This open access collection of exemplary graduate and undergraduate work includes nearly forty sub-collections: award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship. Find theses, dissertations, research projects, posters, presentations, articles, and more.

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Theses from 2018


Music Video Creation and Auteurism, Dylan Paris


Differential Well-Being in Response to Incivility and Surface Acting among Nurses as a Function of Race, Lauren Sarah Park


An Excerpt From "River's Edge": a Novel, Christopher Michael Partin


Small Business Internationalization through Strategic Sourcing, Vishwa Patel


Cyclists' Queue Discharge Characteristics at Signalized Intersections, Kirk Thomas Paulsen


Minimizing Commute Distance for Small Groups: A Linear Programming Approach, Kevin Payne, Kritika Kumari, Levi Huddleston, and Rabi Hassan


Uncovering Newton's Laws within a Game of Tug-of-War, Roberto C. Perez-Franco


Financial Strain and the Work-Home Interface: a Test of the Work-Home Resources Model from the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe), MacKenna Laine Perry


Between a Rock and a Hot Place: Economic Development and Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam, Khanh Katherine Pham


Does AVID Higher Education (AVID HE) Increase Student Term-to-Term Progression, Persistence Toward Credited Classes and Social Capital for First-Generation College Students Placing Into Developmental Education: a Mixed Methods Study, Christie M. Plinski


How Can Community Engagement in the Local Past and Archaeological Research Be Mutually Beneficial? A Case Study in Community Archaeology from Sauvie Island, Oregon, Martin John Plumer


Existing Ecological Conditions and Management Recommendations for a Portion of the Chehalem Ridge Nature Park, Oregon, Amanda Pole


Effects of Beaver Dams on Urban Stream Hydraulic Response During Storm Events, Erin Poor

Effects of Beaver Dams on Surface Water Flow During Storm Events in an Urban Landscape, Erin K. Poor


28th Annual Young Historians Conference, Portland State University History Department and Portland State University Challenge Program


Pathos, Fall 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


Pathos, Spring 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


Pathos, Winter 2017-2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


The Pacific Sentinel, April/May 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


The Pacific Sentinel, December 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


The Pacific Sentinel, January 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


The Pacific Sentinel, June 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


The Pacific Sentinel, March 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


The Pacific Sentinel, November 2018, Portland State University. Student Publications Board


Studying the Effects of Motivated Reasoning on Appraisals of Message Strength, Aric Christopher Powell