Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Embodied Urban Political Ecology of Oil: Social Reproduction in Oil Geographies Case Study: Ahwaz, Khuzestan, Iran, Maryam Amiri (Dissertation)
Three Essays on Communicative Planning: From the Perspective of East Asians, Minji Cho (Dissertation)
The Foodpunk City: Advancing Portland's Food Security Through a Shared Ideology of Adaptation & Resistance, Nickolas Hash (Thesis)
Participatory Democracy: The Potential for Civic Transformation Understanding Participants' Learning in the Milwaukie Citizens Jury, Amanda Grace Hudson (Dissertation)
An Analysis of Citizen Participation in Spatial Plan Preparation, Case Study of Gaborone City, Botswana, Bongani Tshidiso Ikaneng (Thesis)
Exploring Determinants of Transit Recovery After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Udit Khandelwal (Thesis)
The Central Role of Perceived Safety in Connecting Crash Risk Factors and Walking Behavior, Kyu Ri Kim (Dissertation)
The Effects of Physical Accessibility and Subjective Accessibility on Grocery Shopping Behaviors in Oakland, California, Huijun Tan (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
E Hui me ke Kaiāulu: To Connect with the Community, Heather Kayleen Bartlett (Thesis)
The Affective Discourses of Eviction: Right to Counsel in New York City, Hadley Savana Bates (Thesis)
A Just Futures Framework: Insurgent Roller-Skating in Portland, Oregon, Célia Camile Beauchamp (Thesis)
Factors Affecting Community Rating System Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program: A Case Study of Texas, Ryan David Eddings (Dissertation)
LEED Buildings and Green Gentrification: Portland as a Case Study, Jordan Macintosh (Thesis)
Wasted Space, Ryan Martyn (Thesis)
The Use and Influence of Health Indicators in Municipal Transportation Plans, Kelly Christine Rodgers (Dissertation)
Uncovering the Nuance and Complexity of Gentrification in Asian Immigrant Communities: A Case Study of Koreatown, Los Angeles, Seyoung Sung (Dissertation)
Defining Dementia-Friendly Communities From the Perspective of Those Affected, Iris Alexandra Wernher (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Heat, Wildfire and Energy Demand: An Examination of Residential Buildings and Community Equity, Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos (Dissertation)
The Connections Between Innovation, Culture, and Expertise in Water Infrastructure Organizations, Alice Brawley-Chesworth (Dissertation)
The New Shiny Penny? Regenerative Agriculture Beliefs and Practices Among Portland's Urban Agriculturalists, Melia Ann Chase (Thesis)
Fortunate People in a Fortunate Land: Dwelling and Residential Alienation in Santa Monica's Rent-Controlled Housing, Lauren E.M. Everett (Dissertation)
In Favor of Bringing Game Theory into Urban Studies and Planning Curriculum: Reintroducing an Underused Method for the Next Generation of Urban Scholars, Brian McDonald Gardner (Thesis)
Transportation Mode Choice Behavior in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles: The Application of Discrete Choice Modeling and Machine Learning, Sangwan Lee (Dissertation)
An Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Tulsa Remote Program, As an Effective Economic Development Strategy, Kristen J. Padilla (Thesis)
Geographies of Urban Unsafety: Homeless Women, Mental Maps, and Isolation, Jan Radle Roberson (Dissertation)
The Impact of New Light Rail Service on Employment Growth in Portland, Oregon, Lahar Santra (Thesis)
Examining Emergency Citizen Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Emergent Groups Addressing Food Insecurity in Portland, Oregon, Aliza Ruth Tuttle (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Nature-Based Solutions in Environmental Planning: Ecosystem-Based Adaptations, Green Infrastructures, and Ecosystem Services to Promote Diversity in Urban Landscapes, Lorena Alves Carvalho Nascimento (Dissertation)
Gas Stations and the Wealth Divide: Analyzing Spatial Correlations Between Wealth and Fuel Branding, Jean-Carl Ende (Thesis)
'There are No Bathrooms Available!': How Older Adults Experiencing Houselessness Manage their Daily Activities, Ellis Jourdan Hews (Thesis)
The Mode Less Traveled: Exploring Bicyclist Identity in Portland, OR, Christopher Johnson (Thesis)
The Soniferous Experience of Public Space: A Soundscape Approach, Kenya DuBois Williams (Dissertation)
Short-term and Long-term Effects of New Light Rail Transit Service on Transit Ridership and Traffic Congestion at Two Geographical Levels, Huajie Yang (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Waste Management in the Global South: an Inquiry on the Patterns of Plastic and Waste Material Flows in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Katie Ann Conlon (Dissertation)
Unpacking the Process and Outcomes of Ethical Markets: a Focus on Certified B Corporations, Renée Bogin Curtis (Dissertation)
The Persistence of Indigenous Markets in Mexico's 'Supermarket Revolution', Diana Christina Denham (Dissertation)
The Electronic Hardware Music Subculture in Portland, Oregon, James Andrew Hickey (Thesis)
"I Should Have Moved Somewhere Else": the Impacts of Gentrification on Transportation and Social Support for Black Working-Poor Families in Portland, Oregon, Steven Anthony Howland (Dissertation)
The Impacts of the Bicycle Network on Bicycling Activity: a Longitudinal Multi-City Approach, Wei Shi (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
"Poverty Wages Are Not Fresh, Local, or Sustainable": Building Worker Power by Organizing Around (Re)production in Portland's "Sustainable" Food Industry, Amy Katherine Rose Coplen (Dissertation)
Manufacturing in Place: Industrial Preservation in the US, Jamaal William Green (Dissertation)
Can Churches Change a Neighborhood? A Census Tract, Multilevel Analysis of Churches and Neighborhood Change, David E. Kresta (Dissertation)
An Examination of Non-waged Labor and Local Food Movement Growth in the Southern Appalachians, Amy Kathryn Marion (Thesis)
Making Imaginaries: Identity, Value, and Place in the Maker Movement in Detroit and Portland, Stephen Joseph Marotta (Dissertation)
Recognizing and Addressing Risk Ambiguity in Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning: a Case Study of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Mary Ann Rozance (Dissertation)
The Impact of Implementing Different Cordon Size Designs on Land Use Patterns in Portland, OR, Asia Spilotros (Dissertation)
Gentrification and Student Achievement: a Quantitative Analysis of Student Performance on Standardized Tests in Portland's Gentrifying Neighborhoods, Justin Joseph Ward (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Environmental Justice in Natural Disaster Mitigation Policy and Planning: a Case Study of Flood Risk Management in Johnson Creek, Portland, Oregon, Seong Yun Cho (Dissertation)
Our Town: Articulating Place Meanings and Attachments in St. Johns Using Resident-Employed Photography, Lauren Elizabeth Morrow Everett (Thesis)
Millennial Perceptions on Homeownership and Financial Planning Decisions, Margaret Ann Greenfield (Thesis)
Utilitarian Skateboarding: Insight into an Emergent Mode of Mobility, Michael Joseph Harpool (Thesis)
Consciousness Against Commodifcation: the Potential for a Radical Housing Movement in the Cully Neighborhood, Cameron Hart Herrington (Thesis)
News Work: the Impact of Corporate Newsroom Culture on News Workers & Community Reporting, Carey Lynne Higgins-Dobney (Dissertation)
Recent Advances in Activity-Based Travel Demand Models for Greater Flexibility, Kihong Kim (Dissertation)
An Analysis of the BizX Commercial Trade Exchange: the Attitudes and Motivations Behind Its Use, Ján André Montoya (Thesis)
Between a Rock and a Hot Place: Economic Development and Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam, Khanh Katherine Pham (Thesis)
Neighborhood Economic Impacts of Contemporary Art Centers, Steve Van Eck (Closed Thesis)
Urban Geocomputation: Two Studies on Urban Form and its Role in Altering Climate, Jackson Lee Voelkel (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Explaining Unequal Transportation Outcomes in a Gentrifying City: the Example of Portland, Oregon, Eugenio Arriaga Cordero (Dissertation)
Identifying Clusters of Non-Farm Activity within Exclusive Farm Use Zones in the Northern Willamette Valley, Nicholas Chun (Thesis)
Drivers' Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Bicyclists: Intermodal Interactions and Implications for Road Safety, Tara Beth Goddard (Dissertation)
Grassroots Resistance in the Sustainable City: Portland Harbor Superfund Site Contamination, Cleanup, and Collective Action, Erin Katherine Goodling (Dissertation)
Responsible Pet Ownership: Dog Parks and Demographic Change in Portland, Oregon, Matthew Harris (Thesis)
The Tension between Technocratic and Social Values in Environmental Decision-making: An'Yang Stream Restoration in South Korea, Chang-Yu Hong (Dissertation)
Regulating Pavement Dwellers: the Politics of the Visibly Poor in Public Space, Lauren Marie Larin (Dissertation)
Making Software, Making Regions: Labor Market Dualization, Segmentation, and Feminization in Austin, Portland and Seattle, Dillon Mahmoudi (Dissertation)
Knowing Nature in the City: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Challenges Along the 'Eco-Techno' Spectrum of Green Infrastructure in Portland & Baltimore, Annie Marissa Matsler (Dissertation)
Assessing the Impact of Land Use and Travel on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Portland, Oregon, Zakari Mumuni (Thesis)
Trade-offs: the Production of Sustainability in Households, Kirstin Marie Elizabeth Munro (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Kazaks of Istanbul: A Case of Social Cohesion, Economic Breakdown and the Search for a Moral Economy, Daniel Marc Auger (Thesis)
Citizen-led Urban Agriculture and the Politics of Spatial Reappropriation in Montreal, Quebec, Claire Emmanuelle Bach (Thesis)
Travel Mode Choice Framework Incorporating Realistic Bike and Walk Routes, Joseph Broach (Dissertation)
Cyclist Path Choices Through Shared Space Intersections in England, Allison Boyce Duncan (Dissertation)
Star Academics: Do They Garner Increasing Returns?, James Jeffrey Kline (Dissertation)
Configuring the Urban Smart Grid: Transitions, Experimentation, and Governance, Anthony Michael Levenda (Dissertation)
The Effects of Frequency of Social Interaction, Social Cohesion, Age, and the Built Environment on Walking, Gretchen Allison Luhr (Dissertation)
The Village Market: New Columbia Goes Shopping for Food Justice, Jane Therese Waddell (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Developing Key Sustainability Competencies through Real-World Learning Experiences: Evaluating Community Environmental Services, Erin Lorene Anderson (Thesis)
Beyond Fruit: Examining Community in a Community Orchard, Emily Jane Becker (Thesis)
Challenges, Experiences, and Future Directions of Senior Centers Serving the Portland Metropolitan Area, Melissa Lynn Cannon (Dissertation)
Building Social Sustainability from the Ground Up: The Contested Social Dimension of Sustainability in Neighborhood-Scale Urban Regeneration in Portland, Copenhagen, and Nagoya, Jacklyn Nicole Kohon (Dissertation)
The Effects of Urban Containment Policies on Commuting Patterns, Sung Moon Kwon (Dissertation)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Attitudes: An Exploration of a Landscape of Choices, Mersiha Spahic McClaren (Dissertation)
The Impact of Communication Impairments on the Social Relationships of Older Adults, Andrew Demetrius Palmer (Dissertation)
The Scales and Shapes of Queer Women's Geographies: Mapping Private, Public and Cyber Spaces in Portland, OR, Paola Renata Saldaña (Thesis)
Caring for the Land, Serving People: Creating a Multicultural Forest Service in the Civil Rights Era, Donna Lynn Sinclair (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Determinants of Recent Mover Non-work Travel Mode Choice, Arlie Steven Adkins (Dissertation)
Changing the Face of the Earth: The Morrison-Knudsen Corporation as Partner to the U.S. Federal Government, Christopher S. Blanchard (Dissertation)
Participation, Information, Values, and Community Interests Within Health Impact Assessments, Nicole Iroz-Elardo (Dissertation)
The Objective vs. the Perceived Environment: What Matters for Active Travel, Liang Ma (Dissertation)
Implications of Local and Regional Food Systems: Toward a New Food Economy in Portland, Oregon, Michael Mercer Mertens (Dissertation)
Spirituality and Religion in Women's Leadership for Sustainable Development in Crisis Conditions: The Case of Burma, Phyusin Myo Kyaw Myint (Dissertation)
Street Level Food Networks: Understanding Ethnic Food Cart Supply Chains in Eastern Portland, OR, Alexander G. Novie (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Diffusion of Energy Efficient Technology in Commercial Buildings: An Analysis of the Commercial Building Partnerships Program, Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos (Thesis)
Faulty Measurements and Shaky Tools: An Exploration into Hazus and the Seismic Vulnerabilities of Portland, OR, Brittany Ann Brannon (Thesis)
Sustainable, Affordable Housing for Older Adults: A Case Study of Factors that Affect Development in Portland, Oregon, Alan Kenneth DeLaTorre (Dissertation)
The Historical, Political, Social, and Individual Factors That Have Influenced the Development of Aging and Disability Resource Centers and Options Counseling, Sheryl DeJoy Elliott (Thesis)
Neighborhood Identity and Sustainability: A Comparison Study of Two Neighborhoods in Portland, Oregon, Zachary Lawrence Hathaway (Thesis)
Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Change: Portland, Oregon 1990-2010, Kelly Ann Howsley-Glover (Dissertation)
Public Space and Urban Life: A Spatial Ethnography of a Portland Plaza, Katrina Leigh Johnston (Thesis)