Systems Science is the study of general principles governing systems of widely differing types, and the use of systems ideas and methods in interdisciplinary research and socio-technical system design and management. Systems science draws on the natural and social sciences, mathematics, computer science, and engineering to address complex problems in the public and private sectors.

government, considerable demand exists for professionals who are skilled in modern methods of decision making and systems design and who are capable of managing complex social and technical systems. Systems theorists also continue to make important contributions to the growth of knowledge within academic disciplines and to the application of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries.

See also: Systems Science Program Systems Science Seminar Series


Submissions from 1999


An Informal Review of The Crisis of Global Capitalism: A Letter to George Soros, Martin Zwick

Linear Hopfield Networks and Constrained Optimization, George G. Lendaris, K. Mathia, and Richard Saeks


Prestructuring Neural Networks via Extended Dependency Analysis with Application to Pattern Classification, George G. Lendaris, Thaddeus T. Shannon, and Martin Zwick

Qualitative Models for Adaptive Critic Neurocontrol, Thaddeus T. Shannon and George G. Lendaris

Submissions from 1998

Application Considerations for the DHP Methodology, George G. Lendaris and Thaddeus T. Shannon


Complexity Reduction in State-based Modeling, Martin Zwick


Effect of Environmental Structure on Evolutionary Adaptation, Jeffrey Alan Fletcher, Mark A. Bedau, and Martin Zwick


The Judging Process for SyM Bowl: A High School System Dynamics Modeling Competition, Wayne W. Wakeland

Submissions from 1997


Complexity and Decomposability of Relations, Martin Zwick

Improving ANN Generalization Using a Priori Knowledge to Pre-Structure ANNs, George G. Lendaris, Armin Rest, and Thomas R. Misley


Resolution of Local Inconsistency in Identification, Douglas Ray Anderson and Martin Zwick

Training Strategies for Critic and Action Neural Networks in Dual Heuristic Programming Method, George G. Lendaris and C. Paintz

Submissions from 1996


Chaos and Detection, Andrew M. Fraser


Control Uniqueness in Reconstructability Analysis, Martin Zwick

Dependence of Adaptability on Environmental Structure in a Simple Evolutionary Model, Jeffrey Alan Fletcher, Mark A. Bedau, and Martin Zwick


Global Optimization Studies on the 1-D Phase Problem, Martin Zwick, Byrne Elliot Lovell, and Jim Marsh

Submissions from 1995

Projection in Conceptual Graphs Using Neural Networks, Kenneth Willett and George Lendaris


Set-Theoretic Reconstructability of Elementary Cellular Automata, Martin Zwick and Hui Shu


Towards an Ontology of Problems, Martin Zwick


Variance and Uncertainty Measures of Population Diversity Dynamics, Mark A. Bedau, Martin Zwick, and Alan Bahm

Submissions from 1994

Hardware Neural Network Implementation of Tracking System, George G. Lendaris, Robert M. Pap, Richard Saeks, Chas R. Thomas, and Richard M. Akita

Submissions from 1993


On Matching ANN Structure to Problem Domain Structure, George G. Lendaris, Martin Zwick, and Karl Mathia

Submissions from 1992

Use of a Structured Problem Domain to Explore Development of Modularized Neural Networks, George G. Lendaris and D. N. Todd

Submissions from 1991


An Information Theoretic Framework for Exploratory Multivariate Market Segmentation Research, Jamshid C. Hosseini, Robert R. Harmon, and Martin Zwick

Submissions from 1990


Metamodeling Aspects of Model Conceptualization, Wayne W. Wakeland

Submissions from 1988

Conceptual Graph Knowledge Systems as Problem Context for Neural Networks, George G. Lendaris

On Comparing Neural Net Training Paradigms via Graded Pattern Recognition Tasks, George G. Lendaris

Submissions from 1987


Improving Crystallographic Macromolecular Images: The Real-Space Approach, A. D. Podjarny, T. N. Bhat, and Martin Zwick

Submissions from 1986

On Systemness and the Problem Solver: Tutorial Comments, George G. Lendaris

Submissions from 1985


Microcomputer MRP in Three Months: Photon Kinetics, Wayne W. Wakeland


Personal Knowledge and the Inner Sciences, Martin Zwick

Submissions from 1984


Incompleteness, Negation, Hazard: On the Precariousness of Systems, Martin Zwick


Information, Constraint, and Meaning, Martin Zwick

Submissions from 1982


Entropy Measure in Input-Output Analysis, Martin Zwick and Abbas Heiat

Submissions from 1980

Structural Modeling—A Tutorial Guide, George G. Lendaris

Submissions from 1979

On the Human Aspects in Structural Modeling, George G. Lendaris

The Use of Structural Modeling for Technology Assessment, Harold A. Linstone, George G. Lendaris, Steven D. Rogers, and Wayne W. Wakeland

Submissions from 1978


Dialectics and Catastrophe, Martin Zwick


Fuzziness and Catastrophe, Martin Zwick, Daniel Guy Schwartz, and George G. Lendaris


Requisite Variety and the Second Law, Martin Zwick


Some Analogies of Hierarchical Order in Biology and Linguistics, Martin Zwick

Submissions from 1970

Diffraction-Pattern Sampling for Automatic Pattern Recognition, George G. Lendaris and Gordon L. Stanley

Submissions from 1965

Structure and Constraint in Discrete Adaptive Networks, George G. Lendaris and Gordon L. Stanley

Submissions from 1964


On the Definition of Self-Organizing Systems, George G. Lendaris