
Submissions from 2017

Shifting Meanings of Health Impact Assessment in Pacific Northwest coal Export Proposals, Moriah McSharry McGrath


Writing/Drawing Experiences of Silence and Intimacy in Fieldwork Relationships, Kacy McKinney


Using Stories, Narratives, and Storytelling in Energy and Climate Change Research, Mithra Moezzi, Kathryn B. Janda, and Sea Rotmann


Assessing the Potential of Land Use Modification to Mitigate Ambient NO2 and Its Consequences for Respiratory Health, Meenakshi Rao, Linda A. George, Vivek Shandas, and Todd N. Rosenstiel


Closing Schools is Like “Taking Away Part of My Body”: The Impact of Gentrification on Neighborhood, Public Schools in Inner Northeast Portland, Leanne Claire Serbulo


Rapid Urban Growth and Land Use Patterns in Doha, Qatar: Opportunities for Sustainability, Vivek Shandas, Yasuyo Makido, and Salim Ferwati

Commute Well-Being Differences by Mode: Evidence from Portland, Oregon, USA, Oliver Smith


Preserving Housing Choice and Opportunity: A Study of Apartment Building Sales and Rents, Seyoung Sung and Lisa K. Bates


Towards Systematic Prediction of Urban Heat Islands: Grounding Measurements, Assessing Modeling Techniques, Jackson Voelkel and Vivek Shandas

Evaluating Public Transit Services for Operational Efficiency and Access Equity, Ran Wei, Xiaoyue Liu, Yongjian Mu, Liming Wang, and Aaron Golub

A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Locating Affordable Housing Investments While Maximizing Accessibility to Jobs by Public Transportation, Qing Zhong, Alex Karner, Michael Kuby, and Aaron Golub

Submissions from 2016


Beyond the Fringe, Carl Abbott

Book Review of, Captivating Westerns: The Middle East in the American West. By Susan Kollin, Carl Abbott

Bicycle Route Preference and Pollution Inhalation Dose: Comparing Exposure and Distance Trade-Offs, Alexander Y. Bigazzi, Joseph Broach, and Jennifer Dill


Coming of Age at the End of Nature: A Generation Faces Living on a Changed Planet, Amy K. Coplen

Promoting Sustainable Travel Modes for Commute Tours: A Comparison of the Effects of Home and Work Locations and Employer-Provided Incentives, Hongwei Dong, Liang Ma, and Joseph Broach


Sustainable Drainage Systems: Helping People Live with Water, Glyn Everett, Jessica Lamond, Anita T. Morzillo, Faith Ka Shun Chan, and Annie Marissa Matsler


Drivers of Urban Sprawl in Urbanizing China – A Political Ecology Analysis, Yiping Fang and Anirban Pal


Is the Right to Bicycle a Civil Right? Synergies and Tensions Between the Transportation Justice Movement and Planning for Bicycling, Aaron Golub


Creating an Inclusionary Bicycle Justice Movement, Aaron Golub, Melody L. Hoffman, Gerardo Francisco Sandoval, and Adonia Lugo


Portland Made Collective Survey Report 2015, Charles H. Heying, Stephen Marotta, and Austin Cummings


Temporal Variations of Citizens’ Demands on Flood Damage Mitigation, Streamflow Quantity and Quality in the Korean Urban Watershed, Change-Yu Hong and Eun-Sung Chung


Getting Outside the Supermarket Box: Alternatives to "Food Deserts", Megan Horst, Subhashni Raj, and Catherine Brinkley


Social Learning through Stakeholder Engagement: New Pathways from Parcipitation to Health Equity in U.S. West Coast HIA, Nicole Iroz-Elardo and Moriah McSharry McGrath


Who Votes for Mayor?, Jason R. Jurjevich, Phil Keisling, Kevin Rancik, Carson Gorecki, and Stephanie Hawke


Forging Links Between Food Chain Labor Activists and Academics, Charles Z. Levoke, Nathan McClintock, Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern, Amy K. Coplen, Jennifer Gaddis, Joann Lo, Felipe Tendick-Matesanz, and Anelyse M. Weiler


Understanding Social Media Program Usage in Public Transit Agencies, Jenny H. Liu, Wei Shi, O. A. Elrahman, Xuegang Ban, and Jack M. Reilly


Beyond the Screen: Uneven Geographies, Digital Labour, and the City of Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism, Dillon Mahmoudi and Anthony M. Levenda


Daytime Variation of Urban Heat Islands: The Case Study of Doha, Qatar, Yasuyo Makido, Vivek Shandas, Salim Ferwati, and David J. Sailor


Where Is Portland Made? The Complex Relationship between Social Media and Place in the Artisan Economy of Portland, Oregon (USA), Stephen Marotta, Austin Cummings, and Charles H. Heying


Socio-Spatial Differentiation in the Sustainable City: A Mixed-Methods Assessment of Residential Gardens in Metropolitan Portland, Oregon, USA, Nathan McClintock, Dillon Mahmoudi, Michael Simpson, and Jacinto Pereira Santos


Review of The Tragedy of the Commodity: Oceans, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, Julius McGee


Seeking Solutions to Long-Term Public Engagement in Rapidly Diversifying Communities: A Case Study in Washington County, Oregon, Meg Merrick and Andrée Tremoulet


Jane Jacobs and the Value of Older, Smaller Buildings, Michael Powe, Jonathan Mabry, Emily Talen, and Dillon Mahmoudi

An Empirical Assessment of Interdisciplinarity: Perspectives from Graduate Students and Program Administrators, Vivek Shandas and Stephan Edward Brown


Integrating High-Resolution Datasets to Target Mitigation Efforts for Improving Air Quality and Public Health in Urban Neighborhoods, Vivek Shandas, Jackson Voelkel, Meenakshi Rao, and Linda A. George

Nineteenth-Century Telegraphy: Wiring the Emerging Urban Corporate Economy, Gerald Sussman


Revisiting Critical GIS, Jim Thatcher, Luke Bergmann, Britta Ricker, Reuben Rose-Redwood, Daniel O'Sullivan, Trevor J. Barnes, Luke R. Barnesmoore, Laura Beltz Imaoka, Ryan Burns, Jonathan Cinnamon, Craig M. Dalton, Clinton Davis, Stuart Dunn, Francis Harvey, Jin-Kyu Jung, Elen Kersten, LaDona Knigge, Nick Lally, Wen Lin, Dillon Mahmoudi, Michael Martin, Will Payne, Amir Sheikh, Taylor Shelton, Eric Sheppard, Chris W. Strother, Alexander Tarr, Matthew W. Wilson, and Jason C. Young


Encouraging Low-Income Households to Make Location-Efficient Housing Choices, Andrée Tremoulet, Ryan Dann, and Arlie Adkins

Moving to Location Affordability? Housing Choice Vouchers and Residential Relocation in the Portland, Oregon, Region, Andrée Tremoulet, Ryan Dann, and Arlie Adkins


Developing High-Resolution Descriptions of Urban Heat Islands: A Public Health Imperative, Jackson Voelkel, Vivek Shandas, and Brendon Haggerty


Transportation Cost Index as a Performance Measure for Transportation and Land Use Systems: New Approaches and Applications, Liming Wang, Huajie Yang, and Jenny H. Liu


Clatsop County Latinos: A Demographic and Economic Profile, Marisa Zapata and Amanda Hudson

Submissions from 2015


Community by Design: The Olmsted Firm and the Development of Brookline, Massachusetts by Keith N. Morgan, Elizabeth Hope Cushing, and Roger G. Reed (Book Review), Carl Abbott


Revisiting Rajneeshpuram: Oregon's Largest Utopian Community as Western History, Carl Abbott


Hardening Racial Lines in Public Space, Naomi Adiv

Paidia meets Ludus: New York City Municipal Pools and the Infrastructure of Play, Naomi Adiv


Paying to Play in the Mission District, Naomi Adiv


Workshop Synthesis: Sampling Issues, Data Quality & Data Protection, Jimmy Armoogum and Jennifer Dill


Dissolved: Lessons Learned from the Portland Multnomah Food Policy Council, Amy K. Coplen and Monica Cuneo


2014 Transit Oriented Developments Survey, Jennifer Dill and Nathan McNeil


Delivering Green Streets: an Exploration of Changing Perceptions and Behaviours Over Time Around Bioswales in Portland, Oregon, Glyn Everett, Jessica Lamond, Anita T. Morzillo, Annie Marissa Matsler, and Faith Ka Shun Chan


A Level-of-Service Model for Protected Bike Lanes, Nick Foster, Christopher Monsere, Jennifer Dill, and Kelly Clifton


Uneven Development of the Sustainable City: Shifting Capital in Portland, Oregon, Erin Goodling, Jamaal Green, and Nathan McClintock


Portland’s Food Economy: Trends and Contributions, Jamaal Green, Greg Schrock, and Jenny H. Liu


Who Votes for Mayor? A PSU Pilot Research Report, Jason R. Jurjevich, Phil Keisling, Kevin Christopher Rancik, and Carson Gorecki


Comparing Two Common Approaches to Public Transit Service Equity Evaluation, Alex Karner and Aaron Golub


The Neoliberal Politics of “Smart”: Electricity Consumption, Household Monitoring, and the Enterprise Form, Anthony M. Levenda, Dillon Mahmoudi, and Gerald Sussman


A Critical Physical Geography of Urban Soil Contamination, Nathan McClintock


Situating Corporate Framings Of Child Labor: Toward Grounded Geographies Of Working Children In Globalized Agriculture, Kacy McKinney


Transportation Leadership Education: Portland Traffic and Transportation Course a Case Study and Curriculum, Nathan McNeil


The Influence of Bike Lane Buffer Types on Perceived Comfort and Safety of Bicyclists and Potential Bicyclists, Nathan McNeil, Christopher M. Monsere, and Jennifer Dill


Connecting Curriculum to Community Research: Professional Services, Research, and Teaching, W. Barry Messer and Peter J. Collier

The Community Watershed Stewardship Program: Experiments in Engagement and Equity in Portland, OR, Thaddeus Miller, Erin Goodling, Cameron Herrington, and Jennifer Devlin


Office Rent Premiums With Respect To Distance From Light Rail Transit Stations In Dallas And Denver, Arthur C. Nelson, Dejan Eskic, Joanna P. Ganning, Shima Hamidi, Susan J. Petheram, Jenny H. Liu, and Reid Ewing


Retail Rent with Respect to Distance from Light Rail Transit Stations in Dallas and Denver, Arthur C. Nelson, Dejan Eskic, Joanna P. Ganning, Shima Hamidi, Susan J. Petheram, Jenny H. Liu, and Reid Ewing


But do Lower-Wage Jobs Follow? Comparing Wage-Based Outcomes of Light Rail Transit to Control Corridors, Arthur C. Nelson, Matt Miller, Dejan Eskic, Joanna P. Ganning, Jenny H. Liu, and Reid Ewing


Do TODs Make a Difference?, Arthur C. Nelson, Matt Miller, Dejan Eskic, Keuntae Kim, Reid Ewing, Jenny H. Liu, Matt Berggren, and Zakari Mumuni


Transit and Economic Resilience, Arthur C. Nelson, Matt Miller, Joanna P. Ganning, Philip Stoker, Jenny H. Liu, and Reid Ewing


Commuter Rail Transit and Economic Development, Arthur C. Nelson, Matt Miller, Keuntae Kim, Joanna P. Ganning, Jenny H. Liu, and Reid Ewing


Portland Civil Rights: Lift Ev’ry Voice, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Karen J. Gibson, Darrell Millner, Avel Gordly, and Charlotte Rutherford


Neighborhood Change and the Role of Environmental Stewardship: a Case Study of Green Infrastructure for Stormwater in the City of Portland, Oregon, USA, Vivek Shandas


Stressors and Strategies for Managing Urban Water Scarcity: Perspectives from the Field, Vivek Shandas, Rosa Lehman, Kelli L. Larson, Jeremy Bunn, and Heejun Chang


Data Colonialism through Accumulation by Dispossession: New metaphors for Daily Data, Jim Thatcher, David O'Sullivan, and Dillon Mahmoudi


Overcoming Uncertainty and Barriers to Adoption of Blue-Green Infrastructure for Urban Flood Risk Management, Colin R. Thorne, E. C. Lawson, Connie P. Ozawa, Samantha Hamlin, and Leonard A. Smith


Radical Uncertainty: Scenario Planning for Futures, Marisa A. Zapata and Nikhil Kaza

Submissions from 2014


Jim Rockford or Tony Soprano: Coastal Contrasts in American Suburbia, Carl Abbott


Transit Justice for Youth in Multnomah County, Oregon: A For Youth By Youth Report, Lisa K. Bates


The African American Community in Multnomah County: An Unsettling Profile, Lisa K. Bates, Ann Curry-Stevens, and Coalition of Communities of Color


Getting Your House in Order: A Model for African-American Financial Education, Lisa K. Bates and Stacey Triplett


Multiday GPS Travel Behavior Data for Travel Analysis: The Effect of Day-to-Day Travel Time Variability on Auto Travel Choices, Jennifer Dill, Joseph Broach, Kate Deutsch-Burgne, Yanzhi Xu, Randall Guensler, David Levinson, and Wenyun Tang


Can Protected Bike Lanes Help Close the Gender Gap in Cycling? Lessons from Five Cities, Jennifer Dill, Tara Goddard, Christopher Monsere, and Nathan McNeil


Race, Segregation, and Choice: Race and Ethnicity in Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Applicant Neighborhoods, 2010–2012, Matthew F. Gebhardt


Portland Made Collective Survey Report 2014, Charles H. Heying and Stephen Marotta


How Well has Land-Use Planning Worked Under Different Governance Regimes? A Case Study in the Portland, OR-Vancouver, WA Metropolitan Area, USA, Jeffrey D. Kline, Paul R. Thiers, Connie P. Ozawa, J. Alan Yeakley, and Sean N. Gordon


Do TODs Make a Difference? MAX Yellow Line Portland, Oregon, Jenny H. Liu, Zakari Mumuni, Matt Berggren, Matt Miller, Arthur C. Miller, and Reid Ewing


Do TODs Make a Difference? NS Streetcar Line Portland, Oregon, Jenny H. Liu, Zakari Mumuni, Matt Berggren, Matt Miller, Arthur C. Nelson, and Reid Ewing


Book Review of, California Cuisine and Just Food, Nathan McClintock


Radical, Reformist, and Garden-Variety Neoliberal: Coming to Terms with Urban Agriculture’s Contradictions, Nathan McClintock


Urban Livestock Ownership, Management, and Regulation in the United States: An Exploratory Survey and Research Agenda, Nathan McClintock, Esperanza Pallana, and Heather Wooten


A Survey of Urban Agriculture Organizations and Businesses in the US and Canada: Preliminary Results, Nathan McClintock and Mike Simpson


Cultivating Portlandia: A Mixed-Method Study of Residential Urban Agriculture in Portland, Oregon, Nathan McClintock, Mike Simpson, Dillon Mahmoudi, and Jacinto Pereira Santos


Lessons from the Green Lanes: Evaluating Protected Bike Lanes in the U.S., Christopher Monsere, Jennifer Dill, Nathan McNeil, Kelly J. Clifton, Nick Foster, Tara Goddard, Mathew Berkow, Joe Gilpin, Kim Voros, Drusilla van Hengel, and Jamie Parks


Connecting People and Place Prosperity: Workforce Development and Urban Planning in Scholarship and Practice, Greg Schrock


Continuous Data Integration for Land Use and Transportation Planning and Modeling, Liming Wang and Kihong Kim

Submissions from 2013


Science Fiction Cities, Carl Abbott


Gentrification and Displacement Study: Implementing an Equitable Inclusive Development Strategy in the Context of Gentrification, Lisa K. Bates


Revisiting Equity: The HUD Sustainable Communities Initiative, Lisa K. Bates and Marisa Zapata


Julie Guthman: Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice, and the Limits of Capitalism, Amy K. Coplen


Research and Development of a Land Use Scenario Modeling Tool, John Gliebe, Hongwei Dong, and Josh Frank Roll