This open access collection of exemplary graduate and undergraduate work includes nearly forty sub-collections: award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship. Find theses, dissertations, research projects, posters, presentations, articles, and more.

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Theses/Dissertations from 1974


The Digital Multifunction Power Measuring System, Ralph Warren Shoemaker


Vibration Damping Characteristics of Typical Harpsichord Strings, Jack Lee Simmons


Labor Violence: the Centralia Case, the IWW and its Enemies, Lawrence C. Skoog


An Evaluation of Latch Key Day Care, Barbara Garrett Skorney


Chicanos in Oregon: An Historical Overview, Richard Wayne Slatta


The Effectiveness of Induced Location of Manufacturing Industry as a Means of Fostering Sustained Economic Growth in Less Developed Regions of Oregon, Leland F. Smith


The politics of education -- An analysis of selected cases and controversies in American education, Lawrence Robert Stoffel


The Background and Development of the 1871 Korean-American Incident: A Case Study in Cultural Conflict, Robert Ray Swartout Jr.


Some correlates of morale among nursing home residents, Gail Olmsted Sydnor and Patricia Mears Wold


Water Quality Within East Portland Terraces, Fouad Mohamed Tawfik


Differential Measurement of a Language Concept Presented via Video Tape Playback to First Grade Students, Richard Warren Trullinger


Effects of the Nerve During the Dedifferentiative Phase of Limb Regeneration in the Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, Roberta Gail Wald


Alumina-Catalyzed Cope Rearrangement, Paul Jhy-Shing Wang


An investigation of the development of the phonemes /t/and /k/ in the speech of preschool children., Glenn Douglas Weybright


Masking patterns of high frequency pure tones, Judith Eide Widen


Hiring Practices: a Study of the Port of Portland, Portland, Oregon, Carol Williams Bryant


Designing and Evaluating Workshop "Bridges": a Training Project to Upgrade Social Services in Long Term Care Facilities, Corrine C. Williams


Siblings and sex roles: A comparison between male and female graduate students with regard to sibling sex and ordinal position, Anita Witt


The Frequency of Retroflex /R/ Production in Elementary School Children, Vicki Barna Wood


The rate of return on the investment in registered nurse education as related to the supply of registered nurses, Barbara Zuern

Theses/Dissertations from 1973


Meaning of Work for Women, Susan Ackerman


A Comparison of Two Methods of Instruction in Office Skills: Classroom-Laboratory and Classroom-Laboratory with Cooperative Work Experience, Barbara Swanson Anderson


Granulometric analysis of recent sediments of Tillamook Bay, Oregon, Gennaro William Avolio


Black Content in Schools: a Model of Black Content in a School of Social Work's Curriculum, Dorothy L. Baker, Alexander Richberg, and Isaac White


Purification and characterization of dihydroorotase from Clostridium oroticum, a zinc-containing metalloenzyme, William Edward Balch