This open access collection of exemplary graduate and undergraduate work includes nearly forty sub-collections: award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship. Find theses, dissertations, research projects, posters, presentations, articles, and more.

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Theses from 2017


Language Shift & Language Maintenance Among Farsi Speakers in Portland, Oregon, Clarissa Gaillardet


Johnson Creek Bacteria TMDL Implementation: Status and Trend Analysis Study, John Gala


An Examination of the Relationship Between Professional Development Providers' Epistemological and Nature of Science Beliefs and their Professional Development Programs, Alfonso Garcia Arriola


Patient, Victim, or Survivor?: an Analysis of SANE Nursing Curriculum Bias, Samantha D. Gardner


We Are Suffering and We Know What We Want: the Role of Health in the 1935 and 1940 Copperbelt Strikes, Jessica Gaudette-Reed


Materialist and Causal Bridges Over the Explanatory Gap, Celine Geday


Land Use Zoning in America: The Case for Inclusionary Policy, Thomas Geffner


Land Use Mix and Pedestrian Travel Behavior: Advancements in Conceptualization and Measurement, Steven Robert Gehrke


Evolution and Metabolic Potential of Francisella-like Endosymbionts of Ticks, Jonathan Graham Gerhart


Evaluating Big Data Projects Probability of Success: A Hierarchical Decision Model, Abdulhakim Giadedi, Ali Eljayar, Husam Barham, Priyanka Patil, and Shreyas Vasanth


Amazon Echo “Always ready, connected, and fast. Just ask”, Abdulhakim Giadedi, Bobby Romanski, Edwin Vilanova Velez, Shreyas Vasanth, Timothy Valentine, and Priyanka Patil


Stigma vs Stigma: the Difference of Stigma on Mental Health between Argentines and Americans, Dominique A. Giampieri


Using High Resolution Archived Transit Data to Quantify Congestion at Intersections of Urban Arterials, Travis Bradley Glick


Utilizing High-Resolution Archived Transit Data to Study Before-and-After Travel-Speed and Travel-Time Conditions, Travis Bradley Glick


Drivers' Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Bicyclists: Intermodal Interactions and Implications for Road Safety, Tara Beth Goddard


Symbiosis with Nitrogen-fixing Rhizobia Influences Plant Defense Strategy and Plant-predator Interactions, Adrienne Louise Godschalx


SolarWorld Amidst Uncertainty, Palak Goel, Roland Richards, Asawari Kulkarni, Nagarjun Hassan Ranganath, and Majed Alshamlani


The Communist Manifesto: A Case Study in the Class Politics of Industrialization, Benjamin B. Goldberg


Mining the Air, CO2 Recycling, Jesús González Mendoza


Grassroots Resistance in the Sustainable City: Portland Harbor Superfund Site Contamination, Cleanup, and Collective Action, Erin Katherine Goodling


Environmental Justice and GIS: A Comparison of Three GIS Methods for Estimating Vulnerable Population Exposed to Brownfield Pollution in Portland, Oregon, Kyle Goodman


Faculty Job Satisfaction and Morale in Biomedical Research, Richard John Goranflo III


Investigating the Sources of Decadal-Scale Property Changes in Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southeast Indian Ocean (80-90°E), Kimberly Gottschalk


Wine Tasting Room, Touraj Goudarznia, Kyle Kniffin, and Ali Alkhafaji


France’s Liberation, Women’s Stagnation: France’s Societal Advancement Hindered by the Incarceration of Women to Traditional Gender Roles Following World War II, Helena Gougeon