivan D. Haigh, Mark D. Pickering, J.A. Mattias Green, Brian K. Arbic, Arne Arns, Soenke Dangendorf, David Hill, David A. Jay, and multiple additional authors

Probabilistic Life-Cycle Management Framework for Ship Structures Subjected to Coupled Corrosion–Fatigue Deterioration Processes, Xu Han, David Y. Yang, and Dan M. Frangopol


Historical Changes in Lower Columbia River and Estuary Floods: A Numerical Study, Lumas Helaire, Stefan Talke, David A. Jay, and Andrew Mahedy

Mitigating Roadside Noise Pollution: A Comparison Between Rounded and Sinusoidal Milled Rumble Strips, Dylan Horne, Hisham Jashami, David Hurwitz, Christopher Monsere, and Sirisha Kothuri

Evaluation of Driver Comprehension and Visual Attention of the Flashing Yellow Arrow Display for Permissive Right Turns, Hisham Jashami, David S. Hurwitz, Christopher Monsere, and Sirisha Kothuri


A Study of Sidewalk Autonomous Delivery Robots and Their Potential Impacts on Freight Efficiency and Travel, Dylan Jennings and Miguel A. Figliozzi


Effects of Water Level Fluctuation on Thermal Stratification in a Typical Tributary Bay of Three Gorges Reservoir, China, Juxiang Jin, Scott Wells, Defu Liu, Guolu Yang, Senlin Zhu, Jun Ma, and Zhengjian Yang

Construction Stress Monitoring Using a Wireless Sensor Network to Evaluate Reuse Potential of Structural Steel, Philipp Keller, Jennifer McConnell, Thomas Schumacher, and Erik T. Thostenson

Density-Driven Water Circulation in a Typical Tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China, Lianghong Long, Daobin Ji, Zhengjian Yang, Jun Ma, Scott Wells, Defu Liu, and Andreas Lorke

Speed Limits: Leading to Change, Randy McCourt, Kay Fitzpatrick, Peter Koonce, and Subasish Das

Improved Support Vector Machine Models for Work Zone Crash Injury Severity Prediction and Analysis, Seyedmirsajad Mokhtarimousavi, Jason C. Anderson, Atorod Azizinamini, and Mohammed Hadi


Global Observations of Fine-Scale Ocean Surface Topography With the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission, Rosemary Morrow, Lee-Lueng Fu, Fabrice Ardhuin, Mounir Benkiran, Bertrand Chapron, Emmanuel Cosme, Francesco d’Ovidio, J. Thomas Farrar, Sarah T. Gille, Guillaume Lapeyre, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Ananda Pascual, Aurélien Ponte, Bo Qiu, Nicolas Rascle, Clement Ubelmann, Jinbo Wang, and Edward Zaron

Axisymmetric Simulations of Cone Penetration in Saturated Clay, Diane M. Moug, Ross W. Boulanger, Jason T. DeJong, and Robert A. Jaeger

Mechanistic Development of CPT-Based Cyclic Strength Correlations for Clean Sand, Diane M. Moug, Adam B. Price, Ana Maria Parra Bastidas, Kathleen M. Darby, Ross W. Boulanger, and Jason T. Dejong

Travel Choices in Alcohol-Related Situations in Virginia, Pamela Murray-Tuite, Jason C. Anderson, Paranjyoti Lahkar, and Kathleen Hancock


Toward Realistic Nonstationarity of Semidiurnal Baroclinic Tides in a HydrodynamicModel, Arin D. Nelson, Brian K. Arbic, Edward Zaron, Anna Savage, James G. Richman, Maarten C. Buijsman, and Jay F. Shriver

Minimizing Annual Average Daily Nonmotorized Traffic Estimation Errors: How Many Counters Are Needed per Factor Group?, Krista Nordback, Sirisha Kothuri, Dylan Johnstone, Greg Lyndsey, Sherry Ryan, and Jeremy Raw


High-Nicotine Electronic Cigarette Products: Toxicity of JUUL Fluidsand Aerosols Correlates Strongly with Nicotine and Some FlavorChemical Concentrations, Esther E. Omaiye, Kevin J. McWhirter, Wentai Luo, James F. Pankow, and Prue Talbot


Bigger Tides, Less Flooding: Effects of Dredging on Barotropic Dynamics in a Highly Modified Estuary, David K. Ralston, Stefan Talke, W. Rockwell Geyer, Hussein A. M. Al-Zubaidi, and Christopher K. Sommerfield


Nineteenth-Century Tides in the Gulf of Maine and Implications for Secular Trends, Richard D. Ray and Stefan A. Talke

Characterization of Static and Dynamic Geotechnical Properties and Behaviors of Fine Coal Refuse, Sajjad Salam, Ming Xiao, Arash Khosravifar, Min Liew, Shimin Liu, and Jamal Rostami

Cyclic Behavior and Liquefaction Resistance of Fine Coal Refuse-Experimental and Numerical Modeling, Sajjad Salam, Ming Xiao, Arash Khosravifar, and Jintai Wang


Observational Method and Coding Framework for Analyzing the Functionality of Unprotected Bicycle Lanes, Cat Silva, Kelly Clifton, and Rolf Moeckel

Seismic Performance of Pile-Supported Piers and Wharves Subjected to Foundation Deformations, Milad Souri, Arash Khosravifar, Stephen E. Dickenson, Scott Schlechter, and Nason McCullough

Experimental P-Y Curves from Centrifuge Tests on Pile Foundations Subjected to Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading, Milad Souri, Arash Khosravifar, Scott Schlechter, Nason McCullough, and Stephen E. Dickenson

Changing Tides: The Role of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors, Stefan A. Talke and David A. Jay

Intermediate Web Stiffener Spacing Evaluation for Shear Links, Dmitry Volynkin, Peter Dusicka, and G. Charles Clifton

Low Flows and Downstream Decline in Phytoplankton Contribute to Impaired Water Quality in the Lower Minnesota River, Junna Wang, Zhonglong Zhang, and Billy Johnson

Probabilistic Life-Cycle Optimization of Durability-Enhancing Maintenance Actions: Application to FRP Strengthening Planning, David Y. Yang, Dan M. Frangopol, and J. G. Teng


Surface Kinetic Energy Distributions in the Global Oceans From a High-Resolution Numerical Model and Surface Drifter Observations, Xiaolong Yu, Aurelien Ponte, Shane Elipot, Dimitris Menemenlis, Edward Zaron, and Ryan Abernathey


Predictability of Non-phase-Locked Baroclinic Tides in the Caribbean Sea, Edward D. Zaron


Simultaneous Estimation of Ocean Tides and Underwater Topography in the Weddell Sea, Edward D. Zaron

Comparing the Embodied Carbon and Energy of a Mass Timber Structure System to Typical Steel and Concrete Alternatives for Parking Garages, A. Zeitz, C. T. Griffin, and Peter Dusicka

Household Trip Generation and the Built Environment: Does More Density Mean More Trips?, Qin Zhang, Kelly J. Clifton, Rolf Moeckel, and Jamie Orrego-Onate


Investigate an Appropriate Spatial Resolution for Large-scaled Pedestrian Travel Demand Model, Qin Zhang, Kelly Clifton, and Rolf Moeckel

Submissions from 2018

Enhancing Hydrologic Data Assimilation by Evolutionary Particle Filter and Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Peyman Abbaszadeh, Hamid Moradkhani, and Hongxiang Yan

Accounting For Downscaling and Model Uncertainty in Fine-Resolution Seasonal Climate Projections Over the Columbia River Basin, Ali Ahmadalipour, Hamid Moradkhani, and Arun Rana


Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Bond Strength of Self-sensing Composite Joints, Shafique Ahmed, Thomas Schumacher, Jennifer McConnell, and Erik T. Thostenson

Integration of Carbon Nanotube Sensing Skins and Carbon Fiber Composites for Monitoring and Structural Repair of Fatigue Cracked Metal Structures, Shafique Ahmed, Erik T. Thostenson, and Thomas Schumacher

Frontal Dynamics at the Edge of the Columbia River Plume, Cigdem Akan, James C. McWilliams, Saeed Moghimi, and H. Tuba Oezkan-Haller

Performance Assessment of Multi-Column RC Bridge Vents Seismically Retrofitted with Buckling-Restrained Braces, Ramiro Bazaez and Peter Dusicka

Repair of Seismically Damaged RC Bridge Bent with Ductile Steel Bracing, Ramiro Bazaez and Peter Dusicka

Joint Consideration of Energy Expenditure, Air Quality, and Safety by Cyclists, Alexander Y. Bigazzi and Steven R. Gehrke


A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach to Multivariate Nonstationary Hydrologic Frequency Analysis, C. Bracken, K. D. Holman, B. Rajagopalan, and Hamid Moradkhani


Modeling the Impact of Traffic Conditions and Bicycle Facilities on Cyclists' On-Road Stress Levels, Àlvaro Caviedes and Miguel A. Figliozzi

Impact of Channel Deepening on Tidal and Gravitational Circulation in a Highly Engineered Estuarine Basin, Robert J. Chant, Christopher K. Sommerfield, and Stefan A. Talke


Seasonality of Tides in Southeast Asian Waters, Adam T. Devlin, Edward Zaron, David A. Jay, and Stefan Talke


Lifecycle Modeling and Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) CO2e Emissions, Miguel A. Figliozzi


Modeling the Sustainability of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Technologies: Final Report, Miguel A. Figliozzi


Drone Deliveries Logistics, Efficiency, Safety and Last Mile Trade-offs, Miguel A. Figliozzi, Chad Tucker, and Polina Polikakhina


A Study of Bus High-Resolution GPS Speed Data Accuracy, Miguel Figliozzi and Nicholas B. Stoll

Assessing the Importance of Housing, Accessibility, and Transportation Characteristics on Stated Neighbourhood Preference, Steven R. Gehrke, Kristina M. Currans, and Kelly J. Clifton


Advancing Bridge Technology, Task 10: Statistical Analysis and Modeling of US Concrete Highway Bridge Deck Performance -- Internal Final Report, Omar Ghonima, Thomas Schumacher, Avinash Unnikrishnan, and Adam Fleischhacker

Evaluation of Route Changes Utilizing High-Resolution GPS Bus Transit Data, Travis B. Glick and Miguel Figliozzi

Monitoring of Stresses in Concrete Using Ultrasonic Coda Wave Comparison Technique, Ali Hafiz and Thomas Schumacher


Apprehensive Drought Characteristics over Iraq: Results of a Multidecadal Spatiotemporal Assessment, Maysoun Ayad Hameed, Ali Ahmadalipour, and Hamid Moradkhani


Transportation Impacts of Affordable Housing: Informing Development Review with Travel Behavior Analysis, Amanda Howell, Kristina Marie Currans, Steven R. Gehrke, Gregory Norton, and Kelly J. Clifton

Thermal Stratification and its Relationship With Water Quality in the Typical Tributary Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir, Juxiang Jin, Scott Wells, Defu Liu, and Guolu Yang

Annual Average Nonmotorized Traffic Estimates from Manual Counts: Quantifying Error, Dylan Johnstone, Krista Nordback, and Sirisha Kothuri


A 3D Model for Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction Triggering and Post-Liquefaction Response, Arash Khosravifar, Ahmed Elgamal, Jinchi Lu, and John Li


Modified Design Procedures for Bridge Pile Foundations Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading, Arash Khosravifar and Jonathan Nasr


Minimum Required Length for Geotechnical Lateral Stability of RockSocketed Pile Shafts, Arash Khosravifar and Zia Zafir

New Insights Toward Quantitative Relationships between Lignin Reactivity to Monomers and Their Structural Characteristics, Ruoshui Ma, Xiumei Zhang, Yi Wang, and Xiao Zhang

Effect of Subduction Earthquake-Based Loading History on Substandard RC Square Columns, Selamawit Mehary, Peter Dusicka, and Ramiro Bazaez


The Effects of Long-Duration Subduction Earthquakes on Inelastic Behavior of Bridge Pile Foundations Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading, Jonathan Nasr and Arash Khosravifar

Insights on the Impact of Systematic Model Errors on Data Assimilation Performance in Changing Catchments, Sahani Pathiraja, Daniela Anghileri, Paolo Burlando, Ashish Sharma, Lucy Marshall, and Hamid Moradkhani


Comparative Analysis of Mosquito Trap Counts in the Peruvian Amazon: Effect of Trap Type and Other Covariates on Counts and Diversity, George W. Peck, Fanny Castro-Llanos, Victor Lopez-Sifuentes, and Erica Lindroth

In-plane Cyclic Behavior of Structural Insulated Panel Wood Walls Including Slit Steel Connectors, Rupa Purasinghe, Peter Dusicka, John S. Garth, Gennelle Dedek, and Howard Lum

Forensic Investigation of a Warehouse Roof Collapse Due to Snow Load, Franz N. Rad, Hamid R. Afghan, and Jeffery C. Lewis

Marginal Cost Pricing for System Optimal Traffic Assignment with Recourse Under Supply-side Uncertainty, Tarun Rambha, Stephen D. Boyles, Avinash Unnikrishnan, and Peter Stone

Modelling the Mass Exchange Dynamics of Oceanic Surface and Subsurface Oil, Jorge Ramirez, Saeed Moghimi, Juan M. Restrepo, and Shankar Venkataramani

Joint Production-inventory-location Problem with Multi-variate Normal Demand, Mehrdad Shahabi, Amirmahdi Tafreshian, Avinash Unnikrishnan, and Stephen D. Boyles

How Useful is Travel-Based Multitasking? Evidence from Commuters in Portland, Oregon, Patrick A. Singleton

Making Strides: State of the Practice of Pedestrian Forecasting in Regional Travel Models, Patrick Allen Singleton, Joseph C. Totten, Jaime P. Orrego-Onate, Robert J. Schneider, and Kelly J. Clifton


Decision Support System for the Design and Planning of Low-Impact Development Practices: The Case of Seoul, Jae-Yeol Song, Eun-Sung Chung, and Soo Hyun Kim


Inertial and Liquefaction-Induced Kinematic Demands on a Pile-Supported Wharf: Physical Modeling, Milad Souri, Arash Khosravifar, Stephen E. Dickenson, Scott Schlechter, and Nason McCullough


Relative Sea Level, Tides, and Extreme Water Levels in Boston Harbor From 1825 to 2018, Stefan Talke, A. C. Kemp, and J. Woodruff

Electrification of Transport Refrigeration Units for Temperature-Sensitive Freight: US Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 Technical Assistance Case Study, John Thornton, John MacArthur, and Husam Barham


A Novel Laser and Video-Based Displacement Transducer to Monitor Bridge Deflections, Miguel A. Vicente, Dorys C. Gonzalez, Jesus Minquez, and Thomas Schumacher


Development of a Crash Risk-Scoring Tool for Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects in Oregon, Yi Wang, Christopher M. Monsere, Chen Chen, and Haizhong Wang

Probabilistic Optimization Framework for Inspection/repair Planning of Fatigue-critical Details using Dynamic Bayesian Networks, David Y. Yang and Dan M. Frangopol


Baroclinic Tidal Sea Level from Exact-Repeat Mission Altimetry, Edward Zaron


Ocean and Ice Shelf Tides from CryoSat-2 Altimetry, Edward Zaron


Internal Gravity Waves and Meso/Submesoscale Currents in the Ocean Anticipating High-Resolution Observations from the SWOT Swath Altimeter Mission, Edward D. Zaron and Cesar B. Rocha


Aliased Tidal Variability in Mesoscale Sea Level Anomaly Maps, Edward Zaron and Richard D. Ray

Submissions from 2017


A Comparative Assessment of Projected Meteorological and Hydrological Droughts: Elucidating the Role of Temperature, Ali Ahmadalipour, Hamid Moradkhani, and Mehmet C. Demirel

Centennial Drought Outlook Over the CONUS Using NASA-NEX Downscaled Climate Ensemble, Ali Ahmadalipour, Hamid Moradkhani, and Mark Svoboda

Development of a Novel Integrated Strengthening and Sensing Methodology for Steel Structures Using CNT-Based Composites, Shafique Ahmed, Sagar Doshi, Thomas Schumacher, Erik T. Thostenson, and Jennifer McConnell

Simultaneous Life Extension and Crack Monitoring of Fatigue-Damaged Steel Members Using Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube-Based Composites, Shafique Ahmed, Thomas Schumacher, Erik T. Thostenson, and Jennifer McConnell

Estimation of Surface Water Temperature of the Tigris River System in Iraq, Muhanned Al-Murib, Scott A. Wells, and Stefan A. Talke

3D Numerical Temperature Model Development and Calibration for Lakes and Reservoirs: A Case Study, Hussein A. M. Al-Zubaidi and Scott A. Wells


Sea-Level Rise Induced Amplification of Coastal Protection Design Heights, Arne Arns, Soenke Dangendorf, Juergen Jensen, Stefan Talke, Jens Bender, and Charitha Pattiaratchi

Modeling the Impact of Water Quality and Food Web Structure on Bull Trout in Two Washington Reservoirs, Chris J. Berger and Scott A. Wells


Workshop Synthesis: Measuring Attitudes and Perceptions in Quantitative Surveys, Kelly Clifton and Juan Antonio Carrasco


Issues in Trip Generation Methods for Transportation Impact Estimation of Land Use Development: A Review and Discussion of the State-of-the-Art Approaches, Kristina Marie Currans


Accessibility, Income, and Person Trip Generation: Multilevel Model of Activity at Food Retail Establishments in Portland, Oregon, Kristina Marie Currans and Kelly Clifton


Tidal Variability Related to Sea Level Variability in the Pacific Ocean, Adam Thomas Devlin, David A. Jay, Edward Zaron, Stefan A. Talke, Jiayi Pan, and Hui Lin


Coupling of Sea Level and Tidal Range Changes, with Implications for Future Water levels, Adam T. Devlin, David A. Jay, Stefan Talke, Edward D. Zaron, Jiayi Pan, and Hui Lin