Submissions from 2014
Convergent Surface Water Distributions in U.S. Cities, Meredith K. Steele, James B. Heffernan, Neil D. Bettez, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Peter M. Groffman, J. Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, Sarah E. Hobbie, Kelli L. Larson, Jennifer L. Morse, Christopher Neill, Kristen C. Nelson, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Laura A. Ogden, Diane E. Pataki, Colin Polsky, and Rinku Roy Chowdhury
Fish Species Introductions Provide Novel Insights into the Patterns and Drivers of Phylogenetic Structure in Freshwaters, Angela L. Strecker and Julian D. Olden
Riparian Vegetation Assemblages and Associated Landscape Factors Across an Urbanizing Metropolitan Area, Christa Von Behren, Andrew Evans Dietrich, and J. Alan Yeakley
Multimodel Simulations of Forest Harvesting Effects on Long-Term Productivity and CN Cycling in Aspen Forests, Fugui Wang, David J. Mladenoff, Jodi A. Forrester, Juan A. Blanco, Robert M. Scheller, Scott D. Peckham, Cindy Keough, and Melissa S. Lucash
Submissions from 2013
Water Supply, Demand, and Quality Indicators for Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Water Resource Vulnerability in the Columbia River Basin, Heejun Chang, Il-Won Jung, Angela L. Strecker, Daniel Wise, Martin Lafrenz, Vivek Shandas, Hamid Moradkhani, J. Alan Yeakley, Yangdong Pan, Robert Allen Bean, Gunnar Johnson, and Mike Psaris
Climate Change and Fire Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Kenneth L. Clark, Nicholas Skowronski, Heidi Renninger, and Robert M. Scheller
Common Pool Resource Issues in Managing Herbicide Resistant Weeds, David E. Ervin
Getting Salmon Back in Salmon Creek: Systematizing Comparative Water Quality Analysis for Targeted Restoration, Zbigniew J. Grabowski, Sarah Janjua, Michael Swamer, Heejun Chang, and Eric Watson
Emerging Contaminants in Oregon Coastal Waters: Hotspots, Landscape Drivers and Synergistic Effects on Bivalves, Elise F. Granek, William Fish, and Angela L. Strecker
The Value and Propriety of Reintroduction as a Conservation Tool for Rare Plants, Edward O. Guerrant Jr.
Wood Microsites at Timberline-Alpine Meadow Borders: Implications for Conifer Seedling Regeneration and Alpine Meadow Conifer Invasion, Adelaide C. Johnson and J. Alan Yeakley
Carbon Dynamics in the Future Forest: the Importance of Long-Term Successional Legacy and Climate–Fire Interactions, E. Louise Loudermilk, Robert M. Scheller, Peter J. Weisberg, Jian Yang, Thomas E. Dilts, Sarah L. Karam, and Carl Skinner
The Eugene Water and Electric Board’s McKenzie River payment for watershed services program: Research findings on ratepayers, landowners, and local stakeholders, Max Nielsen-Pincus
Job Growth and Loss Across Sectors and Time in the Western US: The Impact of Large Wildfires, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Cassandra Moseley, and Krista Gebert
The Effects of Large Wildfires on Employment and Wage Growth and Volatility in the Western United States, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Cassandra Moseley, and Krista Gebert
Effects of Water Development on Arid Land Freshwater Ecosystems, Angela L. Strecker
Portland-Vancouver ULTRA-Ex: Evaluating Relationships Between Governance and Environmental Quality in Urban Ecosystems, J. Alan Yeakley, Sally Duncan, Steve Bollens, Connie P. Ozawa, Vivek Shandas, Heejun Chang, Marion Dresner, Sean N. Gordon, John A. Harrison, Jeffrey D. Kline, Anita T. Morzillo, Noelwah R. Netusil, Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Mark Stephan, and Paul R. Thiers
Submissions from 2012
A New Model For Simulating Climate Change and Carbon Dynamics in Forested Landscapes, Caren C. Dymond, Robert M. Scheller, and Sarah Beukema
Long-Term Integrated Studies Show Complex and Surprising Effects of Climate Change in the Northern Hardwood Forest, Peter M. Groffman, Lindsay E. Rustad, Pamela H. Templer, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Nina K. Lany, Anne M. Socci, Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur, Paul G. Schaberg, Geoffrey W. Wilson, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Christine L. Goodale, Mark B. Green, Steven P. Hamburg, Chris E. Johnson, Mryon J. Mitchell, Jennifer L. Morse, Linda H. Pardo, and Nicholas L. Rodenhouse
The Effects of Scenario Planning on Participant Perceptions of Learning Organization Characteristics, Melissa Haeffner, Deanna Leone, Laura Coons, and Thomas Chermack
Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain Wetlands Under Contrasting Land Uses, Jennifer L. Morse, Marcelo Ardón, and Emily S. Bernhardt
Using Environmental Variables and Soil Processes to Forecast Denitrification Potential and Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Coastal Plain Wetlands Across Different Land Uses, Jennifer L. Morse, Marcelo Ardón, and Emily S. Bernhardt
The Influence of Market Proximity on National Forest Hazardous Fuels Treatments, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Susan Charnley, and Cassandra Moseley
Beyond Adaptive Capacity Checklists: Examining the Construction of Capacity in Mexico City and Santiago, Patricia Romero-Lankao, Sara Hughes, Angélica Rosas-Huerta, Roxana Borquéz, and Melissa Haeffner
Divergent Carbon Dynamics under Climate Change in Forests with Diverse Soils, Tree Species, and Land Use Histories, Robert M. Scheller, Alec M. Kretchun, Steve Van Tuyl, Kenneth L. Clark, Melissa S. Lucash, and John Hom
An Individual-Based Process Model to Simulate Landscape-Scale Forest Ecosystem Dynamics, Rupert Seidi, Werner Rammer, Robert M. Scheller, and Thomas A. Spies
Woody Biomass Use Trends, Barriers, and Strategies: Perspectives of US Forest Service Managers, Shiloh Sundstrom, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Cassandra Moseley, and Sarah McCaffery
Submissions from 2011
(Editorial) A long term view of rare plant reintroduction. A response to Godefroid et al. 2011: How successful are plant reintroductions?, Matthew A. Albrecht, Edward O. Guerrant Jr., Joyce Maschinski, and Kathryn Kennedy
Valuing Ecological Systems and Services, Robert Costanza, Ida Kubiszewski, David E. Ervin, Randall Bluffstone, Darrell Brown, Heejun Chang, Veronica Dujon, Elise F. Granek, Stephen Polasky, Vivek Shandas, J. Alan Yeakley, and James Boyd
Multiple and Long-Term Effects of an Introduced Predatory Crab, Catherine E. de Rivera, Edwin D. Grosholz, and Gregory M. Ruiz
The Theory and Practice of Genetically Engineered Crops and Agricultural Sustainability, David E. Ervin, Leland L. Glenna, and Raymond Adelard Jussaume
Evaluation of Transportation Microenvironments Through Assessment of Cyclysts' Exposure to Traffic-Related Particulate Matter, Linda A. George, Miguel A. Figliozzi, Christopher M. Monsere, Christine M. Kendrick, Alexander Y. Bigazzi, and Adam Moore
Effectiveness of Forest Management Strategies to Mitigate Effects of Global Change in South-Central Siberia, Eric J. Gustafson, Anatoly Z. Shvidenko, and Robert M. Scheller
Foliar Nutrient Concentrations Related to Soil Sources Across a Range of Sites in the Northeastern United States, Melissa S. Lucash, Ruth D. Yanai, Joel D. Blum, and B. B. Park
The Sociology of Landowner Interest in Restoring Fire-adapted, Biodiverse Habitats in the Wildland-Urban Interface Of Oregon's Willamette Valley Ecoregion, Max Nielsen-Pincus
Bridging the Marine–Terrestrial Disconnect to Improve Marine Coastal Zone Science and Management, Benjamin I. Ruttenberg and Elise F. Granek
Carbon Sequestration in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Under Different Scenarios of Fire Management, Robert M. Scheller, Steve Van Tuyl, Kenneth L. Clark, John Hom, and Inga La Puma
Climate Change and Climate Variability: Personal Motivation for Adaptation and Mitigation, Jan C. Semenza, George B. Ploubidis, and Linda Acha George
Direct and Indirect Effects of an Invasive Planktonic Predator on Pelagic Food Webs, Angela L. Strecker, Beatrix E. Beisner, Shelley E. Arnott, Andrew M. Paterson, Jennifer G. Winter, Ora E. Johannsson, and Norman D. Yan
The Aquarium Trade as an Invasion Pathway in the Pacific Northwest, Angela L. Strecker, Philip M. Campbell, and Julian D. Olden
Defining Conservation Priorities for Freshwater Fishes According to Taxonomic, Functional, and Phylogenetic Diversity, Angela L. Strecker, Julian D. Olden, Joanna B. Whittier, and Craig Patrick Paukert
The Influence of Land Use and Climate Change on Forest Biomass and Composition in Massachusetts, USA, Jonathan R. Thompson, David R. Foster, Robert M. Scheller, and David Kittridge
Submissions from 2010
Building Capacity for Sustainability through Curricular and Faculty Development: A Learning Outcomes Approach, Jennifer H. Allen, Jeffrey J. Gerwing, and Leslie G. McBride
Phosphorus Export from a Restored Wetland Ecosystem in Response to Natural and Experimental Hydrologic Fluctuations, Marcelo Ardón, Shaena Montanari, Jennifer L. Morse, Martin W. Doyle, and Emily S. Bernhardt
Accelerated Erosion of Saltmarshes Infested by the Non-Native Burrowing Crustacean Sphaeroma Quoianum, Timothy Mathias Davidson and Catherine E. de Rivera
The Effectiveness of Vertebrate Passage and Prevention Structures: A Study of Boeckman Road in Wilsonville, Catherine E. de Rivera and Leslie L. Bliss-Ketchum
Are Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture Compatible?, David E. Ervin, Leland L. Glenna, and Raymond Adelard Jussaume
What Drives Academic Bioscientists: Money or Values?, David E. Ervin, Sharmistha Nag, Hui Yang, and Steven T. Buccola
Climate Change and Globalization in the Americas: Case Studies of Mitigation and Adaptation, Mary Finley-Brook, Melissa Haeffner, Charmaine Heslop-Thomas, Elma Montaña, and Leah Sprain
Predicting Global Change Effects on Forest Biomass and Composition in South-Central Siberia, Eric J. Gustafson, Anatoly Z. Shvidenko, Brian R. Sturtevant, and Robert M. Scheller
Urban and Rural-residential Land Uses: Their Role in Watershed Health and the Rehabilitation of Oregon’s Wild Salmonids, Michael Harte, Victor W. Kaczynski, Clinton C. Shock, J. Alan Yeakley, Robert M. Hughes, Nancy Molina, and Carl B. Schreck
Forest Restoration in a Mixed-Ownership Landscape under Climate Change, Catherine Ravenscroft, Robert M. Scheller, David J. Mladenoff, and Mark A. White
Complex Interactions Between Regional Dispersal of Native Taxa and an Invasive Species, Angela L. Strecker and Shelley E. Arnott
Submissions from 2009
Enhancing Science Teachers' Understanding of Ecosystem Interactions with Qualitative Conceptual Models, Marion Dresner and Monica Elser
Research Choice and Finance in University Bioscience, David E. Ervin, Steven T. Buccola, and Hui Yang
Spatial patterns of air toxins in the region, Linda Acha George and Vivek Shandas
Mangrove-Exported Nutrient Incorporation by Sessile Coral Reef Invertebrates, Elise F. Granek, Jana E. Compton, and Donald L. Phillips
How Does a Visual Monitoring System Foster Sustainable Behavior?, Melissa Haeffner and Federico Casalegno
Similarity of Nutrient Uptake and Root Dimensions of Engelmann Spruce and Subalpine Fir at Two Contrasting Sites in Colorado, Melissa S. Lucash, Ruth D. Yanai, Karis J. McFarlane, Sarah E. Kulpa, and Dustin M. Wood
Development of an ambient pressure laser-induced fluorescence instrument for nitrogen dioxide, Jeremy Parra and Linda Acha George
Increasing the Reliability of Ecological Models Using Modern Software Engineering Techniques, Robert M. Scheller, Brian R. Sturtevant, Eric J. Gustafson, Brendan C. Ward, and David J. Mladenoff
Submissions from 2008
Differential Effects of Understory and Overstory Gaps on Tree Regeneration, Brian Beckage, Brian D. Kloeppel, J. Alan Yeakley, Sharon F. Taylor, and David C. Coleman
Northern Range Expansion and Coastal Occurrences of the New Zealand Mud Snail Potamopyrgus Antipodarum (Gray, 1843) in the Northeast Pacific, Timothy Mathias Davidson, Valance E. F. Brenneis, Catherine E. de Rivera, Robyn Draheim, and Graham E. Gillespie
Engaging Recreational Fishers in Management and Conservation: Global Case Studies, Elise F. Granek, Elizabeth M.P. Madin, M. A. Brown, Will F. Figueira, Darren S. Cameron, Zeb Hogan, Gerry Kristianson, Pierre de Villiers, Jack E. Williams, John R. Post, S. Zahn, and R. Arlinghaus
Rapid Assessment of 2008-2012 Highway Development Projects in Region 6: Threats and Opportunities to Terrestrial Wildlife Resources, Sandra L. Jacobson, Catherine E. de Rivera, Kathleen Armstrong, Rebecca Aaby, and Nadia Jones
Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Subtropical Rice Agriculture in China, M. A. K. Khalil, Martha J. Shearer, R. A. Rasmussen, Li Xu, and Jin-Luan Liu
Green Crab Control: A Removal Effort in a Shallow Central California Estuary, Amy A. Larson, C. E. de Rivera, G. M. Ruiz, E. D. Grosholz, and Mark D. Sytsma
Nutrient Uptake by Intact and Disturbed Roots of Loblolly Pine Seedlings, Melissa S. Lucash, Ruth D. Yanai, and J. Devereux Joslin
Invasive Predator, Bythotrephes, has Varied Effects on Ecosystem Function in Freshwater Lakes, Angela L. Strecker and Shelley E. Arnott
Dispersal Limitation and Climate-Related Environmental Gradients Structure Microcrustacean Composition in Freshwater Lakes, Ellesmere Island, Canada, Angela L. Strecker, Rebecca Milne, and Shelley E. Arnott
Superior Adaptation to Drought in Rubus Armeniacus (Himalayan Blackberry) in Northwest Oregon, J. Alan Yeakley and Joshua S. Caplan
Submissions from 2007
Green Crab Management: Reduction of a Marine Invasive Population, Catherine E. de Rivera, Edwin D. Grosholz, Greg Ruiz, Amy A. Larson, Rebecca L. Kordas, and Mark Sytsma
Environmental Controls on the Landscape-Scale Biogeography of Stream Bacterial Communities, Noah Fierer, Jennifer L. Morse, Sean T. Berthrong, Emily S. Bernhardt, and Robert B. Jackson
Estimating Nutrient Uptake by Mature Tree Roots Under Field Conditions: Challenges and Opportunities, Melissa S. Lucash, Dave M. Eissenstat, J. Devereux Joslin, Karis J. McFarlane, and Ruth D. Yanai
Bridges and Barriers to Developing and Conducting Interdisciplinary Graduate-Student Team Research, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Wayde Cameron Morse, Jo Ellen Force, and J. D. Wulfhorst
Submissions from 2006
Using Student Generated Qualitative Ecological Models, J. Scott Blackwood, Marion Dresner, and Hang-Kwang Luh
Hydrodynamic Mediation of Density-Dependent Growth and Adult-Juvenile Interactions of a Spionid Polychaete, Brent T. Hentschel and Amy A. Larson
Decreasing Emissions of Methane from Rice Agriculture, M. A. K. Khalil and Martha J. Shearer
Variation in the Response of Crustacean Zooplankton Species Richness and Composition to the Invasive Predator Bythotrephes Longimanus, Angela L. Strecker, Shelley E. Arnott, Norman D. Yan, and Robert Girard
Changes in Riparian Vegetation Buffers in Response to Development in Three Oregon Cities, J. Alan Yeakley, Connie P. Ozawa, and A. M. Hook
Submissions from 2005
Broad-Scale Non-indigenous Species Monitoring along the West Coast in National Marine Sanctuaries and National Estuarine Research Reserves, Catherine E. de Rivera, Greg Ruiz, Jeff Crooks, Kerstin Wasson, Steve Lonhart, Paul Fofonoff, Brian Steves, Steven S. Rumrill, Mary Sue Brancato, Scott Pegau, Doug Bulthuis, Rikke Kvist Preisler, Carl Schoch, Ed Bowlby, Andrew DeVogelaere, Maurice Crawford, Steve Gittings, Anson Hines, Lynn Takata, Kristen Larson, Tami Huber, Anne Marie Leyman, Esther Collinetti, Tiffany Pascot, Suzanne Shull, Mary Anderson, and Sue Powell
Biotic Resistance to Invasion: Native Predator Limits Abundance and Distribution of an Introduced Crab, Catherine E. de Rivera, Greg M. Ruiz, Anson Hines, and Paul Jivoff
Manejo De Cipós Na Amazônia, Jeffrey J. Gerwing and Edson Vidal
Response of Sagebrush Steppe Species to Elevated CO2 and Soil Temperature, Melissa S. Lucash, Blake Farnsworth, and William E. Winner
Temporal Variation in Nutrient Uptake Capacity by Intact Roots of Mature Loblolly Pine, Melissa S. Lucash, J. Devereux Joslin, and Ruth D. Yanai
Ecological Science and Sustainability for the 21st Century, Margaret A. Palmer, Emily S. Bernhardt, Elizabeth A. Chornesky, Scott L. Collins, Andrew P. Dobson, Clifford S. Duke, Barry D. Gold, Robert B. Jacobson, Sharon E. Kingsland, Rhonda H. Kranz, Michael J. Mappin, M. Luisa Martinez, Florenza Micheli, Jennifer L. Morse, Michael L. Pace, Mercedes Pascual, Stephen S. Palumbi, OJ Reichman, Alan R. Townsend, and Monica G. Turner
Impact of Bythotrephes Invasion on Zooplankton Communities in Acid-Damaged and Recovered Lakes on the Boreal Shield, Angela L. Strecker and Shelley E. Arnott
Waldo Lake Research in 2004, Mark D. Sytsma, John Rueter, Richard Petersen, Roy Koch, Scott A. Wells, Michelle Wood, Yangdong Pan, Robert Leslie Annear, Aaron Hook, Laura Johnson, Rich Miller, Amanda Murphy, and Terry Stoltz
Submissions from 2004
Mutual Benefits of Teacher/Scientist Partnerships, Marion Dresner and Erin Starvel
Projecting Range Expansion of Invasive European Green Crabs (Carcinus maenas) to Alaska: Temperature and Salinity Tolerance of Larvae, Anson Hines, Greg Ruiz, Natasha Gray Hitchcock, and Catherine E. de Rivera
Relationships Between Needle Nitrogen Concentration and Photosynthetic Responses of Douglas-Fir Seedlings to Elevated CO2 and Temperature, James D. Lewis, Melissa S. Lucash, David M. Olszyk, and David T. Tingey
Sediment Nutrient Accumulation and Nutrient Availability in Two Tidal Freshwater Marshes Along the Mattaponi River, Virginia, USA, Jennifer L. Morse, J. Patrick Megonigal, and Mark R. Walbridge
Impactos da exploração madeireira e do fogo em florestas de transição da Amazônia Legal, André Luiz Silva Monteiro, Carlos Moreira de Souza Jr., Paulo Gonçalves Barreto, Frank Leone de Sousa Pantoja, and Jeffrey J. Gerwing
Effects of Experimental Greenhouse Warming on Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Communities in Fishless Alpine Ponds, Angela L. Strecker, Tyler P. Cobb, and Rolf D. Vinebrooke
Waldo Lake Research in 2003, Mark D. Sytsma, John Rueter, Richard Petersen, Roy Koch, Scott A. Wells, Rich Miller, Laura Johnson, and Robert Leslie Annear
Submissions from 2003
Investigating the Urban Heat Island Effect with a Collaborative Inquiry Project, Linda Acha George and William G. Becker
Book Review of, Principles of terrestrial ecosystem ecology., Ruth D. Yanai, Melissa S. Lucash, and Phillip Sollins
Hillslope Nutrient Dynamics Following Upland Riparian Vegetation Disturbance, J. Alan Yeakley, David C. Coleman, Bruce L. Haines, Brian D. Kloeppel, Judy L. Meyer, Wayne T. Swank, Barry W. Argo, James M. Deal, and Sharon F. Taylor
Submissions from 2002
Authentic Field Ecology Experiences for Teachers, Marion Dresner and Andrew Moldenke
University-Industry Relationships: Framing the Issues for Academic Research in Agricultural Biotechnology, David E. Ervin, Terri Lomax, Steven T. Buccola, Kristen Kim, Elizabeth Minor, Hui Yang, Leland L. Glenna, Elizabeth Jaeger, Dina Biscotti, Walter J. Armbruster, Kate Clancy, William B. Lacy, Rick Welsh, and Yin Xia