This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Ascorbic Acid, Lipid Peroxidation, and Aging, Brian Evan Leibovitz (Thesis)
An Experimental Model Using Dance Training as Therapy for Women Over Thirty Five, Thelma J. Lofquist (Thesis)
Welfare stigmatization and the elderly: the case of the Supplemental Security Income program, Peter Jic-Leung Man (Dissertation)
A Comparison of Dramatic Storytelling and Puppet Storytelling as a Means of Teaching Selected Nutritional Concepts, Edith M. Martin (Thesis)
The Geology and Geochemistry of the North Fork Stock, Northeastern Oregon, David Joseph Matty (Thesis)
An Electromyographic Comparison of Muscle Action Potentials of Adult Stutterers During Signalled Expectancy and Non-expectancy to Stutter, Catherine Ann Miller (Thesis)
A method for analyzing census data from small populations : developed, tested and applied to a 1958 census of Suba barrio, Paoay, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines, Stephen Aulick Million (Thesis)
Counseling in Allied Health Techniques of Instruction: A Career Process, Robert David Mills (Thesis)
A Comparison of the Effects of Biofeedback and Meditation Treatment on Essential Hypertension, Thomas Lee Molatore (Thesis)
A Feasibility Analysis of a Directly Sun-Pumped Carbon Dioxide Laser in Space, Seiichi Morimoto (Thesis)
The systhesis and photolysis of 1-phenylcyclohexaneacetic acid azide, Jack P. Mourad (Thesis)
The Political Evolution of Cameroon, 1884-1961, Victor Julius Ngoh (Thesis)
The non-career ambassador in America's diplomacy : case study, Frederic Mosley Sackett, Ambassador to Germany, January, 1930-March, 1933, Stephen A. Nicholls (Thesis)
Performance theorems for the resource scheduling functions of a multiprocessing system, George Arthur Nicol (Dissertation)
Performance theorems for the resource scheduling functions of a multiprocessing system, George Arthur Nicol (Dissertation)
Variability in test-retest of maximum duration of sustained /a/ in children, Elena Diane Norwood (Thesis)
Consciousness, Neurons, and Laughing Gas, Dody Michelson Orendurff (Thesis)
Changes in Populations of Soil Acari During the First Year After Clearcutting, Sue Ellen Orlaske (Thesis)
Comparisons of the Habitual Activity Level of Selected Women to Performance on the Bruce Multistage Treadmill Test and the Cooper 12 Minute Run Test, Teresa Carver Owen (Thesis)
Seasonal variation in cytokinin activity and content in two species of dwarf mistletoes and their hosts, Peter J. Paquet (Dissertation)
Washington County aftercare service utilization study, James Richard Peterson (Thesis)
The Portland Boundary Commission: a case study, Marvin James Price (Dissertation)
The Federal Writers' Project in Oregon, 1935-1942: A Case Study, Thomas James Ptacek (Thesis)
A study of the effect of vibration on the residual stresses in a welded fabricated tube, Shantini Ratnathicam (Thesis)
Culture and Growth of Closterium ehrenbergii (Desmidiaceae), David Bruce Renstrom (Thesis)
An Evaluation of a Data-Based Sex Education Training Program for Mentally Retarded Adults, Patricia Ann Riley (Thesis)
The Idea of Progress: Its Rise to Power and Prominence, Robert Ray Schmaling (Thesis)
Central Auditory Processing in Children With a History of Chronic Middle Ear Problems, Beverly S. Schnabel (Thesis)
A polarographic study of Fe(II) and Fe(III) complexes with catechol, Wen-Tang Shen (Thesis)
Layered field painting, Margaret Shirley (Thesis)
Geology of North Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho, William C. Sidle (Thesis)
A Construct Validity Study for the Women Workers Scale Questionnaire, Gwen Simpson (Thesis)
The First Years of Life: a Comparative Analysis of British and American Parent Education, Deborah Anne Smith Guisti, Ellen Turner Jurevic, Jane Elizabeth Mozena, and David W. Pedersen (Thesis)
Introducing the secondary student to sculptural design and form in metal : welding sheet steel using the oxyacetylene torch, Philip John Smith (Thesis)
Impact of the Older Americans act of 1965 upon the elderly in Portland-Multnomah County, Oregon, from 1965 to 1977, Joil A. Southwell (Thesis)
The isolation of an individual : Thomas Mann's Tonio Kröger, Thomas Richard Survilla (Thesis)
The Concentration and Speciation of Sugars in Natural Waters, Minoo Shakerin Sweet (Thesis)
Utterly visionary and chimerical : A federal response to the depression : an examination of Civilian Conservation Corps construction on National Forest System lands in the Pacific Northwest, Elizabeth Gail Throop (Thesis)
The structure and stratigraphy of the Columbia River Basalt in the Hood River Valley, Oregon, Susan Timm (Thesis)
A geophysical definition of a Klamath Falls graben fault, Cynthis Ann Veen (Thesis)
An investigation of the consistency of stimulus overselection of autistic children, Patricia O'Meara Walker (Thesis)
An Evaluative Study of the Good Samaritan Pain Evaluation Clinic, Frederic G. Wessinger Jr. (Thesis)
Androgen-Induced Immunosuppression, Debra Ann Weyant (Thesis)
Self-Concepts of Institutionalized and Community Residing Elderly, Diana L. White (Thesis)
Functional Analysis of Great Basin Projectile Points, Roger Wiggin (Thesis)
An investigation of the relationship of organizational structure to job satisfaction within social service organizations serving elderly clients, Anne Marguerite Wilkinson (Thesis)
Progressive relaxation training : effects on the communicative ability of aphasic adults, Mary T. Watts Withers (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Metrication in highway design and operations, Taher A. Al-Fadhli (Thesis)
The stratigraphy and structure of the Columbia River basalt in the Clackamas River drainage, James Lee Anderson (Thesis)
A technique to calculate complex electromagnetic fields by using the finite element method, Davood Asgharian (Thesis)
Assessment of the Needs of the Families of the Hospitalized Mentally Ill, Jean Pelosi Audette and Phyllis J. Jossy (Thesis)
A study of estuarine sedimentation in South Slough, Coos Bay, Oregon, Charles Allen Baker (Thesis)
The Effects of a Child's Serious Illness Upon His or Her Siblings, Kathleen Bales (Thesis)
"Fallen Angels": An Historical Review of Program Development and Clientele of the Salvation Army White Shield Home with an Emphasis on the Years 1940-1976, Wendy Jo Ballard (Thesis)
Purification and characterization of NADH oxidase and peroxidase from Lactobacillus casei, Louise Ann Barstad (Thesis)
Development and Use of a Phonological Recoding Strategy for a Short-Term Memory Task by Normal and Mentally Retarded Subjects, Mary Jo Bartels (Thesis)
A Biogeographical Study of Currently Identified Oregon Pseudoscorpions With an Emphasis on Western Oregon Forms, Ellen M. Benedict (Dissertation)
Parental perceptions of behavioral changes in children following divorce, Kenneth W. Bork (Thesis)
Effects of Cognition Training on Locus of Control (LC), Weight Reduction, and Problem Solving Ability, Lisa Buckmaster (Thesis)
A Study of Partner Attitudes Related to Male Involvement in Contraception at Planned Parenthood, Portland, Oregon, Patricia Long Burnet, Rhonda Lee Jack, and Kathleen Margaret Leeson (Thesis)
Sightings, Kenneth Butler (Thesis)
The American Efforts to Modernize the Egyptian Army Under Khedive Ismail, Robin Joy Love Buxton (Thesis)
The Effect of Background Noise on Children's Selective Listening Behavior, Cathryn A. Chartier (Thesis)
Toward a model of interorganizational fields : a case study of a social service federation, Ralph Cherry (Thesis)
Organizational decision making and participation in an interorganizational service network, Vinod Valji Chohan (Dissertation)
An Assessment of the Transmission Electron Microscope for the Study of Aerosol-Gas Interactions: Direct Observations of Sodium Chloride Hydration Phenomena, Antony David Clarke (Thesis)
Alpine Vegetation of Steens Mountain, Paul Collins (Thesis)
Recent and contemporary foraging practices of the Harney Valley Paiute, Marilyn Dunlap Couture (Thesis)
Working with Natural Helpers: a Handbook for Social Workers, Lorraine Crawford, Pamela Smith, and Karen Lynn (Thesis)
The Foundations and Social Change, Helen M. Dalton (Thesis)
Invasions of personal space : a field experiment, Lisa Demian (Thesis)
Aspekte des Charakterbegriffs im Werk von Bertolt Brecht, Brigitte DeWolfe (Thesis)
A study to determine if service workers want additional training regarding Black issues, Patricia Dickerson and Diane S. Whalen (Thesis)
Long-term effects of rape : a literature review and exploratory questionnaire, Kathleen June Elsner (Thesis)
Public Education Finance: Urban Rural Tax Burden Distribution, Omer S. Ertur (Dissertation)
Memory for crossed and nested classifications, John Ernest Garwood (Thesis)
The Defense System in Libya During the I-VI Centuries A.D., Ramadan A. Geddeda (Thesis)
A Comparison of the Articulatory Proficiency Between Stutterers and Nonstutterers While in a State of Oral Sensory Deprivation, Clifford Saul Goldman (Thesis)
New evidence supporting the assignment of glutamic acid as an iron ligand in hemerythrin, Patricia M. Gormley (Thesis)
An Analysis of Sex Role Bias in Clinician's Evaluations of Client Behavior, Shari Paula Greenberg (Thesis)
Germination, Respiration and Photosynthesis in Seeds of Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium), Steven Wayne Gustafson (Thesis)
An investigation of arsenic(V)-catechol complexes, Ronald P. Haak (Thesis)
An Exploration Into the Field of Hospital Social Work, Timothy D. Haley (Thesis)
A Comparative Study of Persons Completing and Not Completing an Alcoholism Treatment Clinic's Group Intake Process, Timothy W. Hallinan and Eric J. Huelshoff (Thesis)
Intelligence and nonintelligence factors contributing to scores on the Rorschach prognostic rating scale, Anneke P. Hathaway (Thesis)
A Comparative Study of Perceptual Ratings and Fundamental Frequency in Female and Male Esophageal Voices, Anne Terese Heinrich (Thesis)
Political activities of professional social workers residing in Portland, Oregon, Connie May Henes (Thesis)
A research project on the developmentally disabled adult, Randi Lynn Hillinger (Thesis)
Upton Sinclair and the 1934 California gubernatorial election, Patricia Lucy Hill (Thesis)
Relationship of auditory short-term memory and articulation ability of eight-year-olds, Winona Eugenia Hoffinger (Thesis)
Social behavior in a group of captive bobcats : a study in the sociability of felids, Lon W. House (Thesis)
An Exploratory Study Into the Financial Situations of Elderly Wards of the Public Guardian and Conservator of Multnomah County, Ruth D. Hudson (Thesis)
Paraprofessionals in Oregon: an exploratory study of the status of associate degree human service workers, Richard William Hunter (Thesis)
A Comparative Study of Communication Style in Japan and the United States as Revealed Through Content Analysis of Television Commercials, Noriko Huruse (Thesis)
Petrology of the Bull-of-the-Woods intrusive complex, James Streshley Jackson (Thesis)
An instrument for determination of the polarization of fluorescence, George Irwin Johnston (Thesis)
A Comparison Between a Clinical Sample of Parents and Non-parents, as Reflected by Their Scores on the MMPI, Thomas Kearney and Casey Wegner (Thesis)
Trace Metal Ion Activities From Liquid-Liquid Partitioning Measurements, John Michael Kennish (Dissertation)
Stratigraphy and petrography of the Selah member of the Ellensburg formation in south-central Washington and north-central Oregon, Mavis Hensley Kent (Thesis)
Historical Development and Application of the Conceptual Approach in Teaching, Louise A. Knoll (Thesis)