Submissions from 2017
Past, Present, and Future of Ecological Integrity Assessment for Fresh Waters, Lauren M. Kuehne, Julian D. Olden, Angela L. Strecker, Joshua J. Lawler, and David M. Theobald
Environmental DNA (eDNA) Detects the Invasive Crayfishes Orconectes rusticus and Pacifastacus leniusculus in Large Lakes of North America, Eric R. Larson, Mark A. Renshaw, Crysta Gantz, John Umek, Sudeep Chandra, David M. Lodge, and Scott P. Egan
Bending the Carbon Curve: Fire Management for Carbon Resilience under Climate Change, E. Louise Loudermilk, Robert M. Scheller, Peter J. Weisberg, and Alec M. Kretchun
Spatial Resilience of Forested Landscapes Under Climate Change and Management, Melissa S. Lucash, Robert M. Scheller, Eric J. Gustafson, and Brian R. Sturtevant
The Effect of Salinity Acclimation on the Upper Thermal Tolerance Threshold of the European Green Crab, Lauren S. Muñoz-Tremblay, A. L. Kelley, and Catherine de Rivera
The Influence of Place on the Willingness to Pay for Ecosystem Services, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Patricia Sussman, Drew E. Bennett, Hannah Gosnell, and Robert Parker
Effects of In Situ Phosphorus Enrichment on the Benthos in a Subalpine Karst Stream and Implications for Bioassessment in Nature Reserves, Yangdong Pan, Guiping Deng, Lizhu Wang, and Yong Cao
Advancing Characterization of Social Diversity in the Wildland-Urban Interface: An Indicator Approach for Wildfire Management, Travis B. Paveglio, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Jesse B. Abrams, and Cassandra Moseley
Prozac In The Water: Chronic Fluoxetine Exposure And Predation Risk Interact To Shape Behaviors In An Estuarine Crab, Joseph R. Peters, Elise F. Granek, Catherine E. de Rivera, and Matthew Rollins
Assessing the Potential of Land Use Modification to Mitigate Ambient NO2 and Its Consequences for Respiratory Health, Meenakshi Rao, Linda A. George, Vivek Shandas, and Todd N. Rosenstiel
Forest Management Scenarios in a Changing Climate: Trade-Offs Between Carbon, Timber, and Old Forest, Robert M. Scheller, Megan K. Creutzburg, Melissa S. Lucash, Stephen D. LeDuc, and Mark G. Johnson
Interactions Among Fuel Management, Species Composition, Bark Beetles, and Climate Change and the Potential Effects on Forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, Robert M. Scheller, Alec M. Kretchun, E. Louise Loudermilk, Matthew D. Hurteau, Peter J. Weisberg, and Carl Skinner
Increased Habitat Connectivity Homogenizes Freshwater Communities: Historical and Landscape Perspectives, Angela L. Strecker and Jeffrey Thomas Brittain
Effects of Environmentally-Relevant Antibiotic Mixtures on Marine Microalgal Growth, Jaclyn R. Teixeira and Elise F. Granek
Examining Inducible Defenses to Novel Predators Across Native and Introduced Populations, Brian C. Turner, Catherine E. de Rivera, and Marie E. Hepner
Incorporating Sociocultural Phenomena into Ecosystem-Service Valuation: The Importance of Critical Pluralism, Carena J. van Riper, Adam C. Landon, Sarah Kidd, Patrick Bitterman, Lee A. Fitzgerald, Elise F. Granek, Sonia Ibarra, David Iwaniec, Christopher Raymond, and David Toledo
Continental-Scale Homogenization of Residential Lawn Plant Communities, Megan M. Wheeler, Christopher Neill, Peter M. Groffman, Meghan Avolio, Neil D. Bettez, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Lindsay Darling, J. Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Kristen C. Nelson, Laura A. Ogden, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Diane E. Pataki, Colin Polsky, Meredith Steele, and Tara Trammell
Legacies of Stream Channel Modification Revealed using General Land Office Surveys, with Implications for Water Temperature and Aquatic Life, Seth M. White, Casey Justice, Denise A. Kelsey, Dale A. McCullough, and Tyanna Smith
Forecasted Range Shifts of Arid-Land Fishes in Response to Climate Change, James E. Whitney, Joanna B. Whittier, Craig Patrick Paukert, Julian D. Olden, and Angela L. Strecker
The Interplay Between Landscape Structure and Biotic Interactions, Phoebe Zarnetske, Benjamin Baiser, Angela L. Strecker, Sydne Record, Jonathan Belmaker, and Mao-Ning Tuanmu
Metacommunity Structure of Zooplankton in River Networks: Roles of Environmental and Spatial Factors, Kun Zhao, Kun Song, Yangdong Pan, and Lizhu Wang
Submissions from 2016
Assessing the Impacts of Federal Forest Planning on Wildfire Risk Mitigation in the Pacific Northwest, USA, Alan A. Ager, Michelle A. Day, Karen C. Short, and Cody R. Evers
The Effect of Artificial Light on Wildlife Use of a Passage Structure, Leslie Bliss-Ketchum, Catherine de Rivera, Brian C. Turner, and Dolores Weisbaum
Lake Macroinvertebrate Assemblages and Relationship With Natural Environment and Tourism Stress in Jiuzhaigou Natural Reserve, China, Yong Cao, Beixin Wang, Jie Zhang, Lizhu Wang, Yangdong Pan, Quanxi Wang, Daijun Jian, and Guiping Deng
Variation in Tussock Architecture of the Invasive Cordgrass Spartina Densiflora along the Pacific Coast of North America, Jesus M. Castillo, Brenda J. Grewall, Andrea Pickart, Enrique Figueroa, and Mark D. Sytsma
Reefscapes of Fear: Predation Risk and Reef Hetero-Geneity Interact to Shape Herbivore Foraging Behaviour, Laura B. Catano, Maria C. Rojas, Ryan J. Malossi, Joseph R. Peters, Michael R. Heathaus, James W. Fourquren, and Deron E. Burkepile
Bioenergy Harvest, Climate Change, and Forest Carbon in the Oregon Coast Range, Megan K. Creutzburg, Robert M. Scheller, Melissa S. Lucash, Louisa B. Evers, Stephen D. LeDuc, and Mark G. Johnson
Climate Change Decreases Nitrogen Pools and Mineralization Rates in Northern Hardwood Forests, Jorge Durán, Jennifer L. Morse, Peter M. Groffman, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Gene E. Likens, Jerry M. Melillo, Myron J. Mitchell, Pamela H. Templer, and Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur
Measuring and Managing Resistance and Resilience Under Climate Change in Northern Great Lake Forests (USA), Matthew Joshua Duveneck and Robert M. Scheller
Carbon Sequestration in Managed Temperate Coniferous Forests Under Climate Change, Caren C. Dymond, Sarah Beukema, Craig R. Nitschke, K. David Coates, and Robert M. Scheller
The Value of Long-Term Stream Invertebrate Data Collected by Citizen Scientists, Patrick M. Edwards
Three Simple Experiments to Examine the Effect of Sediment Pollution on Algae-Based Food Webs in Streams, Patrick M. Edwards and Rodney Shroufe
Factors Influencing the Survival of Outmigrating Juvenile Salmonids Through Multiple Dam Passages: An Individual-Based Approach, Timothy Elder, Christa M. Woodley, Mark A. Weiland, and Angela L. Strecker
Wildfire Risk as a Socioecological Pathology, A. Paige Fischer, Thomas A. Spies, Toddi A. Steelman, Cassandra Moseley, Bart R. Johnson, John D. Bailey, Alan A. Ager, Patrick Bourgeron, Susan Charnley, Brandon M. Collins, Jeffrey D. Kline, Jessica E. Leahy, Jeremy S. Littell, James D. A. Millington, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Christine S. Olsen, Travis B. Paveglio, Christopher I. Roos, Michelle M. Steen-Adams, Forrest R. Stevens, Jelena Vukomanovic, Eric M. White, and David Bowman
Enhancing Small-Scale Fisheries Management Through Community Engagement and Multi-Community Partnerships: Comoros Case Study, Sarah Freed, Veronica Dujon, Elise F. Granek, and Jaffar Mouhhidine
Bridge Over Troubled Waters: A Synthesis Session to Connect Scientific and Decision Making Sectors, Kaitlin Goldsmith, Elise F. Granek, Amy Lubitow, and Michael Papenfus
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Contaminants Within Estuarine Sediments and Native Olympia Oysters: A Contrast Between a Developed and an Undeveloped Estuary, Elise F. Granek, Kathleen E. Conn, Elena B. Nilsen, Lori Pillsbury, Angela L. Strecker, Steven S. Rumrill, and William Fish
Satisfaction, Water and Fertilizer Use in the American Residential Macrosystem, Peter M. Groffman, J. Morgan Grove, Colin Polsky, Neil D. Bettez, Jennifer L. Morse, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Christopher Neill, Kristen C. Nelson, Laura A. Ogden, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Diane E. Pataki, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, and Dexter H. Locke
Assessing Habitat Requirements of Pond-Breeding Amphibians in a Highly Urbanized Landscape:Implications for Management, Laura B. Guderyahn, Ashley P. Smithers, and Meryl C. Mims
Indoor Inhalation Intake Fractions of Fine Particulate Matter: Review of Influencing Factors, Natasha Hodas, Miranda Loh, Hyeong-Moo Shin, Dingsheng Li, Deborah Bennett, Thomas E. McKone, Olivier Jolliet, Charles J. Weschler, Matti J. Jantunen, Paul Lioy, and Peter Fantke
Discontinuities in Hygroscopic Growth Below and Above Water Saturation for Laboratory Surrogates of Oligomers in Organic Atmospheric Aerosols, Natasha Hodas, Andreas Zuend, Katherine Schilling, Thomas Berkemeier, Manabu Shiraiwa, Richard C. Flagan, and John H. Seinfeld
The Biological Sediment Tolerance Index: Assessing Fine Sediments Conditions in Oregon Streams using Macroinvertebrates, Shannon Hubler, David Huff, Patrick M. Edwards, and Yangdong Pan
A Behavior-Based Framework for Assessing Barrier Effects to Wildlife from Vehicle Traffic Volume, Sandra L. Jacobson, Leslie L. Bliss-Ketchum, Catherine E. de Rivera, and Winston P. Smith
Madagascar’s Mangroves: Quantifying Nation-Wide and Ecosystem Specific Dynamics, and Detailed Contemporary Mapping of Distinct Ecosystems, Trevor G. Jones, Leah Glass, Samir Gandhi, Lalao Ravaoarinorotsihoarana, Aude Carro, Lisa Benson, Harifidy Rakoto Ratsimba, Chandra Giri, Dannick Randriamanatena, and Garth Cripps
Climate and Bark Beetle Effects on Forest Productivity — Linking Dendroecology with Forest Landscape Modeling, Alec M. Kretchun, E. Louise Loudermilk, Robert M. Scheller, Matthew Hurteau, and Soumaya Belmecher
Ecosystem Services in Managing Residential Landscapes: Priorities, Value Dimensions, and Cross-Regional Patterns, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Peter M. Groffman, Neil D. Bettez, and Tara Trammell
Scientifically Defensible Fish Conservation and Recovery Plans: Addressing Diffuse Threats and Developing Rigorous Adaptive Management Plans, Kathleen G. Maas-Hebner, Carl B. Schreck, Robert M. Hughes, J. Alan Yeakley, and Nancy Molina
How Landscape Ecology Informs Global Land-Change Science and Policy, Audrey L. Mayer, Brian Buma, Amélie Davis, Sara A. Gagné, E. Louise Loudermilk, Robert M. Scheller, Fiona K.A. Schmiegelow, Fiona Majorin, Yolanda F. Wiersma, and Janet Franklin
Exploring Categorical Body Mass Index Trajectories in Elementary School Children, Geraldine Moreno‐Black, Shawn Boles, Deb Johnson‐Shelton, and Cody Evers
Resident Perceptions of Natural Resources between Cities and across Scales in the Pacific Northwest, Anita T. Morzillo, Betty J. Kreakie, Noelwah R. Netusil, and J. Alan Yeakley
Water Quality Assessment of Benthic Diatom Communities for Water Quality in the Subalpine Karstic Lakes of Jiuzhaigou, A World Heritage Site in China, Li-li Ouyang, Yangdong Pan, Cheng-min Huang, Ya Tang, Jie Du, and Wei-yang Xiao
Variation of Benthic Algal Assemblages Among Habitats in Subalpine Karstic Lakes and Implications for Bioassessment, Yangdong Pan, Lizhu Wang, Yong Cao, Wanting Pang, Quanxi Wang, Zhongfu Zhu, Xiaoping Zhang, and Guiping Deng
Long-Term Exposure to Fluoxetine Reduces Growth and Reproductive Potential in the Dominant Rocky Intertidal Mussel, Mytilus californianus, Joseph R. Peters and Elise F. Granek
Effects of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products on Marine Organisms: From Single-Species Studies to an Ecosystem-Based Approach, Emma C. Prichard and Elise F. Granek
Using Transects to Understand Cyanobacterial Blooms, John Rueter
Worldview-Based Scenarios Highlight Stakeholder Values and Assumptions, John Rueter
Reduced Snow Cover Alters Root-microbe Interactions and Decreases Nitrification Rates in a Northern Hardwood Forest, Patrick O. Sorensen, Pamela H. Templer, Lynn M. Christenson, Jorge Durán, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Peter M. Groffman, Jennifer L. Morse, and Adrien C. Finzi
Plant Nitrogen Concentration and Isotopic Composition in Residential Lawns Across Seven US Cities, Tara Trammell, Diane E. Pataki, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Peter M. Groffman, and Sharon J. Hall
Assessing Population Increase as a Possible Outcome to Management of Invasive Species, Brian C. Turner, Catherine E. de Rivera, Edwin D. Grosholz, and Gregory M. Ruiz
Ecological Investigations to Select Mitigation Options to Reduce Vehicle-Caused Mortality of a Threatened Butterfly, Sara B. Zielin, Jalene Littlejohn, Catherine E. de Rivera, Winston P. Smith, and Sandra L. Jacobson
Submissions from 2015
Re-Envisioning Community-Wildfire Relations in the U.S. West as Adaptive Governance, Jesse B. Abrams, Melanie Knapp, Travis B. Paveglio, Autumn Ellison, Cassandra Moseley, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Matthew S. Carroll
Empirical Evidence for the Scale Dependence of Biotic Interactions, Jonathan Belmaker, Phoebe Zarnetske, Sara Zonneveld, Sydne Record, Angela L. Strecker, and Lydia Beaudrot
Climate Change and Land Management Impact Rangeland Condition and Sage-Grouse Habitat in Southeastern Oregon, Megan K. Creutzburg, Emilie B. Henderson, and David R. Conklin
Climate-Suitable Planting as a Strategy for Maintaining Forest Productivity and Functional Diversity, Matthew Joshua Duveneck and Robert M. Scheller
Next-Generation Scientists Get a Taste of Their Future Careers, Patrick M. Edwards, Linda A. George, and Matthew McTammany
GC/MS Analysis of Some Extractives from Eichhornia crassipes, Héctor A. Fileto-Pérez, O. Miriam Rutiaga-Quiñones, Mark D. Sytsma, Isabelle M. Lorne, Wentai Luo, James F. Pankow, and José G. Rutiaga-Quiñones
Information Needs Assessment for Coastal and Marine Management and Policy: Ecosystem Services Under Changing Climatic, Land Use, and Demographic Conditions, Kaitlin Goldsmith, Elise F. Granek, and Amy Lubitow
Convergence of Microclimate in Residential Landscapes Across Diverse Cities in the United States, Sharon J. Hall, J Learned, Benjamin Ruddell, Kelli L. Larson, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Neil D. Bettez, Peter M. Groffman, J. Morgan Grove, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kristen Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Christopher Neill, Kristen C. Nelson, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Laura A. Ogden, Diane E. Pataki, William D. Pearse, Colin Polsky, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Meredith K. Steele, and Tara Trammell
Modeling Predator Habitat to Enhance Reintroduction Planning, Shiloh Michael Halsey, William J. Zielinski, and Robert M. Scheller
Coastal Sediment Elevation Change Following Anthropogenic Mangrove Clearing, Heather Lyn Hayden and Elise F. Granek
Type and Timing of Stream Flow Changes in Urbanizing Watersheds in the Eastern U.S., Kristina G. Hopkins, Nathaniel B. Morse, Daniel J. Bain, Neil D. Bettez, Nancy B. Grimm, Jennifer L. Morse, and Monica M. Palta
Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of NO, NO2 and PM2.5 Mass as a Function of Traffic Volumes Alongside an Urban Arterial, Christine M. Kendrick, Peter Koonce, and Linda A. George
Riparian Wetland Plant Response to Livestock Exclusion in the Lower Columbia River Basin, S. A. Kidd and J. Alan Yeakley
Combining and Aggregating Environmental Data for Status and Trend Assessments: Challenges and Approaches, Kathleen G. Maas-Hebner, Michael Harte, Nancy Molina, Robert M. Hughes, Carl B. Schreck, and J. Alan Yeakley
Comparison of Fish Assemblages in Restored and Natural Mangrove Habitats Along an Urban Shoreline, Joseph R. Peters, Lauren A. Yeager, and Craig A. Layman
Increased Taxonomic and Functional Similarity Does Not Increase the Trophic Similarity of Communities, Thomas K. Pool, Julien Cucherousset, Stéphanie Boulêtreau, Sébastien Villéger, Angela L. Strecker, and Gaël Grenouillet
Simulation Modeling of Forest Landscape Disturbances: Vegetation Dynamics and Biogeochemistry, Robert M. Scheller and Mark E. Swanson
Dreissenid Mussel Research Priorities Workshop, Mark D. Sytsma, Stephen Phillips, and Timothy D. Counihan
Fire Modulates Climate Change Response of Simulated Aspen Distribution Across Topoclimatic Gradients in a Semi-Arid Montane Landscape, Jian Yang, Peter J. Weisberg, Douglas J. Shinneman, Thomas E. Dilts, Susan L. Earnst, and Robert M. Scheller
Submissions from 2014
Phenotypic Plasticity of Invasive Spartina Densiflora (Poaceae) Along a Broad Latitudinal Gradient on the Pacific Coast of North America, Jesus M. Castillo, Brenda J. Grewall, Andrea Pickart, Alejandro Bortolus, Carlos Pena, Enrique Figueroa, and Mark D. Sytsma
How Will Climate Change and Bioenergy Harvest Affect Carbon Storage in the Oregon Coast Range, Megan K. Creutzburg, Robert M. Scheller, Melissa S. Lucash, Stephen D. LeDuc, Louisa B. Evers, and Mark G. Johnson
Damage and Alteration of Mangroves Inhabited by a Marine Wood-Borer, Timothy Mathias Davidson, Catherine E. de Rivera, and Hwey-Lian Hsieh
The Community Economic Impacts of Large Wildfires: A Case Study from Trinity County, California, Emily Jane Davis, Cassandra Moseley, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Pamela J. Jakes
Winter Climate Change Affects Growing-Season Soil Microbial Biomass and Activity in Northern Hardwood Forests, Jorge Durán, Jennifer L. Morse, Peter M. Groffman, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Mryon J. Mitchell, and Pamela H. Templer
Climate Change Effects on Northern Great Lake (USA) Forests: A Case for Preserving Diversity, Matthew Joshua Duveneck, Robert M. Scheller, Mark A. White, Stephen D. Handler, and Catherine Ravenscroft
Ecological Homogenization of Urban USA, Peter M. Groffman, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Neil D. Bettez, J. Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Christopher Neill, Kristen C. Nelson, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Diane E. Pataki, Colin Polsky, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, and Meredith K. Steele
Sampling for Effective Ex Situ Plant Conservation, Edward O. Guerrant Jr., Kayri Havens, and Pati Vitt
Getting Plant Conservation Right (or Not): The Case of the United States, Kayri Havens, Andrea T. Kramer, and Edward O. Guerrant Jr.
A Review of Urban Water Body Challenges and Approaches: (1) Rehabilitation and Remediation, Robert M. Hughes, Susie Dunham, Kathleen G. Maas-Hebner, J. Alan Yeakley, Carl B. Schreck, Michael Harte, Nancy Molina, Clinton C. Shock, Victor W. Kaczynski, and Jeff Schaeffer
Effect of Reducing Maximum Cycle Length on Roadside Air Quality and Travel Times on a Corridor in Portland, OR, Christine M. Kendrick, David Urowsky, Willie Rotich, Peter Koonce, and Linda Acha George
How Well has Land-Use Planning Worked Under Different Governance Regimes? A Case Study in the Portland, OR-Vancouver, WA Metropolitan Area, USA, Jeffrey D. Kline, Paul R. Thiers, Connie P. Ozawa, J. Alan Yeakley, and Sean N. Gordon
Predicted Effects of Gypsy Moth Defoliation and Climate Change on Forest Carbon Dynamics in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Alec M. Kretchun, Robert M. Scheller, Melissa S. Lucash, Kenneth L. Clark, John Hom, and Steve Van Tuyl
Effectiveness of Fuel Treatments for Mitigating Wildfire Risk and Sequestering Forest Carbon: A Case Study in the Lake Tahoe Basin, E. Louise Loudermilk, Alison Stanton, Robert M. Scheller, Thomas E. Dilts, Peter J. Weisberg, Carl Skinner, and Jian Yang
Impacts of Fire and Climate Change on Long-Term Nitrogen Availability and Forest Productivity in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Melissa S. Lucash, Robert M. Scheller, Alec M. Kretchun, Kenneth L. Clark, and John Hom
Small Tidal Channels Improve Foraging Opportunities for Calidris Shorebirds, Aileen K. Miller and Catherine E. de Rivera
Searching for Biogeochemical Hot Spots in Three Dimensions: Soil C and N Cycling in Hydropedologic Settings in a Northern Hardwood Forest, Jennifer L. Morse, S F. Werner, Cody P. Gillin, Christine L. Goodale, Scott W. Bailey, Kevin J. McGuire, and Peter M. Groffman
Assessing the Homogenization of Urban Land Management With an Application to US Residential Lawn Care, Colin Polsky, J. Morgan Grove, Chris Knudson, Peter M. Groffman, Neil D. Bettez, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Christopher Neill, Kristen C. Nelson, Laura A. Ogden, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Diane E. Pataki, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, and Meredith K. Steele
Efficacy of Plastic Mesh Tubes in Reducing Herbivory Damage by the Invasive Nutria (Myocastor coypus) in an Urban Restoration Site, Trevor R. Sheffels, Mark D. Sytsma, Jacoby Carter, and Jimmy D. Taylor
Improving the Representation of Roots in Terrestrial Models, Erica A.H. Smithwick, Melissa S. Lucash, M. Luke McCormack, and Gajan Sivandran