Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Tree-equity and Environmental Justice Discourses Among Urban Forestry Professionals in Portland: Current Impacts and Future Implications, Axcelle Deone Bell
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
"We're Going to Tear up the Caldera So We Can Have an Electric Car": Competing Perceptions and Spatial Dimensions of Open-Pit Lithium Mining in the McDermitt Caldera, Oregon, Elizabeth Bartholomew
2020 Racial Justice Protests in Portland, OR: An Analysis of Radical Place-making and Police Tactics in a Neighborhood Context, Claire Brumbaugh-Smith
Uncovering the Dynamic Nature of Fire Refugia Across Landscapes in Oregon's Western Cascades, Alec Scott Dyer
Thermal Regimes of Beaver Impacted Stream Reaches in the Tualatin River Basin, Miles Mayer
Synoptic Drivers of Extreme Precipitation in the Upper Yuba Watershed of California, Emma Nichole Russell
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Radical Urban Natures: Mitigating Urban Heat with Nature-Based Techniques in Portland, Oregon, Heather Day-Melgar
Exploring Nonprofit Views on Water Management and Conservation Strategies, Jillian Marie Farley
Participatory Mapping of Tree Equity, Preferences, and Environmental Justice in Portland, OR, Katharine Vezin Gregory
The Impact of Climate Change on Selected PNW Watersheds through the Lens of Western Red Cedar Habitat, Jordan T. Hamann
In the Hot Seat: Acquiring Kernel Density Heat Map Design Guidance through Delphi and Survey Methods, Lauren Eileen McKinney-Wise
Disappeared Streams and Flood Risk in Atlanta, Georgia, Baltimore, Maryland, Phoenix, Arizona, and Portland, Oregon, Gregory Chrisopher Post
Disentangling Groundwater Dynamics at Oregon's McKenzie River Headwaters, Taylor Nicole Salazar
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Efficiency in the Upper Deschutes Basin: Understanding the Hydrosocial Implications of Irrigation Canal Piping, Rebecca Anderson
Short Warm-Side Wet-Bulb Temperature Distribution Tails Lead to Accelerated Increases in Extreme Threshold Exceedances Under Global Warming, Yianna Sotirios Bekris
"We've Created Cheap Energy off the Backs of Salmon": Dam Removal Politics and Alliances in the Lower Snake River Basin, Krista Harrington
Spatial Analysis of Burn Severity and Streamflow Response in the Western CONUS, Will Brendan Long
Coming to Know the Local Environment: Children's Experiences in Rautamai Gaunpalika, Nepal, Elsie Nicole Love
Erasure through Engagement: The Community Resettlement of Isle de Jean Charles, Meghan Elizabeth Sullivan
Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Microplastic Concentrations in Portland's Freshwater Ecosystems, Rebecca Talbot
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization Response to Dike Removal in the Salmon River Estuary, Elinore Webb
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Relationship Between Image Spectroscopy Spatial Resolution and Crown Level Tree Species Classification Accuracy, Andrew Richard Fritter
Climate Model Evaluation of Atmospheric Rivers Over the Contiguous United States, Ilan González-Hirshfeld
My Mountain, Your Mountain, Our Mountain: Incorporating Emotional and Sensory Experiences in Mapping Sense of Place in Mount Hood National Forest, Alicia RaNae Milligan
Assessment of Vertical Accuracy from UAV-LiDAR and Structure from Motion Point Clouds in Floodplain Terrain Mapping, Andrew Muller
Modeling Environmental Factors Related to Drought-Induced Tree Mortality Based on Lidar and Hyperspectral Imagery, Lauren Nicole Sharwood
Projections of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation Over the Pacific Northwest Using CMIP6 Models, Graham Patrick Taylor
Portland Urban Coyote Project: A Review of Citizen Science's Utility for Researching Urban Canids and the Human Environment, Keith David VanderBrooke
Rowing Concerns: Collaborative Governance and Stakeholder Determination in the Central Oregon's Deschutes Basin, Noel Vineyard
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Detecting Geomorphic Change and Stream Channel Evolution on the Sandy River, Oregon, Using Lidar Following Dam Removal in 2007, Lowell Henry Anthony
Glacial Meltwater Modeling to Simulate Lake Water Budget (1996-2013) in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, Julian Michael Cross
Warmer Conditions Favor Conifer Tree Establishment at the Muddy River Lahar in Mt. St. Helens, Washington, Ignacio D. Falcon-Dvorsky
Assessing Airborne Radar to Map Glacier Elevations in Alpine Terrain Including Estimated Glacier Volume Change, Bryce Allen Glenn
Variability in Historical Fire Patterns of a Moist Mixed-Conifer Forest in the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon, Laura Marie Platt
Wildlife Connectivity Modeling for the Northern Red-legged Frog in the Portland Metropolitan Area, Oregon, Amanda Hilary Temple
A Multivariate Assessment of Climate Change Projections Over South America Using CMIP5, Valerie Maria Thaler
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Connecting Local-scale Heavy Precipitation to Large-scale Meteorological Patterns Over Portland, Oregon Using Observations and Climate Models, Christina Marie Aragon
Annual and Seasonal Variation in Hydrologic Performance of Ecoroofs of Multiple Depths, Portland, OR, Ashley Michelle Baker
Hydrologic Trends and Spatial Relationships of Stream Temperature and Discharge in Urbanizing Watersheds in the Portland Metropolitan Area of the Pacific Northwest, Emma Lee Brenneman
Forest Structure, Composition, and Regeneration after High-Severity and Rapidly Repeated Wildfires in the Central Cascade Range, Sebastian Upton Busby
Evaluating the Impact and Distribution of Stormwater Green Infrastructure on Watershed Outflow, Benjamin Fahy
A 30-Year Climatology of Meteorological Conditions Associated with Lightning Days in the Western United States, Dmitri Alexander Kalashnikov
Politics in the San Clemente Dam Removal, Aylan Matthew Lee
Tree Canopy Cover and Potential in Portland, OR: a Spatial Analysis of the Urban Forest and Capacity for Growth, Jeff Ramsey
Stratospheric Polar Vortex Variability in the Northern Hemisphere: the Effects of Climate Change on Polar Vortex Trends and Future Projections, John Earl Rogers
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Characterizing Temperature Variability States Across Southern South America and Associated Synoptic-Scale Meteorological Patterns, Judah Adam Detzer
Assessing PPGIS Usability and its Relationship to Spatial Data Production: a Case Study, Timothy Michael Hitchins
Examining the Spatial Characteristics of Pluvial Flooding Through Citizen Science in Portland, Oregon, Katelyn Rachel Michelson
Assessment of Observational Uncertainty in Extreme Precipitation Over the Continental United States, Emily Anne Slinskey
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Effects of Scale Variation on Single-Family Residential Water Use in Portland, OR, Matthew Ryan Lee Bonnette
Detecting Change in Rainstorm Properties from 1977-2016 and Associated Future Flood Risks in Portland, Oregon, Alexis Kirsten Cooley
Effects of Spatially Distributed Stream Power on Check Dam Function in Small Upland Watersheds: a Case Study of the Upper Laja Watershed, Guanajuato, Mexico, Zachary Andrew Herzfeld
Out in "The Numbers": Youth and Gang Violence Initiatives and Uneven Development in Portland's Periphery, Dirk Kinsey
Food Access Narratives in Southeast Portland, Oregon, Gwyneth Genevieve McKee Manser
Analyzing Dam Feasibility in the Willamette River Watershed, Alexander Cameron Nagel
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Use of Water Indices Derived from Landsat OLI Imagery and GIS to Estimate the Hydrologic Connectivity of Wetlands in the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge, Debra Sue Blackmore
The "ADaM Cube" : Categorizing Portland, Oregon's Urbanization Using GIS and Spatial Statistics, Jeremy Grotbo
Factors Driving the Concentration of Ephemeral Flow, Gretchen Anne Guyer
Assessment of a Mycorrhizal Fungi Application to Treat Stormwater in an Urban Bioswale, Alaina Diane Melville
Use of Distance Weighted Metrics to Investigate Landscape-Stream Temperature Relationships Across Different Temporal Scales, Eric Craig Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Using Landsat TM Imagery to Monitor Vegetation Change Following Flow Restoration to the Lower Owens River, California, Lesley Crandell Bross
The Right to Dream: Assessing the Spatiality of a Homeless Rest Site in Portland, Oregon, Stephen Przybylinski
Coyotes on the Web: Understanding Human-Coyote Interaction and Online Education Using Citizen Science, Zuriel Anne Rasmussen
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Household Water Demand and Land Use Context: A Multilevel Approach, Elizabeth Yancey Breyer
Ariège’s Development Conundrum, Alan Thomas Devenish
Safety in Maize: Subsistence Agriculture in a Zapotec Migrant Town, Fiona Joy Gladstone
Agricultural Classification of Multi-Temporal MODIS Imagery in Northwest Argentina Using Kansas Crop Phenologies, Jarrett Alexander Keifer
Assessing Hydrologic and Water Quality Sensitivities to Precipitation Changes, Urban Growth and Land Management Using SWAT, Alexander Michael Psaris
An Analysis of Vegetation Recovery following Dam Removal at Hemlock Recreation Site, Washington, Greer Stewart Ramsey
Controlling the Empire: Measuring Ethnic Residential Segregation in London, 2001-2011, Lindsay Joella Spell
Mapping Sociocultural Values of Visitors on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, Alexa North Todd
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Large Woody Debris Mobility Areas in a Coastal Old-Growth Forest Stream, Oregon, Beth Marie Bambrick
Preserving Nature through Film: Wilderness Alps of Stehekin and the North Cascades, 1956-1968, Nicolas Timothy Bergmann
Spatial Analysis of Climate and Winegrape Production in Winegrape Growing Regions of Oregon, United States of America, Willow Devin Campbell
Glacier Change in the North Cascades, Washington: 1900-2009, Kristina Amanda Dick
Modeling the Distribution of Bobcats and Areas of Reintroduction for Fisher in the Southern Washington Cascades, Shiloh Michael Halsey
Scenario Development and Analysis of Freshwater Ecosystem Services under Land Cover and Climate Change in the Tualatin and Yamhill River Basins, Oregon, Robert Wesley Hoyer
Understory Diversity and Succession on Coarse Woody Debris in a Coastal, Old-growth Forest, Oregon, Shannon Lee Mcdonald
Soil Development and Vegetation Response to Removal of a Small Dam, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, Stephanie Kay Rohdy
Effects of HRU Size on PRMS Performance in 30 Western U.S. Basins, Madeline Olena Steele
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Dynamics of Channel Complexity and Nitrate Retention in Upper Fanno Creek, Oregon, Robert Allen Bean
Finding the Past in the Present: Modeling Prehistoric Occupation and Use of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, Catherine Anne Clark
Investigating the Holocene History of Eliot Glacier, Mount Hood, Oregon, Nadia Sittara Jones
Streamflow Analysis and a Comparison of Hydrologic Metrics in Urban Streams, Matthew Lawton Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Effects of Multiple Thematic Layers on Web Map Use by Middle School Students, Andrew Percy Freed
Identifying Regional Centers in Washington County, Oregon, Kevin Christopher Rancik
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Transnational Networks of Cultural Commodities: Peruvian Food in San Francisco, Kelsey Ann Brain
Local food and land-use in Washington County, Oregon, Joshua James Cousins
Hierarchical Image Analysis and Characterization of Scaling Effects in Remote Sensing, Craig David Ducey
Climatic and Spatial Variations of Mount Rainier's Glaciers for the Last 12,000 Years, Michael Leslie Hekkers
Examining the Effects of Climate Change and Urban Development on Water Demand: A Multi-Scale Analysis of Future Water Demand in Hillsboro, Oregon, Lily Arielle House-Peters
Coal to Oil in China: Scientific Development or Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones?, Joseph John Narus
Beyul Khumbu: Sherpa Constructions of a Sacred Landscape, Lindsay Ann Skog
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Impacts of Climate Change and Urban Development on Water Resources in the Tualatin River Basin, Sarah Praskievicz
Ethnic Place Making: Thirty Years of Brazilian Immigration to South Framingham, Massachusetts, Laura Aldea Skorczeski
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Quantifying Twentieth Century Glacier Change in the Sierra Nevada, California, Hassan J. Basagic
The Effects of Climate Change and Urbanization on the Runoff of the Rock Creek Basin, Jon J. Franczyk
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
"Questions About Stuff You Don't Normally See on a Map:" A Study of Sixth-Graders' Abilities to Understand Quantitative Thematic Maps, Stephanie Lynn Gaspers