Theses/Dissertations from 1977
An Assessment of the Impact of Public Housing on the Low Income Elderly Residents of the Burnside Community, Timothy C. Jacobs
A Study of Behavior Changes Among Children Who Have Left the Children's Psychiatric Day Treatment Center, Julia A. Jones and Larry G. Pederson
Quality of life assessment of chronic hemodialysis patients at the Artificial Kidney Unit of Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center, Karen Jones Whittle, Michael Tripp, and Bruce De Young
Children with Porencephaly: A Study of Services, Dana Kaufman and Elisabeth Mason
The vertically-oriented organization : a theoretical perspective, Beth M. Kurren
An investigation of the combined effect of agency support and professional social workers' training on the type of family therapy practiced by agency-based social workers, Betsy Marsh McCartor and Margaret Labby
Attitudes of Graduate Social Work Students Toward the Disabled: Use of Yuker's Disabled Persons Scale, Donna Meyer Weggenman
Motivational Factors Behind Repetitive Abortions, Kelly Osmont and Ellen Wolfford
Follow-up Study of the Child Diagnostic Center, Nancy Ann Peck and Krystal Angevine
Personal incidental fund: a study in policy making, Shirley Rackner
Attitudes and Perceptions of Medical Social Workers Held by Primary Care Physicians in Private Practice, Defined as Family Practitioners, Internists, and Pediatricians, Rosemarie Rosenfeld
A Demographic Study of Two Alcoholic Populations in a State Hospital, James John Schelot
An Evaluation System for Alcohol and Drug Programs, Michael J. Schrunk
Social work intervention and patients' utilization of the Kaiser health care system, Pegi Sten and Liz Swint Young
Social impact assessment at the neighborhood level, William H. Triest
Service delivery to deaf persons : a survey and proposal, Patrick F. Walsh
The Therapeutic Community: Treatment as Viewed by Former Addicts, Barbara Ward and Robert York
A Model for Decision Making: A Systems Approach, Eleanor Weitman
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Maternal and Child Health Training Assessment, Robert H. Abrams
Effects of Increased Fuel Costs on Households in a Low Income Neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, Ora Allen and Betty Heald
A Study of Runaway Behavior and Other Factors Impeding Treatment at Albertina Kerr Center, a Residential Treatment Center for Girls, June Anderson, Mary Coleman, Kristi Kennen, and Tom Ross
Oregon's Struggle Toward a Comprehensive Plan for Children's Mental Health Services: A Historical and Political Process, Kristin Angell
Specialized Out-of-Home Care Project: An Outcome Study, Carol Teresa Arden, Bonnie Jean Braeutigam, Dennis Schilling, and Charlotte Mary Wellman
The No-fault dissolution of marriage act in Oregon: a study of its effect on selected factors, Dennis Arthur Armstrong
Economic Coping Patterns of Chinese Foreign Students in Portland State University, Kim Bik Au
An inter-rater reliability study on the Multi-dimensional outcome measure, Grace Boys
Need assessment methodology, Gerald A. Burns and Janet S. Putnam
Historical Aspects of Indian Life and Their Effects on the Urban Indian, Ramona Cliff
Postdivorce parental roles: a descriptive study, Victor R. Congleton and Lisa Christina Londos
An Exploratory Study of Runaway Female Adolescents in a Residential Treatment Center, Mary E. Cook and Stan Jasper
Post-Discharge Adjustment of Children Treated at Edgefield Lodge, Sandra M. Erickson
A Model for Teaching Small Group Skills in a Laboratory Setting, Larry Ferguson and James Reavis
A study of counseling at Reed College, Martin Shawn Fisher and Mark Masterson
The Black Elderly Volunteer, Sandra E. Gonzales
A Survey of Myths Concerning the Crime of Rape, Marilyn Hammon, Joyce Jerabek, and Michèle Mairesse
The Negative Effects of Divorce on the Behavior of Children, David Hawkins and Karen Lloyd
A qualitative assessment of Clark County's mental health delivery system, John L. Hutchison
A Study of Requests for Voluntary Admission to Oregon State Hospital, Julie Kern, Jeanne Miller, and Alice Plummer
Attitudes of Women Toward World Hunger, Judith L. Kidd
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Parenting Relationships on Children's School Adjustment, Raymond M. Lappin, Lisa J. Posner, and Marcia S. Smith
A Descriptive Study of Participants in the Evergreen Community Organization, Douglas Edward Lehrman and Janet R. Abrams
Strategies for Reducing Recidivism of Mental Patients in Region I, Ellen Magaziner, Kathleen McCarthy, and Reyn Staffel
The utilization of preventive health care services by low income members of a comprehensive prepaid health plan : the impact of outreach services, Linda Elmlund Mahoney
A study of the relationship between the adolescents' knowledge of laws and their attitudes towards the police, Barbara McCallum
The Evolution of the Birth Control Movement in the United States, Linda B. McMahan
A Descriptive Study of Eleven Parent Conferences in a Child Development Center, Yolanda A. Moser
Differential Adherence to Community Mental Health Ideology Among First Year Social Work Students, Leo Munter
An Exploratory Study Concerning Reasons Given for Termination of Provision of Foster Care, Linda Ann Nelson
Securing Services for the Older Population : a Training Manual for I and R Workers, Catherine M. Nemmert
Leadership Styles and Staff Satisfaction in Four Nursing Homes: Implications for Service Delivery, Carol Nightengale
A profile of women volunteers, Vana O'Brien
The Impact of SSI on the Social Security Administration: an Intraorganizational Study with Interorganizational Ramifications, Patricia A. Parker
Lifespring's Basic Seminar: An Evaluation Study, Patricia A. Percival
A Specialized Child Protective Service Unit, Paul O. Powers and Bonnie J. Vance
The use of dance as a tool for personality integration, Barbara Throckmorton Rankin
Exploring Collaboration: A Program Evaluation of a Mental Health Intervention in a Public Elementary School, Joy Rhodes
A Descriptive Study of Oregon Literacy Tutors in Multnomah County, Marva Schwiebert and Kathleen Whittle
A Study Describing the Counseling Practices of the Pastors in the Pacific Northwest Conference of the Free Methodist Church, Jere' Slingerland Howell
Residential treatment of emotionally disturbed adolescents, Rosemary Brown Sutherland
Social work continuing education needs assessment study, Mary Lou Timme
Male Client Expectations of Female Therapists, Phyllis Whitman Heims and Susan Annette Ofstad
The Proposed Community Involvement Activities of the Multnomah County Department of Public Safety : a Descriptive Study, Vertis Williams and Leearthur Madison
A Holistic Approach to Social Work Education, Lynda M. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
A Comparison of Socialization and the Current Attitudes Towards Personal and Feminist Issues of Women Over 65, Gayle Austin and Anna Belle Sime
Evaluation of the Admissions Process at Portland State University School of Social Work: Prediction and Performance, Paula Bates Mike, Nancy J. Sharff, and Barbara Lynn Wolochow
A study of battered children in Santa Barbara, California, Carol Lynne Beastrom
A study of runaways from six residential treatment agencies, Loris Colbath, Carolyn Krugel Graf, Carol McKinnon, and Jean NewComb
A Study to Differentiate Between Runaways and Non-runaways Among Juveniles Reported Missing, Neil E. Crannell and Patricia A. Hoffman
An Analysis of Professional Roles & Career Patterns of Portland State University School of Social Work graduates, 1964-1973, B. Michael Des Camp and Howard H. Marshack
Criteria and Outcome of C. S. D. Foster Home and Residential Placements of Court-referred Adolescents, Joan Dickey
A Methodology for Evaluating the Efficacy of the Placement Procedures of The Dalles Community Attention Home, Marion Elliott
Drop-out study, Chemawa Indian School, Terry Farrow and Gordon Oats
A preliminary evaluation of the Independent Living Subsidy Program in the Model Cities area, W. Patrick Frawley and Mary Goodwin Gossart
Attendance at Out-Patient Clinics as a Function of Risk Taking for Alcoholics, John Ketcham Fryer
A Descriptive Study Regarding Perceptions of Sex Roles in Cooperative Households, Emily Fultz and Billie Huntwork
A Study of the Career Education Program at Mountain View Intermediate School, Beaverton School District #48, Beaverton, Oregon, William Calvin Greene
The Use and Evaluation of Gestalt Techniques in a Program for the Parents of Handicapped Children, Richard Roy Hammond and Robert E. Phillips
An Evaluative Study of Yellow Brick Road, Cherry Hartman and Nan Narboe
Social Workers' Attitudes About Poverty, Trudy Hussmann
An Exploratory Study of the Role of Research in Social Work at Portland State University, Jo Mackay Imeson and Audrey Englebardt Zalutsky
Indian Alcoholism on Reservations, Cleora E. Jackson
Assessment of Short Term Behavioral Changes in Emotionally Handicapped Children Enrolled in a Special Education Program, James S. Johnston and Karen Shilling
The Application and Evaluation of Goal Attainment Scaling to the Janis Drug Treatment Program, Steven W. Kilber and Carol E. Swanson
A Descriptive Study of Previously Institutionalized Educable Mentally Retarded Adults Residing in Multnomah County, Oregon, Susan J. Kiley, Jeffrey D. Sher, and Richard C. Sunshine
Marital Status as a Discriminator and Treatment Variable among Female Alcoholics, James C. Knapp
An Identification of Important Management, Administrative, and Planning Skills and Knowledge Essential to Middle-managers Present Positions in a Variety of Urban and Rural Social Welfare Settings in Oregon, Patricia Victoria Leonard
Counseling Needs of Mastectomy Patients: Reach to Recovery Program, Elaine Lowe
An Exploration of the Feelings and Attitudes of Women Separated From Their Children Due to Incarceration, Dorothy Lundberg, Ann Sheekley, and Therese Voelker
The Development of an Evaluational Process for the Group Home Project of the Northeast Multnomah District of Childrens' Service Division, Lucinda E. McKitrick, Richard S. Barasch, and Lon J. Lembert
Problem oriented case planning, Jack A. Morgan
What Indians think an Indian is : a study of personal and educational attitudes, Susan W. Oliver and Christine L. Peterson
Pretesting a questionnaire at the Solo Center on the impact of divorce on children and parents, Shirley Anne Paetzhold
Managing human services, Betsy W. Romain
Recent role changes made by women and the effect these changes have had on marital adjustment, Nancy L. Scolar
A Descriptive Study of Five Child Day Treatment Centers, Virginia Spurkland and Joyce Edwards
Moving toward integration: a study of theory and practice in feminist therapy, Susan Amelia Thomas
Social Workers in the Community Mental Health Field A Delphi Forecast of Training Priorities, William Boyce Thomas and Mark L. Clay
Close Supervision Program: an Analysis of a Human Services Program, Thomas Wright Jr. and V. Henderson Trotman
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Attitudinal Survey of Children's Services Division Workers Regarding the Louise Home, John Adsit, Wendy Bays Heinz, and George Nagel
Sharing information about the child with adoptive parents, Barbara Ashmun, Beverly McKinney Erickson, and Bente Roberts Parker