Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Steens and Monument Dike Swarm: Implications and Relationships to Magmatic Storage and to Lava Flows of the Picture Gorge and Steens Basalt, Rachel Anne Sweeten
Landslide Mapping, Characterization, and Hazard Assessment with 3D Slope Stability Modeling in White Bluffs, Washington State, Anna Tsitsivas
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Spatial Variations in Ancient Meteoric Water: An Investigation of the Rattlesnake Tuff, Julian Michael Cohen
Evaluation of the Slip History and Holocene Activity of the Strawberry Fault, Grant County, Oregon, Andrew Dunning
A Field, Petrological, and Geochronological Investigation of the Chief Joseph Dike Swarm, Mary Joyce Mass
Cementation and Groundwater Chemistry in Pleistocene Paleodune Deposits of the Central Oregon Coast, Adrienne Lynn Stephens
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Stratigraphic and Geochemical Evaluation of Distal Flows of the Columbia River Flood Basalts in the Greater Vale Area, Southeastern Oregon, Lena Marie Fox
Investigation of Basal Imnaha Basalt Flows and their Relationship to the Picture Gorge Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group, Luke James Fredenberg
Post-Fire Erosional and Hydrological Processes Promoting Debris Flow Initiation in a Douglas Fir and Western Hemlock Forest in the Riverside Burn Area, Oregon, Morena Nicole Hammer
Most Recent Rupture on the Boulder Creek Fault Triggered Bedrock Landsliding in the Nooksack Watershed, Whatcom County, Washington, Abigail Catherine Underwood
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Rhyolite Stratigraphy Along Succor Creek: Insights into the Eruptive History of the Three Fingers and Mahogany Mountain Volcanic Field, Cassandra Caryl Black
Mid-Miocene Icelandites of Eastern Oregon: Petrogenesis and Magmatic Lineage to Main-Phase CRBG with Constraints on Storage Sites, Melissa Aileen Carley
Distribution and Characterization of Rhyolites of the Strawberry Volcanics -- Evolution of a Major Rhyolite Field Associated with Columbia River Basalt Magmatism, Eastern Oregon, USA, Chanel Leigh Dvorak
Major Controls on Diagenesis in the Martin Bridge Formation: Wallowa Mountains, Oregon, Jane Lyra Eisenberg
New Perspectives on Prolific and Voluminous Rhyolite Volcanism of the Mahogany Mountain--Three Fingers Rhyolite Field, Eastern Oregon, Robert Andrew Jackson
Evaluation of Manual and Semi-Automated Deep-Seated Landslide Inventory Processes: Willapa Hills, Washington, Tiffany E. Justice
Climatic Controls on the Kinematics of the Hooskanaden Landslide, Curry County, Oregon, Kara Kingen
Characterization and Interpretation of Feldspathic Chromite Assemblages (FCAs) in Four Ordinary Chondrites: an Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) Study, Kimberly Louisa Maccini
Reassessing Hydrothermal Heat Discharge and the Relationship of Hot Springs in the North Oregon Cascades, Aaron Alexander Orr
Amount and Depositional Fate of Carbon Mobilized by Landsliding in SE Alaska, Bryce Alois Vascik
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Rocky Ledge Fault, Shasta County, NE California: Development and Morphology of a Quaternary Oblique Normal Fault in Basalt, Gregory David Linscott Martin
Geochemical Response to Thermal Energy Storage in the Columbia River Basalt Aquifer System Beneath the Portland Basin, Oregon, Ellen Elizabeth Svadlenak
Inventory of Rock Glaciers in the American West and Their Topography and Climate, Allison Reese Trcka
Testing the Correlation of Trace Element Characteristics with the Petrology and Temperature of Eruption of mid-Miocene Rhyolites in Eastern Oregon, Brianna Christine Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A Characterization of Structures Across the Hurricane Ridge Fault in the Southeastern Olympic Peninsula, WA, Hamma Hamma River Transect, Veronica Catherine Biesiada
Distribution and Origin of Carbide in Ordinary Chondrites, Karla Rae Farley
Modeling Surface Roughness as an Indicator of Age and Landslide Susceptibility, and the Spatial Inventory of Prehistoric Landslides: Green River Valley, Washington, Rebecca Naomi Garriss
Assessment of Cluster Chondrite Accretion Temperature Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Implications for Chondrule Formation Models, Secana Portia Goudy
Regional Modeling of the Glaciers of the North Cascades Mountains, Washington, USA, Christina Eileen Gray
Seismic Source Characterization of Faults in the Portland and Tualatin Basins and a Paleoseismic Study of the Gales Creek Fault, OR, Alison Elizabeth Horst
Fault Deformation at the Base of and within the Crescent Formation along the Dosewallips River, Olympic Mountains Peninsula, Washington, USA, Christine Meryl Maher
Geothermometry of H6 and L6 Chondrites and the Relationship between Impact Processing and Retrograde Metamorphism, Michael Tyler Ream
The Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Portland and Tualatin Basins, Oregon, USA, Darby Patrick Scanlon
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Quantifying Knickpoint Behavior and Erosion Mechanisms in an Urbanized Watershed, Bull Mountain, Washington County, Oregon, Max Gregory Bordal
Glacier Inventories and Change in Glacier National Park, Melissa Carrie Brett
Volcanic Glass as a Paleoenvironmental Proxy: Comparing Preparation Methods on Ashes from the Lee of the Cascade Range in Oregon, USA, Tessa Boe Carlson
Dynamics of Magma Recharge and Mixing at Mount Hood Volcano, Oregon -- Insights from Enclave-bearing Lavas, Molly Kathryn Ellowitz
Areal Extent and Volumes of the Dinner Creek Tuff Units, Eastern Oregon Based on Lithology, Bulk Rock Composition and Feldspar Mineralogy, Teresa Rae Hanna
Using Repeat Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry to Monitor Reactivation of the Silt Creek Landslide in the Western Cascade Mountains, Linn County, Oregon, Justin Craig McCarley
The Wildcat Creek Tuff, Eastern Oregon: Co-eruption of Crystal-poor Rhyolite and Fe-rich Andesite with Implication for Mafic Underpinnings to Voluminous A-type Rhyolites, Hillarie Jaye Sales
Measuring and Modeling Evolution of Cryoconite Holes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Felix Jacob Zamora
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Rhyolite Petrogenesis at Tower Mountain Caldera, OR, Elizabeth Ann Brown
Constraining the Holocene Extent of the Northwest Meers Fault, Oklahoma Using High-Resolution Topography and Paleoseismic Trenching, Kristofer Tyler Hornsby
Soputan Volcano, Indonesia: Petrological Systematics of Volatiles and Magmas and their Bearing on Explosive Eruptions of a Basalt Volcano, Syegi Lenarahmi Kunrat
Mineral Evidence for Generating Compositionally Zoned Rhyolites of the Devine Canyon Tuff, High Lava Plains, Oregon, Erik Paul Shafer
The Littlefield Rhyolite, Eastern Oregon: Distinct Flow Units and Their Constraints on Age and Storage Sites of Grande Ronde Basalt Magmas, Brian McCulloch Webb
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Arsenic Mobilization from Silicic Volcanic Rocks in the Southern Willamette Valley, Gabriela Ribeiro de Sena Ferreira
Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions near Mosier, Oregon, Cullen Brandon Jones
Geothermometry of Two Cascade Geothermal Systems, Donnel Alexander Malkemus
Slope Failure Detection through Multi-temporal Lidar Data and Geotechnical Soils Analysis of the Deep-Seated Madrone Landslide, Coast Range, Oregon, Michael Scott Marshall
Hydrogeochemical Evaluation of the Uinta Formation and Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Northwestern Colorado, USA, Megan E. Masterson
Sedimentologic Changes in the Deposits of an Evolving Lahar-Flood in 2006, Hood River Basin, Mount Hood, Oregon, Matthew Ray Poole
Field Geology and Petrologic Investigation of the Strawberry Volcanics, Northeast Oregon, Arron Richard Steiner
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Landforms along the Lower Columbia River and the Influence of Humans, Charles Matthew Cannon
Naturally Occurring Background Levels of Arsenic in the Soils of Southwestern Oregon, Heather Ann Hurtado
Quaternary Chronology and Stratigraphy of Mickey Springs, Oregon, Leslie Allen Mowbray
Glacier Change on the Three Sisters Volcanoes, Oregon: 1900-2010, Justin George Ohlschlager
Hydrogeologic Investigation of a Pumice Aquifer, Fremont/Winema National Forest, Oregon, Jonathan Michael Weatherford
Defining the Terroir of the Columbia Gorge Wine Region, Oregon and Washington, USA Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Hilary Whitney
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Chemical and Petrographic Survey of Large, Igneous-Textured Inclusions in Ordinary Chondrites, Katherine Armstrong
Strontium, Lead, and Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of Mid-Miocene Silicic Volcanism in Eastern Oregon, Emily Nancy Hess
Revisiting Volcanology and Composition of Rhyolites and Associated REE Rich Mafic Clasts of the Three Fingers Caldera, SE Oregon, Phillip Ira Marcy
Investigating the Link Between Surface Water and Groundwater in the Tule Lake Subbasin, Oregon and California, Esther Maria Pischel
The West Tidewater Earthflow, Northern Oregon Coast Range, Barry A. Sanford
Complex Thermal Histories of L Melt Breccias NWA 5964 and NWA 6580, Kristy Lee Schepker
The Geology and Petrology of Enigmatic Rhyolites at Graveyard and Gordon Buttes, Mount Hood Quadrangle, Oregon, Elizabeth G. Westby
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
A Characterization of Lake Abert Tufa Mounds Lake Abert, Oregon, Anthony Lynn Bartruff
Characterization of the Shallow Subsurface Geohydrology of the Ni-les'tun Unit on the Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, Christopher Madison Beard
Map-based Probabilistic Infinite Slope Analysis of the Stephens Creek Watershed, Portland, Oregon, Ryan Andrew Cole
Grounding Zone Processes: Ice Mechanics and Margin Lakes, Kamb Ice Stream and Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica, Mason Joseph Fried
Investigations into the Regional and Local Timescale Variations of Subglacial Drainage Networks, Justin Hiester
Arsenic in the Soils of Northwest Oregon, Tracy Ryan Ricker
Arsenic Mobility and Compositional Variability in High-Silica Ash Flow Tuffs, Courtney Beth Young Savoie
Hydrogeologic Characterization of Dutch Canyon, Scappoose, Oregon, Derrick Lee Wagner
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Groundwater Surface Trends in the North Florence Dunal Aquifer, Oregon Coast, USA, Sarah Rebecca Doliber
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Aged Glacial and Climatic Reconstructions in the Goat Rocks Wilderness, Washington, United States, Joshua Andrews Heard
Reservoir Evolution Following the Removal of Marmot Dam on the Sandy River, Oregon, Mackenzie Karli Keith
Ancient Cataclysmic Floods in the Pacific Northwest: Ancestors to the Missoula Floods, Erica Medley
Inventory and Initiation Zone Characterization of Debris Flows on Mount St. Helens, Washington Initiated during a Major Storm Event in November, 2006, Keith Vinton Olson
Characterization of the Red Bluff Landslide, Greater Cascade Landslide Complex, Columbia River Gorge, Washington, James Robert Randall
Origin of surface undulations at the Kamb Ice Stream grounding line, West Antarctica, Fiona Bronwyn Seifert
Apatite Crystal Populations of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo Eruption, Philippines: Implications for the Generation of High Sulfur Apatite in Silicic Melts, Ashley Elizabeth Van Hoose
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Designing and Using Virtual Field Environments to Enhance and Extend Field Experience in Professional Development Programs in Geology for K-12 Teachers, Frank Douglas Granshaw
Hydrogeology of the McKinney Butte Area: Sisters, Oregon, Joshua Andrew Hackett
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Glacier Melt in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Matthew James Hoffman
Potential for Speciation in Mammals Following Vast, Late Miocene Volcanic Interruptions in the Pacific Northwest, Ryan Thomas McKenna
LiDAR-Based Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Mapping, and Differential LiDAR Analysis for the Panther Creek Watershed, Coast Range, Oregon, Katherine A. Mickelson
Analysis and Characterization of Debris Flows in November, 2006, Mount Adams, Washington., Kendra Justine Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Initiation zone characterization of debris flows in November, 2006, Mount Hood, Oregon, Rachel Pirot
Using Turbidity Monitoring and LiDAR-Derived Imagery to Investigate Sources of Suspended Sediment in the Little North Santiam River Basin, Oregon, Winter 2009-2010, Steven Sobieszczyk