This open access collection of exemplary graduate and undergraduate work includes nearly forty sub-collections: award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship. Find theses, dissertations, research projects, posters, presentations, articles, and more.

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  • includes all PSU theses and dissertations.
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Submissions from 1995


Prioritizing Telecommunications Technologies for Long-RangeR&D Planning to the Year 2006, Robert Woolridge


Modeling of Decay Rate for Molecules at an Island Surface, Ting Xiong


Performance Analysis of A Banyan Based ATM Switching Fabric with Packet Priority, Zhaohui Yan


DNA Sequences Involved in the Regulation of Human c-MYC Gene Expression by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1), Shanli Ye


From Pietism to Pluralism: Boston Personalism and the Liberal Era in American Methodist Theology, 1876-1953, Amos Yong


The Chemotactic Response of Neutrophils to Components of the Sera of Mice Infected with Trichinella spiralis, Sara Lynn Youngman


Electrolysis of Palladium in Heavy Water, Christoph Zaczek


Russian-speaking Pentecostal Refugees and Adult ESL Programs: Barriers to Participation, Elena Valerijevna Zaitseva


A Newtonian Metaphor for Organizational Change, Janet Zhang


Environmental Management System ISO 14000, Janet Zhang, Khaled Haris, Mike Coleman, Mohamed Al-Muhairi, Nattanon Pronanun, Tahir Mir, and Toryos Pandejpong


Testability Design and Testability Analysis of a Cube Calculus Machine, Lixin Zhou


Mobility Modeling and Simulation of SOI Si1-x Gex p-MOSFET, Sida Zhou


An Analysis of Socioeconomic Effects on Scrap Paper Recycling Participation, Sara Phyllis Zimmerman


Departure and Persistence: Exploring Student Experiences at the Master's Level, Jennifer Lee Zoltanski

Theses/Dissertations from 1994


Total Quality Management: the Case for the Public Sector: a Comparative Study of the Implementation of Total Quality Management in Three Health Care Organizations, Zayed Mohammed Abu


"A Listening Child." The Language Life History of an American of Mexican Descent, Alexandra Guerra Alvarez


TQM: Effective Teams and the Organizational Culture Factor, John J. Alvarez


Defect Reduction for Screen Printing, John J. Alvarez, Edward Buescher, Jerry Knoben, Thomas Rak, Fernando Rivera, and Akin Uslu


Monitoring and Controlling Contractors in Software Development, John J. Alvarez, Ling Kan, Mike Posovich, Fernando Rivera, Akin Uslu, John Weisensee, and Wira Yuwana


Establishing US Military Government: Law and Order in Southern Bavaria 1945, Stephen Frederick Anderson


A Comparative Study of Phonemic Segmentation Skills in First Grade Children with Normal, Disordered, and Slow Expressive Language Development, David J. Andrews


Circuit Modeling of Switched Linear Networks, Fardin Ansari


Evaluation and Improvement of the Customers Satisfaction at the PSU Cafeteria, Emad Armoush, Ségolène Badelon, Graydon Hansen, Razif Abdullah Razak, and Nicolas Renaud


Reflection and Refraction of Light from Nonlinear Boundaries, Mohammad Azadeh


The TQM Application in the Automobile Industry: Comparison between Japan, Europe, and the U.S., Ségolène Badelon