Submissions from 2020
A Dialogue on Displacement as Entwined Colonialism, Matt Hern and Lisa K. Bates
The Effects of Historical Housing Policies on Resident Exposure to Intra-Urban Heat: A Study of 108 US Urban Areas, Jeremy Hoffman, Vivek Shandas, and Nicholas Pendleton
Real Estate Development and Economic Development Planning Education: Pragmatic Turn or Trojan Horse?, Minjee Kim, Emil Malizia, Marla Nelson, Laura Wolf-Powers, Joanna P. Ganning, and Greg Schrock
Transforming Innovation for Decarbonisation? Insights from Combining complex Systems and Social Practice Perspectives, Nicola Labanca, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Matt Watson, Kristian Krieger, Dario Padovan, Laura Watts, Mithra Moezzi, Grégoire Wallenborn, Rebecca Wright, Erik Laes, and multiple additional authors
Adaptive Bike Share Expanding Bike Share to People with Disabilities and Older Adults, John MacArthur, Nathan McNeil, Austin Cummings, and Joseph Broach
Old Detroit, New Detroit: "makers" and the Impasse of Place Change, Stephen Marotta
Locked into Emissions: How Mass Incarceration Contributes to Climate Change, Julius Alexander McGee, Patrick Greiner, and Carl Eugene Appleton
Gender Inequality, Reproductive Justice, and Decoupling Economic Growth and Emissions: a Panel Analysis of the Moderating Association of Gender Equality on the Relationship between Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions, Julius Alexander McGee, Patrick Trent Greiner, MacKenzie A. Christensen, Christina Ergas, and Matthew Thomas Clement
How Long Can Neoliberalism Withstand Climate Crisis?, Julius McGee and Patrick Greiner
On Capitalist Power, Energy Markets and Climate Crisis at the End of Neoliberalism, Julius McGee and Patrick Greiner
Racial Justice is Climate Justice: Racial Capitalism and the Fossil Economy, Julius McGee and Patrick Trent Greiner
Anatomy of a Violent Protest Wave: Understanding the Mechanisms of Escalation and De-Escalation in Far-Right and Anti-Fascist Street Clashes, Leanne Claire Serbulo
Historical Geographies of, and for, the Present, Levi Van Sant, Elizabeth Hennessy, Mona Domosh, Mohammed Arefin, Nathan McClintock, and Sharlene Mollett
Submissions from 2019
User Fees and the Permeability of Public Space at Municipal Pools and Bathhouses in New York City, 1870 - Present, Naomi Adiv and Laura Wolf-Powers
Gigs, Side Hustles, Freelance: What Work Means in the Platform Economy City, Lisa K. Bates
We Still Need New Ideas, Lisa K. Bates
What are the Prospects for a Politically Intelligent Planning System?, Lisa K. Bates
Transit Planners' Transit-Oriented Development-Related Practices and Theories, Ian Carlton
Effects of Peer-to-Peer Carsharing on Vehicle Owners’ Travel Behavior, Jennifer Dill, Nathan McNeil, and Steven Howland
Industrial Inheritances: Makers, Relatedness and Materiality in New York and Chicago, Max Eisenburger, Marc Doussard, Laura Wolf-Powers, Greg Schrock, and Stephen Marotta
Housing Inequality in Urban China: Theoretical Debates, Empirical Evidences, and Future Directions, Yiping Fang, Zhilin Liu, and Yulin Chen
A Comparison of Neighborhood-Scale Interventions to Alleviate Urban Heat in Doha, Qatar, Salim Ferwati, Cynthia Skelhorn, Vivek Shandas, and Yasuyo Makido
A Region Recovers: Planning for Resilience after Superstorm Sandy, Donovan Finn, Divya Chandrasekhar, and Yu Xiao
Access to Opportunity Project: Final Report, Shawn Flanigan, Emily Lieb, Lisa K. Bates, Raphael Bostic, and Sheryl V. Whitney
Assessing the Barriers to Equity in Smart Mobility Systems: A Case Study of Portland, Oregon, Aaron Golub, Vivian Satterfield, Michael Serritella, Jai Singh, and Senna Phillips
The Asymmetry of Economic Growth and the Carbon Intensity of Well-being, Patrick Trent Greiner and Julius Alexander McGee
Changes in Farmland Ownership in Oregon, USA, Megan Horst
Racial, Ethnic and Gender Inequities in Farmland Ownership and Farming in the US, Megan Horst and Amy Marion
Is Labor Green? A Cross-National Panel Analysis of Unionization and Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Camila Huerta Alvarez, Julius McGee, and Richard York
Housing Location Choices of the Poor: Does Access to Jobs Matter?, Lingqian Hu and Liming Wang
Adapting an Elementary School Nutrition Context Assessment for High School Settings and Students, Deborah H. John, Beret Halverson, and Tia H. Ho
Misrecognition in a Sustainability Capital: Race, Representation, and Transportation Survey Response Rates in the Portland Metropolitan Area, Raoul S. Liévanos, Amy Lubitow, and Julius A. McGee
Nature-Based Designs to Mitigate Urban Heat: The Efficacy of Green Infrastructure Treatments in Portland, Oregon, Yasuyo Makido, Dana E. Hellman, and Vivek Shandas
Planning Affectively: Power, Affect, and Images of the Future, Steve Marotta and Austin Cummings
Renewable Energy Injustice: The Socio-environmental Implications of Renewable Energy Consumption, Julius Alexander McGee and Patrick Trent Greiner
"You cannot avoid all of this past, present and future when it’s everywhere around you" Relational Thinking and Field Study Experiences, Kacy McKinney
Urban-Rural Surface Temperature Deviation and Intra-Urban Variations Contained by an Urban Growth Boundary, Kevan B. Moffett, Yasuyo Makido, and Vivek Shandas
Appetite for Growth: Challenges to Scale for Food and Beverage Makers in Three US Cities, Greg Schrock, Marc Doussard, Laura Wolf-Powers, Steven Marotta, and Max Eisenburger
Opportunities and Risks of Localised Industrial Policy: the Case of "Maker-entrepreneurial Ecosystems" in the USA, Greg Schrock and Laura Wolf-Powers
Rescaling Air Quality Management: An Assessment of Local Air Quality Authorities in the United States, Kelsea A. Schumacher and Vivek Shandas
Towards the Implementation of Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Perspectives from Municipal Managers in the Pacific Northwest, Vivek Shandas, Annie M. Matsler, Liliana Caughman, and Ashley Harris
Integrating Satellite and Ground Measurements for Predicting Locations of Extreme Urban Heat, Vivek Shandas, Jackson Lee Voelkel, Joseph Williams, and Jeremy Hoffman
Financing Rapid Community Reconstruction After Catastrophic Disaster: Lessons from the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China, Yu Xiao, Robert Olshansky, Yang Zhang, Laurie A. Johnson, and Yan Song
Submissions from 2018
Pasadena on her Mind: Exploring Roots of Octavia E. Butler's Fiction, Carl Abbott
Book Review of, City Unsilenced: Urban Resistance and Public Space in the Age of Shrinking Democracy, Naomi Adiv
Goodbye to the National Endowment for the Arts?, Naomi Adiv
Unsettling Planning Theory, Janice Barry, Megan Horst, Andy Inch, Crystal Legacy, Susmita Rishi, Juan Rivero, Anne Taufen, Juliana M. Zanotto, and Andrew Zitcer
Energy Justice, Unequal Access to Affordable Warmth, and Capability Deprivation: A Quantitative Analysis for Belgium, Francoise Bartiaux, Christophe Vandeschrick, Mithra Moezzi, and Nahalie Frogneux
Growth Without Displacement: A Test for Equity Planning in Portland, Lisa K. Bates
Race and Spatial Imaginary: Planning Otherwise, Lisa K. Bates, Sharita A. Towne, Christopher Paul Jordan, and Kitso Lynn Lellioott
Ecosystem Services and U.S. Stormwater Planning: An Approach for Improving Urban Stormwater Decisions, Todd K. BenDor, Vivek Shandas, Brian Miles, Kenneth Belt, and Lydia Olander
What Drives Household Recovery After Disasters? A Case Study of New York City After 2012 Hurricane Sandy, Divya Chandrasekhar, Robin Rothfeder, Yu Xiao, and Donovan Finn
The Labor Between Farm And Table: Cultivating An Urban Political Ecology Of Agrifood For The 21st Century, Amy K. Coplen
Book Review of, What Makes a Great City, Allison Boyce Duncan
Children of Migrant Parents: Migrating Together or Left Behind, Yiping Fang and Zhilei Shi
Analysis of Urban Heat in a Corridor Environment - The Case of Doha, Qatar, Salim Ferwati, Cynthia Skelhorn, Vivek Shandas, Jackson Voelkel, Ayla Shawish, and Mohammad Ghanim
Reorganizing School Lunch for a More Just and Sustainable Food System In the US, Jennifer Gaddis and Amy K. Coplen
Divergent Pathways on the Road to Sustainability: A Multilevel Model of the Effects of Geopolitical Power on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Quality, Patrick Greiner and Julius Alexander McGee
Snakes in The Greenhouse: Does Increased Natural Gas Use Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal Consumption?, Patrick Trent Greiner, Richard York, and Julius Alexander McGee
Review: Insurgencies and Revolutions: Reflections on John Friedmann’s Contributions to Planning Theory and Practice, Megan Horst
Navigating Statistical Uncertainty: How Urban and Regional Planners Understand and Work with American Community Survey (ACS) Data for Guiding Policy, Jaason Jurjevich, Amy L. Griffin, Seth E. Spielman, and David C. Folch
Garden Pollinators and the Potential for Ecosystem Service Flow to Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture, Gail A. Langellotto, Andony Melathopoulos, Isabella Messer, Aaron Anderson, Nathan McClintock, and Lucas Costner
A Fair Distribution of Accessibility: Interpreting Civil Rights Regulations for Regional Transportation Plans, Karel Martens and Aaron Golub
Urban Agriculture, Racial Capitalism, and Resistance in the Settler-Colonial City, Nathan McClintock
Racing to Reduce Emissions: Assessing the Relationship between Race and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from On-road Travel, Julius Alexander McGee, Matthew Thomas Clement, and Christina Ergas
Can Reducing Income Inequality Decouple Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions, Julius Alexander McGee and Patrick Greiner
Asymmetric Relationship of Urbanization and CO2 Emissions in Less Developed Countries, Julius Mcgee and Richard York
Breaking Barriers to Bike Share: Lessons on Bike Share Equity, Nathan McNeil, Joseph Broach, and Jennifer Dill
Hedonic Modeling of Commercial Property Values: Distance Decay from the Links and Nodes of Rail and Highway Infrastructure, Kihwan Seo, Deborah Salon, Michael Kuby, and Aaron Golub
Small Steps on the Long Journey to Equality: A Timeline of Post-Legislation Civil Rights Struggles in Portland, Leanne Claire Serbulo
Transforming Development and Disaster Risk, Frank Thomalla, Michael Boyland, Karlee Johnson, Jonathan Ensor, Heidi Tuhkanen, Asa Gerger Swartling, Guoyi Han, John Forrester, and Darin Wahl
Assessing Vulnerability to Urban Heat: A Study of Disproportionate Heat Exposure and Access to Refuge by Socio-Demographic Status in Portland, Oregon, Jackson Voelkel, Dana E. Hellman, Ryu Sakuma, and Vivek Shandas
Detransformation Bias in Nonlinear Trip Generation Models, Liming Wang and Kristina Marie Currans
Capturing the Built Environment-travel Interaction for Strategic Planning: Development of a Multimodal Travel Module for the Regional Strategic Planning Model (RSPM), Liming Wang, Brian Gregor, Huajie Yang, Tara Weidner, and Anthony Knudson
Investigation of the Impact of Urban Vegetation on Air Pollutants Based on Remotely-sensed Measurements: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China, Weimin Wang, Lijun Yang, Liming Wang, Qinghuai Zeng, and Lihuan He
The Maker Movement and Urban Economic Development, Laura Wolf-Powers, Marc Doussard, Greg Schrock, Charles Heying, Max Eisenburger, and Stephen Marotta
Strategic Planning to Advance Equity on Campus: A Case Study at Portland State University, Marisa Zapata, Stephen L. Percy, and Sona K. Andrews
Submissions from 2017
Draining The Swamp: A Guide For Outsiders And Career Politicians, Carl Abbott
On Being Groped and Staying Quiet. Or, What Kind of Place an Airplane Can Be, Naomi Adiv
This Is A Black Spatial Imaginary, Lisa K. Bates and Sharita A. Towne
Culturing Food Deserts: Recognizing the Power of Community-Based Solutions, Catherine Brinkley, Subhashni Raj, and Megan Horst
Plans and Living Practices for the Green Campus of Portland State University, Yoon Jung Choi, Minjung Oh, Jihye Kang, and Loren Lutzenhiser
Promotion of Active Transportation Among State Departments of Transportation in the U.S, Jennifer Dill, Oliver Smith, and Deborah Howe
Did US Regions With Manufacturing Design Generate More Production Jobs in the 2000s? New Evidence on Innovation and Regional Development, Marc Doussard, Greg Schrock, and T. William Lester
The Impact of Temporary Uses on Property Prices: The Example of Food Trucks, Julia Freybote, Yiping Fang, and Matthew Gebhardt
Portland’s Black Belt: Motives and Means in Albina Real Estate, 1940–1990, Karen J. Gibson
Food Justice and Municipal Government in the USA, Megan Horst
Review: We Want Land to Live: Making Political Space for Food Sovereignty, Megan Horst
The Uncertain Future of Oregon’s Agricultural Lands, and the Role of Planners, Megan Horst
The Intersection of Planning, Urban Agriculture, and Food Justice: A Review of the Literature, Megan Horst, Nathan McClintock, and Lesli Hoey
Destination Portland: Post-Great Recession Migration Trends in the Rose City Region, Jason R. Jurjevich, Greg Schrock, and Jihye Kang
Activity Duration Analysis Discrete-Time Approach for Recurrent Events, Competing Risks, and Multiple States, Kihong Kim and Liming Wang
Do People’s Perceptions of Neighborhood Bikeability Match “Reality”?, Liang Ma and Jennifer Dill
Confronting Inequality in Metropolitan Regions: Realizing the Promise of Civil Rights and Environmental Justice in Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Richard Marcantonio, Aaron Golub, Alex Karner, and Louise Nelson
The Contribution of Sense of Place to Social-ecological Systems Research: a Review and Research Agenda, Vanessa A. Masterson, Richard C. Stedman, Johan Enqvist, Maria Tengö, Matteo Giusti, Darin Wahl, and Uno Svedin
Cultivating (a) Sustainability Capital: Urban Agriculture, Eco-Gentrification, and the Uneven Valorization of Social Reproduction, Nathan McClintock
Stacking Functions: Identifying Motivational Frames Guiding Urban Agriculture Organizations and Businesses in the United States and Canada, Nathan McClintock and Michael Simpson
The Treadmill of Alternatively Fueled Vehicle Production, Julius McGee
How do Slums Change the Relationship between Urbanization and the Carbon Intensity of Well-Being?, Julius McGee, Christina Ergas, Patrick Trent Greiner, and Matthew Thomas Clement