This open access collection of exemplary graduate and undergraduate work includes nearly forty sub-collections: award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship. Find theses, dissertations, research projects, posters, presentations, articles, and more.

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Submissions from 1993


Employee Scheduling Using Linear Programming Methods: A Case Study for Ground Services Personnel, Longjun Liu, Poul Murtha, and Levent Neymen


Ethnic Identity Changes Among Hong Kong Chinese Americans, Pui-Lam Lo


An analysis of movable Barrier Systems for Temporary Traffic Control in Highway Construction, Art Louie


The Identity in Crisis: A New Approach to the Culture Shock Experience of University Exchange Students, Christina Maria Luther


Unified Bias Analysis of Subspace-Based DOA Estimation Algorithms, Yang Lu

OPT, Activity Based Costing, and the New Theory of Manufacturing, Sean T. MacDermant


Difficulties Experienced Procedural Programmers Encounter When Transferring to an Object-oriented Programming Paradigm, Scott Andrew MacHaffie


The Soldiers of Spain's California Army, 1769-1821, Barrie Earl Malcolm


Police Stress: A Literature Study on Police Occupational Stressors and the Responses in Police Officers to Stressful Job Events, Katarina Ahlstrom Mannheimer


A Cognitively Motivated System for Software Component Reuse, Michael Joseph Mateas


Comparative Scores of Hearing-Impaired and Normally Hearing Children Given the Carolina Picture Vocabulary Test, Barbara Ann McComb


Benchmarking in Industry, Mic McConnell


Improper Application of Statistical Analysis Tools to QualityImprovement Activities, Lawrence R. McCoy


The Public Persona of Nelson R. Mandela: A Study of U.S. Print Media Narratives, Molly Jeane McVey


Comparison of Ion Adsorption to Phophatidylcholine/Phosphatidylserine and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membranes, Martin Mense


A Survey of Aural Rehabilitation Services Provided to Hearing Impaired Clients in the Private Sector, Alison Metcalf


Expressive Communication and Socialization Skills of Five-Year Olds with Slow Expressive Language Development, Nicole Anne Midford


The Use of Statistical Methods in the Measurement of Customer Satisfaction, Daryl L. Millard


Process Improvements Possible in the Longview Reduction Maintenance Control Dispatch Process, Daryl L. Millard, Gena Bailey, Steve Brown, and Jim Cox


A Characterization and Process Control Plan for a New Plasma Photo Resist Stripper, Gordon Miller


CUSUM Control Charts, Gordon Miller


An Economic Evaluation of a Prospective Horse Breeding Business, Eric Mische


Development of a TQM Performance Measurement System for Use in Architecture and Engineering Firms, Eric Mische, Nguyet Angie Nguyen, and Scott Walsh


Language and Memory Development in the Three and Four Year Old, Caroline Prater Moffatt


The Theory and Practice of Community Policing: An Evaluation of the Iris Court Demonstration Project, Charles Moose