People and the Land: An Oral History of Oregon’s Statewide Land Use Planning Program
"People and the Land" is a collaboration between the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development and Portland State University. The goal of this project is to document and preserve a record of Oregon’s land use program through the recording, transcription, collection and archiving of personal oral histories.
The project is intended to enable Oregon’s statewide planning agency to make a significant, abiding contribution to the body of literature that records and analyzes the politics, policy, and practices that make Oregon's land use program unique.
Interview with Vic Affolter
Vic Affolter and Bob Rindy
Interview with Vic Affolter by Bob Rindy on July 15, 2015. Vic Affolter served as the Planning and Community Development Director for Tillamook County, Oregon, for twenty years until his retirement in 2001.
Interview with Dorothy Anderson
Dorothy Anderson and Sy Adler
Dorothy Anderson was interviewed by Sy Adler on September 18, 2013.
Anderson was active in the League of Women Voters and was appointed by Governor Tom McCall to serve on the first Land Conservation and Development Commission.
Interview with Ward Armstrong
Ward Armstrong and Michael Rupp
Interview with Ward Armstrong by Michael Rupp on May 18, 2015. Ward Armstrong was a lobbyist and public policy specialist who worked as Director of the Association of Oregon Counties in Salem in the early 1960s and as Oregon Director of Governmental Affairs for the Weyerhauser Corporation between 1966-86. Between 1986 -94, he was the Executive Director of the Oregon Forest Council.
Interview with John Bagg and Mike Holstun
John Bagg, Mike Holstun, and Michael Rupp
John Bagg and Mike Holstun were interviewed by Michael Rupp on September 24, 2021.
Bagg and Holstun were attorneys appointed by the Governor to serve on the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals.
Interview with Bob Bailey
Bob Bailey and Michael Rupp
Bob Bailey was interviewed by Michael Rupp on September, 17, 2019, in Portland, Oregon.
Bailey was the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development's Coastal Division Manager. Earlier in his career, he was a land use planner for the Coos County, Oregon, planning department.
Interview with Bruce Bartow
Bruce Bartow and Michael Rupp
Interview with Bruce Bartow by Michael Rupp on October 11, 2016. Bruce Bartow served as Planning Director for Josephine County, Oregon, from 1977 to 2005.
Interview with Rick Bastasch
Rick Bastasch, Michael Rupp, and James Knight
Rick Bastasch was interviewed by Michael Rupp and Jim Knight on May 10, 2017.
A lifelong Oregonian, Rick Bastasch is the author of "The Oregon Water Handbook" (Oregon State University Press, 2006). He worked with the Oregon Water Resources Department for over a decade, specializing in river basin planning, intergovernmental coordination, public information, and legislative analysis. He has also led recent efforts to conserve and restore the Willamette River.
Interview with Russell Beaton
Russell Beaton and Jim Knight
Interview with Russell Beaton by Jim Knight on June 18, 2015. Russ Beaton was Professor of Economics at Willamette University in Salem. He participated in drafting the widely acclaimed 1973 Oregon legislation on land-use planning.
Interview with Richard Benner
Richard Benner and Anthony Lavenda
Interview with Richard Benner by Anthony Lavenda on May 14, 2015. Dick Benner served as Director of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, as staff attorney for 1000 Friends of Oregon, and as the executive director of the Columbia River Gorge Commission.
Interview with Dale Blanton
Dale Blanton, Bob Rindy, and James Knight
Dale Blanton was interviewed by Bob Rindy and Jim Knight on June 13, 2017.
Dale Blanton served as the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development’s senior coastal policy analyst and as the Federal Program Officer for the agency’s Coastal Management Program. He was the principal policy advisor to coastal planners, state agencies, and local governments, especially on statewide planning goals 16 (Estuarine Resources), 17 (Coastal Shorelands), and 18 (Beaches and Dunes), and monitored the effects of state and federal legislative actions on coastal policies and programs. Prior to his twenty-six-year career with DLCD, Blanton worked as a natural resource agency coordinator for the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission. He retired from DLCD in 2011.
Interview with William Blosser
William Blosser and Anthony Lavenda
Interview with William Blosser by Anthony Lavenda on June 16, 2015. Bill Blosser's roles in connection with Oregon's land use planning system include chairing the Land Conservation and Development Commission, the Water Resources Commission, and the Environmental Quality Commission.
Interview with Harold Brauner
Harold Brauner and Katherine Daniels
Interview with Harold (Hal) Brauner by Katherine Daniels on July 1, 2015. Hal Brauner served as Director of the Department of Land Conservation and Development.
Interview with Chief Justice Wallace P. Carson, Jr.
Wallace P. Carson Jr. and Katherine Daniels
Interview with Chief Justice Wallace P. Carson, Jr. by Katherine Daniels on July 1, 2015. Chief Justice Wallace Carson was the longest-serving Chief Justice on the Oregon Supreme Court (fourteen years, 1991-2005). He served two terms in the Oregon House of Representatives and was an Oregon Senator from 1970-77. He helped to pass the Oregon bottle bill, greenway bill, and other land use legislation.
Interview with Ronald and Jane Cease
Ronald Cease, Jane Cease, and James Sitzman
Interview with Ronald and Jane Cease by James (Jim) Sitzman on June 18, 2015. Ron Cease was invited to teach at Portland State University in 1966, where he founded the university's Public Administration program in 1976. Jane Cease was elected to the Oregon House of Representatives in 1978 and was re-elected in 1980. Ron won a seat in the Oregon House in 1984, the same year that Jane was elected to the Oregon Senate.
Interview with Lloyd Chapman
Lloyd Chapman, Michael Rupp, and James Knight
Lloyd Chapman was interviewed on July 31, 2017, by Michael Rupp and Jim Knight.
Lloyd Chapman worked with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development on water, forest, and land use projects. In addition to his career with DLCD, Chapman is an active citizen advocate who has held numerous elected and volunteer positions in local agencies and associations in the Salem area since the 1980s. He served as a Salem Transit District board member starting in 1999 and was elected Board President in 2003; in 2008, he was a candidate for Mayor of Salem; and in 2011, he was elected to a position on the Salem-Keizer School Board.
Panel Discussion: Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 10
Bob Clay, Allen Johnson, Maryhelen Kincaid, Damian Syrnyk, Andrée Tremoulet, John VanLandingham, and Greg Winterowd
Seven speakers (Bob Clay, Allen Johnson, Maryhelen Kincaid, Damian Syrnyk, Andree Tremoulet, John VanLandingham, and Greg Winterowd) met on June 2, 2017, at Portland State University, to share their experiences, decisions, and views on meeting Oregon's tenth Statewide Land Use and Planning Goal.
Oregon's Statewide Land Use Planning Program, adopted in 1973 after the passage of Senate Bill 100, contains nineteen goals or guidelines. Goal 10 provides for the housing needs of Oregon citizens by specifying that jurisdictions must plan for and accommodate needed housing types “at price ranges and rent levels which are commensurate with the financial capabilities of Oregon households and allow for flexibility of housing location, type, and density.”
Goal 10 requires each city to inventory its buildable residential lands, project future needs for such lands, and plan and zone enough buildable land to meet those needs. It also prohibits local plans from discriminating against needed housing types.
Interview with Robert E. Clay (on Goal 10)
Robert E. Clay and Sy Adler
Interview with Robert E. Clay by Sy Adler on May 3, 2017 focused on Goal 10 of Oregon's Statewide Land Use Planning Program. Bob Clay is a planning consultant in Portland, Oregon who has held senior management positions in urban planning for city, state, regional, and federal agencies since 1973.
Interview with Arnold Cogan
Arnold Cogan and James Sitzman
Interview with Arnold Cogan by James (Jim) Sitzman on June 23, 2015. Arnold Cogan, of the community outreach firm Cogan, Owens, & Green, was Oregon's first Planning Coordinator under Governor Tom McCall, the first Director of the Department of Land Conservation and Development, and the first Planning Director for the Port of Portland.
Interview with Margaret Collins
Margaret Collins and James Sitzman
Interview with Margaret Collins by Jim Sitzman on May 27, 2015. Maggie Collins was an original member of the Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee, which was established by Senate Bill 100 to advise the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission on Goal 1 of the statewide planning system: citizen involvement.
Interview with Robert Cortright
Robert Cortright and Benjamin Kahn
Robert Cortright was interviewed on March 9, 2017 by Ben Kahn. Bob Cortright is the Transportation Planning Coordinator for Oregon's Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD).
Interview with Andy Cotugno
Andy Cotugno and Sy Adler
Interview with Andy Cotugno by Sy Adler on March 8, 2016. Andy Cotugno served as planning director at Metro from 1980 to 2008 and as the Metro Council's Senior Policy Advisor from 2008 until his retirement in March 2016.
Interview with Keith Cubic
Keith Cubic and Michael Rupp
Interview with Keith Cubic by Michael Rupp on March 8, 2016. Keith Cubic has served as the Planning Director for Douglas County, Oregon, since 1978.
Interview with Katherine Daniels
Katherine Daniels
Katherine Daniels was interviewed on March 1, 2018, in Portland, Oregon.
Katherine Daniels began her career in Oregon's Department of Land Conservation and Development as a plan reviewer. After serving in a variety of planning positions around the country, including in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Daniels returned to Oregon and succeeded Ron Eber as Farm and Forest Lands Specialist for the DLCD in 2008.
Interview with Gene Derfler
Gene Derfler and Jim Knight
Interview with Gene Derfler by Jim Knight on June 10, 2015. Gene Derfler was an Oregon State Representative from 1988-1994 and an Oregon State Senator from 1994-2002. He also worked in real estate in the Salem area and was involved in numerous community organizations.
Interview with Ron Eber
Ron Eber and Lloyd Chapman
Ron Eber was interviewed by Lloyd Chapman on June 5, 2019.
Mr. Eber was the Farm and Forest Lands Specialist for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development for 32 years, from 1976-2008. He was responsible for the administration of Statewide Planning Goal 3 (Agricultural Lands).
Interview with John Faust
John Faust and Kevin Pozzi
Interview with Jack Faust by Kevin Pozzi on August 19, 2015. Jack Faust, Vice Chairman of the Land Conservation and Development Commission from 1979 to 1983, was a lawyer at the firm Schwabe, Williamson, and Wyatt in Portland
Interview with Gordon Fultz
Gordon Fultz, Michael Rupp, and James Knight
Gordon Fultz was interviewed on April 26, 2017, by Michael Rupp and Jim Knight. Fultz is the Legislative Coordinator for the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC).
"An Oregon Story: Saving Our Beaches, Farmland, & More"
Jim Gilbert and Joe Wilson
An Oregon Story documents the history of land use in Oregon, centered on the crucial efforts of bipartisan lawmakers who recognized the environmental and economic importance of protecting the state's agricultural, coastal, forest, and rural lands from unregulated urbanization and development.
Through the words of key participants, the film describes the politics and passion that inspired the passage and implementation of Senate Bill 100 in 1973, and the vital role of land use planning in Oregon's environment and economy.
Interview with Mark Greenfield (on Goal 10)
Mark Greenfield and Jim Irvine
Interview with Mark Greenfield by Jim Irvine in 2017 focused on Goal 10 of Oregon's Statewide Land Use Planning Program. Mark Greenfield is a Portland-area attorney specializing in land use. He has represented the nonprofit organization 1000 Friends of Oregon and agencies including Tri-Met and Metro, and has served on the City of Portland Housing Advisory Committee.
Interview with Craig Greenleaf
Craig Greenleaf, Michael Rupp, and Jim Knight
Interview with Craig Greenleaf by Michael Rupp and Jim Knight on June 20, 2018.
Craig Greenleaf served as Deputy Director of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, and later in his careet held the same position with the Oregon Department of Transportation.