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Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Oregon's Struggle Toward a Comprehensive Plan for Children's Mental Health Services: A Historical and Political Process, Kristin Angell
Specialized Out-of-Home Care Project: An Outcome Study, Carol Teresa Arden, Bonnie Jean Braeutigam, Dennis Schilling, and Charlotte Mary Wellman
The No-fault dissolution of marriage act in Oregon: a study of its effect on selected factors, Dennis Arthur Armstrong
Economic Coping Patterns of Chinese Foreign Students in Portland State University, Kim Bik Au
William Dunbar: An Analysis of His Poetic Development, G. David Beebe
The Assessment of Interviewee Experience of the Expressive and Interpersonal Meanings of Interviewer Nonverbal Behavior, Carol Ann Bloom
An inter-rater reliability study on the Multi-dimensional outcome measure, Grace Boys
Homosexuality Among Women: Historical and Current Views in Psychology, Craig Bracy
A Study of the Relationship between Articulation Proficiency and Auditory Conceptualization Ability, Alana Fenwick Bradley
Verbal Strategies in Small Group Communication, Christine Marie Bunsick
Auditory Short-Term Memory Span and Sequence for Five Different Stimulus Types, Sandra L. Burford
Need assessment methodology, Gerald A. Burns and Janet S. Putnam
Listener Perception of Fluent, Breathy, and Imprecisely Articulated Speech of Stutterers, Diane Carol Campbell
Stratigraphy, Structure, and Petrology of the Snoqualmie Pass area, Washington, Lawrence A. Chitwood
A methodology for determining mass movement susceptibility for land-use planning, Vern Walter Cimmery
Geology of the Breitenbush Hot Springs Area, Cascade Range, Oregon, Clifford Michael Clayton
Historical Aspects of Indian Life and Their Effects on the Urban Indian, Ramona Cliff
Russian Oregon: a history of the Russian Orthodox Church and settlement in Oregon, 1882-1976, David B. Cole
Postdivorce parental roles: a descriptive study, Victor R. Congleton and Lisa Christina Londos
An Exploratory Study of Runaway Female Adolescents in a Residential Treatment Center, Mary E. Cook and Stan Jasper
The maximum duration of phonation of /a/ in normal and hoarse voiced children, Jo Coombs
Local government and manpower programs for the disadvantaged: an evaluation of the Portland Concentrated Employment Program, Lois Farrer Copperman
Approaches to Composition in Selected Directing Texts: A Structural Analysis and Assessment, Kathryn C. Dodele
Indoctrination in Oregon public schools, 1947-1975, Daniel W. Dodge
Post-Discharge Adjustment of Children Treated at Edgefield Lodge, Sandra M. Erickson