The Department of English at Portland State University offers graduate work leading to a Master's degree in Book Publishing. The graduate program in Book Publishing is at the forefront of publishing education nationally. Students gain a comprehensive view of the industry through the program’s required foundational courses. They also have the opportunity to specialize in an area of the publishing process. Students develop their specialization by engaging in a variety of experiential learning opportunities, the most notable of which is Ooligan Press, a publishing house staffed by students in the graduate program in Book Publishing with guidance and supervision provided by expert faculty. Students in the program must complete a final research paper with a 10-page minimum. The topic of this research paper is determined by a research question generated by the student and approved by the student’s advisor. This collection includes those final research papers that have been reviewed and approved by the students' advisors.


Submissions from 2024


Prose by Any Other Name: Analyzing Changes to Translated Book Titles in Japanese and English, Angela Griffin

Submissions from 2023


Reactions to Latinx Children’s Picture Books from Indie Presses: An Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews, Karina L. Agbisit


An Industry-Standard Profit and Loss Statement for Book Publishing Professionals in the United States, Jackie Krantz


Examining the Discovery Behaviors of Comics Consumers, Tara McCarron


The Identification of Representation Gaps in Diverse US Children's Picture Books, Alena Rivas


The Satisfaction Clause in Publishing Agreements: A Case Study of Its Purpose, Controversy, and Future, Maliea Ruby


Author Demographics of Outdoor Books: Exploring Diversity On The Shelves at Oregon Outdoor Retailers, Nell Stamper


Metadata Decentralized: An Examination of Folksonomy in Book Publishing, Dani Tellvik


Struggling to Thrive: NYC Publishing Salaries in the Age of Inflation & Implications for Diversifying the Publishing Workforce, Em Villaverde


Trends in Young Adult Literature: A Quantitative Approach to Characterizing the New York Times Young Adult Bestsellers of 2020, 2021, and 2022, Anna Wehmeier Giol

Submissions from 2022


Artificial Intelligence as a Content Creator in the Publishing Industry, John Huston


Book Deserts of Litlandia: A Case Study of Book Deserts in the Literary City of Portland, Oregon in Relation to Book Waste from it’s Largest Independent Bookstore, Megan Jessop


The Rise of XR Storytelling and the Contribution of Consumer Accessibility, Cost Efficiency, & Intrinsic Value to Feasibility, Sarah Moffatt


Systemic Barriers That Exclude BIPOC Authors From Literary Awards and the Proposed Solutions to Evoke Change, Devyn Yan Radke


International Cross-Media Adaptation: A Case Study of The Witcher, Alexa Schmidt

Submissions from 2021


Pride, Prejudice, and Diversity: The Retelling Culture The Development and Analysis of Best Practices for Diverse Modern Re-imaginings of the Classics, Hannah Boettcher


Diversity and Representation in Oregon’s Battle of the Books, Catharine Brown


Woman Turned Warrior: An Analysis on the Strong Female Character Trope and the Influence it has on Gender Stereotypes Through the Use of Back Cover Copy, Alexandria Gonzales


The Patriarchy in Publishing: Examining Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women (Non-men) in the Publishing Industry, Grace E. Hansen


Something Old, Something New: How Chapbooks and Crowdfunding can Reduce Financial Risk for Small Publishers, Jennifer Lindsay


Uncovering the Dirt on Cancel Culture: An In-depth Analysis of Publishing’s Relationship with Controversy, Alix Martinez


The Influence of Ursula K. Le Guin, Bailey Potter


Covid-19 and Open Access in the Humanities: Impacts and Emerging Trends, Olivia Rollins


Consent Is Sexy: A Look Into the Influence the ‘Me Too.’ Movement Had On the Romance Genre Through Smart Bitches Trashy Books, Mary Williams


What Compels Millennial Parents to Buy Books for Their Children?, Emma Wolf

Submissions from 2020


Eco-Publishing in The Book Industry: An Interdisciplinary Case Study with Patagonia Books, Julie A. Collins


Pottermore, A Case Study: What Publishers Can Learn About Developing Interactive Transmedia in the Post-Web Age, Megan Crayne


Identifying and Connecting with Diverse SFF Readers, Denise Morales Soto


A Major Motion Picture or Just a Picture? An Analysis in Movie Tie-Ins vs. Original Cover Art, Vivian Nguyen

Does My Favorite Murder Inform Listeners' Favorite Media?, Dani Nicholson


Beloved and the Water Dancer: A Longitudinal Study of Book Reviews From 1987 and 2019, Tiffany Watson


Spatial Politics and Literacy: An Analysis of Little Free Libraries and Neighborhood Distribution of Book-Sharing Depositories in Portland, Oregon and Detroit, Michigan, Desiree Wilson


Ethics and True Crime: Setting a Standard for the Genre, Hazel Wright

Submissions from 2019


The Small Publisher’s Guide to Audiobooks, Stephanie Anderson


Diversity in YA: A Look at How Book Description Language Talks About Race, Brittney Finato

Catapulting Cozies: Analyzing the Anecdote Linking Cozy Sales to Bestselling Thrillers and the Popularity of Cozies in Today’s Marketplace, Emily Frantz


Approaches to Contested In-Group Terminology for Mindful Editors, Jasmine Gower


Why Do Adults Read Young Adult Books?, Monica Hay


A Cover is Worth 1000 Words: Visibility and Racial Diversity in Young Adult Cover Design, Jenny Kimura


Consumerism-Driven History: The American Girl Brand as Publisher and Arbiter of Girlhood Identity, Sarah Loepp


Marie Kondo and the New Self-Help, Kristen Ludwigsen


Engagement in the Fiber Craft Community: How Authors Can Increase Visibility and Market Their Books, Victoria Raible


Pay to Play: Internships, Post-Graduate Education, and the Cost of Working in Publishing, Madison Schultz

Online Frenzy: How Wattpad Can be Used in Traditional Publishing, Taylor Thompson

Coding LGBTQ Content: BISACs, Fanfiction, and Searchability in the Digital Age, Hanna Ziegler

Submissions from 2018


The Role of the Developmental Editor in Emerging Forms of Narrative, Stephanie Argy

Beyond BookScan: How Publishers Can Use Alternative Data To Supplement Traditional Sales Metrics for Genre Fiction, Grace Evans


Building a Literary Culture: How Indie Publishers Can Establish Stability by Operating Community Hubs, Lisa Hein

Submissions from 2017

Make the Old New Again; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Penguin’s Classic Redesigns, Sophie Aschwanden


Print Books and E-Books: How Each Format Plays a Role in Reading Comprehension, Maeko Bradshaw

BookTube and the Formation of the Young Adult Canon, Melina Hughes

Establishing the Conservative Genre: The Beginning of Political Censorship or Business as Usual?, Vi Rose La Bianca


Tools for Nonfiction Developmental Editors, Jacoba Lawson


Trends in Marketing for Books on Animal Rights, Gloria H. Mulvihill


How to Edit Controversial Texts, Nicholas M. Shea


What Color Is the Threshold? An Exploration of the Materiality of Racial Descriptions in Marketing Paratext in Adult Fiction, Jordana Beh Wathey

Submissions from 2016


Dismantling the Gate, Crossing the Threshold: The Promise of Producerly Paratexts in Building an Innovative, Responsive, and Representative Book Industry, Dory Athey


Publishing Puzzles: Some Implications of Literary Diffculty for the Editor, Brendan Brown


Elevating the Translator: Next Steps in Promoting International Literature, Olenka Burgess

We Need Diverse Books and Independent Publishers: A Portland, Oregon, Perspective, Kellie Doherty


This Is Your Brain on Editing: How Digital Tools Affect the Cognitive Processes Behind Copyediting, Megan Doyle


525,600 Minutes: How Do You Measure Cultural Diversity in Oregon Trade Publishing?, Alyssa Gnall


How to Be in Charge (and Make Authors Do What You Tell Them): An Examination of Editorial Authority in Letters Written by Trade Fiction and Nonfiction Editors, Emily Goldman


We’ll Want It When We Say We Want It: How the Market Speaks to the Publishing Industry via Crowdfunding, and Why Publishers Should Listen, Alan Scott Holley


Foreign Word Alert, Foreign Word Alert: Rethinking Editorial Approaches to the Italicization of Foreign Terms, Katey Trnka

Building Brand and Community: Tracing the Impact of NonBook Literary Programming on Book Publishers' Economic and Cultural Capital, Hayley Wilson


Anarchism in Book Publishing: An Exploration of Business and Ethics, Alexis M. Woodcock

Submissions from 2015


The Migration of Bibliographic Methodology, Zachary Thomas Eggemeyer

Blogs and Book Promotion: Measuring Success, Melanie Figueroa


Critical Editions and the Promise of the Digital: The Development and Limitations of Markup, Alexandra Haehnert


Social Media Blogs-to-Books: Changes in Content and the Editorial Process, Kyra Hearn


E-Books and Author Payments: The Affect of Digital Publishing on Author Royalties, Missy Lacock


Independent Publishers and Transition to Nonprofit: Distress Call or Mission-Based Evolution?, Meagan Lobnitz


The Considerations of Editing Previously Published Works, Ariana Marquis


What Are MFA Programs Doing to Better Prepare Their Students for the Realities of the Publishing Industry and Where Is There Room for Improvement?, Sabrina Parys


Changing Publisher-Author Relationships in the Midst of Developing Crowd-Funded Publishing Platforms, Margaret Schimming


Imagine That! Word Balloons in Children's Picture Books, Erika Schnatz


A Publisher’s Look at eBooks and Their Affect on Young Readers, Caitlin Waite

Not That Kind of Publisher: How NovelRank and BookScan Can Benefit Small Publishers' Marketing and Promotions, Geoff Wallace