Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Faint Glimmers: Redrawing the Housewife in Yamada Murasaki's Talk to My Back, Ceres Lovelace
Acquisition of Spatial and Temporal Vte-kuru by Learners of Japanese at a University in the U.S., Ayumi Naraoka
The Formation of a Dialect: An Examination of the History, Characteristics, and Evolutions of Los Angeles Vernacular Spanish, Lianna Perry Fountain
Itagaki Paru's Animalized Japan, Adoria Shanelle Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Beautifully Grotesque: Umezu Kazuo and the Shōjo Experience in Horror Manga, Miko Suzuki
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Japanese Gender Trouble in Revolutionary France: Ikeda Riyoko's Shōjo Manga The Rose of Versailles, Saki Hirozane
A Snapshot of Japanese Family Conversation and Language Maintenance Effort, Yuya Sano
Le Gout Qui Reste: Cultural Identity and Belonging in Ook Chung's Kimchi, Taurean James Weber-Laurencio
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Discourse/Pragmatic Functions of Japanese Okkē, Peter Fodor
The Dark Realism of Miyazawa Kenji: Social Activism in the Science-Fiction Children's Story, The Life of Gusukō Budori, and its Precursor Work, Elsiemae Ann Ito
Politeness Strategies Used in Invitations in Japanese, Natsuko Llewellyn
Japanese-English Code-Switching by Postwar Speakers in Contemporary America, Andre John Shepherd
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Moonlit Nights and Seasons of Romance: Yosano Akiko's Use of the Moon in Tangled Hair, Teppei Fukuda
Christine de Pizan's Passive Heroines: Recoding Feminine Identities in Le Livre de la cité des dames and Le Ditié de Jehanne d'Arc, Evelyn Ives Mills
Literatura Viva: Formas de conocer la literatura y agricultura desde Chiapas, Jesse Nichols
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
New Directions for Kabuki Performances in America in the 21st Century, Narumi Iwasaki
Confronting Noh Demons: Zeami's Demon Pacifying Noh and Nobumitsu's Demon Killing Noh, Jitsuya Nishiyama
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Bertolt Brecht's Leben des Galilei: a Mythic Dimension in Epic Theatre, Yashowanto Narayan Ghosh
Stance-taking: JFL Learners and Benefactive Verbs, Kumiko Takizawa
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Revolution Will Not Be Politicized: Political Expression in the Manga Adaptations of Kanikōsen, Benjamin Robert Burton
Not Just Child's Play: Neo-Romantic Humanism in Ogawa Mimei's Stories, Nobuko Horikawa
The Use of Evidentials in Hearsay Contexts in Japanese and English, Tomomi Matsumura
Shouts of the Khori-Challwa: Andean Mythological and Cosmological Reconsiderations of the American Identity in Gamaliel Churata’s El pez de oro, Stephen Delaney McNabb
The Downward Spiral: Postmodern Consciousness as Buddhist Metaphysics in the Dark Souls Video Game Series, Paolo Xavier Machado Menuez
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Anachronisme, rebuts et survivances dans Les escaliers de Chambord et le Dernier Royaume de Pascal Quignard, Etienne Lussier
"So Far from Home ..." : a Translation of Jacques Sternberg's "Si loin du monde ...", Brian Scott Mather
Language, Memory, and Exile in the Writing of Milan Kundera, Christopher Michael McCauley
Japanese Dialect Ideology from Meiji to the Present, Nao Okumura
Gritos en el Desierto: Denuncia y Resistencia en las Obras de las Escritoras Wayuu Estercilia Simanca Pushaina y Vicenta María Siosi Pino, Lindsay H. Perwak
Escritos para desocupados (2013) de Vivian Abenshushan: de contraensayos, libros aumentados y vanguardias de liberación, Gloria M. Robayo Trujillo
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Language Policy and Bilingual Education for Immigrant Students at Public Schools in Japan, Naomi Asakura
Die unbewältigte Vergangenheit: the Third Generation and the Holocaust in Recent Literature and Film, Dana Lynne Capage
Expressionist Art and Drama Before, During, and After the Weimar Republic, Shane Michael Kennedy
STEM Education in the Foreign Language Classroom with Special Attention to the L2 German Classroom, Sarah Danielle Schoettler
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A Study of Small Talk Among Males: Comparing the U.S. and Japan, Chie Furukawa
Characteristics of Spoken and Written Communication in the Opening and Closing Sections of Instant Messaging, Kenta Nishimaki
Style Shifting in First-encounter Conversations between Japanese Speakers, Kenichi Shinkuma
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Lessons in Immorality: Mishima's Masterpiece of Humor and Social Satire, Nathaniel Peter Bond
Martin Luther's "Two Kingdoms Theory": An Analysis through the Lens of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity, Janet Leigh Gesme
Le Développement du moi et le procédé thérapeutique dans les œuvres de Chrétien de Troyes, Clément Guillaume
Truth and Memory in Two Works by Marguerite Duras, Rachel Deborah Hunter
Tokuya Higashigawa's After-Dinner Mysteries: Unusual Detectives in Contemporary Japanese Mystery Fiction, Jessica Claire Kindler
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Dazai's Women: Dazai Osamu and his Female Narrators, Jamie Walden Cox
The Role of Compliment Topics in Compliment Response, Hiroko Katsuta
Euthanasia, the Ethics of Patient Care and the Language of Propaganda, Elizabeth Maria Krapf
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
A Study of Compensation for Face-Threatening Acts in Service Encounters in Japan and the United States, Miki Murakami
Health Care Migration in Japan: Immigration Policy in Terms of Language, Ayumi Susai
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Puppet Theater in the German-Speaking World, Connor Bartlett Doe
Anatomy of Mishima's Most Successful Play Rokumeikan, Mami Harano
Current Situations and Roles of the Portland hoshuukoo: From the Perspective of Heritage Japanese Education, Keiko Sugiue
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
La chanson d'Yde et Olive: A Parable of a Medieval Self-Made Man, Noémie Young-Studer
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Divertir et Instruire Dans Les Livres Pour Enfants D’Henri Bosco, Laurence Karine Graire
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Images of Women in Abdelhak Serhane's Le Soliel des Obscurs, Wendy Grace Cook
Le "devenir féminin" dans la sociéte moderne occidentale à travers les deux romans de Virginie Despentes, Nadia Louar
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Space, Consciousness, and Gender in Colette, William A. Parnell
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
L'être et le Paraître à travers cinq romans de Raymond Queneau, Mireille J. Balland
Within and beyond boundaries in Henri Bosco's Le mas Théotime, Barbara Marguerite Schaff
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
The St. Josephs-Blatt, 1896-1919, Steven Wayne Harmon
Die Rolle der Hexe in den Märchen der Brüder Grimm und Ludwig Bechsteins, Karin Ulrike Herrmann
Theodor Fontanes Darstellung der Berliner Gesellschaft in seinen Romanen Effi Briest und Irrungen Wirrungen, Ronald Kent Nelson
Landscape and change in three novels by Theodor Fontane, Jane Ellen Speerstra
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
A study of the role of the secondary virtues in Uli der Knecht, Roland Minder
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Translation of Ilse Aichinger's short stories, Patsy Kay Looney Corrigan
Lampen und Laternen als Zeichen der Hoffnung in ausgewählten Werken Wolfgang Borcherts, Carol Nolan
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Strong-minded woman figures in a time of crisis : Maria Stuart, Penthesilea, Sappho, Inger M. Olsen
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
A translation into English of the German novel Jakob der Lügner by Jurek Becker, Harriet Passell
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Theodor Storm's Der Schimmelreiter and the realism of the supernatural, Regina Berrit Braker
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
The isolation of an individual : Thomas Mann's Tonio Kröger, Thomas Richard Survilla
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Leben heisst Töten; die Kriegsdeutung Ernst Jüngers dargestellt an In Stahlgewittern und Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis, Sabine Schroeder-Sherwin
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Rilke und Valéry: Eine Wahlverwandtschaft, Anne Marie Roehr
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Versuch einer ästhetischen Wertsetzung: zur Kunsttheorie von Benn und Nietzsche, Kathryn M. Horváth
Werner Bergengruens Erzählung Das Beichtsiegel als Seelendrama, Viola Maija Udris
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
ROBERT WALSER: EIN BEITRAG ZUM THEMA DER IDENTITÄT (Interpretation von “Helbling’s Geschichte“), Magdalena M. Hamor
Mephistopheles - Merck; ein Vergleich, Richard M. Slawson