Submissions from 2006
Community-Based Learning and Social Justice, Karen Gibson
The Economic Impact of Early Life Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure: Early Intervention for Developmental Delay, Thaddeus R. Miller, Virginia A. Rauh, Sherry A. M. Glied, Dale Hattis, Andrew Rundle, Howard Andrews, and Frederica Perera
Age-Related Shifts in Housing and Transportation Demand : A Multidisciplinary Study Conducted for Metro by Portland State University's College of Urban and Public Affairs, Final Report, Margaret B. Neal, Nancy J. Chapman, Jennifer Dill, Irina V. Sharkova, Alan Kenneth DeLaTorre, Kathleen A. Sullivan, Tomoko Kanai, and Sheila A. Martin
Science and Intractable Conflict, Connie P. Ozawa
Periodic Atlas of the Metroscape: The Geography of Water, Vivek Shandas, Alton Straub, and Yongxia Kou
Submissions from 2005
Homesteading on the Extraterrestrial Frontier, Carl Abbott
Planning a Sustainable Portland: A Digital Library for Local, Regional, and State Planning and Policy Documents, Carl Abbott
Impacts of Trip Permit Program Changes on Vehicle Operations and Inspections, Jennifer Dill
Survey of Merrick TOD Residents Final Report, Jennifer Dill
Incorporating Science into the Environmental Policy Process: a Case Study from Washington State, Tessa B. Francis, Kara A. Whittaker, Vivek Shandas, April V. Mills, and Jessica K. Graybill
Imagining Home: Planning an American Dream, Karen J. Gibson, Sue Arbuthnot, and Richard Wilhelm
Helping Everyone Have PLENTY: Addressing Distribution and Circulation in an HOURS-based Local Currency System, Jonathan Lepofsky and Lisa K. Bates
An Evaluation of the Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Environmental Streamlining Efforts: A Focus on CETAS, Connie P. Ozawa and Jennifer Dill
Submissions from 2004
Scrapping Old Cars, Jennifer Dill
Race, Class, and Space: An Examination of “Underclass” Notions in the Steel and Motor Cities, Karen J. Gibson
Urban Redevelopment in Portland: Making the City Livable for Everyone?, Karen J. Gibson
First Annual Portland Metropolitan Region Transportation System Performance Report, Brian Gregor, Sonoko Endo, Christopher Michael Monsere, Jennifer Dill, and Jacob Baglien
Impacts and Issues Related to Proposed Changes in Oregon's Interstate Speed Limits, Final Report, Christopher Michael Monsere, Craig D. Newgard, Jennifer Dill, Anthony M. Rufolo, Elizabeth Wemple, Robert L. Bertini, and Craig Milliken
Submissions from 2003
Falling into History: The Imagined Wests of Kim Stanley Robinson in the "Three Californias" and Mars Trilogies, Carl Abbott
Metro’s Regional Land Information System: The Virtual Key to Portland’s Growth Management Success, Gerrit Knapp, Richard Bolen, and Ethan Seltzer
Submissions from 2002
City Profile: Portland, Oregon, Karen J. Gibson and Carl Abbott
Submissions from 2001
Portland: Civic Culture and Civic Opportunity, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1999
California Vehicle License Fees: Incidence and Equity, Jennifer Dill, Todd Mitchel Goldman, and Martin Wachs
Submissions from 1998
Revisiting Occupational Crowding in the United States: A Preliminary Study, Karen J. Gibson, William A. Darity Jr., and Samuel L. Myers Jr.
Submissions from 1997
The International City Hypothesis: An Approach to the Recent History of U.S. Cities, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1996
The Internationalization of Washington, D.C., Carl Abbott
The Portland region: Where city and suburbs talk to each other ... and sometimes agree, Carl Abbott
Thinking About Cities: The Central Tradition in U.S. Urban History, Carl Abbott
Science in Environmental Conflicts, Connie P. Ozawa
Submissions from 1995
"Beautiful Downtown Burbank" : Changing metropolitan geography in the modern West, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1994
Planning the Oregon Way : A Twenty-Year Evaluation, Carl Abbott, Deborah A. Howe, and Sy Adler
Submissions from 1993
Five Downtown Strategies: Policy Discourse and Downtown Planning Since 1945, Carl Abbott
The Politics of Land-Use Law in Oregon: Senate Bill 100, Twenty Years After, Carl Abbott
The Urban West and the Twenty-First Century, Carl Abbott
The Evolution of Federal Transit Policy, Sy Adler
Submissions from 1992
Regional City and Network City: Portland and Seattle in the Twentieth Century, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1991
International Cities in the Dual Systems Model: The Transformation of Los Angeles and Washington, Carl Abbott
A History of Metro, Carl Abbott and Margery Post Abbott
Submissions from 1990
United States Regional History as an Instructional Field: The Practice of College and University History Departments, Carl Abbott
Utopia and Bureaucracy: The Fall of Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1989
Perspectives on Urban Economic Planning: The Case of Washington, D.C., Since 1880, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1988
Infrastructure politics: the dynamics of crossing San Francisco Bay, Sy Adler
Submissions from 1987
The Everyday City: Portland's Changing Neighborhoods, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1985
Greater Portland: Experiments with Professional Planning, 1905-1925, Carl Abbott
Submissions from 1981
"To Arouse Interest in the Outdoors" : The Literary Career of Enos Mills, Carl Abbott