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Graphene -- Synthesis -- Technological innovations, Raman spectroscopy, Chemical vapor deposition
This study demonstrates for the first time, graphene grown directly on the iron-rich surfaces of bulk 8620 low-alloy and 1018 mild steel by chemical vapor deposition, a key step toward developing thin graphene coatings with strong graphene-steel bonding. Low growth temperatures of 660 °C–680 °C, were used to manipulate the steel's carbon solubility, confining carbon diffusion and microstructural transformations to the surface regions, with the bulk relatively unchanged. For 1018, a growth temperature of 680 °C resulted in a multilayer graphene coating with 80 % coverage. The alloying elements in 8620 improved graphene formation by influencing the surface microstructure transformations at these growth temperatures, with graphene coverage up to 95 %. The surface microstructure for 8620 affected graphene formation, seen in growths at 660 °C where a few-layer graphene coating formed from a cementite surface layer, and for growths at 680 °C where multi-layer graphene covered a pearlite dominant surface microstructure. Contact angle measurements confirmed the hydrophobicity of the graphene coating and electrochemical testing by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy confirmed the 101 mV improvement to corrosion potential and an increase in impedance up to 18.23 kΩ. These detailed results regarding the direct growth of graphene as a coating layer on highly oxidation-sensitive steel surfaces suggest that this process is achievable through manipulating carbon solubility at the steel's surface by controlling temperature, alloy composition and surface microstructure transformations. These methods could be leveraged in developing protective graphene coatings for various iron-based alloys.
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Published as: Hood, K., Nguyen, N., Lara, S., Velasquez, A., Olson, S., Xia, Y., & Jiao, J. (2025). Direct graphene growth on low-alloy and mild steel surfaces controlled by carbon solubility and surface microstructural transformations during chemical vapor deposition. Carbon, 232, 119801.
This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published as: Direct graphene growth on low-alloy and mild steel surfaces controlled by carbon solubility and surface microstructural transformations during chemical vapor deposition. Carbon, 232, 119801.