Submissions from 2025
Welcoming Historically Under-Represented Groups in Higher Education Through Awareness of Standard English Ideology, John Hellermann, Lynn Santelmann, Jennifer Mittelstaedt, Janet Cowal, and Steven L. Thorne
Submissions from 2024
From Body to World: empathy and the transformative power of cinematic imagination, Isabel Jaén Portillo
Uproar, Alcuzas and Espadrilles: Arabisms in the Inquisitorial Case of Lucrecia De Leon, 16th Century, Eva Nunez Mendez
Tragedy, Ownership, and Hospitality in Gerar: Lessons from Social Psychology, Moshe S. Rachmuth
Generative Artificial Intelligence, Co-Evolution, and Language Education, Steven L. Thorne
Submissions from 2023
Exploring the Lexical Profile of Advanced L2 Writers: Longitudinal Data From The Russian Overseas Flagship Program, William J. Comer
Mark Twain on the Soviet Silver Screen: Stalinist Laughter and Anti-Racism in Tom Soier, Cassio de Oliveira
Russian Civic Criticism and the Idyllic Dream in Ivan Goncharov’s “Oblomov”, Cassio de Oliveira
Writing Rogues: The Soviet Picaresque and Identity Formation, 1921–1938, Cassio de Oliveira
Writing Outside the Soviet Canon: Aleksandr Kozachinskii's "the Green Wagon" As Roman a Clef and Odesa Memoir, Cassio F. de Oliveira
A Beast Between the Lines. Zoopoetics Essay, Annabelle Dolidon
Pig Gourd: the meaning of Tezuka’s playing around with form, Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda
Can Fiction Lead to Prosocial Behaviour? Exclusion, violence, empathy, and literature in early modernity, Isabel Jaén-Portillo
Submissions from 2022
OER in University Language Courses, Jenny Ceciliano
Decoding the 1920s: Teaching Advanced Russian in a Literature Class, Nila Friedberg
“The Power of Onomatopoeia in Manga” an Essay by Natsume Fusanosuke with Translators’ Introduction, Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda
Variation in Spanish/s: Overview and New Perspectives, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Coda: the Interactional Affordances and Constraints of Technology-Rich Teaching and Learning Environments, Steven L. Thorne and John Hellermann
Catalan Identity and Language Attitudes Through Fan Translation of Video Games in the Digital Wilds, Boris Vazquez-Calvo and Steve L. Thorne
Submissions from 2021
Fulfilling a Wish List: Creating an OER Beginning Spanish Textbook and Curriculum, Jenny Ceciliano and Lisa Notman
Hybrids 2.0: Forward to a New Normal in Post-Pandemic Language Teaching, William J. Comer
Russian's Most Frequent Words and Implications for Vocabulary Instruction, William J. Comer
Charlie Brown and Me, Natsume Fusanosuke, Jon Holt, and Teppei Fukuda
Making it Just in Time: Author-Creator Matsumoto Taiyō, Natsume Fusanosuke, Jon Holt, and Teppei Fukuda
Remembering Two Titans of Manga: Shirato Sanpei and Saitō Takao, Natsume Fusanosuke, Jon Holt, and Teppei Fukuda
Takahashi Rumiko and the Turning Point in the History of Manga and Anime, Natsume Fusanosuke, Jon Holt, and Teppei Fukuda
Time to Re-Evaluate Taniguchi Jiro's Pace in Manga, Natsume Fusanosuke, Jon Holt, and Teppei Fukuda
The Construction of Panels (Koma) in Manga: By Natsume Fusanosuke from Why Is Manga So Interesting?: Its Grammar and Expression (Manga wa naze omoshiroi no ka: sono hyōgen to bunpō, 1997), Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda
The Functions of Panels (koma) in Manga: An essay by Natsume Fusanosuke, Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda
Cervantes and the Early Modern Mind, Isabel Jaén Portillo and Julien Jacques Simon
An Overview of the Sibilant Merger and its Development in Spanish, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Lenguaje y Simbolismo en la Llamada, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Sociolinguistic Approaches to Sibilant Variation in Spanish, Eva Núñez-Méndez
The Changing Status of the Undergraduate Literature Survey Course, Robert Sanders
Submissions from 2020
La Otra Voz: Antologia Poetica, Juan Cervantes, German Rizo, Isabel Jaén Portillo, Efrain Diaz Horna, Ernesto Contreras, Arturo Sarmiento, Jorge A. Gonzalez Aguilera, Orestes Marrerro, Jorge Luis Porrata, Concepcion Samano, Eunice Garcia, and Beatriz Pedroso
Book Review of, Japanese Kanji Power: A Workbook for Mastering Japanese Characters, Karen Curtin
“Le soleil de France”: Warm Translations of Guy de Maupassant in Works by Isaak Babel’ and Ivan Bunin, Cassio De Oliveira
Image and Storytelling New Approaches to Hispanic Cinema and Literature, Gina Herrmann and Isabel Jaén Portillo
Book Review of, Beneath the Sleepless Tossing of the Planets: Selected Poems of Makoto Ōoka, Jon Holt
Panel Configurations in Shōjo Manga / 夏目房之介の評論: 少女マンガ のコマ構成 夏目 房之介, Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda
The Characteristics of Japanese Manga, Jon Holt and Teppei Fukuda
"I Just Want It to Look Pretty" Reproducing Heteronormative Gender Roles through Tattoo Reality TV: Miami Ink, Verena Hutter
Teaching Spanish in the United States in the Digital Age: Strategies and Approaches on Teaching Spanish in Online and Hybrid Classes, Liane She and Eli Sears
Investigating the Needs of Foreign Language Learners of Tuvan, Rossina Soyan
AATJ’s Role in Diversity and Inclusion: An Opportunity to Transform into a Well-Integrated Organization, Suwako Watanabe
Submissions from 2019
Measured Words: Quantifying Vocabulary Exposure in Beginning Russian, William J. Comer
Book Review: Gaetan Brulotte or Lucidity in Sharing, Claudine G. Fisher
In Search of the Iraqi Other: Iraqi Fiction in Diaspora and the Discursive Reenactment of Ethno-Religious Identities, Yasmeen S. Hanoosh
The Chaldeans : Politics and Identity in Iraq and the American Diaspora, Yasmeen S. Hanoosh
What You See Is What You Get: Visualizing Hypocrisy in Umezu Kazuo’s Manga Cat-Eyed Boy, Jon P. Holt
El Arte Sinestético en la Obra de Isabel Coixet, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Laureen Nussbaum Full Testimony - Holocaust Center for Humanity, Laureen Nussbaum
Shedding Our Stars : The Story Of Hans Calmeyer And How He Saved Thousands Of Families Like Mine, Laureen Nussbaum
Collaborative Connections among Students, Teachers, and Professors in a Spanish Concurrent Enrollment Program (A Case Study), Cynthia A. Sloan
Submissions from 2018
Preparing Global Professionals: Language for Specific Purposes and Approaches to Community-Based Language Learning, Anna Alsufieva and William J. Comer
La Prueba de los Ingenios (Ediciones Críticas) (Spanish Edition), Lope de Vega and DeLys Ostlund
Chocolate Revolutionary: Tawara Machi’s Rule-Breaking Tanka Verses, Jon P. Holt
X-Rated and Excessively Long: Ji-Amari in Hayashi Amari's Tanka, Jon P. Holt
Fictions of Human Development: Renaissance Cognitive Philosophy and the Romance, Isabel Jaén Portillo
Spain’s Language Policies and the Discourse of Contact Linguistics: A Diachronic Approach, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Biculturalism and Spanish in contact: Sociolinguistic Case Studies, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Submissions from 2017
Social Trauma and Telecinematic Memory: Imagining the Turkish Nation Since the 1980 Coup, Pelin Basci
De lo que se come se cría: Diet and Procreation in Early Modern Spain, Isabel Jaén Portillo
Fascism, Torture, and Affect in Postwar Spain: Memoria Histórica Narratives and Audience Empathy, Isabel Jaén Portillo
A Diachronic Approach to the Old Spanish Sibilant Merger and its Impact on Trans-Atlantic Spanish. Part II., Eva Núñez-Méndez
Review of, Brief History of the Spanish Language, Eva Núñez-Méndez
The Power of Languages: Linguistic Discourse on Migration and Cultural Diversity, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Introduction: Howard Mancing's Autopoiesis: a Journey of Self-Creation and Adventure, Julien Jacques Simon, Isabel Jaén Portillo, and Carolyn Nadeau
Refining Pragmatically-appropriate Oral Communication Via Computer-simulated Conversations, Tetyana Sydorenko, Phoebe Daurio, and Steven L. Thorne
Mobile Augmented Reality: Hyper Contextualization and Situated Language Usage Events, Steven L. Thorne and John Hellermann
Submissions from 2016
Book Review of, Mastering Russian through Global Debate/Mirovye debaty: russkii iazyk na prodvinutom urovne, William J. Comer
Literary Texts in the Undergraduate Russian Curriculum: Leveraging Language Learning and Literary Discussion Through Scaffolding, William J. Comer
José María Arguedas, Etnógrafo: Campo Cultural Y Mestizaje, Enrique E. Cortez
Barriers to Accessing Services by People with Disabilities in Nigeria: Insights from a Qualitative Study, C. Jonah Eleweke and Jannine Ebenso
Challenges of Empowering People with Disabilities in Nigeria for National Development, C. Jonah Eleweke and Gabriel Soje
Discovering the Lotus on This Shore: A Reading of Kenji Miyazawa's "Okhotsk Elegy", Jon P. Holt
Teaching Early Modern Spanish Literature with a Cognitive Approach, Isabel Jaén Portillo
Erinnerungsarbeit am 20. Jahrhundert: Jenny Erpenbecks Roman “Aller Tage Abend”, Timm Menke
A Diachronic Approach to the Old Spanish Sibilant Merger and its Impact on Trans-Atlantic Spanish (Part I), Eva Núñez-Méndez
A Diachronic Approach to the Confusion of b with v in Spanish, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Encyclopedia of Hispanic Linguistics, Eva Núñez-Méndez
Review of T. Alexa Linhard's Jewish Spain: a Mediterranean Memory, Eva Núñez-Méndez
A Seductress Constructed: The Female Jewish Moneylender of Regnard’s Le joueur, Jennifer R. Perlmutter
Cultures-of-Use and Morphologies of Communicative Action, Steven L. Thorne
Epilogue: Open Education, Social Practices, and Ecologies of Hope, Steven L. Thorne
Ethical Issues in Indigenous Language Research and Interventions, Steven L. Thorne, Sabine Siekmann, and Walkie Charles
Submissions from 2015
El Libro como Performance, Craig Epplin
Confrontations in the New World: Grete Weil's Happy, sagte der Onkel (1968), Laureen Nussbaum
Interactional Practices and Artifact Orientation in Mobile Augmented Reality Game Play, Steven L. Thorne, John Hellermann, Adam Jones, and Daniel Lester
Submissions from 2014
Reading L2 Russian: The Challenges of the Russian-English Dictionary, William J. Comer
In a Senchimentaru Mood: Japanese Sentimentalism in Modern Poetry and Art, Jon P. Holt
Manga History as a Manga Character: The Gekiga Movement's Role in Tatsumi Yoshihiro's A Drifting Life, Jon P. Holt
Ticket to Salvation: Nichiren Buddhism in Miyazawa Kenji’s Ginga tetsudō no yoru, Jon P. Holt
Empathy and Gender Activism in Early Modern Spain: María de Zayas's Amorous and Exemplary Novels, Isabel Jaén Portillo
My Memories of Anne Frank; My Work With Her Diaries, Laureen Nussbaum
Social Media, Fandom and Language Learning: A Roundtable with Shannon Sauro and Steven L. Thorne, Dean Wang, Shannon Sauro, and Steven L. Thorne
Submissions from 2013
An Excerpt from al-Sayyid Asghar Akbar by Murtedha Gzar, Yasmeen S. Hanoosh
Beyond the Trauma of War: Iraqi Literature, Yasmeen S. Hanoosh