
Submissions from 2024


All That We Are, Bennett Gilbert


The Problems of Personalism Today, Bennett Gilbert


A Memoir of My Reading, Bennett B. Gilbert


Bending Moral Philosophy and Philosophy of History Toward Each Other, Bennett B. Gilbert


On Willing Surrender as Virtuous Self-Constitution, Bennett B. Gilbert

Rich Addiction, Bennett B. Gilbert


Leo Strauss on Machiavelli: Athens Vs. Jerusalem or Ontological Assumptions About Human Nature and Power, Dickson Tiphaine and Jokić Aleksandar

Submissions from 2023

Global Health and Global Governance of Emerging Biomedical Technologies, Bryan Cwik

Whose Genome? Which Genetics?, Bryan Cwik


Comment on Gignac and Zajenkowski, “The Dunning-Kruger effect is (mostly) a statistical artefact: Valid approaches to testing the hypothesis with individual differences data”, Avram Hiller

Valuing the "afterlife", Avram Hiller


How to Save Pascal (and Ourselves) From the Mugger, Avram Hiller and Ali Hasan

How to Think About Indirect Confirmation, Brian McLoone

Counterpossibles in Science: an Experimental Study, Brian B. McLoone, Cassandra Grützner, and Michael T. Stuart

Submissions from 2022


Book Review of: The Concealed Influence of Custom: Hume's Treatise from the Inside out, Angela M. Coventry

Book Review of, The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality, Bryan Cwik


Building Community Capacity with Philosophy: Toolbox Dialogue and Climate Resilience, Bryan Cwik, Chad Gonnerman, Michael O'Rourke, Brian Robinson, and Daniel Schoonmaker


Care Ethics, Bruno Latour, and the Anthropocene, Michael Flower and Maurice Hamington


Feminist Care Ethics Confronts Mainstream Philosophy, Maurice Hamington and Maggie FitzGerald

Competing Claims and the Separateness of Persons, Jamie J. Hardy

Epistemic Structure in Non-Summative Social Knowledge, Avram Hiller and R. Wolfe Randall

Natural Selection's Explanatory Scope, Brian McLoone


Care Ethics, Religion, and Spiritual Traditions, Inge van Nistelrooij, Maureen Sander-Staudt, and Maurice Hamington

Why Migration Justice Still Requires Open Borders, Alex Sager


Review Essay: Recent Works in the Political Theory of Migration, Alexander Sager


The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams, Patricia Shields, Maurice Hamington, and Joseph Soeters

Pragmatism, Peirce, and the Pandemic, Albert Spencer

Submissions from 2021

Gene Editing: How Can You Ask "whether" if You Don't Know "how"?, Bryan Cwik


Zoning Out: Urban Agriculture, Sustainability, and Development in Portland, Oregon, Brian Elliott


Diagnostic Justice: Testing for Covid-19, Ashley Graham Kennedy and Bryan Cwik


Book Review of, Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Maurice Hamington


A Defense of Locke’s Moral Epistemology, Jamie J. Hardy

Understanding the "Grievance Studies Affair" Papers and Why They Should Be Reinstated: A Response to Geoff Cole, Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay, and Peter Boghossian

Political Philosophy Beyond Methodological Nationalism, Alex Sager

Mapping and Countermapping Shifting Borders, Alexander Sager

Pragmatism, Peirce, and the Pandemic: Albert Spencer Takes a Close Look at Our Decision Making, Albert Spencer

Submissions from 2020

Reactions to the National Academies/royal Society Report on Heritable Human Genome Editing, Misha Angrist, Rodolphe Barrangou, Francoise Baylis, Carolyn Brokowski, Gaetan Burgio, Arthur Caplan, Carolyn Riley Chapman, George M. Church, Robert Cook-Deegan, Bryan Cwik, and multiple additional authors

Mixed Emotions in Life and Art: on Hume's Direct Passions, Angela Coventry

Intergenerational monitoring in clinical trials of germline gene editing, Bryan Cwik

Responsible Translational Pathways for Germline Gene Editing?, Bryan Cwik

Revising, Correcting, and Transferring Genes., Bryan P. Cwik


Against Borders: Why the World Needs Free Movement of People, Alexander Sager

Submissions from 2019


Moving Beyond ‘Therapy’ and ‘Enhancement’ in the Ethics of Gene Editing, Bryan Cwik

Submissions from 2018

Persons and Passions in Hume’s Philosophy of Mind, Angela M. Coventry

A Humean Social Ontology, Angela M. Coventry, Alex Sager, and Tom Seppäläinen

Urban Agriculture, Uneven Development, and Gentrification in Portland, Oregon, Brian Elliott


International Justice After the Cold War: Essays with Applications, Aleksandar Jokić

Book Review of, Free Time, Alexander Sager

Private Contractors, Foreign Troops, and Offshore Detention Centers: The Ethics of Externalizing Immigration Controls, Alexander Sager

Submissions from 2017

Why Can’t Geometers Cut Themselves on the Acutely Angled Objects of Their Proofs? Aristotle on Shape as an Impure Power, Brad Berman

Building a Values-Informed Mental Model for New Orleans Climate Risk Management, Douglas L. Bessette, Lauren A. Mayer, Bryan Cwik, Martin Vezer, Klaus Keller, Robert J. Lempert, and Nancy Tuana

Designing Ethical Trials of Germline Gene Editing, Bryan Cwik

Integrating Care Ethics and Design Thinking, Maurice Hamington

Understanding Scientists’ Computational Modeling Decisions About Climate Risk Management Strategies Using Values-Informed Mental Models, Lauren A. Mayer, Kathleen Loaa, Bryan Cwik, Nancy Tuana, Klaus Keller, Chad Gonnerman, Andrew M. Parker, and Robert J. Lempert


A Careful Poetics: Caring Imagination, Caring Habits, and Haiku, Ce Rosenow and Maurice Hamington


Breaking the Nation-State's Spell, Alexander Sager

Critical Cosmopolitanism and the Ethics of Mobility, Alexander Sager

Immigration Enforcement and Domination An Indirect Argument for Much More Open Borders, Alexander Sager


Sites, Systems, and Agents, Alexander Sager

Toward a Political Philosophy of Mobility, Alexander Sager


Loyalty to Nature: Royce's Latent Environmental Philosophy, Albert R. Spencer

Submissions from 2016

Making the World Body Whole and Complete Plato's Timaeus, 32c5-33b1, Brad Berman


Humeaneyes (“one particular shade of blue”), Angela Coventry and Emilio Mazza

Review of Dale Jamieson, Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed - and What It Means for Our Future, Avram Hiller


Productive Justice and Compulsory Service, Alexander Sager

Submissions from 2015


The Secret Doctrine and the Gigantomachia: Interpreting Plato’s Theaetetus-Sophist, Brad Berman

Performing Care Ethics: Empathy, Acting, and Embodied Learning, Maurice Hamington

Submissions from 2014


Book Review of, Ethics of Liberation: in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion, Alexander Sager

Submissions from 2013


Conventional Wisdom about Yugoslavia and Rwanda: Methodological Perils and Moral Implications, Aleksandar Jokić


Go Local: Morality and International Activism, Aleksandar Jokić


Methodological Nationalism, Migration, and Political Theory, Alexander Sager

Submissions from 2012


What's a Just War Theorist?, Aleksandar Jokić


The Implications of Migration Theory for Distributive Justice, Alexander Sager


The Hanford Advisory Board: A Case Study in Democracy, Technology, and Representation, Alexander Sager and Alex Zakaras

Submissions from 2011


Caring, Journalism, and the Power of Particularism, Maurice Hamington


Liberté, Égalité, Sororité: How Care Ethics Informs Social Justice, Maurice Hamington


Unjust Honoris Causa: Chronicle of a Most Peculiar Dishonor, Aleksandar Jokić and Milan Brdar

Submissions from 2010


Toward a Theory of Feminist Hospitality, Maurice Hamington


Book Review of, Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of History, R. Kevin Hill


Book Review of, Nietzsche and the Transcendental Tradition, R. Kevin Hill

Submissions from 2009


Debord, Constant, and the Politics of Situationist Urbanism, Brian Elliott

Submissions from 2008


Locke on Consciousness, Angela M. Coventry and Uriah Kriegel

Submissions from 2007


Hume: A Guide for the Perplexed, Angela M. Coventry


Nietzsche's Debt to Kant's Theory of the Beautiful in 'Birth of Tragedy', R. Kevin Hill

Submissions from 2006


Globalization and Genocidalism: Fictional Discourse Without Borders (for Fun and Profit), Aleksandar Jokić and Tiphaine Dickson

Submissions from 2003

Locke, Hume and the Idea of Causal Power, Angela M. Coventry

Submissions from 1996


Book Review of, Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality, R. Kevin Hill


Book Review of, Nietzsche: Ethics of an Immoralist, R. Kevin Hill

Submissions from 1995


Book Review of, Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science: Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life, R. Kevin Hill


Book Review of, Schopenhauer, R. Kevin Hill

Submissions from 1992


MacIntyre's Nietzsche: A Critique, R. Kevin Hill

Submissions from 1978


The View Atop the Ladder: Wittgenstein's Early Aesthetics, Graham P. Conroy

Submissions from 1971


George Berkeley and the Jacobite Heresy: Some Comments on Irish Augustan Politics, Graham P. Conroy

Submissions from 1961


George Berkeley on Moral Demonstration, Graham P. Conroy

Submissions from 1960


Berkeley and Education in America, Graham P. Conroy