
Submissions from 2025


Direct Graphene Growth on Low-Alloy and Mild Steel Surfaces Controlled by Carbon Solubility and Surface Microstructural Transformations During Chemical Vapor Deposition, Kaleb Hood, Nam Nguyen, Sebastian Lara, Adan Velasquez, Samuel Olson, Yi Xia, and Jun Jiao


Momentum Transport in Heterogeneous Forest Canopies, Hawwa Kadum, Ryan Scott, Sarah E. Smith, Marc Calaf, and Raul Bayoan Cal

Submissions from 2024


Active Grid Turbulence Anomalies Through the Lens of Physics Informed Neural Networks, Sofía Angriman, Sarah E. Smith, Patricio Clark di Leoni, Pablo J. Cobelli, Pablo D. Mininni, and Martín Obligado


Experimental and Modeled Assessment of Interventions to Reduce PM2.5 in a Residence during aWildfire Event, Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos, H. E. Dillon, and Elliott T. Gall


Path Instabilities and Drag in the Settling of Single spheres, Facundo Cabrera-Booman, Nicolas Plihon, and Mickael Bourgoin

Tuning Particle Settling in Fluids with Magnetic Fields, Facundo Cabrera-Booman, Nicolas Plihon, Raul Bayoan Cal, and Mickael Bourgoin


Droplet Jump from a Particle bed, Karl Cardin, Facundo Cabrera-Booman, and Raúl Bayoán Cal


Fem-Based Conductive Heat Transfer Analytical Description of Solidification Rate and Temperature Gradient During Lateral Laser Beam Oscillation Welding of Aluminum Alloy, Jason Cheon, Cheolhee Kim, Sanghoon Kang, and Minjung Kang


Wavelength-induced shedding frequency modulation of seal whisker inspired cylinders, Trevor Dunt, Kirby S. Heck, Kathleen Lyons, Christin Murphy, Raul Bayoan Cal, and Jennifer A. Franck

The Relation Between the Atomic Mass Ratio and Quartic Anharmonicity in Alkali Metal Hydrides, Minxuan Feng, Xiaoying Wang, Guimei Zhu, Cheng He, Jun Sun, Xiangdong Ding, Junichiro Shiomi, Yi Xia, Baowen Li, and Zhibin Gao


Rheological Properties and 3D Printing Behavior of PCL and DMSO2 Composites for Bio-Scaffold, Jae-Won Jang, Kyung-Eun Min, Cheolhee Kim, Chien Wern, and Sung Yi

Spectrometer As a Quantitative Sensor for Predicting the Weld Depth in Laser Welding, Sanghoon Kang, Minjung Kang, Yong Hoon Jang, and Cheolhee Kim


Bipolar Ionization Did Not Reduce Airborne Bacteria in a Lecture Hall, David A. Kormos, Nishit J. Shetty, Elliott T. Gall, Aaron J. Prussin, Amy Pruden, and Linsey C. Marr


Machine Learning a Universal Harmonic Interatomic Potential for Predicting Phonons in Crystalline Solids, Huiju Lee and Yi Xia


Electron-Phonon Interaction Mediated Gigantic Enhancement of Thermoelectric Power Factor Induced by Topological Phase Transition., Zhi Li, Koushik Pal, Huiju Lee, Chris Wolverton, and Yi Xia


First-principles calculations of lattice thermal conductivity in Tl,3VSe4: Uncertainties from different approaches of force constants, Zhi Li, Yi Xia, and Chris Wolverton


Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of PCL/PLA/DMSO2 Composites for Bone Tissue Engineering, Kyung-Eun Min, Jae-Won Jang, Cheolhee Kim, and Sung Yi

Wave-Phase Dependence of Reynolds Shear Stress in the Wake of Fixed-Bottom Offshore Wind Turbine via Quadrant Analysis, C. Mouchref, B. Viggiano, O. Fercak, J. Bossuyt, N. Ali, C. Meneveau, D. Gayme, and R. B. Cal


Artificial Neural Network-Based Modelling for Yield Strength Prediction of Austenitic Stainless-Steel Welds, Sukil Park, Cheolhee Kim, and Namhyun Kang

Influence of Welding Position and Dilution on Mechanical Properties and Strengthening Design of Flux Cored Arc Weld Metal for High Manganese Steels, Sukil Park, Juyeon Won, Seungmin Yoo, Byungrok Moon, Cheolhee Kim, and Namhyun Kang


Eco-Efficient Coatings for Healthy Indoors: Ozone Deposition Velocities, Primary and Secondary Emissions, Alessandra Ranesi, Paulina Faria, M. Rosario Veiga, and Elliott T. Gall


Collaborative Robotics: Application of Delphi Method, Jean-Marc Salotti and Ephraim Suhir


Wind Plant Wake Losses: Disconnect Between Turbine Actuation and Control of Plant Wakes with Engineering Wake Models, Ryan Scott, Nicholas Hamilton, Raul Bayoan Cal, and Patrick Moriarty

Competition Between Long- and Short-Range Order in Size-Mismatched Medium-Entropy Alloys, Nathan C. Smith, Tzu-chen Liu, Yi Xia, and Christopher Wolverton

Debris-Induced Consequences on Turbulence and Vorticity in Solar Photovoltaic Module-Generated Array Wakes, Sarah E. Smith, Marc Calaf, Raul Bayoan Cal, Martin Obligado, and Henda Djeridi


Barriers and Variable Spacing Enhance Convective Cooling and Increase Power Output in Solar PV Plants, Brooke Stanislawski, Todd Harman, Raul Bayoan Cal, and Marc Calaf


Evaluating DIY Air Cleaner Variability and Potential for Post-Construction Emission of Aromatic Vocs During Wildfire Events, Brett W. Stinson, Amity L. Deters, and Elliott T. Gall


Developing and Testing Low-Cost Air Cleaners for Safer Spaces During Wildfires, Brett W. Stinson and Elliott T. Gall


Layered Naba2m3q3(q2) (M = Cu or Ag; Q = S or Se) Chalcogenides and Local Ordering in Their Mixed-Anion Compositions, Ayat Tassanov, Huiju Lee, Yi Xia, and James M. Hodges

Lagrangian Modeling of a Nonhomogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow: Molding Homogeneous and Isotropic Trajectories into a Jet, Bianca Viggiano, Thomas Basset, Mickael Bourgoin, Raul Bayoan Cal, Laurent Chevillard, Charles Meneveau, and Romain Volk


Inertial Particle Clustering due to turbulence in an air jet, Bianca Viggiano, Kris Gish, Stephen Solovitz, and Raul Bayoan Cal

Revisiting Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Cscl: the Crucial Role of Quartic Anharmonicity, Xiaoying Wang, Minxuan Feng, Yi Xia, Jun Sun, Xiangdong Ding, Baowen Li, and Zhibin Gao


Hierarchy of Exchange-correlation Functionals in Computing Lattice thermal conductivities of rocksalt and zinc-blende semiconductors, Jiacheng Wei, Zhonghao Xia, Yi Xia, and Jiangang He

On the Transitional Wake Past a Streamwise Rotating Prolate Spheroid, Yuxin Wu, Jianzhi Yang, Helge I. Andersson, JianYu Chen, and Xiaowei Zhu

Are Vehicle Tires Major Contributors to Microplastic Emissions into the China Seas? A Simple Model Perspective., Shuolin Xiao, Yuran Liang, Xiaowei Zhu, Simone Q. Kyes, and Xiaofeng Cai


The Hydraulically Smooth Limit of Flow over Surfaces with Spanwise Heterogeneity, Haosen Xu, George Ilhwan Park, Xiang Yang, and Xiaowei Zhu

Submissions from 2023


Compensation of Seeding Bias for Particle Tracking Velocimetry in Turbulent Flows, Thomas Barois, Bianca Viggiano, Thomas Basset, Raúl Bayoán Cal, Romain Volk, Mathieu Gibert, and Mickael Bourgoin

Secondary Flows Induced by Two-Dimensional Surface Temperature Heterogeneity in Stably Stratified Channel Flow, T. Bon, D. Broos, Raúl Bayoán Cal, and J. Meyers


Floating Wind Farm Experiments Through Scaling for Wake Characterization, Power Extraction, and Turbine Dynamics, Juliaan Bossuyt, Ondˇrej Fercˇák, Zein Sadek, Charles Meneveau, Dennice Gayme, and Raúl Bayoán Cal


Droplet Capture in a fiber array, Karl Cardin, Christophe Josserand, and Raúl Bayoán Cal


Direct Spectroscopic Observation of Cross-Plane Heat Transfer in a Two-Dimensional Van der Waals Heterostructure, Du Chen, Matthieu Fortin-Deschênes, Yuchen Lou, Huiju Lee, Kenji Watanabe, Takaaki Taniguchi, Fengnian Xia, Peijun Guo, and multiple additional authors

Quantifying Uncertainties in Direct-Numerical-Simulation Statistics Due to Wall-Normal Numerics and Grids, Peng E. S. Chen, Xiaowei Zhu, Yipeng Shi, and Xiang I. A. Yang


The Role of High-order Anharmonicity and off-diagonal terms in thermal conductivity: a case study of multi-phase CsPbBr3, Xiangdong Ding, Guimei Zhu, Yi Xia, Jie Ren, Jun Sun, and multiple additional authors

Intrinsic Modulation Doping Enhances the Thermoelectric Performance of Monolayer Gagete, Mohammad Rafiee Diznab, Yi Xia, and S. Shahab Naghavi


Multicolor Dye-based Flow Structure Visualization for seal-whisker geometry characterized by computer vision, Ondřej Ferčák, Kathleen Lyons, Christin T. Murphy, Kristina M. Kamensky, and Raul Bayoan Cal

Accelerating the Prediction of Stable Materials with Machine Learning, Sean D. Griesemer, Yi Xia, and Chris Wolverton

Reconstructing MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth and Exploring Dynamic and Influential Factors of AOD via Random Forest at the Global Scale, Bin Guo, Zheng Wang, Lin Pei, Xiaowei Zhu, Qiuji Chen, Haojie Wu, Wencai Zhang, and Dingming Zhang

Silicon Photonics Interfaced with Microelectronics for Integrated Photonic Quantum Technologies: a New Era in Advanced Quantum Computers and Quantum Communications?, Rajeev Gupta, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Shaik Vaseem Akram, Neha Yadav, Ranjeet Brajpuriya, Ashish Yadav, Yongling Wu, Abhijit Biswas, and Ephraim Suhir


A One-Dimensional Volcanic Plume Model for Predicting Ash Aggregation, D. W. Hoffman, L. G. Mastin, Alexa R. Van Eaton, Stephen Solovitz, Raul Bayoan Cal, and J. K. Eaton

Characterization of Graphene Coatings on 8620 Alloy Additive Manufactured Steel, Kaleb Hood, Sarah Ahmed, and Jun Jiao


Self-assembly of Exfoliated Graphene Flakes as anticorrosive coatings for additive manufactured steels, Kaleb Hood, Wen Qian, Savannah Krupa, Annie Dao, Sarah Ahmed, Samuel Olson, Jun Jiao, and multiple additional authors

Controlled Formation of Honey Carbon Nanotube Thin Films by Tailoring the Ratio of Admixture Concentration and Annealing Time, Kaleb Hood, Mehedi Hasan Tanim, Zoe Templin, Annie Dao, Feng Zhao, and Jun Jiao

Review: Scaffold Characteristics, Fabrication Methods, and Biomaterials for the Bone Tissue Engineering, Jae-Won Jang, Kyung-Eun Min, Cheolhee Kim, Jesik Shin, Jiwoon Lee, and Sung Yi


PCL and DMSO2 Composites for Bio-Scaffold Materials, Jae-Won Jang, Kyung-Eun Min, Cheolhee Kim, Chien Wern, and Sung Yi

A Study on the Gaseous Radionuclide Dispersion in the Highway Across Urban Blocks: Effects of the Urban Morphology, Roadside Vegetation and Leakage Location, Rui Jia, Jianzhi Yang, Xiaowei Zhu, Fusuo Xu, and Liping Wang


Spheroidization Heat Treatment Conditions with Data Analysis in Medium Carbon Cr-Mo Steel for Ultra High Strength Cold Heading, Yong Deok Jo, Sung Yi, and Byoung Lok Jang

Weld-Penetration-Depth Estimation Using Deep Learning Models and Multisensor Signals in Al/cu Laser Overlap Welding, Sanghoon Kang, Kidong Lee, Minjung Kang, Yong Hoon Jang, and Cheolhee Kim


Gas Metal Arc Welding with Undermatched Filler Wire for hot-press-formed steel of 2.0 GPa strength: Influence of filler wire strength and bead geometry, Dong-Yoon Kim, Cheolhee Kim, Tae Hyen Lee, Minjung Kang, and Junhong Park

Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Autogenous Arc Welds of 2 Gpa Strength Hot-Press-Forming Steel, Kwangsoo Kim, Hanji Park, Namhyun Kang, Sanghoon Kang, Minjung Kang, and Cheolhee Kim


Measurement of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Indoor Materials: Method Development, Aurélie Laguerre and Elliott T. Gall


Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) In Wildfire Smoke Accumulate On Indoor Materials and Create Post-Smoke Event Exposure Pathways, Aurélie Laguerre and Elliott T. Gall


Crack Detection in an Aluminium Oxide Grinding Wheel by Impact Hammer Tests, Yubin Lee, David Turcic, Dan Danks, and Chien Wern

A Li-Rich Layered Oxide Cathode with Negligible Voltage Decay, Dong Luo, He Zhu, Yi Xia, Zijia Yin, Yan Qin, Tianyi Li, Qinghua Zhang, Lin Gu, Yong Peng, Junwei Zhang, Kamila M. Wiaderek, Yalan Huang, Tingting Yang, Yu Tang, Si Lan, Yang Ren, Wenquan Lu, Christopher M. Wolverton, and Qi Liu

Effects of Wavelength on Vortex Structure and Turbulence Kinetic Energy Transfer of Flow over Undulated Cylinders, Kathleen Lyons, Raul Bayoan Cal, and Jennifer A. Franck


Evolution of Eddy Viscosity in the wake of a wind turbine, Luis Martínez-Tossas, Juliaan Bossuyt, Nicholas Hamilton, and Raul Bayoan Cal


Accelerating Training of MLIPs Through Small-Cell Training, Jason A. Meziere, Yu Luo, Yi Xia, Laurent Karim Béland, and Mark R. Daymond

Identification of Solder Joint Failure Modes Using Machine Learning, Kyung-Eun Min, Jae-Won Jang, Soobin Kang, Cheolhee Kim, and Sung Yi


New Frontiers of Laser Welding Technology, Kyung-Eun Min, Jae-Won Jang, and Cheolhee Kim


Development of Prediction Method for Dimensional Stability of 3D-Printed Objects, Kyung-Eun Min, Jae-Won Jang, Jesik Shin, Cheolhee Kim, and Sung Yi


Role of Binder on Yield Strength of polycaprolactone/dimethylsulfone composites for bio-applications, Kyung-Eun Min, Jae-Won Jang, Sung Yi, and Cheolhee Kim

Restricted Nonlinear Scales of Turbulent Secondary Flows over Spanwise Heterogeneous Roughness, Benjamin A. Minnick, Xiaowei Zhu, and Dennice F. Gayme


Impact of Material and Tunnel Barrier Quality on Spin transport in a CVD graphene non-local spin valve device array, Samuel T. Olson, Daniel Still, Kaleb Hood, Otto Zietz, and Jun Jiao

Microstructure and Hardness Behavior of Friction Stir Welds of 2 Gpa Strength Hot Press Forming Steel, Hanji Park, Jinyoung Yoon, Minjung Kang, and Cheolhee Kim


Modeling Yield Strength of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds Using Multiple Regression Analysis and Machine Learning, Sukil Park, Myeonghwan Choi, Dongyoon Kim, Cheolhee Kim, and Namhyun Kang

A Three-Dimensional, Analytical Wind Turbine Wake Model: Flow Acceleration, Empirical Correlations, and Continuity, Zein Sadek, Ryan Scott, Nicholas Hamilton, and Raul Bayoan Cal

Synergistic Effect of Alloying on Thermoelectric Properties of Two-Dimensional Pdpq (Q = S, Se)., S. Shahabfar, Yi Xia, M. H. Morshedsolouk, M. Mohammadi, and S. Shahab Naghavi


Flow Development and Entrainment in Turbulent Particle-Laden Jets, Laura K. Shannon, Bianca Viggiano, Raúl Bayoán Cal, L. G. Mastin, Alexa R. Van Eaton, and Stephen Solovitz


Assessing the Performance of Exchange-Correlation Functionals on Lattice Constants of Binary Solids at Room Temperature Within the Quasiharmonic Approximation, Xiaofei Shao, Peitao Liu, Cesare Franchini, Yi Xia, and Jiangang He


Phase Stability of Lead Phosphate Apatite, Jiahong Shen, Dale Gaines II, S. Shahabfar, Zi Li, Dohun Kang, Sean Griesemer, Adolfo Salgado-Casanova, Tzu-chen Liu, Yi Xia, and multiple additional authors

Particle Transport-Driven Flow Dynamics and Heat Transfer Modulation in Solar Photovoltaic Modules: Implications on Soiling, Sarah E. Smith, Henda Djeridi, Marc Calaf, Raúl Bayoan Cal, and Martin Obligado


Advanced Industrial Lubricants and Future Development Trends of Tribo-Systems for Tribological Performance Evaluation, George Totten, Simon C. Tung, and Undrakh Mishigdorzhiyn


A Unified Understanding of minimum lattice thermal conductivity, Yi Xia, Dale Gaines, Jiangang He, Koushik Pal, Zhi Li, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Vidvuds Ozolinš, and Chris Wolverton


Experimental Evaluations of the Impact of an Additive Oxidizing Electronic Air Cleaner on Particles and Gases, Yicheng Zeng, Aurélie Laguerre, Elliott T. Gall, Mohammad Heidarinejad, and Brent Stephens


Anomalous Lattice Thermal Conductivity Driven by All-Scale Electron-Phonon Scattering in Bulk Semiconductors, Z. Z. Zhou, Y. C. Yan, X. L. Yang, Yi Xia, G. Y. Wang, X. Lu, and X. Y. Zhou

Submissions from 2022


Flow in Additively Manufactured Super-Rough Channels, Samuel Altland, Xiaowei Zhu, Stephen McClain, Robert Kunz, and Xiang Yang


Entrainment, Diffusion and Effective Compressibility in a Self-Similar Turbulent Jet, Thomas Basset, Bianca Viggiano, Thomas Barois, Mathieu Gibert, Nicolas Mordant, Raúl Bayoán Cal, Romain Volk, and Mickael Bourgoin


Wind Tunnel Research, Dynamics, and Scaling for Wind Energy, Majid Bastankhah, Raul Bayoan Cal, and Nicholas Hamilton


Measuring Volatile Emissions from Moss Gametophytes: A Review of Methodologies and New Applications, Danlyn L. Brennan, Leslie M. Kollar, Scott Kiel, Timea Deakova, Aurélie Laguerre, Stuart F. McDaniel, Sarah Eppley, Elliott T. Gall, and Todd Rosenstiel

Edgebond Adhesive Enhances the Reliability of Low-Temperature Solder in Board-Level Assembly (IMPACT 2022), Simon Chang, Tae-Kyu Lee, Wei Li, Karl I. Loh, Edward S. Ibe, and Simon Wang

High sensitive room temperature NO2 gas sensor based on the avalanche breakdown induced by Schottky Junction in TiO2-Sn3O4 Nanoheterojunctions, Duo Chen, Wencheng Yu, Lin Wei, Jiasheng Ni, Hui Li, Yanxue Chen, Yufeng Tian, Shishen Yan, Liangmo Mei, and Jun Jiao


Biomechanical and Sensory Feedback Regularize the Behavior of Different Locomotor Central Pattern Generators, Kaiyu Deng, Alexander J. Hunt, Nicholas Szczecinski, Matthew Tresch, Hillel J. Chiel, Charles Heckman, and Roger Quinn

Decoupling Wind-Wave-Wake Interactions in a Fixed-Bottom Offshore Wind Turbine, Ondrej Fercak, Juliaan Bossuyt, Naseem K. Ali, and Raul Bayoan Cal


Understanding the Transport and Chemistry of Indoor Air During Wildfire Smoke Events with Elliott Gall, Elliott T. Gall


Identifying Population Hollowing Out Regions and Their Dynamic Characteristics across Central China, Bin Guo, Yi Bian, Lin Pei, Xiaowei Zhu, Dingming Zhang, Wencai Zhang, Xianan Guo, and Qiuji Chen


Remote Sensing Evidence for Significant Variations in the Global Gross Domestic Product during the COVID-19 Epidemic, Bin Guo, Wencai Zhang, Lin Pei, Xiaowei Zhu, Pingping Luo, and Weili Duan


Wind Plant Controls, Nicholas Hamilton, Dennice Gayme, and Raúl Bayoán Cal

Overlap Welded Joint Strength of 2.0 Gpa-Strength Steel Sheets Using Single-Mode Laser Wobbling, Minjung Kang, Yeonho Kwak, Hyeonjeong You, Sanghoon Kang, and Cheolhee Kim

Microstructural Refinement of As-Cast Al-Mg Alloy by Ultrasonic Melt Treatment Using a Titanium Sonotrode Under Fully Liquid Condition, Sunki Kim, Jesik Shin, Hoon Cho, Youngjig Kim, and Sung Yi


Novel Fabrication of Silver-Coated Copper Nanowires with Organic Compound Solution, Suhyun Lee, Chien Wern, and Sung Yi


Ti–6Al–4V Alloy Deposition Characteristics at Electrode-Negative Polarity in the Cold Metal Transfer–gas metal Arc Process, Tae Hyun Lee, Dong Hyuck Kam, Je Hoon Oh, and Cheolhee Kim