Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Forest Fires Increase Mid-Winter Snowmelt in the Western Oregon Cascades, Sage Ebel
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Recovery of Black Carbon Concentrations in Burned Forests in Wyoming, USA, Monica Vanesa Zapata Villegas
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Phytoplankton Community as an Indicator of Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms in High Mountain Lakes, Victoria Elizabeth Avalos
Structure-from-Motion Derived Snow Cover in Burned Forests of the Western Oregon Cascades, Siobhan Ciafone
Forest Fire Effects on Snow Storage and Melt Across Scales of Forest Recovery in the Western Oregon Cascades, Megan Nicole Guinn
Impacts of Floodplain Restoration on Water Temperature and Macroinvertebrates in Whychus Creek, Oregon, Wesley Nathan Noone
Race and Income as Predictors of Trust in Flood Mitigation Strategies, Wendy Nathaly Sangucho Loachamin
Collaborative Action in Informal Social Networks of Wildfire Managers in Northwestern Wyoming, Hannah Lynn Spencer
How Are Oregon's Rural Indigenous Communities Overcoming Water Access Issues?, Tyren John Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Effects of Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) Across Variable Densities of Eelgrass (Zostera marina), Kimberly Alexis Brown
Temperature and Predator Effects on Green Crabs (Carcinus maenas) and Their Distribution in South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Elissa Connolly-Randazzo
Mapping Ecosystem Service Flows of Estuary Restoration Projects on the Oregon Coast to Identify Impacted Stakeholders, Shersten King Finley
Modeling Postfire Effects on Snow Albedo and Forest Recovery Over a Chronosequence of Burned Forests in the Triple Divide Region of the Rocky Mountains, Anton J. Surunis
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Multi-scale Environmental Conditions Associated with Shade-Tolerant Conifer Regeneration in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon, Matthew Cook
Forest Fire Effects on the Temporal Variability of Landscape Snow Albedo Relative to Burn Severity, Max Gersh
The Use of Mayflies, Stoneflies and Caddisflies as Indicators of Fine Sediment Pollution in Salmon-Bearing Streams of the Pacific Northwest, Cory Michael McCaffrey
A Ground-Based Assessment Framework for Validating Diesel Particulate Emission Models and Applicability in Portland, OR, Kirsten Marie Sarle
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Seasonal Study of Ecoroof Metal and Nutrient Dynamics and Associated Drivers in an Ecoroof on a Commercial Building in North Portland Oregon, Alex Vijay Bans
Before and After the Storm: Interactions between Tree-Fall Canopy Gaps, Plant Phenology, and Frugivorous Lemurs in Masoala National Park, Madagascar, Monica Sue Mogilewsky
Modeling Spatiotemporal Patterns of PM2.5 at the Sub-Neighborhood Scale Using Low-Cost Sensor Networks, Philip Jeffrey Orlando
Do Fungal Symbionts of Salt Marsh Plants Affect Interspecies Competition?, Vanessa Robertson-Rojas
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Impact of Infrastructure on Habitat Connectivity for Wildlife, Leslie Lynne Bliss-Ketchum
The Invasion Ecology of Ivy (Hedera spp.) in Portland's Forest Park, Eric Paul Butler
Stormwater Treatment Effectiveness of Established Bioretention Facilities in Portland, Oregon, Emma Rose Kohlsmith
The Influence of Neighborhood Landscape Characteristics on Native Bird Communities: Implications for Increasing Biodiversity in Our Yards, Michael E. Vermeulen
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Public Participation in Plant-Pollinator Conservation: Key Assessment Areas that Support Networked Restoration and Monitoring, Kerissa Battle
Ecology and Population Dynamics of Salmonids in the Columbia River: Response of Fishes to Anthropogenic Change in a Large Riverscape, Timothy Sean Elder
Removing Dams, Constructing Science: Watershed Restoration Through a Socio-Eco-Technical Systems Lens, Zbigniew Jakub Grabowski
Long-term Variation of Summer Phytoplankton Communities in an Urban Lake in Relation to Lake Management and Climate Conditions, Yuan Xiao Grund
Lone Wolves and Copycats: Assessing Policy and Infrastructure for Flood Hazard and Floodplain Management, Samantha L. Hamlin
Rock Glaciers of the Contiguous United States: Spatial Distribution, Cryospheric Context, and Riparian Vegetation, Gunnar Forrest Johnson
Mooring Impacts on Zostera marina Meadows and Associated Epifauna in Nantucket Harbor, Massachusetts, USA, Andrew Wright McCandless
Recovery of Zooplankton Communities to Whole-Lake Disturbance, Brian Newton McGann
Modeling Spawning Habitat Potential for Chum (Onchorhynchus keta) and Pink Salmon (O. gorbuscha) in Relation to Landscape Characteristics in Coastal Southeast Alaska, Bernard Timothy Romey
Using Wetlands to Prevent the Surface Accumulation of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae from Upper Klamath Lake, Arick Christopher Rouhe
Soil Phosphorus Characterization and Vulnerability to Release in Urban Stormwater Bioretention Facilities, Benjamin James Shetterly
Effectiveness of Pollinator Enhancements in Portland Community Orchards, Jess Alan Tyler
Composition and Dispersal Dynamics of Vegetation Communities in Urban Riparian Forests, Christa von Behren
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Urban Impacts to Forest Productivity, Soil Quality, and Canopy Structure in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon, Andrew David Addessi
Modeling of Ultrafine Particle Emissions and Ambient Levels for the Near Roadside Environment, Sauda Ahmed
Influence of Mixing and Buoyancy on Competition Between Cyanobacteria Species in Upper Klamath Lake, Roberta Joann Brunkalla
Turbidity Dynamics during High-Flow Storm Events in the Clackamas River, Oregon 2006-2012, Micelis Clyde Doyle
Root-enhanced Infiltration in Stormwater Bioretention Facilities in Portland, Oregon, Ted David Hart
Ecosystem Recovery in Estuarine Wetlands of the Columbia River Estuary, Sarah Ann Kidd
Invertebrate Community Composition Across Inundation Regimes and Its Potential to Reduce Plant Stress, Inez Ilicia Lawson
Non-Native Mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) of Moloka'i, Hawai'i: a Socio-Ecological Analysis, Casey Lynette Lewis
Investigation of Ambient Reactive Nitrogen Emissions Sources and Deposition in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Jacinda L. Mainord
Anthropogenic Effects on the Fouling Community: Impacts of Biological Invasions and Anthropogenic Structures on Community Structure, Whitney Elizabeth McClees
Wolbachia-Host Interactions and the Implications to Insect Conservation and Management, Amy Michelle Truitt
Responses of Aquatic Non-Native Species to Novel Predator Cues and Increased Mortality, Brian Christopher Turner
A Numerical Model Investigation of the Role of the Glacier Bed in Regulating Grounding Line Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, Michael Scott Waibel
The Social Acceptance of Community Solar: a Portland Case Study, Anne Weaver
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Terroir of Pinot Noir Wine in the Willamette Valley, Oregon : A Broad Analysis of Vineyard Soils, Grape Juice and Wine Chemistry, Kathryn Nora Barnard
Understanding the Importance of Intermittently Fragmented Stream Habitat for Isolated Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) in the Colville National Forest, Washington, Forrest Michael Carpenter
An Investigation of Invasion: Boater Knowledge Concerning Aquatic Invasive Species and the Influence of the New Zealand Mud Snail on Benthic Food Webs, Samuel Anthony Cimino
Watershed Management and Private Lands: Moving Beyond Financial Incentives to Encourage Land Stewardship, Matthew Thomas DeAngelo
Green Roofs and Urban Biodiversity: Their Role as Invertebrate Habitat and the Effect of Design on Beetle Community, Sydney Marie Gonsalves
Assessing Sense of Place and Geo-literacy Indicators as Learning Outcomes of an International Teacher Professional Development Program, Nancee Hunter
A Landscape Approach to Determining and Predicting Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Movement Timing and Growth Patterns Prior to Ocean Entry, Amelia Lee Johnson
The Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Mercury Concentrations and Community Composition of Freshwater Zooplankton, Meredith Powers Jordan
Improving the Roadside Environment through Integrating Air Quality and Traffic-Related Data, Christine M. Kendrick
Biofouling Management in the Pacific Northwest and Predation on Native versus Non-native Ascidians, Erin Suzanne Kincaid
Pharmaceutical Contaminants as Stressors on Rocky Intertidal and Estuarine Organisms: a Case Study of Fluoxetine, Joseph Richard Peters
Effects of Antibiotic Mixtures across Marine Intertidal Trophic Levels: Examining Environmentally-Relevant Contaminant Concentrations, Jaclyn Rebecca Teixeira
Relationships that Extend Beyond the Fence-Line: Private Landowner Attitudes and Interest in Conservation Easements, Ashley Lyn Vizek
Watershed Response to Climate Change and Fire-Burns in the Upper Umatilla River Basin Using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System, Kimberly Crystal Yazzie
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Response of Zooplankton Communities in Montane Lakes of Different Fish Stocking Histories to Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Simulations, Jeffrey Thomas Brittain
Ninth Grade Student Responses to Authentic Science Instruction, Michael Steven Ellison
The Erosion of Coastal Sediment and Regeneration of Rhizophora mangle Following Anthropogenic Disturbance on Turneffe Atoll, Belize, Heather Lyn Hayden
Effects of Selective Logging and Roads on Instream Fine Sediments and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in the Clackamas Basin, Oregon, Paula Elizabeth Hood
Investigations of the Air-Water Interface: A Structural Analysis of Metallic Surface Films and Aquatic Surface Films by Comparative Microscopy, Randall William Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Managing for Resistance and Resilience of Northern Great Lakes Forests to the Effects of Climate Change, Matthew Joshua Duveneck
Macroinvertebrates and Excessive Fine Sediment Conditions in Oregon Coastal Streams, Patrick M. Edwards
Cascades Island Lamprey Passage Structure: Evaluating Passage and Migration Following Structure Modifications, Siena Marie Lopez-Johnston
Informal Trails and the Spread of Invasive Species in Urban Natural Areas: Spatial Analysis of Informal Trails and their Effects on Understory Plant Communities in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon, Jill Elise Van Winkle
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Effects of Increased Nitrogen Deposition on the Dominance of Hedera helix in the Pacific Northwest, Bianca Christine Dolan
Social-Ecological Dynamics of Coral Reef Resource Use and Management, Sarah J. Freed
Natural Area Stewardship Volunteers: Motivations, Attitudes, Behaviors, Corinne Handelman
The Role of Wood Microsites at Timberline-Alpine Meadow Borders for Conifer Regeneration, Adelaide Chapman Johnson
The Production of Organic Nitrates in Portland Oregon and the Columbia River Gorge, Holly Ann Neill
Modeling Fecal Bacteria in Oregon Coastal Streams Using Spatially Explicit Watershed Characteristics, Paul Bryce Pettus
Status of Nutria (Myocastor coypus) Populations in the Pacific Northwest and Development of Associated Control and Management Strategies, with an Emphasis on Metropolitan Habitats, Trevor Robert Sheffels
Evaluating the Effects of Road Crossing Structures on Stream-Associated Amphibians in the Wilson River Watershed, Tillamook State Forest, Oregon, Sara Erin Twitchell
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Where Is the Rain-on-Snow Zone in the West-Central Washington Cascades?: Monte Carlo Simulation of Large Storms in the Northwest, Matthew John Brunengo
Stream-Associated Amphibian Habitat Assessment in the Portland-Vancouver Metropolitan Region, Andrew Evans Dietrich
Long-term Responses of Phalaris arundinacea and Columbia River Bottomland Vegetation to Managed Flooding, Tina Schantz Farrelly
Late-Holocene Flood History, Flood-Frequency, and Paleoclimate Analysis of the Central Black Hills, South Dakota, Tessa M. Harden
Site Selection by Migratory Shorebirds in Oregon Estuaries Over Broad and Fine Spatial Scales, Aileen Kilpatrick Miller
Development of a Nephelometry Camera and Humidity Controlled Cavity Ring-Down Transmissometer for the Measurement of Aerosol Optical Properties, James Gregory Radney
The Role of Habitat Restoration and Conservation in the Changing Socio-economic Conditions of Grant County, Oregon, Kristen Lauren Senkyr
An Investigation of Urban Mobile Source Aerosol Using Optical Properties Measured by CRDT/N: Diesel Particulate Matter and the Impact of Biodiesel, Monica Elizabeth Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Interception in Open-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Urban Canopy, Mitchell Bixby
Biological Erosion of Marine Habitats and Structures by Burrowing Crustaceans, Timothy Mathias Davidson
Cultivating Environmental Stewardship in Middle School Students, Kelly Anne Fischer
Deforestation, Drought and Humans: New Discoveries of the Late Quaternary Paleoenvironment of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Candace Lynn Gossen
Riparian Wetland Response to Livestock Exclusion in the Lower Columbia River Basin, Sarah Ann Holmen