
Submissions from 2024


Exploring the Radical Potential of Queer AZN and Pasifika CRT for Clinical Social Work Praxis, Antonia R. G. Alvarez, Gita R. Mehrotra, Sameena Azhar, Anne S. J. Farina, and Alma M. Ouanesisouk Trinidad

Organizational Supports for Practice Research: Illustrations from an International Practice Research Collaborative, Michael J. Austin, Bowen McBeath, Bin Xu, Heidi Muurinen, Sidsel Natland, and Rudi Roose


Participatory Longitudinal Qualitative Interview Study to Understand Autistic Gynaecological and Obstetric Health: the Autism from Menstruation to Menopause Study Protocol, Amy Brown, Kathryn Williams, Aimee Grant, Gemma L. Williams, Harriet Axbey, Abigail Wilkins, Ellen Firth, Hazel Lim, Helen Cave, Christina Nicolaidis, and multiple additional authors

Examining the Academic Achievement of Latinx Students from an Early Lifespan and Intersectional Perspective, Esther J. Calzada, Lalaine Sevillano, Keng-Yen Huang, and R. Gabriela Barajas-Gonzalez


The Nexus of Resistance and Neoliberalism in Social Work and Social Welfare: A Scoping Review, Kevin Cherry and Sandra Leotti

Reversing the Legacies: Asset-Based Discourses for Racialized Social Workers, Ann Curry-Stevens, Stephanie Ng Ping Cheung, Rhen Miles, Darian Fournie, and Esther Hayford

We Are in This Together: What the COVID-19 Pandemic Revealed About the Nature of the Student-Professor Relationship in Higher Education, Lakindra Mitchell Dove


Planting the Seed: Using Research As a Tool to Revitalize Puberty Ceremonies in Anishinaabe Communities, Miigis B. Gonzalez, Alexandra Ziibiins Johnson, Lisa Awan Martin, Jillian Naawakwe, Jillian Fish, Lalaine Sevillano, Melissa L. Walls, and Lee Obizaan Staples


Supporting Resource Equity for Oregon’s Home Visiting Workforce: Exploring Racial, Ethnic & Linguistic Differences, Beth L. Green, Nicole M. Lauzus, Yumi Lee, Erin Gaines, and Ron Joseph


Supporting Well-Being for the Home Visiting Workforce: Organizational Supports for Experiences of Bias & Discrimination, Beth L. Green, Nicole M. Lauzus, Yumi Lee, Ron Joseph, Erin Gaines, and Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services

Identifying Competencies of the ACT Program Nurse Using the DACUM Method, Heidi Herinckx, Paula Gubrud, Alyssa Kerlinger, and Karen Cellarius


“what Keeps Me in School”: Oregon BIPOC Learners Voice Support That Makes Higher Education Possible, Roberta Hunte, Miranda Mosier-Puentes, Gita Mehrotra, and Eva Skuratowicz


Training Social Work Master's Students for Integrated Health Care Settings: the Importance of Specialized Education, Passion Ilea and Ericka L. Kimball

Compelling Care: A Grounded Theory of Transmasculine Self-Defense and Collective Protection at the Clinic., Sid P. Jordan

NICU Parent and Staff Advocacy to Address Parental Mental Health, Susanne Klawetter, Ladawna Gievers, Cindy T. McEvoy, and Christina Nicolaidis

Unsettling Common Sense Assumptions About Intimate Partner Violence in the NICU, Susanne Klawetter, Stéphanie Wahab, and Ladawna Gievers


Bidirectional Relationships Between Nicotine Vaping and Maladaptive Eating Behaviors Among Young Adults., H Isabella Lanza, Kailey Waller, and Lalaine Sevillano


Supporting Resource Equity for Oregon’s Home Visiting Workforce: Exploring Program Model and Regional Differences, Nicole M. Lauzus, Yumi Lee, Beth L. Green, Erin Gaines, and Ron Joseph

Pedagogies of Possibility: Case Studies from Using Foresight Tools in the Social Work Classroom, Danielle Maude Littman, Finn Bell, Anderson Al Wazni, Alexis Speck Glennon, Jimmy A. Young, Lauri Goldkind, Leah Prussia, and Laura Nissen

Strategies for Selecting and Changing Research Topics, Bowen Mcbeath and Karen Hopkins


Exploring Affective Experiences of Queer Individuals Navigating Relationships with Evangelical Parents, Grace Pappas


Engaging Antiracist and Decolonial Praxis to Advance Equity in Oregon Public Health Surveillance Practices, Ryan J. Petteway, Daniel López-Cevallos, Mira Mohsini, Andres Lopez, Roberta S. Hunte, Tim Holbert, and Kusuma Madamala

Are We Talking About the Same Thing? Black/african Americans' Response to the BRFSS Cognitive Decline and Caregiver Modules., Andre Pruitt, Raina Croff, Linda Boise, and Jeffrey Kaye


A Place to Rest My Soul: How a Doctoral Student of Color Group Utilized a Healing-Centered Space to Navigate Higher Education, Jessica I. Ramirez


The Integration of Social Work Values and Principles in Police Work, Dasha Rhodes, Taylor Geyton, and Jam Ost


Measurement Matters: A commentary on the state of the science on patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in autism research, Hillary Schiltz, Zachary J. Williams, Shuting Zheng, Elizabeth A. Kaplan-Kahn, Hannah E. Morton, Kashia A. Rosenau, Christina Nicolaidis, Alexandra Sturm, and multiple additional authors


“I Was Determined to Fulfill This Image of Myself That I Wanted of a ‘good Asian Student’”: A Photovoice Study of Asian American College Student Mental Health, Lalaine Sevillano, Joanna C. La Torre, and Taylor A. Geyton

Transgender Lived Experience in Social Work: A Critical Discourse Analysis, A. P. Spoth


“You Could Have Did Us Better Than This”: Reparative Housing Policies and the Struggle to Right Harms to Black Communities, Amie Thurber, Lisa K. Bates, Susan Halverson, and Keisha Muia


A Response to “The Danger of Ideology”, Amie Thurber and Ericka Kimball


Contested Places: A Typology for Responding to Place-based Harms, Amie Thurber, Amy Krings, Mónica Gutiérrrez, Jason Sawyer, and Greer A. Hamilton

The HIV Environmental Riskscape: the Roles of HIV Sexual Risk and Resilience Factors Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men: Findings from the Real Talk Project., Matthew A. Town, Ilana Freeman, Ronnie James Cool Jr., and Charles H. Klein


Impacts of Sex Work Criminalization on Sex Workers in Oregon: A Pilot Study, Stephanie Wahab and Katie Shammel


A Theory of Change for One-on-One Peer support for older adolescents and young adults, Janet S. Walker, Vanessa V. Klodnick, Brianne LaPelusa, Shannon M. Blajeski, Alex R. Freedman, and Shannon Marble


'T-W-O': External Challenges and Coping Strategies of Chinese Social Work Service Organisations During the Epidemic, Bin Xu, Bowen Mcbeath, and Haobo Xi

Submissions from 2023

Identifying Predictors of Psychological Well-Being Among Volunteer Mentors in Big Brothers Big Sisters., Amy J. Anderson, Kristian V. Jones, Theresa N. Melton, Thomas E. Keller, and David L. DuBois


I See Myself Strong: A Description of an Expressive Poetic Method to Amplify Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer Indigenous Youth Experiences in a Culture-Centered HIV Prevention Curriculum, Ramona Beltrán, Antonia R.G. Alvarez, and Angela R. Fernandez

A Mixed-Methods Implementation Evaluation of Virtual Reality Job Interview Training in IPS Supported Employment, Shannon M. Blajeski, Matthew J. Smith, Meghan Harrington, Jeffery Johnson, Brittany Ross, Addie Weaver, Lisa A. Razzano, Nicole Pashka, Adrienne Brown, John Prestipino, Karley Nelson, Tovah Lieberman, Neil Jordan, Eugene A. Oulvey, Kim T. Mueser, Susan R. McGurk, Morris D. Bell, and Justin D. Smith

Critical Elements in the Experience of Virtual Reality Job Interview Training for Unemployed Individuals with Serious Mental Illness: Implications for IPS Supported Employment, Shannon M. Blajeski, Matthew J. Smith, Meghan M. Harrington, Jeffrey M. Johnson, Eugene A. Oulvey, Kim T. Mueser, Susan R. McGurk, and Lisa A. Razzano

Mothers' Perceptions of How Homelessness and Housing Interventions Affect Their Children's Behavioral and Educational Functioning, Scott R. Brown, Amie Thurber, and Marybeth Shinn

Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Wraparound Fidelity Index Short Form (WFI-EZ), Eric J. Bruns, Jonathan R. Olson, Ryan M. Parigoris, Elizabeth M. Parker, and Janet S. Walker

Early Social Emotional Competencies As Predictors of Internalizing Problems in Latinx Children, Esther J. Calzada, Keng-Yen Huang, Alexandra Ursache, Lalaine Sevillano, and Nicole Kim


Oregon Zero Suicide Implementation Assessment Instrument, v.2.1, Karen Cellarius, Shelby Kuhn, Aliza Tuttle, Meghan Crane, Galli Murray, Canada Taylor Parker, and Kathleen Lisborg


Trauma‐Informed Care Implementation Assessment Instrument, Karen Cellarius, Aliza Tuttle, and Christine A. da Rosa


Ambulatory Intensive Care for Medically Complex Patients at a Health Care Clinic for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness The SUMMIT Randomized Clinical Trial, Brian Chan, Christina Nicolaidis, Meg Devoe, Priya Srikanth, P. Todd Korthuis, Samuel T. Edwards, Devan Kansagara, Rachel Solotaroff, and Somnath Saha


Organizational Supports for Evidence use in child welfare, Emmeline Chuang, Crystal Collins-Camargo, Bowen McBeath, and Monica Perez Jolles


Prevalence of Depressive Disorder in the Adult population of Latin America: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Antonia Errazuriz, Dalia Avello-Vega, Juan Ramirez-Mahaluf, Rafael Torres, Nicolas A. Crossley, Eduardo A. Undurraga, and Peter B. Jones

Parent Engagement and the Child Welfare System: Through a Self-Determination Theory Lens, Carrie J. Furrer, Nicole M. Lauzus, Amanda Cross, and Anna M. Rockhill

Creating Conditions That Encourage Youth Engagement in Family Child Welfare Case Planning Meetings: A Youth Perspective, Carrie J. Furrer, Angela C. Rodgers, Christine L. Cooper, Anna M. Rockhill, and Nicole M. Lauzus

Novel Perinatal Medical-Legal Partnership Development and Pilot Implementation to Address Health-Harming Legal Needs., Ladawna Gievers, Lauren Mutrie, and Susanne Klawetter

The End of the World As We Know It? Chatgpt and Social Work, Lauri Goldkind, Lea Wolf, Alexis Glennon, Juan Rios, and Laura Nissen


Re-imagining Mandatory Reporting: Professionalization's Complicity, Sam Harrell and Stephanie Wahab

Special Issue: Network for Social Work Management Forward Thinking Summit Introduction, Karen Hopkins and Bowen McBeath

NICU Visitation Time and Adherence to Safe Sleep Practices Among Mothers of Very Preterm Infants., Sunah S. Hwang, Blair W. Weikel, Mauricio A. Palau, Jennifer C. Greenfield, Susanne Klawetter, Madalynn Neu, Kristi L. Roybal, Jessica Scott, Pari Shah, and Stephanie L. Bourque

From the Margins to the Center: Cultivating Collective Healing with Soulcial Work Praxis, Alexis Jemal, Diana Melendez, Olivia Hunte, Diana Ballesteros, and Gita R. Mehrotra

From Food Security to Food Sovereignty: Preparing Social Workers to Effectively Intervene in Food Systems, Morgan Joyner, Dana Hafter-Manza, Grace Littig, Tatiana Havill, and Amie Thurber


Do Program Practices Matter for Mentors?: How Implementation of Empirically Supported Program Practices Is Associated With Youth Mentoring Relationship Quality, Thomas E. Keller, Alison L. Drew, Carla Herrera, Hyuny Clark-Shim, and Renée Spencer


Domestic Violence As a Wicked Social Problem: Policy Cascades and Misdirected Solutions, Ericka Kimball, Passion Ilea, and Steph Ng Ping Cheung

The Relationship Between Gambling Accessibility and Behavior Among Korean Adults., Yongseok Kim, Sokho Lee, Shinyoung Park, and Junghee Lee


An Examination of Power in a Triadic Model of parent–child–pediatrician relationships related to early childhood gender development, Eline Lenne, Christina J. Sun, and Susanne Klawetter


Centering Communities of Color in the Modernization of a Public Health Survey System: Lessons from Oregon, Daniel F. López-Cevallos, Kusuma Madamala, Mira Mohsini, Andres Lopez, Roberta Hunte, Ryan Petteway, and Tim Holbert

Needs Assessment on the Changing Role of the University Professor, Bowen McBeath and Karen Hopkins

The Craft of Scholarship and Research in a Changing University and Civic Context, Bowen M. McBeath and Karen Hopkins

Creating Spaces for Decolonization and Indigenization Among Mental Health Professionals in Higher Education, L. D. McCubbin, Matthew A. Town, A. Burns-Glover, and E. M. Butay

A Call-In for Allyship and Anti-Ableism in Intellectual Disability Research., Katherine E. McDonald, Ariel E. Schwartz, Micah Fialka Feldman, Tia Nelis, and Dora M. Raymaker


Race/ism in Field Education: Narratives of BIPOC Field Instructors, Gita Mehrotra, Anita Gooding, and Olivia K. Bormann


Exploring the intersections of LGBTQ experience and social work education: a scoping review, Gita Mehrotra, Kimberly D. Hudson, and Eli Hess

Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of Hospital Social Work Self-Efficacy Scale, Kyesuk Moon, Yongseok Kim, and Junghee Lee


Fostering Leaders of Our World: Facilitators and Barriers to Educational Success Among a Cohort of Foster Scholars in College, Sarah E. Mountz, Shaojie Pan, Lalaine Sevillano, Jordan Dyett, and Dewi Kartikawatiningsih


Migration Integration Policies as Social Determinants of health for highly educated immigrants in the United States, Mitra Naseh, Yingying Zeng, Ian Sutherland, Abha Rai, and Hyunwoo Yoon

Formal Youth Mentoring Relationships in the Context of Risk: What is the Role of Caregiver-Mentor Collaboration?, McKenna F. Parnes, Carla Herrera, Thomas E. Keller, Manolya Tanyu, G. Roger Jarjoura, and Sarah E. O. Schwartz

Community-Based Participatory Research to Improve Alumni Transition from an Intensive Research Training Program for Historically Underrepresented Undergraduates, Dora M. Raymaker, Mirah Scharer, Rebecca Miller, Ashley Widmer, Dhale Larsen Posadas, and Thomas E. Keller


Love Letters for Liberatory Futures, Jessica Rodriguez-JenKins, Roberta Hunte, Lakindra Mitchell Dove, Antonia R.G. Alvarez, Alma M. O. Trinidad, and Gita Mehrotra


Restoring Kapwa: A Systematic Review Of Colonial Mentality Among Pilipinx Americans, Lalaine Sevillano, José Miguel Paez, and Elle Covington

Factors Influencing Employment Decisions Among Immigrants Caring for a Child with Special Health Care Needs, Lisa M. Stewart, Claudia Sellmaier, Lisha Shrestha, and Eileen M. Brennan


Older Adults in Action: Using Action Research to Address Neighborhood Change, Amie Thurber

The Promise of Persistence: Expanding the Framework for High School Completion, Mathew C. Uretsky, Zitsi Mirakhur, Hyuny Clark-Shim, Kathryn Hill, and Angela K. Henneberger

"it's a Vibe": Belonging, Healing, and Liberation in Community Spaces by Us and for Us, Shaneé A. Washington, Kayla Mendoza Chui, Jessica I. Ramirez, and Kaleb Germinaro

Defining an Infant's Race and Ethnicity: A Systematic Review., Blair W. Weikel, Susanne Klawetter, Stephanie L. Bourque, Kathleen E. Hannan, Kristi Roybal, Modi Soondarotok, Marie St Pierre, Yarden S. Fraiman, and Sunah S. Hwang

Antiracism: an Ethical Imperative, Ian Wolfe, Bryanna Moore, Lynn Bush, Angela Knackstedt, Sabrina Derrington, K. Sarah Hoehn, Liza-Marie Johnson, Sarah L. Porter, and Amy Caruso Brown

Submissions from 2022

Connecting Practice Research with the Process of Theorizing, Michael J. Austin and Bowen McBeath

Asian in the Time of COVID-19: Creating a Social Work Agenda for Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities, Sameena Azhar, Anne Farina, Antonia R. Alvarez, and Susan Klumpner


Intervention Development to Improve Foster Youth Mental Health by Targeting Coping Self-Efficacy and Help-seeking, Jennifer Blakeslee, Brianne H. Kothari, and Rebecca Miller


Efficacy of the Project Futures Self-Determination Coaching Model for College Students with Foster Care Backgrounds and Mental Health Challenges, Jennifer Blakeslee, Rebecca A. Miller, and Mathew C. Uretsky


Social Needs Resource Connections: A Systematic Review of Barriers, Facilitators, and Evaluation, Katherine DuBose Broadwell, Dawn Michele Richardson, and Christina M. Nicolaidis

Mentoring and Depressive Symptoms of Youth: Examining Prospective and Interactive Associations with Mentoring Relationship Quality, Rebecca Browne, G. Roger Jarjoura, Thomas E. Keller, Manolya Tanyu, Carla Herrera, and Sarah E. O. Schwartz


Assessing Student Readiness to Work with People Who Use Drugs: Development of a Multi-disciplinary Addiction Educational Survey, Patrick C.M. Brown, Dana Button, Danika Bethune, Emily Kelly, Hannah R. Tierney, Rahee M. Nerurkar, Christina Nicolaidis, Rebecca Harrison, and Ximena Levander


Centering Racial Equity in a BSW Program: What We’ve Learned in Five Years, Stephanie A. Bryson, Gita Mehrotra, Jessica Rodriguez-Jenkins, and Passion Ilea

The Historical and Ongoing State Sanctioned Attacks on Marginalized Young People: Why Do We Hurt Children?, Grant Charles and Ben Anderson-Nathe

Collaboration Between Mental Health and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs for Transition-Age Youth Vocational Outcomes, Maryann Davis, Nancy M. Koroloff, Raphael Mizrahi, and Emily Morrison


Disrupting Trauma Tourism in Diversity Workshops and Scholarship Essays: A Participatory Study Describing Counternarratives by Queer, Trans, and Students of Colour., Óscar Fernández, Staci B. Martin, Luz Maria Anaya, Anayeli Diaz-Espinosa, Wendy Soriano-Valencia, Stevie Cadiz, Hollis Kinner, and Crystal Romero


Enacting Relationships Through Dialogic Storytelling, Erin E. Flynn

Magnifying Inequality: How Black Women Found Safety in the Midst of Dual Pandemics, Taylor A. Geyton, Matthew Town, Roberta Hunte, and Nia Johnson

Impact of COVID-19 on Referral Patterns and Service Delivery for an Integrated Behavioral Health Program, Kelly Glaze, Ashley Sward, Eline Lenne, Samantha Brown, Lindsey Rogers, Karen A. Frankel, and Susanne Klawetter

Moving from Despair to Action, Sara Goodkind, Sam J. Harrell, Jennifer R. Zelnick, and Mimi E. Kim

Comparisons of Three Measures of Maternal Engagement Activities in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Jennifer C. Greenfield, Blair W. Weikel, Stephanie L. Bourque, Sunah S. Hwang, Susanne Klawetter, Kristi L. Roybal, Mauricio A. Palau, Jessica A. Scott, Pari Shah, Kyria Brown, and Madalynn Neu

Social Work & Corrections in the Progressive Era: What We Remember, What We Obscure, Sam J. Harrell


“The Broker of Reality”: A Scoping Review of Moral Reconation Therapy, Sam Harrell, Constance Johnson, Chandler Boys, Brianna Suslovic, Ben Anderson-Nathe, and Kassandra Botts

From Exceptionalism to Relationality: Responding to Mandatory Reporting in Texas Anti-Trans Directives, Sam Harrell, Sid Jordan, and Stephanie Wahab


The Case for Mandatory Reporting as an Ethical Dilemma for Social Workers, Sam Harrell and Stéphanie Wahab