Submissions from 2025
Towards a Global Understanding of Tree Mortality, Andres Holz and International Tree Mortality Network
Submissions from 2024
The Complexities of Irrigation Efficiency: Groundwater Data, Agro-Hydrology, and Water Decision-Making in Central Oregon, Rebecca Anderson and Alida Cantor
Impacts of a Short-Interval Severe Fire on Forest Structure and Regeneration in a Temperate Andean Araucaria-Nothofagus Forest, Paola Arroyo-Vargas, Sebastian Busby, Thomas T. Veblen, Mauro E. Gonzalez, and Andres Holz
Foreign Funding of U.S. Higher Education Relates to Sanctioning of Scholars and Antisemitism, Michael Bass, Alexander Reid Ross, Ben Wolfson, Joel Finkelstein, Sonia Yanovsky, Danit Finkelstein, Sean T. Stevens, Nathan Honeycutt, Pamela Paresky, Ayal Feinberg, and multiple additional authors
Lithium and Water: Hydrosocial Impacts Across the Life Cycle of Energy Storage, James J. A. Blair, Noel Vineyard, Dustin Mulvaney, Alida Cantor, Ali Sharbat, Kate Berry, Elizabeth Bartholomew, and Ariana Firebaugh Ornelas
Patterns, Drivers, and Implications of Postfire Delayed Tree Mortality in Temperate Conifer Forests of the Western United States, Sebastian Busby, Cody Evers, and Andrés Holz
Working (around/within/against) Prior Appropriation: Diverse Hydrosocial Practices to Secure Water for Rivers, Alida Cantor, Jillian Farley, Thien-Kim Bui, and Zachary Boyce
Women and Water: an Art-Based Academic-Community Partnership, Martina Angela Caretta and Bethani Turley
Water Throughout the Green Energy Transition: Hydrosocial Dimensions of Coal, Natural Gas, and Lithium, Joshua J. Cousins, Alida Cantor, and Bethani Turley
Does El Niño affect MJO-AR connections over the North Pacific and associated North American precipitation?, Laís G. Fernandes and Paul Loikith
Participatory Mapping of Tree Equity, Preferences, and Environmental Justice in Portland, Oregon, Kate Gregory and Idowu Ajibade
The Water-Climate Nexus: Intersections Across Sectors, Thushara Gunda, Alida A. Cantor, Emily Grubert, Angela R. Harris, and Yolanda J. Mcdonald
Urban Streetscape Changes in Portland, Oregon: A Longitudinal Virtual Audit, Tomoya Hanibuchi, David Banis, Hunter Shobe, Tomoki Nakaya, and Shohei Nagata
Predicting Cloud-To-Ground Lightning in the Western United States from the Large-Scale Environment Using Explainable Neural Networks, Dmitri A. Kalashnikov, Frances V. Davenport, Zachary M. Labe, Paul C. Loikith, John T. Abatzoglou, and Deepti Singh
Scales of Connectivity within Stream Temperature Networks of the Clackamas River Basin, Oregon, Michael Krochta and Heejun Chang
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Quality Degradation and Emissions in the State of Iowa (USA), Elena A. Mikhailova, Hamdi A. Zurqani, Lili Lin, Zhenbang Hao, Christopher J. Post, Mark A. Schlautman, and Gregory C. Post
Drivers of Tree Canopy Loss in a Mid-Sized Growing City: Case Study in Portland, OR (USA), YunJae Ock, Vivek Shandas, Fernanda Ribeiro, and Noah Young
Scale-Dependent Effects of Urban Canopy Cover, Canopy Volume, and Impervious Surfaces on Near-Surface Air Temperature in a Mid-Sized City, Carson Ralls, Anne Y. Polyakov, and Vivek Shandas
The Meteorology and Impacts of the September 2020 Western United States Extreme Weather Event, Emma N. Russell, Paul Loikith, Idowu Ajibade, James Done, and Chris Lower
Estimating Combined Effects of Climate Change and Land Cover Change on Water Regulation Services of Urban Wetlands in Valdivia, Chile, Jason Sauer, N. B. Grimm, Olga Barbosa, Elizabeth M. Cook, A. Mustafa, K. Kunkel, T. McPhearson, and A. Ballinger
Exploration of Large-Scale Vegetation Transition in Wet Ecosystems: a Comparison of Conifer Seedling Abundance Across Burned Vs. Unburned Forest-Peatland Ecotones in Western Patagonia, Kyla Zaret and Andres Holz
Submissions from 2023
Canary in the Forest?—Tree mortality and canopy dieback of western redcedar linked to drier and warmer summers, Robert A. Andrus, L. R. Peach, A. R. Cinquini, Joseph Hulbert, J. T. Yusi, Andres Holz, M. Fischer, Kevan B. Moffett, and multiple additional authors
Portland’s Response to the Western North American Heatwave: A Brief Report, Athanasios Burlotos, Caleb Dresser, and Vivek Shandas
Mitigating Wildfire Smoke Inside Homes: Evidence from Oregon, September 2020., Charles Castillo, Ruth Dittrich, Vivek Shandas, Elliott T. Gall, and Olyssa S. Starry
Spatial Analysis of Streamflow Trends in Burned Watersheds across the western contiguous United States, Heejun Chang and Will B. Long
Urban sustainability Implementation and Indicators in the United States: A systematic review, Heejun Chang, Arun Pallathadka, and Idowu Ajibade
A Review of Wildfire Impacts on Stream Temperature and Turbidity Across Scales, Junjie Chen and Heejun Chang
Enrichment-Planting with Pines Alters Fuel Amount and Structure in Endangered Araucaria Araucana Forests in Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina, Sofia Cingolani, Ignacio A. Mundo, Ivan Barbera, Andrés Holz, Thomas T. Veblen, and Juan Paritsis
Reduced Fire Severity offers Near-term Buffer to climate-driven declines in conifer resilience across the western United States, Kimberly T. Davis, Marcos D. Robles, Kerry B. Kemp, Teresa Chapman, Philip E. Higuera, Kerry L. Metlen, Jamie L. Peeler, Andres Holz, and multiple additional authors
Water Struggles and Contested Use: A Capabilities Assessment of Household Water Security in Marginalized Communities., Michael Egge and Idowu Ajibade
Climate Change and Coastal Megacities: Adapting through mobility, Susan S. Ekoh, Lemir Teron, and Idowu Ajibade
Legal Geographies, Caroline Griffith, Sarah Klosterkamp, Alida Cantor, and Austin Kocher
Forest Landscape Dynamics After Intentional Large-Scale Fires in Western Patagonia Reveal Unusual Temperate Forest Recovery Trends, Angela Hernandez-Moreno, Daniel P. Soto, Alejandro Miranda, Andres Holz, and Dolors Armenteras-Pascual
Lightning-Ignited Wildfires in the Western United States: Ignition Precipitation and Associated Environmental Conditions, Dmitri Alexander Kalashnikov, John T. Abatzoglou, Paul Loikith, Nicholas J. Nauslar, Yianna Sotirios Bekris, and Deepti Singh
Plantation Pasts, Plantation Futures: Resisting Zombie Water Infrastructures in Maui, Hawai'i, Kelly Kay, Chris Knudson, and Alida Cantor
Short Warm Distribution Tails Accelerate the Increase of Humid-Heat Extremes Under Global Warming, Paul Loikith, Yianna Sotirios Bekris, and J. D. Neelin
Meteorological Analysis of the Pacific Northwest June 2021 Heatwave, Paul C. Loikith and Dmitri A. Kalashinikov
Enhancing the Definitions of Climate-Change Loss and Damage Based on Land Conversion in Florida, U.S.A., Elena A. Mikhailova, Zhenbang Hao, Hamdi A. Zurqani, Mark A. Schlautman, Gregory C. Post, George B. Shepherd, and Sarah J. Kolarik
Quantifying Damages to Soil Health and Emissions from Land Development in the State of Illinois (USA), Elena A. Mikhailova, Hamdi A. Zurqani, Zhenbang Hao, Mark A. Schlautman, Gregory C. Post, George B. Shepherd, Christopher C. Post, and Renee M. Dixon
What Explains Spatial Cariations of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy?: a social-ecological-technological systems approach, Arun Pallathadka, Heejun Chang, and Daikwon Han
Response of Gap Wind-Driven Freezing Rain and Ice Accretion in the Willamette Basin, Oregon, to Global Warming, David E. Rupp, Larry W. O'Neill, Erica Fleishman, Paul C. Loikith, and Dan Loomis
People, Place, and Planet: Global review of use-inspired research on water-related ecosystem services in urban wetlands, Jason Sauer and Heejun Chang
Relating Social, Ecological, and Technological Vulnerability to future flood exposure at two spatial scales in four U.S. cities, Jason Sauer, Arun Pallathadka, Idowu Ajibade, Marta Berbés-Blázquez, Heejun Chang, Elizabeth M. Cook, Nancy B. Grimm, David Iwaniec, Robert Lloyd, and Gregory C. Post
Subseasonal Clustering of Atmospheric rivers over the western United States, Emily Slinskey, Paul Loikith, Naomi Goldenson, Jesse Norris, and Jesse Hall
Book Review of: Climate and Society: Transforming the Future, Rachel Slocum
Placing Stakeholder Formation in Central Oregon's Deschutes Basin, Noel Vineyard and Alida Cantor
Submissions from 2022
Introduction: Climate Change and Planned Retreat, Idowu Jola Ajibade and A. R. Siders
Are Managed Retreat Programs Successful and Just? A Global Mapping of Success Typologies, Justice Dimensions, and Trade-offs, Idowu Ajibade, Meghan Sullivan, Chris Lower, Lizzie Yarina, and Allie Reilly
Fire Effects on Diversity Patterns of the Understory Communities of Araucaria-Nothofagus Forests, Paola Arroyo-Vargas, Andres Holz, and Thomas T. Veblen
Corrigendum: Interactions Between Fire Refugia and Climate-Environment Conditions Determine Mesic Subalpine Forest Recovery After Large and Severe Wildfires, Sebastian Upton Busby and Andres Holz
Changes to California Alfalfa Production and Perceptions During the 2011-2017 Drought, Alida A. Cantor, Bethani Turley, Charles Cody Ross, and Mathern Glass
National Forest Visitation Preferences and Avenues to Participation for Urban Hispanic Recreationists in the Portland Metropolitan Area (USA), Lee Cerveny, Rebecca McLain, David Banis, and Matthew Helmer
The Use of Socio-Spatial Data for Sustainable Roads Planning: a National Forest Case Study, Lee Cerveny, Rebecca McLain, David Banis, and A. Todd
A Review of Spatial Statistical Approaches to Modeling Water Quality, Junjie Chen, Janardan Mainali, and Heejun Chang
Flood Risk Perceptions and Future Migration Intentions of Lagos Residents, Susan S. Ekoh, Lemir Teron, Idowu Ajibade, and Silje Kristiansen
Future Impacts of Climate-induced Compound Disasters on Volcano Hazard Assessment, Jonathan Fink and Idowu Ajibade
Isotopic Signature of Massive, Buried Ice in Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Implications for Its Origin, Christopher B. Gardner, Melisa A. Diaz, Devin F. Smith, Andrew G. Fountain, Joseph S. Levy, and W. Berry Lyons
Illustrating Ensemble Predictability across Scales Associated with the 13–15 February 2019 Atmospheric River Event, Chad W. Hecht, Allison C. Michaelis, Andrew C. Martin, Jason M. Cordeira, Forest Cannon, and F. Martin Ralph
Just Water Transitions at the End of Sugar in Maui, Hawai'i, Chris Knudson, Alida Cantor, and Kelly Kay
Projected Changes in Atmospheric Ridges over the Pacific-North American Region Using CMIP6 Models, Paul C. Loikith, Deepti Singh, and Graham P. Taylor
Event Scale Analysis of Streamflow Response to Wildfire in Oregon, 2020, Will B. Long and Heejun Chang
Stream Distance-Based Geographically Weighted Regression for Exploring Watershed Characteristics and Water Quality Relationships, Janardan Mainali, Heejun Chang, and Rabindra Parajuli
A Social-Ecological-Technological Systems Framework for Urban Ecosystem services, Timon McPhearson, Elizabeth M. Cook, Marta Berbés-Blázquez, Chingwen Cheng, Nancy B. Grimm, Erik Andersson, Olga Barbosa, David G. Chandler, Heejun Chang, and multiple additional authors
Delaware’s Climate Action Plan: Omission of Source Attribution from Land Conversion Emissions, Elena A. Mikhailova, Lili Lin, Hamdi A. Zurqani, Zhenbang Hao, Christopher J. Post, Mark A. Schlautman, Gregory C. Post, and George B. Shepard
Disentangling the Last 1,000 years of Human–Environment Interactions along the Eastern Side of the Southern Andes (34–52°S lat.), William Nanavati, Cathy Whitlock, Maria Eugenia de Porras, Adolfo Gil, Diego Navarro, and Gustavo Neme
Urban Flood Risk and Green Infrastructure: Who Is Exposed to Risk and Who Benefits From Investment? A Case Study of Three U.S. Cities, Arun K. Pallathadka, Jason Sauer, Heejun Chang, and Nancy B. Grimm
The Spatial Relationship between Patterns of Disappeared streams and residential development in Portland, Oregon, USA, Gregory C. Post, Heejun Chang, and David Banis
A Possible Role for River Restoration Enhancing Biodiversity through Interaction with Wildfire, Brittany E. Pugh, Megan Colley, Stephen J. Dugdale, Patrick Edwards, Rebecca Flitcroft, Andres Holz, Mathew Johnson, Michela Mariani, Mickey Means-Brous, and multiple additional authors
Changing Flows: Sociotechnical Tinkering for Adaptive Water Management, Barbara Quimby, Claire M. Nichols, Margaret V. du Bray, Alida A. Cantor, Julia C. Bausch, Amber Wutich, Clinton Williams, Sarah Porter, Weston M. Eaton, and Kathryn Brasier
Effects of Antecedent Precipitation Amount and COVID-19 Lockdown on Water Quality along an Urban Gradient, Daniel Ramirez, Heejun Chang, and Katherine Gelsey
Regional and Elevational Patterns of Extreme Heat Stress Change in the US, Colin Raymond, Duane E. Waliser, Bin Guan, Huikyo Lee, Paul Loikith, Elias C. Massoud, Agniv Sengupta, Deepti Singh, and Adrienne Wootten
Sixfold Increase in Historical Northern Hemisphere Concurrent Large Heatwaves Driven by Warming and Changing Atmospheric Circulations, Cassandra D. W. Rogers, Kai Kornhuber, Sarah E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, Paul C. Loikith, and Deepti Singh
Understanding Perspectives on Climate Hazards, Water Management, and Adaptive Transformation in an Exurban Community, Alexander Ross, Heejun Chang, and Alida Cantor
Reimagine Fire Science for the Anthropocene, Jacquelyn K. Shuman, Jennifer K. Balch, Rebecca T. Barnes, Philip E. Higuera, Andres Holz, and multiple additional authors
Spatial Patterns, Utility, and Limitations of Volunteered Reports of Urban Homeless Campsites in Portland, Oregon, Martin Swobodzinski and Krystle Harrell
Microplastics in Freshwater: A Global Review of Factors Affecting Spatial and Temporal Variations, Rebecca Talbot and Heejun Chang
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Microplastic Concentrations in Portland's Freshwater Ecosystems, Rebecca Talbot, Elise F. Granek, Heejun Chang, Rosemary Wood, and Susanne Brander
CMIP6 Model Fidelity at Simulating Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation over the Pacific Northwest, Graham P. Taylor, Paul C. Loikith, Christina M. Aragon, Huikyo Lee, and Duane E. Waliser
Tradeoffs and Synergies Across Global Climate Change Adaptations in the Food‐Energy‐Water Nexus, Sarah Torhan, Caitlin A. Grady, Idowu Ajibade, Eranga K. Galappaththi, Rebecca R. Hernandez, Justice I. Musah‐Surugu, A. M. Nunbogu, A. C. Segnon, and multiple additional authors
Emergent Landscapes of Renewable Energy Storage: Considering Just Transitions in the Western United States, Bethani Turley, Alida Cantor, Kate Berry, Sarah Knuth, Dustin Mulvaney, and Noel Vineyard
Narrative and Folklore As Methodologies for Studying Emotions, Embodiment, and Water During the 2014 Elk River Chemical Spill in West Virginia, Bethani Turley and Martina Angela Caretta
Submissions from 2021
Predicting Why People Engage in Pro-Sustainable Behaviors in Portland Oregon: the Role of Environmental Self-Identity, Personal Norm, and Socio-Demographics, Idowu Ajibade and Godfred O. Boateng
Equity in Human Adaptation-Related Responses: A Systematic Global Review, Malcolm Araos, Kripa Jagannathan, Roopam Shukla, Idowu Ajibade, Erin Coughlan de Perez, Katy Davis, James D. Ford, Eranga K. Galappaththi, Caitlin Grady, A. J. Hudson, Elphin Tom Joe, Christine J. Kirchhoff, Alexandra Lesnikowski, Gabriela Nagle Alverio, Miriam Nielsen, Ben Orlove, Brian Pentz, Diana Reckien, A. R. Siders, Nicola Ulibarri, Maarten van Aalst, Thelma Zulfawu Abu, Tanvi Agrawal, Lea Berrang-Ford, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Shaugn Coggins, Matthias Garschagen, Alexandra Harden, Katharine J. Mach, Abraham Marshall Nunbogu, Pandey Spandan, Sienna Templeman, and Lynee L. Turek-Hankins
The Influence of Microsite Conditions on Early Performance of Planted Nothofagus Nitida Seedlings when Restoring Degraded Coastal Temperate Rain Forests, Jan R. Bannister, Manuel Acevedo, German Travieso, Andres Holz, and Nicole Galindo
Combating Ecosystem Collapse from the Tropics to the Antarctic, Dana M. Bergstrom, Barbara C. Wienecke, John van den Hoff, Lesley Hughes, David B. Lindenmayer, Tracy D. Ainsworth, Christopher M. Baker, Lucie Bland, David M J S Bowman, Shaun T. Brooks, Josep G. Canadell, Andrew J. Constable, Katherine A. Dafforn, Michael H. Depledge, Catherine R. Dickson, Norman C. Duke, Kate J. Helmstedt, and Andrés Holz
Making a Water Data System Responsive to Information Needs of Decision Makers, Alida Cantor, Michael Kiparsky, Susan S. Hubbard, Ronan Kennedy, Lidia Cano Pecharroman, Kamyar Guivetchi, Gary Darling, Christina McCready, and Roger Bales
Regulators and Utility Managers Agree About Barriers and Opportunities for Innovation in the Municipal Wastewater Sector, Alida Cantor, Luke Sherman, Anita Milman, and Michael Kiparsky
Diagnosing Non-Gaussian Temperature Distribution Tails Using Back-Trajectory Analysis, A. J. Catalano, P. C. Loikith, and J. D. Neelin
Effects of Land Use Change, Wetland Fragmentation, and Best Management Practices on Total Suspended Sediment Concentrations in an Urbanizing Oregon Watershed, USA., Heejun Chang, Yasuyo Makido, and Eugene Foster
Assessment of Urban Flood Vulnerability using the Social-Ecological-Technological Systems Framework in Six US cities, Heejun Chang, Arun Pallathadka, Jason Sauer, Nancy B. Grimm, Rae Zimmerman, Chingwen Cheng, David Iwaniec, Yeowon Kim, and multiple additional authors
Understanding Urban Flood Resilience in the Anthropocene: A Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) Learning Framework, Heejun Chang, David J. Yu, Samuel A. Markolf, Chang-yu Hong, Sunyong Eom, Wonsuh Song, and Deghyo Bae
Relative Impacts of Climate Change and Land Cover Change on Streamflow Using SWAT in the Clackamas River Watershed, USA, Junjie Chen and Heejun Chang
Detecting Change in Precipitation Indices Using Observed (1977-2016) and Modeled Future Climate Data in Portland, Oregon, USA, Alexis Kirsten Cooley and Heejun Chang
Object-Based Verification of Atmospheric River Predictions in the Northeast Pacific, Laurel L. DeHaan, Andrew C. Martin, Rachel R. Weihs, Luca Delle Monache, and F. Martin Ralph
A Community of Fear: Emotion and the Hydro-Social Cycle in East Porterville, California, Michael Egge and Idowu Ajibade
Representation Justice As a Research Agenda for Socio-Hydrology and Water Governance, Melissa Haeffner, Dana E. Hellman, Alida Cantor, Idowu Ajibade, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Maura Kelly, Laura Schifman, and Lisa Weasel
Active Rock Glaciers of the Contiguous United States: Geographic Information System Inventory and Spatial Distribution Patterns, Gunnar Johnson, Heejun Chang, and Andrew G. Fountain
Broad-Scale Surface and Atmospheric Conditions During Large Fires in South-Central Chile, David B. McWethy, René D. Garreaud, Andres Holz, and Gregory T. Pederson
Modulation of Atmospheric Rivers by Mesoscale Frontal Waves and Latent Heating: Comparison of Two US West Coast Events, Allison C. Michaelis, Andrew C. Martin, Meredith A. Fish, Chad W. Hecht, and F. Martin Ralph
Spatial Proximity Matters: A Study on Collaboration, Arianna Salazar Miranda and Matthew Claudel