Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar Series
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Unless otherwise specified, seminars are held on Fridays from 12-1 p.m. in Harder House Room 104 throughout Fall and Winter terms. For those taking the seminar for credit, grading is based on attendance, either in-person or remote.
CONTACT US: If you have questions, comments, or topic/speaker suggestions, or if you would like to present a seminar, please email Wayne Wakeland.
SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT LISTSERV: To receive seminar announcements, you can join our mailing list. If that doesn't work, please email Wayne Wakeland.
Intergenerational & Environmental Drivers of Obesity: an Agent Based Model Approach
Dale Frakes
Obesity prevalence remains high and exhibits pronounced social patterning in the U.S., despite widespread intervention efforts. Complex individual, environmental, and intergenerational influences on obesity are difficult to study using traditional ...Read More
Fractal Dimension as Objective Function in a Genetic Algorithm for Application in Architectural Design
John Charles Driscoll
One of the goals of The Green New Deal Resolution reads, “upgrading all existing buildings in the United States and building new buildings to achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, ...Read More
Managing Healthcare Data Assets as a Complex Adaptive System
Katie Clifton
A major project is underway to develop a shared platform for data and analytics in a highly federated healthcare delivery organization. In the status quo data environment, analysts have integrated ...Read More
Systems Thinking as a Design Process
Elizabeth Lockwood
During my master’s degree I analyzed sustainable practices in the built environment. What came from that work was a deep level of understanding that the current practices and rating systems ...Read More
IoT and Digitization Will Reconnect System Engineering and Science
John Blyler
The fully connected world is quickly becoming a reality. Architects and developers of this new world must understand both the hardware and software basics of IoT and IIoT systems as ...Read More
Performativity of Models
Rajesh Venkatachalapathy
Inspired by Latour's work in social studies of science and technology, Callon, MacKenzie and others developed a performativity critique of economics. Building on this, Healy (2015) recently discussed ...Read More
What if our Beliefs about a System are not Wholly Accurate? What if?
Gary Langford
For most people, a system is a construct with vexing complexities, many many parts, and perhaps wrapped with a goal or intention. Add to that simple construct a set of ...Read More
The Complexities of Open Data
Hector Dominguez
Hector Dominguez is the current Open Data Coordinator at the City of Portland, and there are several lessons learned and strategies developed in the several months of work in this ...Read More
Latent Space Models for Temporal Networks
Jasper Alt
In many contexts we may expect the structure of networks to be derived from some kind of abstract distance between actors. We refer to this phenomenon as homophily: like nodes ...Read More
Modeling Public Susceptibility to Fake News
Dale Frakes
This session will present on-going research in using Agent Based Modeling to study applying Inoculation Theory to mitigating the spread of false-news. Inoculation Theory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inoculation_theory) comes from the ...Read More
Systems Evolution and Engineering Thermodynamics
Terry Bristol
Despite impressive contributions, the philosophical foundations of systems theory remain in flux. In the practical context, the proper understanding of the relation of the systems framework to classical mechanics and ...Read More
One Government's Use of LCA: An Introduction
Peter Canepa
The scale and extent of humanity’s global demand, in terms of total material output from the technosphere, has been estimated at 30 trillion metric tons and rising. Extracting, manufacturing, transporting, ...Read More
How are Data Science and Systems Science Connected?
Ted Laderas
Data Science is a relatively new interdisciplinary field, taking concepts from statistics and machine learning to produce predictive models. However, Systems Science concepts (such as feature-feature interactions and dynamics) have ...Read More
Smart Cities Initiatives in the Portland Region
Kristin A. Tufte
This talk will describe work in Smart Cities in the Portland region. We’ll begin with the framework and motivation for the Smart Cities work and the question What is a ...Read More
Natural Selection, Mental Action, and the Sciences
Steve Staloff
Although overlooked by contemporary evolutionary biology, mental action -- recognized through learning and decision-making -- is present in every living organism. In this presentation I explain how, starting from shortly ...Read More
Teaching for Risk Tolerance: Intellectual Virtue in Mathematics Education
Holly Brewster
An important aspect of navigating the world as an adult is the appropriate response to risk, including processing and evaluating information related to likelihood of occurrences and impact of consequences. ...Read More
The 2016 Oregon Waste Composition Study: Quantifying Disposal of Materials
Peter Geissert and Peter Spendelow
This presentation will discuss the background, methodology and field results from the 2016 Oregon Waste Composition Study including the following:
• The tons of solid waste disposed in Oregon or ...Read More -
Science, Global Finance and Decarbonization: Is there a Common Transactional Framework for COP21, Agenda2030 and Habitat III?
Hank Patton
Estimates of as much as 10 trillion in annual capital investment will be required to meet the COP21 carbon and UN sustainable development commitments unanimously adopted by the community of ...Read More
Social Science in the Information Age: Toward a Paradigm for Integrating Research, Publication and Theory Development
Jonathan Straus
The application of the scientific method to social psychology and related disciplines has long been rife with controversies, and recent failures to replicate many of the results from classical psychology ...Read More
Helping Scientists Connect Their Datasets
David Maier
Scientific datasets associated with a research project can proliferate over time as a result of activities such as sharing datasets among collaborators, extending existing ones with new measurements, and extracting ...Read More
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Collaborative Modeling: An introduction
Antonie J. Jetter
Fuzzy Cognitive Map Modeling is a system modeling approach that has its roots in social science and artificial intelligence. FCM are comparatively easy to create, are well understood by audiences ...Read More
Evaluating Urban Heat Islands: Case Studies from Doha, Qatar and Portland, Oregon
Vivek Shandas and Jackson Lee Voelkel
With ever-increasing populations in urban areas, and major changes to our climate system, a public health imperative is to prepare for dangerous weather events in cities. Extreme weather events, such ...Read More
Computational Biology and T-Cell Receptor Sequencing
Patrick Michael Leyshock
Leyshock will begin with an overview of Computational Biology work at OHSU, then take a closer look at Tcell sequencing pipeline under development. The pipeline itself will be discussed, as ...Read More
Stress Physiology in Humans: a Systems Approach to Stress, Stressors, and Resilience
Barry S. Oken
This talk focuses on the biology of stress and resilience and their biomarkers in humans from the system science perspective. A stressor pushes the physiological system away from its baseline ...Read More
Living Systems Immersion: Sustainability and PDC in the Peruvian Andes
David E. Hall
This past summer David led a PSU study abroad course to Peru, Living Systems Immersion: Sustainability and PDC in the Peruvian Andes. The course focused on sustainability education, following the ...Read More