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Presenter Biography

Alishia Huntoon is professor and director of the Applied Psychology online program at Oregon Institute of Technology.

Start Date

5-14-2021 9:00 AM


Developing OERs is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of time and energy. Collaboration with others can make the task less burdensome, the materials more robust, and the process more enjoyable. This presentation examines how a collection of slides and test banks were developed for an open textbook, utilizing a collaborative effort of several professors and students across the United States. This was a long process with many stages, successes, and hurdles, with many lessons learned along the way. Collaborative efforts in developing OERs is encouraged.

Birds of a Feather Session 1: May 14, 11-12

Room 1: OER for Transformative Teaching Practices

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May 14th, 9:00 AM

Appreciate: Collaboration in Material Development

Developing OERs is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of time and energy. Collaboration with others can make the task less burdensome, the materials more robust, and the process more enjoyable. This presentation examines how a collection of slides and test banks were developed for an open textbook, utilizing a collaborative effort of several professors and students across the United States. This was a long process with many stages, successes, and hurdles, with many lessons learned along the way. Collaborative efforts in developing OERs is encouraged.

Birds of a Feather Session 1: May 14, 11-12

Room 1: OER for Transformative Teaching Practices

Zoom Link: