Submissions from 2025
Displaced: Distinguishing Housing Outcomes from Judicial Outcomes in Oregon’s Eviction Cases, Colleen Carroll, Minji Cho, and Lisa K. Bates
Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care Staffing Level Dynamics: Oregon, 2017–2023, Sarah Dys and Ozcan Tunalilar
Submissions from 2024
Evicted in Oregon: County Eviction Profiles (2022-2023), Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Colleen Carroll, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, Jacen Greene, Minji Cho, Andrew Lindstrom, and Marisa Zapata
Full Count of Eviction Cases Filed in Oregon Available for the First Time, Colleen Carroll, Minji Cho, Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, Safia Goldsmith, and Jacen Greene
Geographies of Entitled Anger: Revanchist Populism in Brazil and Beyond, Ryan Centner and Mara Nogueira
Fight, Flight, Freeze: How Access to Support Shapes Tenant Responses to Eviction in Multnomah County, Natalie J. Cholula, Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Marisa Zapata, Colleen Carroll, Jacen Greene, and Hadley Bates
Unjust and Unsafe: The Eviction Experiences of Latine Immigrant and Farmworker Tenants in Oregon, Natalie J. Cholula, Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Marisa Zapata, Jacen Greene, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, and Colleen Carroll
Global Producer Responsibility for plastic pollution, Win Cowger, Kathryn A. Willis, Sybil Bullock, Jorge Emmanuel, Katie M. Erdle, Marcus Eriksen, Katie Conlon, and multiple additional authors
Targeted, Harassed, and Displaced: The Role of Discrimination in Oregon Evictions, Alex Farrington, Natalie J. Cholula, and Lisa K. Bates
Climate and Extreme Weather Event Impacts on Administrators, Direct Care Staff, and Residents in Oregon Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care Communities, 2024, Dani Himes, Jacklyn Kohon, Madeline Fox, Laura Rodriguez, Sarah Dys, Diana Jacoby, and Paula Carder
Suitability Analysis of Public and Institutional Lands for the Oregon Farm to Institution Collaborative, Megan Horst and Maura Paxton
An Evaluation of the Federal Transition Incentives Program on Land Access for Next-Generation Farmers, Megan Horst, Julia Valliant, and Julia Freedgood
Economic Foundations of Contraceptive Transitions: Theories and a Review of the Evidence, Mahesh Karra and Joshua Wilde
Promoting Cultural Humility, Belonging, and Inclusion to Improve Well-Being among Direct Care Staff in Oregon Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care Communities, 2024, Jacklyn Kohon, Dani Himes, Laura Rodriguez, Sarah Dys, Paula Carder, Diana Jacoby, and Madeline Fox
Emerging Storylines in the Context of the Pandemic for the Mainstreaming of Bicycles in the Transport System, Varsolo Sunio, Andre Joseph Theng, Philip Peckson, and Jedd Carlo Ugay
“You Could Have Did Us Better Than This”: Reparative Housing Policies and the Struggle to Right Harms to Black Communities, Amie Thurber, Lisa K. Bates, Susan Halverson, and Keisha Muia
Political Context and State-Level Health Behavior Disparities, Jane S. VanHeuvelen, Yi Wang, and Tom VanHeuvelen
Eviction in Oregon's Subsidized Affordable Housing, Yi Wang, Lisa K. Bates, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, Minji Cho, Marisa Zapata, Jacen Greene, Colleen Carroll, and Devin MacArthur
Using Disaster Surveys to Model Business Interruption, Maria Watson, Yu Xiao, and Jennifer Helgeson
Book Review of: Michael Woolcock "International Development: Navigating Humanity's Greatest Challenge Polity", Joshua Wilde
Digital Trace Data and Demographic Forecasting: How Well Did Google Predict the US COVID-19 Baby Bust?, Joshua Wilde, Wei Chen, Sophie Lohmann, and Jasmin Abdel Ghany
Submissions from 2023
… And I Feel Fine, Lisa K. Bates
A Research Agenda Pending Revolution, Lisa K. Bates
Professional Differences in Green Infrastructure Implementation: A Case Study of Integrating Engineering and Ecological Knowledge Systems in the Water Sector, Alice Brawley-Chesworth
Emerging Transformations in Material Use and Waste Practices in the Global South: Plastic-Free and ZeroWaste in India, Katie Conlon
Economic and Racial Justice Coalitions and the Rise of Progressive Cities, Marc Doussard and Greg Schrock
Lifestyle and Language Barriers Influence Community Engagement with Green Infrastructure., Glyn Everett, A. Marissa Matsler, Faith Ka Shun Chan, Marissa A. Naclerio, Anita T. Morzillo, and Jessica E. Lamond
Racial Capitalism and Self-Organized Houseless Encampments: (en)countering Banishment in Portland and Miami, Alex Farrington
Perspectives from Frontline Organizations in the Portland Metro Region On Addressing Food Insecurity During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Megan Horst, Meg Grzybowski, and Huijun Tan
Emerging Perspectives on Transportation Justice, Alex Karner, Tierra Bills, and Aaron D. Golub
Perspectives on E-scooters use: A multi-year cross-sectional approach to understanding e-scooter travel behavior in Portland, Oregon, Minju Kim, Nicholas M. Puczkowskyj, John MacArthur, and Jennifer Dill
Evaluation of Driver Comprehension and Compliance of Red Colored Pavement Markings for Transit Lanes in Portland, Oregon, Nathan McNeil, Christopher Monsere, and Jennifer Dill
Transportation Academies As Catalysts for Civic Engagement in Transportation Decision-Making, Nathan W. McNeil, Keith Bartholomew, and Matthew Ryan
Think Out Loud: Portland State Expert Says Gov. Tina Kotek’s Housing Plan is a Good First Step, but She’ll Need Help, Dave Miller and Marisa Zapata
Evaluating Differences between Ground-Based and Satellite-Derived Measurements of Urban Heat: The Role of Land Cover Classes in Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C., Vivek Shandas, Yasuyo Makido, and Aakash Nath Upraity
Bioregional Urbanism: Reflecting on the Legacy of the RPAA Through the Lens of Jaqueline Tyrwhitt, Ellen Shoshkes
2023 Community Based Care: Resident and Community Characteristics Report on Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care Communities, Ozcan Tunalilar, Paula Carder, Sarah Dys, Diana Jacoby, Sheryl Elliott, Minju Kim, Nathan Finch Parsons, Wafi Albalawi, and Christine Wolf
Wage and Cost Study of Oregon Assisted Living and Residential Care Providers, 2022, Ozcan Tunalilar, Sarah Dys, Paula Carder, and Diana Jacoby
2023 Adult Foster Home: Resident and Community Characteristics Report on Adult Foster Homes, Ozcan Tunalilar, Sarah Dys, Paula Carder, Diana Jacoby, Sheryl Elliott, Minju Kim, Nathan Finch Parsons, and Wafi Albalawi
Submissions from 2022
50 Years And Counting: Why Environmental Preservation is Embedded in Oregon Culture, Carl Abbott
The Age of Planetary Revolution: Remembering the Future in Science Fiction, Carl Abbott
Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise, Ben Anderson, Stuart Aitken, Felicity Callard, Kwang Dae (Misty) Chung, Jana Bacevic, Kathryn S. Coleman, Robert F. Hayden Jr, Stephen Marotta, and multiple additional authors
Transit and Active Transportation Use for Non-Commute Travel Among Portland Transit-Oriented Development Residents, Jennifer L. Dill and Nathan W. McNeil
Factors Influencing Bike Share Among Underserved Populations: Evidence from Three US Cities, Jennifer Dill, Jiahui Ma, Nathan W. McNeil, Joseph P. Broach, and John H. MacArthur
Urban Policy Entrepreneurship: Activist Networks, Minimum Wage Campaigns and Municipal Action Against Inequality, Marc Doussard and Greg Schrock
Improving Global Planning Education by Centering the Experience of International Students in US and Canadian Planning Schools, Yingling Fan, Lesli Hoey, Ashok Das, Clara Irazabal, Bruce Stiftel, Gavin Shatkin, Francis Owusu, Petra Doan, Yiping Fang, and Andrew Rumbach
Equity and Exclusion Issues in Cashless fare payment systems for public transportation, Aaron Golub, Anne Brown, Candace Brakewood, John MacArthur, Sangwan Lee, and Abubakr Ziedan
Think Out Loud: Planned tolling for I-5 and I-205 Aims to Reduce Congestion in Portland Metro, Aaron Golub and Dave Miller
Congested Sidewalks: The Effects of the Built Environment on E-scooter Parking Compliance, Rob Hemphill, John MacArthur, Phil Longenecker, Garima Desai, Lillie Nie, Abbey Ibarra, and Jennifer Dill
Exploring Associations between Multimodality and Built Environment Characteristics in the U.S., Sangwan Lee
Intermediate Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Prices of Housing near Light Rail Transit: A Case Study of the Portland Metropolitan Area, Sangwan Lee and Liming Wang
Empowering Local Practitioners to Collect and Report on Anthropogenic Riverine and Marine Debris Using Inexpensive Methods in India, Katharine A. Owens, Jaya Divakaran Sarasamma, Katie Conlon, Solomon Kiruba, Alwyn Biju, Niyathi Vijay, Manikandan Subramanian, Smitha Asok Vjayamma, Ayona Jayadev, and multiple additional authors
Delving into Institutional Diversity Messaging A Cross-Institutional Analysis of Student and Faculty Interpretations of Undergraduate Experiences of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in University Websites, Joanna C. Rankin, Andrew Pearl, Trina Jorre de St Jorre, Moriah McSharry McGrath, Sarah Dyer, and multiple additional authors
Race and Income Disparities in Pedestrian Injuries: Factors Influencing Pedestrian Safety Inequity, Josh Roll and Nathan W. McNeil
Portland State and the Downtown Portland Plan - 50 Years Later with Ethan Seltzer, Ethan Seltzer
Book Review of, Aesthetics of Gentrification: Seductive Spaces and Exclusive Communities in the Neoliberal City, Seyoung Sung
Submissions from 2021
Book Review of, George Washington's Final Battle: the Epic Struggle to Build a Capital City and a Nation, Carl Abbott
Spatial Configuration and Time of Day Impact the Magnitude of Urban Tree Canopy Cooling, Miguel Alonzo, Matthew Baker, Yuemeng Gao, and Vivek Shandas
In Unprecedented Times, Nothing Less Than Universal Rent Relief Will Do, Lisa K. Bates
Tired, but Hopeful, Lisa K. Bates
The 2019 Conference on Health and Active Transportation: Research Needs and Opportunities, David Berrigan, Astrid Dannenberg, Michelle Lee, Kelly Rodgers, Janet R. Wojcik, Behram Wali, Calvin P. Tribby, Ralph Buehler, James F. Sallis, and multiple additional authors
2021 Adult Foster Home Resident and Community Characteristics Report on Adult Foster Homes, Paula Carder, Jason Z. Kyler-Yano, Ozcan Tunalilar, Sarah Dys, Sheryl Elliott, Ellis Jourdan Hews, and Minju Kim
The Lagged Environmental Consequences of Demographic and Economic Change, Matthew Thomas Clement, Nathan W. Pino, Richard York, Jack De Waard, Nathaniel Dede-Bamfo, and Julius Mcgee
A Social Systems Approach to Sustainable Waste Management: Leverage Points for Plastic Reduction in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Katie Conlon
Marine Debris and Human Health: An Exposure Pathway of POPs?, Katie Conlon
Plastic Roads: Not All They’re Paved Up to Be, Katie Conlon
Circular Economy: Waste-to-Wealth, Jobs the Global South, Katie Conlon, Randika Jayasinghe, and Ranahansa Dasanayake
Opportunity in the Crisis: Findings from a Year of Research on Renters in the Pandemic and the Programs Needed to Stabilize Them, Mary K. Cunningham, Lisa K. Bates, Erika Poethig, Mark Treskon, Emma Foley, Reed Jordan, Elijah de la Campa, Nathaniel Decker, Lauren Lowery, Mercedeh Mortazavi, and Ingrid Gould Ellen
Are Shared Vehicles Shared by All? A Review of Equity and Vehicle Sharing, Jennifer Dill and Nathan McNeil
Does Gender Climate Influence Climate Change? the Multidimensionality of Gender Equality and Its Countervailing Effects on the Carbon Intensity of Well-Being, Christina Ergas, Patrick Trent Greiner, Julius Alexander McGee, and Matthew Thomas Clement
Book Review: Cyclescapes of the Unequal City: Bicycle Infrastructure and Uneven Development, Aaron Golub
Translating Land Justice Through Comparison: a Us-French Dialogue and Research Agenda., Megan Horst, Nathan McClintock, Adrien Baysse-Lainé, Ségolène Darly, Flaminia Paddeu, Coline Perrin, Kristin Reynolds, and Christophe-Toussaint Soulard
The Residential Property Value Premium of the Proximity to Carsharing and Bikesharing Services: Evidence from New York City, Sangwan Lee and Aaron D. Golub
Difference in Travel Behavior Between Immigrants in the U.S. and U.S. Born Residents: The Immigrant Effect for Car-Sharing, Ride-Sharing, and Bike-Sharing Services, Sangwan Lee, Michael J. Smart, and Aaron Golub
Genesis at Work: Advancing Inclusive Innovation Through Manufacturing Extension, Nichola Lowe, Greg Schrock, Ranita Jain, and Maureen Conway
Integrating Diverse Perspectives for Managing Neighborhood Trees and Urban Ecosystem Services in Portland, OR (US), Lorena Nascimento and Vivek Shandas
Mopping Up or Turning Off the Tap? Environmental Injustice and the Ethics of Plastic Pollution, Katharine A. Owens and Katie Conlon
Think Out Loud: ‘This is Portland’ Ad Campaign Draws Mixed Reactions, Julie Sabatier, Geoff Norcross, Lisa K. Bates, Alex Zielinski, and Amy Lewin
Inclusive Innovation Editorial: the Promise of Inclusive Innovation, Greg Schrock and Nichola Lowe
Fahrenheit 911: Heat, Cities, and Climate Literacy from the Ground Up, Vivek Shandas
Collaborative Planning Principles for Disaster Preparedness, Deborah F. Shmueli, Connie P. Ozawa, and Sanda Kaufman
2021 Community-Based Care: Resident and Community Characteristics Report on Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care Communities, Ozcan Tunalilar, Paula Carder, Sheryl Elliott, Jason Z. Kyler-Yano, Sarah Dys, Minju Kim, Diana Cater, and Ellis Jourdan Hews
Innovative Praxis: Abolition Planning & Afrofuturism, Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, Free Bangura, Sherri Franklin, Terry Scott, Roland Wiley, Jazslyn (NYC Artist), and Lisa K. Bates
Planning Just Futures: an Introduction, Marisa A. Zapata
Bi-Objective Optimization for Battery Electric Bus Deployment Considering Cost and Environmental Equity, Yirong Zhou, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Ran Wei, and Aaron Golub
Submissions from 2020
City Planning: a Very Short Introduction, Carl Abbott
Plotting a Path to a More Sustainable Future, Carl Abbott
Suburbs: A Very Short Introduction, Carl Abbott
Quantifying Post-Disaster Business Recovery Through Bayesian Methods, Mohammad Aghababaei, Maria Koliou, Maria Watson, and Yu Xiao
The Role of Building Characteristics, Demographics, and Urban Heat Islands in Shaping Residential Energy Use, Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos, Alec Trusty, and Vivek Shandas
Albina Zone, Lisa K. Bates
Albina Zone (Presentation), Lisa K. Bates
Equity Planning When the Rubber Meets the Road: Adopting Inclusionary Housing Policies in Portland, Oregon, Lisa K. Bates
Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day, Amber Butts, Ayize Jama-Everett, Calvin Williams, Donte Clark, Lisa K. Bates, Naudika Williams, Shawn Taylor, Walidah Imarisha, and Amir Kadar
Are the Goals of Sustainability Interconnected? A Sociological Analysis of the Three E’s of Sustainable Development Using Cross-Lagged Models with Reciprocal Effects, Matthew Thomas Clement, Nathan Pino, Patrick Greiner, and Julius A. McGee
Adaptive Injustice: Responsibility to Act in the Plastics Economy, Katie Conlon
Travel, Health and Well-Being: A Focus on Past Studies, a Special Issue, and Future Research, Jonas De Vos, Patrick Allen Singleton, Patrick A. Singleton, and Jennifer Dill
Incorporating Local Foods into Low-income Families’ Home-cooking Practices: The Critical Role of Sustained Economic Subsidies, Jennifer Gaddis, Amy K. Coplen, Molly Clark-Barol, Allea Martin, Claire K. Barrett, and Lauren Lubowicki
Operationalizing the Neighborhood Effects of the Built Environment on Travel Behavior, Steven R. Gehrke and Liming Wang
Reflection Roundtable: White Supremacy in Oregon History, Karen J. Gibson, Darrell Millner, Carmen Thompson, and Adrienne Nelson