Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar Series
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Speaker Schedule
Unless otherwise specified, seminars are held on Fridays from 12-1 p.m. in Harder House Room 104 throughout Fall and Winter terms. For those taking the seminar for credit, grading is based on attendance, either in-person or remote.
CONTACT US: If you have questions, comments, or topic/speaker suggestions, or if you would like to present a seminar, please email Wayne Wakeland.
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Getting a Grip on Global Warming Quickly via a Specialized Emissions Money
Steve Staloff
Quickly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, currently the main driver of global warming, requires a coordinated change in economic choices throughout the economy. Since prices coordinate economic behaviors, that means prices ...Read More
Design, Systems Approaches and the Engineering-economics Nexus
Cesar Garcia-Diaz
Economics and engineering are discovering new opportunities for cross-fertilization. This is partly given to the advent of modern artificial intelligence methods. These opportunities have appeared in the past, resulting in ...Read More
Using Computer Models to Support Court Cases
Wayne Wakeland
Computer models are frequently published and therefore scrutinized by peers. Authors must provide detailed model documentation, and sometimes model-based papers are rejected due to inadequate documentation and/or model weaknesses (in ...Read More
Graphical Models in Reconstructability Analysis and Bayesian Networks
Marcus Harris
This talk will focus on the primary results from the recent manuscript publication, Graphical Models in Reconstructability Analysis and Bayesian Networks, in the Journal Entropy. Reconstructability Analysis (RA) ...Read More
It's Mostly Assumptions: Modeling a Pandemic
Peter Graven
COVID-19 has engulfed the planet and decision-makers are dealing with a situation that affects life in extreme proportions. Unfortunately, the virus has given many twists and turns and isn't done ...Read More
Systemic Innovation and Collaboration: New Leadership Approaches for Public Policy And Systems Change
Roderick Campbell
We are increasingly facing highly interdependent issues that span stakeholder, jurisdictional, and geopolitical boundaries which have to be managed rather than solved. We know that traditional policy and management approaches ...Read More
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping: Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich
Catherine Moore
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping is a modeling modality that focuses on capturing human knowledge and understanding. They offer an accessible, quick modeling process that can be used to capture an individual’s ...Read More
The Systems Engineering Worldview: The Technological Structure and Function of Reality
Terry Bristol
The research reported here is concerned with understanding the components and composition of reality, according to the systems engineering worldview. To start, George Bugliarello argues that what engineers do, their ...Read More
Get Your Model Out There: Advancing Methods for Developing and Using Causal-Loop Diagrams
Erin S. Kenzie
As simple visual diagrams of key dynamics in complex systems, causal-loop diagrams could meet known needs in settings such as theory-based program evaluation and qualitative research. Methods for developing and ...Read More
Do. Or Do Not.* An Introduction to Urnomics
Christian Echt
Why do things do stuff ?
With at least as much high-falootin’ technical jargon as the previous sentence, this presentation will ruminate on preferences and agency. While there is considerable merit ...Read More -
Adoption Patterns in the Diffusion of Distributed Energy Resources
Josh Keeling
Given the growing trends towards decentralization and decarbonization of the power sector, there is an increasing need to understand how customers make energy decisions at a more granular level. This ...Read More
Framing Wicked Problems: Harnessing Collective Intelligence with Participatory Modeling and Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping
Peter Roolf
Wicked problems are issues facing human social systems that are persistent or reoccurring, have difficult-to-detect origins, complex networks of causation, and that respond to interventions by generating undesirable unintended consequences. ...Read More
What is Not a System?
Gary Langford
The difficulties in applying General Systems Theory (GST) have pointed out notable inconsistencies in what needs to be included in GST, intransitivities between competing or subsidiary theories based on GST ...Read More
Modeling Post-fire Successional Trajectories under Climate Change in Interior Alaska using Landis II
Shelby A. Weiss
Alaska boreal forest ecosystems are experiencing a greater frequency of wildfire relative to the region’s historic fire regime. These increases in fire frequency, as well as annual burned area, increase ...Read More
Realist Evaluation: A Systems Approach for Understanding and Assessing Complex Social Programs
Dora Raymaker
Realist evaluation, a theory-driven approach to program evaluation grounded in realist philosophy, is designed to address the question: What works for whom, to what extent, in what circumstances, and why? ...Read More
Application of Reconstructability Analysis to the NW Power Grid
Marcus Harris
This talk will focus on preliminary results from Reconstructability Analysis (RA) models, Bayesian Network (BN) models, and standard linear regression to predict dynamics on the bulk electric grid. The best ...Read More
Using GIS Raster Data Analysis with Reconstructability Analysis Tools
David Percy
Reconstructability Analysis (RA) has been successfully used to analyze a myriad of different data types. At its core it relies on a row-based approach to data where each row represents ...Read More
Statistical Analysis of Social Network Change
Teresa D. Schmidt
We explore two statistical methods that infer social network structures and statistically test those structures for change over time: regression-based differential network analysis (R-DNA) and information theory-based differential network analysis ...Read More
Computational Social Science Society of Americas (CSSA) Conferences as a Venue for Publication and Outreach
Rajesh Venkatachalapathy
I had the opportunity to present my work at CSS18 and CSS19 and was/am pleasantly surprised by its casual and stimulating ambience. The themes of this conference are highly aligned ...Read More
Computational Integration for Augmenting Human Cognition
David Lawrence
How can we improve the relationship between people and technology? Is society forever indentured to surveillance capitalists, consigned to behaving for the benefit of elite others? We think not, and ...Read More
Recursive Identity and Purposeful Change
Howard Silverman
Numerous theorists have used the concept of “identity” to characterize persistence and change in the experience and analysis of social and/or ecological systems. These include: Allena Leonard and Niklas Luhmann ...Read More
Computing Complex Tasks with Dynamical Cellular Systems
Neil Babson
Computing with ultra-simple, small, dynamical systems, such as Cellular Automata (CA), Random Boolean Networks (RBNs), or Reservoir Computers (RC) is appealing because such systems are in general ultra-low power and ...Read More
Using Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns to Better Understand Local-Scale Weather and Climate Extremes
Paul Loikith
High-impact weather and climate events such as temperature extremes, heavy rainfall, and lightning are all associated with numerous impacts on society and the environment. Furthermore, anthropogenic climate change is broadly ...Read More
Motivating the Quickest Possible Economic Transition to Low Fossil Fuel Use: Theory and Application
Steve Staloff
This research addresses the quickest means of minimizing fossil fuel use and, thus, the existential threat of climate change due to the impact of greenhouse gas accumulation. The apparently simple ...Read More
A Computational Model for Recovery from Brain Injury
Wayne Wakeland
A computational simulation model calculates recovery trajectories following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Prior publications include a multi-scale framework for studying concussion and a systems-level causal loop diagram (CLD) and discussion ...Read More