Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
Start Date
7-25-2014 2:45 PM
End Date
7-25-2014 3:45 PM
Information literacy -- Study and teaching -- Congresses, Library instruction, Online learning & distance education
Humboldt State University has modified the award-winning “Begin Research” online tutorial developed by the University of California, Irvine Library into a flash-free interface on Drupal. The open-source tutorial is now accessible on mobile devices and has additional options for embedded assessment. This presentation will demonstrate how the tutorial has been adapted and used at universities across the country, and how your Library can modify it to use on your campus for interactive and engaging online information literacy instruction. I will also discuss the challenges faced during the adaptation and how they were resolved through collaboration with partnerships across campus.
Persistent Identifier
Included in
Reuse and Recycle: Award Winning Info Lit Tutorial
Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
Humboldt State University has modified the award-winning “Begin Research” online tutorial developed by the University of California, Irvine Library into a flash-free interface on Drupal. The open-source tutorial is now accessible on mobile devices and has additional options for embedded assessment. This presentation will demonstrate how the tutorial has been adapted and used at universities across the country, and how your Library can modify it to use on your campus for interactive and engaging online information literacy instruction. I will also discuss the challenges faced during the adaptation and how they were resolved through collaboration with partnerships across campus.