
Submissions from 2017


Review of Minor Characters Have Their Day: Genre and the Contemporary Literary Marketplace", Rachel Noorda

Operational Metrics Reporting Processes at Scientific User Facilities: Comparing a High-Energy X-ray Synchrotron Facility to a Supercomputing Facility, Sarah Read and Michael E. Papka

Submissions from 2016


Life Without a Recipe : a Memoir, Diana Abu-Jaber


E-Literature as Public Art: ELO 2015's Five Gallery Shows, Kathi Inman Berens


Feminist Horizons: ELO 2016 panel podcast, Kathi Inman Berens

Mapping Print, Connecting Cultures, Simon Burrows, Jason Ensor, Per Henningsgaard, and Vincent Hiribarren

The Subject Effaced: Identity and Race in Django Unchained, Jarrod Dunham

Review of David Deutsch. British Literature and Classical Music: Cultural Contexts, 1870–1945, Josh Epstein


Changes in Tone, Setting, and Publisher: Indigenous Literatures of Australia and New Zealand from the 1980s to Today, Per Henningsgaard


Emerging from the Rubble of Postcolonial Studies: Book History and Australian Literary Studies, Per Henningsgaard

Drawn from the Classics: Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works, Susan Kirtley

The History of Oxford University Press, Volume 1: Beginnings to 1780, written by Ian Gadd, Rachel Noorda


The Power of the Small Press: Entrepreneurial Publishing and Disruption of the Industry, Rachel Noorda

The Net Work Genre Function, Sarah Read

Improving Models of Document Cycling: Accounting for the Less Visible Writing Activities of an Annual Reporting Process at a supercomputing facility, Sarah Read and Michael E. Papka

Submissions from 2015


Live/Archive: Occupy MLA, Kathi Inman Berens

Making a Thing of Quality Child Care: Latourian Rhetoric Doing Things, Sarah Read


Writing about Writing and the Multimajor Professional Writing Course, Sarah Read and Michael J. Michaud

Visualizing and Tracing: Research Methodologies for the Study of Networked, Sociotechnical Activity, Otherwise Known as Knowledge Work, Sarah Read and Jason Swarts

Submissions from 2014


Judy Malloy's Seat at the (Database) Table: A Feminist Reception History of Early Hypertext Literature, Kathi Inman Berens


Teaching Australian Literature in a Class about Literatures of Social Reform, Per Henningsgaard


The Editing and Publishing of Tim Winton in the United States, Per Henningsgaard


A Pedagogical Tool for Studying the History of the Book: Thirty-Fiive Years of Bibliographical Presses in Australia and New Zealand, Per Henningsgaard, Kristen Colgin, and Clyde Veleker


Motherhood and the Race for Sustainability, Marie Lo

Submissions from 2013

Australian Journalist Rocks New York: Lillian Roxon’s Rock Encyclopedia, Per Henningsgaard


Our Cup Runneth Over: Life-Stories from Fremantle Go National, Per Henningsgaard

Submissions from 2012

International Success: Selling Niche Titles Beyond the Prime Home Market, Rachel Noorda

Submissions from 2011


Birds of Paradise : a Novel, Diana Abu-Jaber


The Negotiation of Writer Identity in Engineering Faculty - Writing Consultant Collaborations, Sarah Read

Submissions from 2009

A Political Poetics: George Oppen and the Essential Life of the Poem, Tom Fisher


Book Publishing in Western Australia: A World Elsewhere, Per Henningsgaard

Submissions from 2008


The Teaching of 'Book History' in English and Cultural Studies Units, Per Henningsgaard


Model Minorities, Models of Resistance: Native Figures in Asian Canadian Literature, Marie Lo


The Currency of Visibility and the Paratext of “Evelyn Lau”, Marie Lo

Submissions from 2007


Origin: a Novel, Diana Abu-Jaber


Regional Literature and ‘The Liminal’: Exploring the Spaces In-Between National and International Literatures, Per Henningsgaard


The Decline of Regionalism in Australian Literature and Culture, Per Henningsgaard

Passing Recognition Obasan and the Borders of Asian American and Canadian Literary Criticism, Marie Lo

Submissions from 2005


The Language of Baklava, Diana Abu-Jaber

Submissions from 2003


Crescent, Diana Abu-Jaber

Submissions from 1993


Arabian Jazz, Diana Abu-Jaber