This open access collection of exemplary graduate and undergraduate work includes nearly forty sub-collections: award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship. Find theses, dissertations, research projects, posters, presentations, articles, and more.

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Theses/Dissertations from 1994


Causal Attributions for Teen Problem Drinking, Barbara J. Seatter


The Decision and Rationale Which Led to Construction on High-risk Land After the 1964 Alaska Earthquake: Analysis of Risk-based Cultural Dissociation, Sheila Ann Selkregg


The Effects of Phonological Processes on the Speech Intelligibility of Young Children, Susanne Shotola-Hardt


A Comparison of the Cohesion in the Expository Discourse of the Optimally-Healthy Young-Old and the Optimally-Healthy Oldest-Old, Penni Gay Siemens


Planning for Academic Success: Survey of University Professors' Assessments of Non-native Students' Language Skill Needs, Carol BonDurant Sloan


Is Con Metco Ready for TQM?, Don Smith


Quality Improvement for Part N. 102198 in Consolidated Metco, Don Smith, Longjun Liu, Wira Yuwana, Art Louie, and Rini Tanoko


Soil Properties and Behavior of Earthflows in the Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon, Douglas Andrew Smith


Recovery of Marsh Vegetation at Malheur Lake Following an Extended Flood, Sherry Vlasta Spencer


Facilitating Independent Communication for an Adult with Severe, Nonfluent Aphasia Using a Voice Output Communication Aid, Jane Mary Stayer


Peer Correction by Non-native Speakers of English in Oral Group Work, Bill Stevenson


Creating a Better Tomorrow: A Curriculum for Teaching Children about Planning, Lori Stroope and Lauren Waterton


A Study of the Meaning Found in the References to Space in Selected Plays of Athol Fugard, Heather Halm Stueve


A Comparison Between Trained Ear Estimation and Orthographic Transcription When Measuring Speech Intelligibility of Young Children, Nancy Kay Sugarman


Characteristics of Marginally Achieving Secondary Students and the Nature of their School Experience, Aeylin Summers


Customers' Satisfaction in the Environmental Laboratory, Riniwati Tanoko


The Concepts of Mother in Children's Stories in Translation from Print to Visual Media: A Content Analysis, Karen Martin Tanski


Extracellular Matrix Proteins of the Nurse Cell Capsule in Trichinella spiralis Infections, Mary Louise Taylor


Children's Conception of the Social and Moral Dilemmas Associated with Drug Use, Nancy Lynn Thayer


A Comparison of the Effects of Different Video Imagery Upon Adult ESL Students' Comprehension of a Video Narrative, Scott Alan Thompson


The Family and Women in the Fifteenth Century: A Case Study of the Pastons, Diana Thurman


Women who Select Naturopathic Health Care During the Menopausal Transition: A Study in Grounded Theory, Dorothy S. Tibbetts


Theory and Poetry: John Ashbery's "Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror", Jeffrey Wayne Timmons


Existencialismo en La Lucha por La Vida, Juan Andres Amigo Torrubia


Statistical Analysis of a Software Department's Project Planning Process, Gary Tracy