Theses/Dissertations from 1981
An Alumni Survey of the School of Social Work, Portland State University, Stephen R. Fishack
A Description and Evaluation of the Self-Help Information Service, Cathy Tuma and John Wadsworth
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Multiple Impact Therapy: Evaluation and Design for Future Study, Jacqueline H. Abikoff
Salem Teen Mother Program: A Follow-up Study, Frances L. Barton
Evaluative Styles of Clinicians in Private Practice, Daniel R. Brophy
Adaptation to dominant society : a self study of a woman of mixed race, black/Indian, Helen Marie Camel
A study of the crisis nature of the preparenthood period and implications for preventative social work practice, Julie Jean Colton
A Generalist Approach to Social Work Practice: Model and Synthesis, Chuck H. Johnson, Paul S. Knight, Michael W. Krumper, and John H. Rademaker
Homemaker and Former Clientele Evaluation of the Homemaker Service of Lane County, Marcia A. Leonard
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
A Study of Multnomah County Community Support Services for the Chronically Mentally Ill, Karen Albers
Some observations of the Swedish psychiatric system, Gunnar Robert Almgren
The Effect of Administrative Mandate on Social Workers' Clinical Decision Making, Richard Arthur Anderson
An Investigation of Sexuality and Life Satisfaction of Institutionalized Aged, Karla M. Baur
A survey of mental health clients admitted to general hospital emergency rooms, Marsha J. Beale
Follow-up Study of Children in Six Day and Residential Treatment Service (DARTS) Centers in Oregon, Doris M. Beard and L. Gail Bulkley
Affirmative Action Programs in Social Service Agencies: Status of the Female M.S.W., Geraldine Ann Berg
Oregon Chapter, National Association of Social Workers : membership study, Gale Brewer, Leslie Hayashida, Kathy Lam, and Adrian Navarro
A Descriptive Study of Demography & Transportation Issues of Chronically Mentally Ill in the Eastern Oregon Comprehensive Community Mental Health Catchment Area, Tom H. Brubaker, David Emmons, and John Meade
Assessment of the Health and Social Service Needs of the Elderly of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Bruce K. Cannon and Jan C. Goslin
Factors Involved in the Utilization of a Divorce Counseling Service, Jean G. DeMaiffe and Richard H. Weiss
The interruption of the developmental tasks through pregnancy in the female adolescent, Suzanne Epstein and Kathleen Perkins
A study of psoriasis : a methodological critique, Prudence Craig Ford, Roberta Jeanne Ford, and Susan Swanson
A Cost Analysis and Recidivism Study of a Pre-trial Diversion Program, Ruth E. Green
Stressful Life Events : a Comparative Study of Native American and Urban Samples, Sandra Ketcher
Modification of the Record-Keeping System of a Community Mental Health Agency, Karen Knight, Christine Neilsen, and Craig Schreiter
Group Parent Training in Oregon, John Peter Kuzma
Industrial social work : a review of the literature and an evaluation of an employee assistance program, Gregory Mark Lee
Washington County aftercare service utilization study, James Richard Peterson
The First Years of Life: a Comparative Analysis of British and American Parent Education, Deborah Anne Smith Guisti, Ellen Turner Jurevic, Jane Elizabeth Mozena, and David W. Pedersen
An Evaluative Study of the Good Samaritan Pain Evaluation Clinic, Frederic G. Wessinger Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Assessment of the Needs of the Families of the Hospitalized Mentally Ill, Jean Pelosi Audette and Phyllis J. Jossy
The Effects of a Child's Serious Illness Upon His or Her Siblings, Kathleen Bales
"Fallen Angels": An Historical Review of Program Development and Clientele of the Salvation Army White Shield Home with an Emphasis on the Years 1940-1976, Wendy Jo Ballard
Parental perceptions of behavioral changes in children following divorce, Kenneth W. Bork
A Study of Partner Attitudes Related to Male Involvement in Contraception at Planned Parenthood, Portland, Oregon, Patricia Long Burnet, Rhonda Lee Jack, and Kathleen Margaret Leeson
Working with Natural Helpers: a Handbook for Social Workers, Lorraine Crawford, Pamela Smith, and Karen Lynn
The Foundations and Social Change, Helen M. Dalton
A study to determine if service workers want additional training regarding Black issues, Patricia Dickerson and Diane S. Whalen
Long-term effects of rape : a literature review and exploratory questionnaire, Kathleen June Elsner
An Analysis of Sex Role Bias in Clinician's Evaluations of Client Behavior, Shari Paula Greenberg
An Exploration Into the Field of Hospital Social Work, Timothy D. Haley
A Comparative Study of Persons Completing and Not Completing an Alcoholism Treatment Clinic's Group Intake Process, Timothy W. Hallinan and Eric J. Huelshoff
Political activities of professional social workers residing in Portland, Oregon, Connie May Henes
A research project on the developmentally disabled adult, Randi Lynn Hillinger
An Exploratory Study Into the Financial Situations of Elderly Wards of the Public Guardian and Conservator of Multnomah County, Ruth D. Hudson
Paraprofessionals in Oregon: an exploratory study of the status of associate degree human service workers, Richard William Hunter
A Comparison Between a Clinical Sample of Parents and Non-parents, as Reflected by Their Scores on the MMPI, Thomas Kearney and Casey Wegner
An Explorative Study of Parents' Ability to Predict Representative Feelings of Their Children, Kathleen Marie Koudele
Developmental Tasks of Older People: Implications for Group Work Practice, Mitchell Alan Lang
A Consumer Evaluation of the Clackamas County Family Court Service, Barbara E. Lee and Patricia E. Watne
Outcome evaluation of medical care utilizing Goal attainment scaling, Bonnie G. Little
Program evaluation: a model for evaluating group homes for the developmentally disabled, Michael J. Maley
The History of Mutual Support Organizations Among the Chinese in Portland, Oregon, Scott Manchester
Personality, counseling and the cancer patient, Janet March and Ann Maxwell
Issues for Professionals Working with Cerebral Palsied Individuals, Joan Marquis, Beth Thompson, and Wendy Girdlestone
The resilience of the child as a factor in successful adjustment to permanent placement, Lani Maureen McDonald
Indications of feminist influence on contemporary social work practice, Clara Elizabeth Miller
Perceptions of Indian tribal leaders regarding the Indian self-determination act (Public law 93-638), Ramona O'Connor
A Descriptive Study of Social Service Needs and Demographic Characteristics of Selected Emergency Room Patients, Anne K. Parker
The Relationship Between Social Isolation and Child Abuse: A Critical Literature Review, Ann A. Pederson
The Evaluation of a Title XX Training Grant in Child Care Treatment, Gilbért Louis Peña
Washington County Mental Health Program Year End Report for Fiscal Year 1976-1977, Jennifer Dee Pockel
Human Services AA Degree Programs, Ken Price
A Comparative Study of the Resettlement Status of Indochinese Refugees in Portland, Rosalynn R. Ringor, Chareundi Van-Si, and Steven Hernandez
A Descriptive Study of the Relationship Between Age and Problems Expressed by Women Seeking Out-Patient Mental Health Services, Linda M. Rodgers and Joyce Carey
The Development of a Grassroots Citizen Action Organization, Mary Runge
Assertion Training of Nursing Home Residents, Roberta Saul
Job seeking patterns of vocational rehabilitation clients, Sandra Marie Schneider
Social Work with Minority Clients : an Attitudinal Survey, Twila Jeanne Souers
Native American Social Work Symposium : an evaluation, Lou Stone
Medical social workers' attitudes toward death and related matters, Lon M. Stratton
Attitudes of Income Maintenance Line Workers in the State of Oregon About the Causes and Amelioration of Poverty, Gene Lamar Stutzman
An Evaluation of HEW Grant 426, a Training Program for Foster Parents of Handicapped Foster Children, William McKee Thome
Menopause, Middle Age, and the Social Worker, Bonnie C. Vatter
A manual for emergency room social workers, Jack West
Description and Analysis of the Public Guardian and Conservator Program in Multnomah County, Oregon, Dianne Wyers
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Personality Characteristics of Social Work Students and Choice of Social Work Practice Area, Linda A. Yegge and Francie E. Buktenica
Alternative Living Situation for Indian Youth, Colleen Lynn Langer Yost and Lloyd Blackstone Pinkham
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
An Exploratory Study of Adolescent Perceptions of Communication Behavior, Pat Adams and Marion Summers
Attitudes of Psychiatric Nurses and Aides at an Oregon State Hospital Toward Homosexuality, Don Andersen
The Development of a Patient Satisfaction Evaluation System in a Family Practice Setting, Lynda Ater
Toward an understanding of men and masculinity: some dimensions of the social construction of knowledge in social work professional journals, Robert Bailey and Denny Patella
Self-Report of Illicit Adolescent Drug Use: a Methodological Discussion, Mario Bolivar, Judy Casey, Susan Goldsmith, and Stanley Hahn
A Descriptive Study of the Pragmatic Issues in Obtaining an Abortion Among Sixty-five Women at Lovejoy Specialty Hospital, Portland, Oregon, Barbara E. Bordner, Wendy Green, and Susie Milberg
A Follow-up Study of Children Released From Child Care Centers, Tamsel Tack Cabrera
An Evaluative Study of Client Satisfaction at a Mental Health Clinic, Dianne E. Carlton
The Divorce Experience and its Impact on the Father-Child Relationship, Susan Coffman, Ellen Lane, and Erika Worth
Women in menopause: a study of gynecologist's perceptions, Zadell Cogan and Sharon Kennedy
Program planning for community residents who have been released from mental institutions, Joseph D. Condon and Margaret Ann Drackert
A Survey of Neighborhood Attitudes Toward the Mentally Retarded and Community Group Homes, Fred T. Cooprider
Grassroot Organizations in the Black Community in Portland, Danny B. Copeland
A One Case Study of a Fifteen Year Old Boy in Residential Treatment in the State of Oregon, Edward S. Cote
Social Profile of the Portland-Vancouver Metropolitan Area, Terry L. Cross
A Descriptive Study of Some Problems of Widows in Portland, Oregon, Kathleen Marsha Davis and Gail Petchesky
The attitudes of youth workers on delinquency and delinquency programs, Gary Lee Dominick, Carol Swartz, and Michael Orval Taylor
Retrospective Study of Participants in Preorgasmic Women's Groups : Looking for Life Changes, Barbara Geiger
A Follow-Up Study of the Graduates in the Academic Track at WSSB, Linda Heider and Renee Klisch
Psychiatric Emergency Services in Oregon, Maren L. Hersrud, Karalee Kiser, and Catherine M. Knox
Self-esteem and the Elderly : an Exploratory Study of a Residential Population in a Home for the Aged, Vernon E. Hoffer