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Journal CAJLE

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Language and languages -- Study and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education


本稿では、CBIにおける評価についての問題点を挙げ、今後の日本語教育でのCBIにおける評価の研究課題と実施課題を提案する。CBIの言語習得に及ぼす効果に関しては、スペイン語やインドネシア語などでは言語習得の向上が報告されているが、日本語については、ほとんど研究が見られない。外国語教育の分野で、CBIの重要性が叫ばれ、また、日本語教育界では、日本学との連携が盛んになるという方向性を考えると、CBI が言語習得に及ぼす効果を調査研究することは必須である。また、第二言語習得の見地からも、これからの研究課題として、実践報告のみならず、評価の研究を進めることを提言する。



This paper takes on issues related to the assessment in Content-Based Instruction (CBI). The first point talks about the research needs for Japanese CBI in regards to issues over assessment. The second point presents assessment strategies towards implementation of CBI. There have been a few reports from research studies that have demonstrated the gains in one’s language ability, such as in Spanish and Indonesian. However, very little is reported on the effect of CBI in Japanese. CBI is receiving increasing attention in the field of second/foreign language education. It is therefore critical to investigate the effect of CBI on language acquisition; for example what level of proficiency is optimal (or detrimental) for CBI implementation? Also can such an optimal level in Japanese apply to other languages?

In terms of assessment strategies in CBI, I discuss the following points: the importance of placement tests; the problem that arises over the inconsistency between learning goals; on assessments that derive from confounding content; and on language as a goal and what is to be assessed. When students lack appropriate proficiency in the target language, it may not be possible to adequately assess their mastery of content. I propose that a framework of formative and summative assessment be applied when planning learning activities and designing tests so that effective scaffolding can be implemented during class time. As for summative assessment, I suggest that Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy of learning objectives be incorporated into the curriculum and that concrete examples of assessment strategies be presented.


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