This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
The Preferred Learning Styles of Greek EFL Students and Greek EFL Teachers, Debra Jane Gregory (Thesis)
Math Anxiety, Coping Behavior, and Gender, Sandra Joy Grossmann (Thesis)
The Impact of the Donation Land Law Upon the Development of Oregon, Elwin Edward Grout (Thesis)
Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Mapping of the Upper Canyon Creek Basin, Cascade Range, Skamania County, Washington, Lawrence P. Growney (Thesis)
An Assessment of the Riparian-influenced Salmonid Habitat Features of Johnson Creek, Portland, Oregon, Andrew Greiff Gude (Thesis)
Sediment Yield Analysis of Reservoir #1, Bull Run Watershed, West Cascade Mountains, Oregon, Doann M. Hamilton (Thesis)
Technological Organization and Sedentism: Expedient Core Reduction, Stockpiling, and Tool Curation at the Meier Site (35CO5), Stephen Coursault Hamilton (Thesis)
Gender Differences in Slow Expressive Language Development, Cynthia Lee Hare-Blye (Thesis)
The Development of Natural Law from Plato to the Renaissance, James M. Harrison (Thesis)
Questions-asking Strategies of Aphasic and Normal Subjects, Sharla Rae Harvey (Thesis)
Factors that Motivate Washington State Teachers to Participate in Professional Growth and Development, Dolores Adan Heisinger (Dissertation)
British Aristocratic Women and Their Role in Politics, 1760-1860, Nancy Ann Henderson (Thesis)
A Linguistic Needs Assessment of a Latino Community, Cybele Marie Higgins (Thesis)
Impact of Goal-setting on Motivation as Affected by the Joint Influence of the Attributional Dimensions of Causality, Stability, and Control, Nancy Davis Hodges (Thesis)
Oregon's Marines: A Regional History of the United States Marine Corps, Michael Coleman Howard (Thesis)
Adaptive Notch Filter, Yuchen Huang (Thesis)
An Analysis of Approaches to Efficient Hardware Realization of Image Compression Algorithms, Kamran Iravani (Thesis)
Interfacing a Computer to a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Markus Jarasch (Thesis)
Intertextualidad en la Novela Tinisima de Poniatowska, Maria Elena Jimenez (Thesis)
A Music Therapy Model for Counseling Corrections Clients, Karen Lee Kahle (Thesis)
Language Learning Strategies of Russian-Speaking Adult ESL Learners, Minerva E. Renee Kalenandi (Thesis)
Case Study: How an East European Student Learns to Compose in English, Ruth Steinfeld Katon (Thesis)
Magmatic Evolution and Eruptive History of the Granitic Bumping Lake Pluton, Washington: Source of the Bumping River and Cash Prairie Tuffs, John Frederick King (Thesis)
Performance Evaluation Tools for Interconnection Network Design, Anna Kolinska (Thesis)
Decentralization of Urban Service Activities: an Empirical Study, Wonseon Kyung (Dissertation)
The R-Stick Appliance as a Device to Facilitate the Phoneme /r/, Rosemary LeBlanc (Thesis)
Lexico-Semantic Influence in Interlingual Transfer, Guy-Luc Levesque (Thesis)
The Role of the Chinese News Media in the 1989 Pro-democracy Movement, Mei Liao (Thesis)
An Analysis of the Linked-pulse in Steady-state Free Precession in MRI, Fang Li (Thesis)
ERP Analysis Using Matched Filtering and Wavelet Transform, Xueming Lin (Thesis)
Studies on the Role of Cellular Factor, YY1, in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Late Gene Expression, Xuehui Liu (Thesis)
Source rock geochemistry of the southern Tyee Basin, southwest Oregon, David E. Long (Thesis)
"Self was Forgotten": Attention to Private Consciousness in the Diaries of Three Mormon Frontier Women, Genevieve Jane Long (Thesis)
A Bootstrapped Regression Model of Psychological Predictors of Success in Naturopathic Medical School, Christa Claire Louise (Thesis)
Investigations of Factors Affecting the Transcriptional Regulation of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 βγ (Leaky-Late) Genes, Rosemary Ann Lown (Thesis)
Case Studies of the Structure, Dynamics, and Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Team Organization in Oregon Middle Schools, Gail Lyon (Dissertation)
Hermann Hesses Unterm Rad: Identitätssuche eines Jugendlichen, Martina Mangan (Thesis)
The Feminine as Salvific in Hildegard von Bingen's Letters, Marie Theresa Maurer (Thesis)
Solubility Studies of Iron(III) Oxides and Hydroxides, Victor L. Menting (Thesis)
Portland's Multifamily Recycling Program: a Study of Coproduction Policy Implementation and Citizen Involvement, William Barry Messer (Dissertation)
The Anabaptist Contributions to the Idea of Religious Liberty, Barbara Monette (Thesis)
"I Don't Speak My Own Language": Ethnicity Among the Malayalees of Singapore, David L. Moore (Thesis)
Homoeroticism and Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, Thomas Winston Morgan (Thesis)
English Language Teaching and Curricula in the People's Republic of China, Kirsten Nadia Ngan (Thesis)
The Effects of Type of Child Care Arrangement and Satisfaction with Care on Employee Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism, Hanh Hong Nguyen (Thesis)
Persistence Influences on the Minority Student Attending a Predominantly White Postsecondary Urban Institution: the Student Perspective, Annmarie O'Brien (Dissertation)
An Empirical Assessment of the Gentrification Process in Northwest Portland, Oregon, Sabrina Oesterle (Thesis)
High Level Preprocessor of a VHDL-based Design System, Karthikeyan Palanisamy (Thesis)
Illness and the Treatment Response: The Patient's View, Nina Patricia van Es (Thesis)
A Simultaneous Route-level Transit Patronage Model: Demand, Supply, and Inter-route Relationship, Zhongren Peng (Dissertation)
A Study of Understory Plant Recovery After a Forest Fire in the Columbia River Gorge, Mark Alan Pittsenbarger (Thesis)
The Origins and Development of the Defense Forces of Northern and Southern Rhodesia from 1890 to 1945, Eugene Peter Jarrett Pomeroy (Thesis)
A Comparison of Neutrophil Migration in the Mouse in Response to Infection with Three Species of Trichinella, Jon Darin Prulhiere (Thesis)
Strategies in Theodore Dreiser's Trilogy of Desire to Resolve the Division Between the Material and the Spiritual, Claas Riese (Thesis)
The Mediation of U.S. American Culture in the ESL Classroom, Steven Fredolph Roberts (Thesis)
Logic Synthesis with High Testability for Cellular Arrays, Andisheh Sarabi (Dissertation)
A Study of Japan's Foreign Policy Behavior: The Discrepancy between Japan's Foreign Policy and Its Voting Behavior in the United Nations General Assembly, Atsuko Sato (Thesis)
Electrophoretic Studies of Ion Adsorption to Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and Phosphatidylcholine Membranes, Andreas Schilling (Thesis)
The Tumult of Amboise and the Importance of Historical Memory in Sixteenth-Century France, Trevor Charles Schmitz-Thursam (Thesis)
Women Who Worship Alone: The Relationship Between Marital Status and Loneliness in the Church, Judith Ann Schwanz (Thesis)
Causal Attributions for Teen Problem Drinking, Barbara J. Seatter (Thesis)
The Decision and Rationale Which Led to Construction on High-risk Land After the 1964 Alaska Earthquake: Analysis of Risk-based Cultural Dissociation, Sheila Ann Selkregg (Dissertation)
The Effects of Phonological Processes on the Speech Intelligibility of Young Children, Susanne Shotola-Hardt (Thesis)
A Comparison of the Cohesion in the Expository Discourse of the Optimally-Healthy Young-Old and the Optimally-Healthy Oldest-Old, Penni Gay Siemens (Thesis)
Planning for Academic Success: Survey of University Professors' Assessments of Non-native Students' Language Skill Needs, Carol BonDurant Sloan (Thesis)
Soil Properties and Behavior of Earthflows in the Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon, Douglas Andrew Smith (Thesis)
Recovery of Marsh Vegetation at Malheur Lake Following an Extended Flood, Sherry Vlasta Spencer (Thesis)
Facilitating Independent Communication for an Adult with Severe, Nonfluent Aphasia Using a Voice Output Communication Aid, Jane Mary Stayer (Thesis)
Peer Correction by Non-native Speakers of English in Oral Group Work, Bill Stevenson (Thesis)
A Study of the Meaning Found in the References to Space in Selected Plays of Athol Fugard, Heather Halm Stueve (Thesis)
A Comparison Between Trained Ear Estimation and Orthographic Transcription When Measuring Speech Intelligibility of Young Children, Nancy Kay Sugarman (Thesis)
Characteristics of Marginally Achieving Secondary Students and the Nature of their School Experience, Aeylin Summers (Dissertation)
The Concepts of Mother in Children's Stories in Translation from Print to Visual Media: A Content Analysis, Karen Martin Tanski (Thesis)
Extracellular Matrix Proteins of the Nurse Cell Capsule in Trichinella spiralis Infections, Mary Louise Taylor (Thesis)
Children's Conception of the Social and Moral Dilemmas Associated with Drug Use, Nancy Lynn Thayer (Thesis)
A Comparison of the Effects of Different Video Imagery Upon Adult ESL Students' Comprehension of a Video Narrative, Scott Alan Thompson (Thesis)
The Family and Women in the Fifteenth Century: A Case Study of the Pastons, Diana Thurman (Thesis)
Women who Select Naturopathic Health Care During the Menopausal Transition: A Study in Grounded Theory, Dorothy S. Tibbetts (Thesis)
Theory and Poetry: John Ashbery's "Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror", Jeffrey Wayne Timmons (Thesis)
Existencialismo en La Lucha por La Vida, Juan Andres Amigo Torrubia (Thesis)
The Schooling of Vietnamese-American High School Students in Oregon: Their Perspectives, Minh Van Tran (Dissertation)
The Determinants of Women's Work: A Case Study from Three Urban Low-income Communities in Amman, Jordan, Taghrid Khuri Tubbeh (Dissertation)
Synthesis and Characterization of some Flourine-containing Lithium Alkyl Sulfonates: Flourinated Sulfonates and SF5-containing Sulfonates, Steven A. Ullrich (Thesis)
Laser Resonators Using Tiered Fresnel Mirrors, Bruce Dale Ulrich (Thesis)
Familiality of Early Expressive Language Delay: A Sibling Study, Carol Lynn Unkefer (Thesis)
The Impact of Enterprise Zones on Employment, Terry William Van Allen (Dissertation)
Interactions of Ruthenium Red with Phospholipid Vesicles, Dirk Voelker (Thesis)
Changing Values: A Study of the Shift in Cultural Values and Perceptions of U.S. High School Students Following Orientation and Exposure to Russian Culture, Linda Sue Warnock (Thesis)
Nonlinguistic Cognitive Performance and Expressive and Receptive Language Scores in Children with Expressive Language Delay, Deborah Kay Warren (Thesis)
Soviet Evangelical Students in Adult ESL Classes: A Case Study, Patricia Ann Wiggins (Thesis)
The Spatial Distribution of Ground Stone Tools as a Marker of Status Differentials in a Chinookan Plank House on the Lower Columbia River, John William Wolf (Thesis)
On Modeling of a Mobile Multipath Fading Channel, Heng Xiao (Thesis)
High-frequency Analog Voltage Converter Design, Ping Xu (Thesis)
China's policies toward the Soviet Union and the United States before and in the Korean War, Ji Bao Yan (Thesis)
Temporal Characteristics of Words Surrounding a Moment of Stuttering, Janice Kaye Young (Thesis)
Minimization of Generalized Reed-Muller Expansion and Its Sub-class, Xiaoqiang Zeng (Thesis)
Predicting Solute Transport in Natural Streams - A Stochastic Approach, Xueqing Zhou (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Comparative Analysis of Resettlement Policies in Third World Countries, Abrahim Jawad Al-Khalisi (Thesis)
An Examination of the Relationship Between Work Involvement and Family Involvement and Work-Family Conflict in Dual-Career Families, Elizabeth Jean Allen (Thesis)
Cities and Automobile Dependence: An Empirical Examination of Density and Automobile Dependence Relationship and Their Underlying Factors, Musaad Abdullah Al-Mosaind (Dissertation)