Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Pathways to Social Mobility: Examining Trades as a Career Path for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals, June Jenkins
Schools Apart: Curricular Stratification Across School Socioeconomic Compositions and Implications for Educational Inequality in the US, Daniel Mackin Freeman
Education and Tolerance of Homosexuality in Diverse Islamic Contexts, Camila Swift
Social Reproduction on Campus: Quantitative Investigations into the Reproduction of Gender and Socioeconomic Inequality through Higher Education, Ned William Tilbrook
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
How Unequal Access to Personal and Professional Networks Impacts Success Among Construction Apprentices, Cameron Elliot Arnold
Left Out to Dry: Understanding the Social Experiences of Ground Depletion in Washington State's Columbia River Basin, Alexis Lisandro Guizar-Diaz
"The Call is Coming from Inside the House": Tracing Experiences in the Institutionally-Centered Process of Establishing Limited Conservatorships in California, Barbara Alison Imle
The Experiences of Black Women Direct Care Workers in Long-Term Care, Nakeshia Knight-Coyle
Earthbound in the Anthropocene: Spirituality, Collective Identity, and Participation in the Direct Action Climate Movement, David Alan Osborn
Son Otros Tiempos: Generational Experiences of Male Friendships Amongst Mexican and Mexican American Men, Marisela Rodríguez Molina
"We Just Have to Trust the People in White Lab Coats": Analyzing Distrust in Vaccine Hesitant Comments on the HHS Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities Proposed Rule, Hima Bindu Lakshmi Vedantham
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Does Instructional Autonomy Matter? Exploring Job Satisfaction for Math and Non-Math Teachers in Low, Middle, and High SES Schools, Hannah Sean Ellefritz
Cultural Capital and Community Cultural Wealth: A Study of Latinx First Generation College Students, Affiong Eyo-Idahor
Leaving College Without a Degree: The Student Experience at an Urban Broad Access Institution, Andrea Marie Garrity
Treatment Disparities in Emergency Medical Services: The Influence of Race/Ethnicity, Obesity, and English Proficiency, Jamie Kennel
"Damn, man. The time that I lost": Power and the Process of Diagnosis for Women with Chronic Illnesses, Kaitlin Roquel Yeomans
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
What Does it Mean to be Deaf? Changing Meanings of Deafness, Communication Technology, and Beliefs about Normality in the US, Kathryn Elizabeth Burrows
Values of Young Adults in an Increasingly Secular World, Joseph Daniel Eichenlaub
Exploring "What Works" in Veterans Affairs Home-Based Primary Care, Elizabeth Catherine Hulen
Decolonizing Healthcare: a Black Feminist Analysis of Sisters Informing Sisters on Topics of AIDS (SISTA), Joy Mutare Fashu Kanu
Reducing Transphobic Attitudes: a Cross-National Investigation of College Students in Japan and the United States, Kazusa Seko
The Digital Divide and Health: Examining Digital Access as a Social Determinant of Health, Elizabeth Melissa Withers
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Outsiders Within Inequality Regimes: a Sociological Framework to Advance the Lives of Women Veterans, Sarah Louise Aktepy
The Experience of Female Caregivers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Nouf Albugami
Working From Home: Analyzing the Autonomy of App-Based Adult Content Creators, Jenna DePasquale
Smoking Behaviors in Patients Offered Lung Cancer Screening, Sara Elizabeth Golden
Transitioning into Conventional Housing: Narratives of Houseless Individuals, Joyce La Belle McNair
"Not 'Just' a Barista": the Story of Portland's College-Educated Baristas, Ned William Tilbrook
Exploring How Community College Transfer Students Experience Connection in a Commuter University, Christa Michelle Zinke
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Understanding the Politicization of Oromo Identity in the Diaspora: Re/ Locating the Bones of the Oromo, Madeline Jaye Bass
Radical Doulas Make "Caring a Political Act": Full-spectrum Birthwork as Reproductive Justice Activism, JaDee Yvonne Carathers
Concerted Cultivation, Academic Achievement, and the Mediating Role of Non-Cognitive Factors, Bryant Carlson
Convivial Clothing: Engagement with Decommodified Fashion in Portland, OR, Sarah Guldenbrein
Closure or Censure? Examining the Determinants of Disclosure of Sexual Assault Among College Students, Whitney Head-Burgess
Gender and the Voir Dire Process, Tasha Ann Lane
"What About the Men? Investigating Alcohol Consumption, Masculinities, and Risky Sex in Peri-Urban Eswatini, Aaron Jackson Levine
An Investigation of the Impact of High School Student Fine Arts Course Accumulation on Mathematics Course Achievement, Daniel Mackin Freeman
The Influence of Age at Migration on Criminal Offending Among Foreign-Born Immigrants, Omar Melchor-Ayala
Evaluating the Utility of Theories of Social Integration in Understanding Areal Suicide Rates in the United States, Nathan Finch Parsons
Reproduciendo Otros Mundos: Indigenous Women's Struggles Against Neo-Extractivism and the Bolivian State, Gisela Victoria Rodriguez Fernandez
Racial Disparities in a State Based Workers' Compensation System, Caroline Kristine Smith
Family, School, and Forms of Capital, Sonja Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Who Am I? Criminal Social Identity as a Mediator in the Relationship between Criminal Peers and Criminal Attitudes within a Sample of Probationers/Parolees, Quinton Thomas Alexander
Finding Common Ground: Relationship Building and Communication between PO and Client within a Community Supervision Setting, Carl Eugene Appleton
White Space, Black Space: Community Gardens in Portland, Oregon, David Ross Billings Jr.
Selling Protest in the News? Movement-Media Framing of Occupations: an Exploratory Study, Andrew David Butz
"Tindersluts" & "Tinderellas:" Examining Young Women's Construction and Negotiation of Modern Sexual Scripts within a Digital Hookup Culture, MacKenzie A. Christensen
The Gender Gap in Postsecondary Enrollment Intentions: the Mediating Role of Student Attitudes and Behaviors, Paul J. Deppen III
The Dispute Over the Commons: Seed and Food Sovereignty as Decommodification in Chiapas, Mexico, Carol Frances Hernández Rodríguez
Reconciling the Opportunities and Obstacles of Motherhood Following Corrections Involvement, Summer Brooke Newell
Exiters of Religious Fundamentalism: Reconstruction of Identity, Social Relationships and Support, and Meaning Related to Well-Being, Andreea Alexandra Nica
Representations of Feminist Theory and Gender Issues in Introductory-Level Sociology Textbooks, Jena Amber Zarza
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Framing Homelessness as Crisis: A Comparative Content Analysis of Local Media Reports on Portland's Tent Cities, Katrien Cokeley
Stereotype Threat and Effects of Students' Perception of Their Math Teacher's Fairness on Their Math Self-Efficacy, Alexis Jocelyn DeVigal
The Efficacy of Virtual Protest: Linking Digital Tactics to Outcomes in Activist Campaigns, Rina Lynne James
Living Between Worlds: Arrival and Adjustment Experiences of the Somali Community in Portland, Oregon, Neil A. Panchmatia
"Neither of the Boxes": Accounting for Non-Binary Gender Identities, Erin Patricia Savoia
Contexts of Reception and Constructions of Islam: Second Generation Muslim Immigrants in Post-9/11 America, Shahriyar Smith
"Are We Building Biking Solidarity": Gendered, Racial, and Spatial Barriers to Bicycling in Portland, Oregon, Kyla Jean Tompkins
When You Aren't Who Your Friends Are: the Moderating Influence of Racial Similarity on the Association Between Friendships and Mental Well-Being, Philip Tostado
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Inequality, Position, and Perception: Understanding and Addressing Workplace Harassment in Oregon's Construction Trades, Sasha Mae Bassett
Local Approaches to Regional Problems: Suburban Government Responses to Portland's Regional Housing Crisis, Emma Deppa
Examining Generational and Gender Differences in Parent-Young Adult Child Relationships During Co-residence, Lauren Elizabeth Ferguson
The Use of Anti-Bullying Policies to Protect LGBT Youth: Teacher and Administrator Perspectives on Policy Implementation, Michelle Lauren Holliday
Does the School Day Matter? The Association Between Adolescent School Attachment and Involvement and Adult Criminal Behavior, Madeline O'Neil
On Both Sides of the Tracks: Light Rail and Gentrification in Portland, Oregon, Nathan Eric Rochester
Transgender Patients' Experiences of Discrimination at Mental Health Clinics, Corrine Ann Stocking
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Does Gender Matter? Human Elephant Conflict in Sri Lanka: A Gendered Analysis of Human Elephant Conflict and Natural Resource Management in a Rural Sri Lankan Village, Katherine Eileen Griffin
Staying on Script: Sexual Scripts and Sex Education, Elizabeth Carol Hauck
Activist Doctors: Explaining Physician Activism in the Oregon Movement for Single-Payer Healthcare, Jennifer Cullen Loomis
Gender Difference in Working Parents' Perceptions of Work/Family Conflict and the Role of Occupational Prestige, Heather Kirsten McCabe
Democratizing the City Through the Colonization of Public Space: A Case Study of Portland Food Not Bombs, Trent Adam Saari
Use of Role and Power in Parent-Teacher Relationships: Perceptions from the Parent Perspective, Sonja Taylor
Therapy and the Nontraditional Transgender Narrative, Dylan Ellingson Waller
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Gender and Prescription Painkiller Misuse: Findings from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Robin Jo Clough
Illuminating the Experiences of Single Fathers, Heidi Rosa Esbensen
Mediating Academic Success: Race, Class, Gender and Community College Persistence, Schaylee Marie Esparza
Victimization, Separatism and Anti-intellectualism: An Empirical Analysis of John McWhorter's Theory on African American's Low Academic Performance, Marlon DeWayne Marion
Socio-spatial Transformation and Contested Space at the Street Level in Latin America: The Case of Cali, Colombia, Maria Janeth Mosquera Becerra
The Impact of Documentation Status on the Educational Attainment Experiences of Undocumented Hispanic/Latino Students, Brittanie Alexandria Roberts
Racism, Heterosexism, Depression, and HIV Risk Behaviors of Native Men Who Have Sex With Men: Findings from the HONOR Project, Matthew Alan Town
"But There's a Black History Month": A Content Analysis of Ideological Framing and Presentation in White Nationalist Publications, Dylan Tomas Waite
Cultivating Common Ground? A Case Study of a Community Garden Organization in Northeast Portland, Oregon, Bryan James Zinschlag
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
First-Generation Latinos at Pacific Northwest University: Their Adjustment and Experience during Freshman Year, Marco Antonio Aguirre
"We don't have any of those:" Looking for leaders in the horizontal structure of Occupy Portland, Aaron Martin Bach
Queer! Narratives of Gendered Sexuality: A Journey in Identity, Kym Bradley
The Effects of Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Religion on Formal End-of-Life Planning, Tina Dawn Lillian Burdsall
I'm Not Gonna Be Like That Guy: Exploring the Montana Meth Project Through the Eyes of That Guy, Jaysen Nicole Ferestad
A New Low in Getting High: Illegal Drug Use and Crime, Erica Jean Ferrelli
The Use of Music as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education Sociology Courses: Faculty Member Perspectives and Potential Barriers, Jerry C.L. Loveless
Division of Labor within the Household: The Experience of Bosnian Immigrant Women in Portland, Oregon, Miro Paljevic
Can Cross-Race Mentoring Help Minority Students and Break Down Prejudice? Mentoring Experiences in Higher Education, Jennifer Brooke Rainer
From College to Career: Understanding First Generation and Traditional Community College Transfer Students' Major and Career Choices, Jeff Scott Shelton
Learning to Adapt: Online Social Science Instruction in Higher Education, Patrick Steven Smith
The Economic Impact of Veteran Status: The Effect of Veteran and Demographic Statuses on Household Income, Danielle Standridge
"Game Over" for the Climate: The Keystone XL Pipeline on TV News, Elisabeth Wilder
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Assessing Environmental Inequality in Portland, Oregon: An Exploration of Local Environmental Justice Struggles, Jordan Douglas Folks