
Volume 9, Issue 1 (2011) Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices

Teacher Education Diversity, Inclusion, and Change

The articles in this issue of The Northwest Passage present a variety of perspective on teacher education in the 21st century. We see one example of a comprehensive review of a School of Education, an innovative approach to a planned research study, the importance of expert-novice dialogues, what motivates teacher candidates to teach, and an overview of transformative learning in relation to cultural immersion, to name but a few.



Using Exploratory Interviews to Re-frame Planned Research on Classroom Issues
Julia Ellis, Vera Janjic-Watrich, Vicki Macris, and Richelle Marynowski


Transformative Learning Through Cultural Immersion
Rebecca A. Addleman, Carol Jo Brazo, and Tatiana Cevallos