
Submissions from 2024

Progressive Greying in the Blue-Gray Tanager, Thraupis Episcopus (linnaeus, 1766), in Costa Rica, Elian Villalobos Alvarado, Jose Manuel Mora, Jorge Campos-Villalobos, and Lucia I. Lopez

Two New Prey for the Gray Hawk, Buteo Plagiatus (schlegel, 1862), Juan De Dios Astorga-Acuna and Jose Manuel Mora


Rhizobia-legume Symbiosis mediates direct and indirect interactions between plants, herbivores and their parasitoids, Carlos Bustos-Segura, Adrienne L. Godschalx, Lucas Malacari, Sergio Rasmann, Fanny Deiss, Daniel Ballhorn, and Betty Benrey


Root Nodules of Red Alder (alnus Rubra) and Sitka Alder (alnus Viridis Ssp. Sinuata) Are Inhabited by Taxonomically Diverse Cultivable Microbial Endophytes, Robyn Dove, Emily R. Wolfe, Nathan U. Stewart, Abigail Coleman, Sara Herrejon Chavez, and Daniel J. Ballhorn


Effective Dispersal Patterns in Prairie Plant Species Across Human-Modified Landscapes., Elizabeth C. Hendrickson and Mitchell B. Cruzan

Two Neotropical Snakes Attacked As Prey by Army Ants in Costa Rica, Jose Manuel Mora, Ronald Vargas, Randy Alvarado, and Lucia I. Lopez

Predation of a Yates Coral Snake, Micrurus Yatesi Taylor, 1954 by a Brown Basilisk, Basiliscus Basiliscus (linnaeus, 1758), Steven Matute, Jose Manuel Mora, Lucia I. Lopez, and Elian Villalobos Alvarado


Tissue-Specific Effects of Temperature and Salinity on the Cell Cycle and Apoptosis in the Nile Tilapia (oreochromis Niloticus)., Rachel M. Palmer, Arika Sandbach, and Bradley A. Buckley


Oil Identification of Harp Seal and other select marine mammals, Meghan Pinedo, Deborah A. Duffield, Dalin N. D’Alessandro, Erin R. Price, and Edgard O. Espinoza


A Genus in the Bacterial Phylum Aquificota appears to be endemic to Aotearoa-New Zealand, Jean F. Power, Carlo R. Carere, Holly E. Welford, Daniel T. Hudson, Kevin C. Lee, John W. Moreau, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, Thijs J.G. Ettema, and multiple additional authors


The Value of Support: STEM Intervention Programs Impact Student Persistence and Belonging., Erin E. Shortlidge, MacKenzie J. Gray, Suzanne Estes, and Emma C. Goodwin

Genomic Comparison of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Genera Related to Aeropyrum, Thermodiscus and Caldisphaera, and Proposed Emended Description of the Family Acidilobaceae, Emily St John and Anna-Louise Reysenbach


Ubiquitous Filter Feeders Shape Open Ocean Microbial Community Structure and Function, Anne W. Thompson, Györgyi Nyerges, Kylee M. Brevick, and Kelly Sutherland


Short-Term Time-Series Observations of Phytoplankton Light-Absorption and Productivity in Prydz Bay, Coastal Antarctica, Sarat C. Tripathy, Anvita U. Kerkar, P. Sabu, Sunil K. Padhi, Sudarsana R. Pandi, Amit Sarkar, Bhaskar V. Parli, and Rahul Mohan


Autism Risk Gene Cul3 Alters Neuronal Morphology via Caspase-3 Activity in Mouse Hippocampal Neurons, Qiang-qiang Xia, Anju Singh, Jing Wang, Zhong Xin Xuan, Jeffrey D. Singer, and Craig M. Powell

Submissions from 2023

Woodpeckers in the City: Abundances Are Highest in Large Green Spaces with Complex Understories, Adam Baz and Michael T. Murphy


Novel Viruses of the Family Partitiviridae Discovered in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Angela M. Crabtree, Ignacio de la Higuera, Kenneth Stedman, and multiple additional authors


Paternity patterns in a long-term resident bottlenose dolphin community, Debbie Duffield and Randall Wells


Inference and reconstruction of the heimdallarchaeial ancestry of eukaryotes, Laura Eme, Daniel Tamarit, Eva F. Caceres, Courtney W. Stairs, Valerie De Anda, Max E. Schön, Kiley W. Seitz, Nina Dombrowski, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, and multiple additional authors


Evolutionary Codependency: Insights into the Mitonuclear interaction landscape from experimental and wild Caenorhabditis nematodes, Suzanne Estes, Zachary P. Dietz, Vaishali Katju, and Ulfar Bergthorsson


Diverse and Variable Community Structure of Picophytoplankton across the Laurentian Great Lakes, John Gale, Carey P. Sweeney, Sarah Paver, Maureen L. Coleman, and Anne W. Thompson

Nitrogen-Fixing Rhizobia Affect Multitrophic Interactions in the Field, Adrienne L. L. Godschalx, Aramee C. C. Diethelm, Stefanie Kautz, and Daniel J. J. Ballhorn

Graduate Teaching Assistants Impact Student Motivation and Engagement in Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences, Emma Crystal Goodwin, Jessica R. Cary, Vivian D. Phan, Hayley Therrien, and Erin Elizabeth Shortlidge

A Review of Bats of the Genus Pseudoromicia (chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with the Description of a New Species, Amanda L. Grunwald, Terrence C. Demos, Yvette Ngueagni, Martin N. Tchamba, Ara Monadjem, Paul W. Webala, Julian C. Kerbis Peterhans, Bruce D. Patterson, and Luis A. Ruedas


Chi Sequences Switch the RecBCD Helicase–Nuclease Complex from Degradative to Replicative Modes During the Completion of DNA Replication, Avery E. Jehru, Charmain Courcelle, Justin Courcelle, and multiple additional authors

Behavior Reference Intervals and Activity Budgets of Bottlenose Dolphins in Accredited Zoos and Aquariums, Lisa K. Lauderdale, Jill D. Mellen, Michael T. Walsh, Douglas A. Granger, and Lance J. Miller


Environmental Enrichment Factors Associated with the Activity Level of Bottlenose Dolphins under Professional Care, Lisa K. Lauderdale, K. Alex Shorter, Joaquin Gabaldon, Jill D. Mellen, and multiple additional authors


Methanocaldococcus Lauensis sp. nov., a Novel Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Hyperthermophilic Methanogen, Stéphane L'Haridon, Steven Goulaouic, Emily St John, Stephanie Fouteau, and Anna-Louise Reysenbach

Predation of a La Loma Robber Frog, Pristimantis Caryophyllaceus (barbour, 1928), by a Rhinoceros Spear Bearer, Copiphora Rhinoceros Pictet, 1888, Jose Manuel Mora, Kenneth Matarrita Gutierrez, and Lucia I. Lopez

Predation of a Dry Forest Toad, Incilius Coccifer, by a Blue-Diademed Motmot, Momotus Lessonii, in Western Central Valley, Costa Rica, Jose Manuel Mora and Miguel A. Rodriguez

Aberrant White Plumage in a Broad-Billed Motmot (electron Platyrhynchum) in Costa Rica, Jose Manuel Mora, Lucia I. Lopez, and Elian Villalobos Alvarado

Updated List of the Mammals of Costa Rica, with Notes on Recent Taxonomic Changes, Jose M. Mora and Luis A. Ruedas

Book Review of, Bird Migration: a New Understanding, Michael T. Murphy

Allosaurus Was Predominantly a Scavenger, Cameron C. Pahl and Luis A. Ruedas


Big boned: How Fat Storage and other Adaptations Influenced large theropod foraging ecology, Cameron Pahl and Luis A. Ruedas

Crispr-Influenced Symbiosis, Anna-Louise Reysenbach and Michael P. Terns


Germ Cell Recovery, Cryopreservation and Transplantation in the California white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, Amie L. Romney, Danielle M. Myers, Fatima R. Martin, Tawney N. Scanlan, and Stuart A. Meyers


Predation of Lepidophyma flavimaculatum (Squamata: Xantusiidae) by Basiliscus plumifrons (Squamata: Corytophanidae), Mauricio Quirós Rosales, José Manuel Mora, and Randy Alvarado

A Propaedeutic to the Taxonomy of the Eastern Cottontail Rabbit (lagomorpha: Leporidae: Sylvilagus Floridanus) from Central America., Luis A. Ruedas, Lucia I. Lopez, and Jose M. Mora


Embryonic Development of Natural Annual Killifish populations of the genus Austrolebias: Evolutionary parallelism and the role of environment, Hellen Schlueb, Daniel Blanco, Daniel García, and Jason Podrabsky


Drivers of Plankton Community Structure in Intermittent and Continuous Coastal upwelling systems–from microbes and microscale in-situ imaging to large scale patterns, Moritz Schmid, Su Sponaugle, Anne W. Thompson, Kelly T. Sutherland, and Robert Cowen


Computational Analysis of Plasma Lipidomics from Mice Fed Standard Chow and Ketogenic Diet, Amy L. Seufert, James W. Hickman, Jaewoo Choi, and Brooke A. Napier


A New Frontier for Fat: Dietary Palmitic Acid induces innate immune memory, Amy L. Seufert and Brooke A. Napier


Preparing Teaching Assistants to Facilitate Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in the Biological Sciences: A Call to Action, Erin Shortlidge, Amie M. Kern, Emma Goodwin, and Jeffrey T. Olimpo

Nest Structure of Pseudoanthidium Nanum Mocsary, 1880 (hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Anthidiini), and Additional Records of This Newly Introduced Bee in the Pacific Northwest, Stefanie Steele and Susan E. Masta


Selective and Differential Feeding on Marine Prokaryotes by Mucous Mesh Feeders, Carey P. Sweeney, Kelly R. Sutherland, and Anne Thompson


Astrovirology: How Viruses Enhance our Understanding of Life in the Universe, Gareth Trubl, Ken Stedman, Kathryn F. Bywaters, Emily E. Matula, Pacifica Sommers, Simon Roux, Nancy Merino, and multiple additional authors

Manganese Transporters Regulate the Resumption of Replication in Hydrogen Peroxide-Stressed Escherichia Coli, Natalie E. E. Wang, Eleanor J. J. Courcelle, Samantha M. Coltman, Raymond L. Spolek, Justin Courcelle, and Charmain Courcelle

Mutations in Acrr and RNA Polymerase Confer High-Level Resistance to Psoralen-Uva Irradiation., Travis K. Worley, Emma A. Weber, Jedidiah D. Acott, Rahul S. Shimpi, Jessica M. Cole, Charmain Courcelle, and Justin Courcelle


Effects of Heterozygous Deletion of Autism-related gene Cullin-3 in mice, Qiang-qiang Xia, Angela K. Walker, Chenghu Song, Jing Wang, James A. Mobley, Jeffrey Singer, Anju Singh, and Craig M. Powell


Cullin 3–Mediated Regulation of Intracellular Iron Homeostasis Promotes Thymic Invariant NKT Cell Maturation, Emily L. Yarosz, Ajay Kumar, Jeffrey Singer, and Cheong-Hee Chang

Submissions from 2022

Worldwide Phylogeography of Rough-Toothed Dolphins (steno Bredanensis) Provides Evidence for Subspecies Delimitation, G. Renee Albertson, Alana Alexander, Frederick Archer I, Susana Caballero, Karen K. Martien, Lenaig G. Hemery, Robin W. Baird, Marc Oremus, M. Michael Poole, Deborah A. Duffield, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Dan Kerem, Antonio A. Mignucci-Giannoni, and C. Scott Baker


Mitonuclear Mismatch is Associated With Increased Male Frequency, Outcrossing, and Male Sperm Size in Experimentally-Evolved C. elegans, Brent W. Bever, Zachary P. Dietz, Jennifer Anne Sullins, Ariana M. Montoya, Ulfar Bergthorsson, Vaishali Katju, and Suzanne Estes

Interactive Effects of Thermal and Salinity Stress Cause Cell Cycle Arrest in the Nile Tilapia., Bradley A. Buckley and Rachel M. Palmer


An Essential Role for Tungsten in the Ecology and Evolution of a Previously Uncultivated Lineage of Anaerobic, Thermophilic Archaea, Steffen Buessecker, Marike Palmer, Dengxun Lai, Joshua Dimapilis, Xavier Mayali, Damon Mosier, Jian-Yu Jiao, Daniel R. Colman, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, and multiple additional authors

Using Ultraconserved Elements to Unravel Lagomorph Phylogenetic Relationships, Estefania Cano-Sanchez, Flor Rodriguez-Gomez, Luis A. Ruedas, Ken Oyama, Livia Leon-Paniagua, Alicia Mastretta-Yanes, and Alejandro Velazquez


Species-Specific Interactions in Avian–Bryophyte Dispersal Networks, Matthew Chmielewski and Sarah Eppley


C3ar Plays Both Sides in Regulating Resistance to Bacterial Infections, Jesse A. Corcoran and Brooke A. Napier


Recombination Mediator Proteins: Misnomers That Are Key to Understanding the Genomic Instabilities in Cancer, Justin Courcelle, Travis K. Worley, and Charmain Courcelle


Fitness Effects of Somatic Mutations Accumulating during Vegetative Growth, Mitchell Cruzan, Matthew A. Streisfeld, and Jaime A. Schwoch


Viruses in Astrobiology, Ignacio de la Higuera and Ester Lázaro


Urban Green Roofs can Support a Diversity of Parasitoid Wasps, Aramee C. Diethelm and Susan Masta


Not the Same CURE: Student Experiences in Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Vary by Graduate Teaching Assistant, Emma C. Goodwin, Jessica R. Cary, and Erin E. Shortlidge


SeqCode: a Nomenclatural Code for Prokaryotes described from Sequence Data, Brian P. Hedlund, Maria Chuvochina, Philip Hugenholtz, Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis, Alison E. Murray, Marike Palmer, Donovan H. Parks, Alexander J. Probst, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, and multiple additional authors


Phylogenetics and Genetic Variation of Heligmosomoides thomomyos in Western Pocket Gophers (Thomomys spp.), Malorri R. Hughes, Alexandra A. Gibson, Emily R. Wolfe, Cecily D. Bronson, and Deborah A. Duffield


CRUISE, a Tool for the Detection of Iterons in Circular Rep-Encoding Single-Stranded DNA Viruses, Adam Jones, George W. Kasun, Joel Stover, Kenneth M. Stedman, and Ignacio de la Higuera


Genome-wide Identification of Novel sRNAs in Streptococcus mutans, Madeline Claire Krieger, Justin Merritt, and Rahul Raghavan


New Opportunities and Untapped Scientific Potential in the Abyssal Ocean, Jeffrey J. Marlowe, Rika E. Anderson, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, Jeffrey S. Seewald, Timothy M. Shank, Andreas P. Teske, V. Dorsey Wanless, and S. Adam Soule


Terrestrial Movements, Activity Patterns and Habitat Use by Kinosternon Scorpioides (testudines: Kinosternidae) in Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica, Jose M. Mora and Franklin E. Castaneda

Differential Response of Migratory Guilds of Birds to Park Area and Urbanization, Michael T. Murphy, David C. Bailey, Nathanael Lichti I, and Laura A. Roberts


Weather and Climate Change Drive Annual Variation of Reproduction by an Aerial Insectivore, Michael T. Murphy, Lucas J. Redmond, Amy C. Dolan, Nathan W. Cooper, Karen Shepherdson, Christopher Michael Chutter, and Sarah Cancellieri


The Time is Right for an Antarctic Biorepository Network, Kristin M. O’Brien, Elizabeth L. Crockett, Bryon J. Adams, Charles D. Amsler, Hannah J. Appiah-Madson, Allen Collins, Thomas Desvignes, Sarah Eppley, and multiple additional authors


Riqueza, abundancia relativa y actividad de los mamíferos de una reserva en restauración en Costa Rica, Pablo Pacheco, Lucia López, Alison Vega Cambronero, and José Manuel Mora


MicroRNAs Contribute to the Host Response to Coxiella burnetii, Madhur Sachan, Katelynn Brann, Daniel E. Voth, and Rahul Raghavan


Enriched Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids Induce Trained Immunity via Ceramide Production that Enhances Severity of Endotoxemia and Clearance of Infection, Amy L. Seufert, James W. Hickman, Ste K. Traxler, Rachael M. Peterson, Trent A. Waugh, Sydney L. Lashley, Natalia Shulzhenko, Ruth J. Napier, and Brooke A. Napier


Conflictos entre humanos y fauna silvestre en una zona de amortiguamiento de San Ramón, Costa Rica, Rebeca Solano-Gómez and José Manuel Mora


Diversity, Biology, and History of Psilocybin-Containing Fungi: Suggestions for Research and Technological Development, R. C. Van Court, K. W. Meyer, M. S. Wiseman, Daniel J. Ballhorn, K. R. Amses, J. C. Slot, B.T. M. Dentinger, R. Garibay-Orijel, and J. K. Uehling


Cetacean Strandings in the US Pacific Northwest 2000–2019 Reveal Potential Linkages to Oceanographic Variability, Amanda J. Warlick, Jessica L. Huggins, Dyanna M. Lambourn, Deborah A. Duffield, Dalin Nichole D'Alessandro, James M. Rice, John Calambokidis, M. Bradley Hanson, Joseph K. Gaydos, and multiple additional authors


Upper temperature limit of larval Pacifc lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus: implications for conservation in a warming climate, Timothy A. Whitesel and Christina T. Uh


Development of the SeqCode: A Proposed Nomenclatural Code for Uncultivated Prokaryotes with DNA Sequences as Type, William Whitman, Maria Chuvochina, Brian P. Hedlund, Philip Hugenholtz, Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis, Alison E. Murray, Marike Palmer, Donovan H. Parks, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, and multiple additional authors


Culturable Fungal Endophyte Communities of Primary Successional Plants on Mount St. Helens, WA, USA, Emily R. Wolfe, Robyn Dove, Cassandra Webster, and Daniel J. Ballhorn

Frankia Diversity in Sympatrically Occurring Red Alder (alnus Rubra) and Sitka Alder (alnus Viridis) Trees in an Early Successional Environment, Emily R. Wolfe, Sebastian Singleton, Nathan U. Stewart, Mehmet A. Balkan, and Daniel J. Ballhorn


Stable Coexistence or Competitive Exclusion? Fern Endophytes Demonstrate rapid Turnover favoring a dominant fungus, Brett Steven Younginger, Nathan U. Stewart, Mehmet Ali Balkan, and Daniel J. Ballhorn


Global Patterns of Diversity and Metabolism of Microbial Communities in Deep‑sea Hydrothermal vent deposits, Zhichao Zhou, Emily St. John, Karthik Anantharaman, and Anna-Louise Reysenbach

Submissions from 2021

Phylogenomic Analyses Recover a Clade of Large-Bodied Decapodiform Cephalopods., Frank E. Anderson and Annie R. Lindgren

The Role of Functional Diversity and Facilitation in Small-Scale Pollinator Habitat., Kerissa Battle, Catherine E. de Rivera, and Mitchell Cruzan


Coxiella Burnetii and Related Tick Endosymbionts Evolved from Pathogenic Ancestors, Amanda E. Brenner, Sebastián Muñoz-Leal, Madhur Sachan, Marcelo B. Labruna, and Rahul Raghavan


Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of the Gulf Coast Tick (Amblyomma maculatum), Amanda E. Brenner and Rahul Raghavan

Variation in Riparian and Stream Assemblages Across the Primary Succession Landscape of Mount St. Helens, USA, Shannon M. Claeson, Carri J. LeRoy, Debra S. Finn, Rosalina H. Stancheva, and Emily R. Wolfe

Sex Chromosome Transformation and the Origin of a Male-Specific X Chromosome in the Creeping Vole., Matthew B. Couger, Scott W. Roy, Noelle Anderson, Landen Gozashti, Stacy Pirro, Lindsay S. Millward, Michelle Kim, Duncan Kilburn, Kelvin J. Liu, Todd M. Wilson, Clinton W. Epps, Laurie Dizney, Luis A. Ruedas, and Polly Campbell


Weak Coupling Among Barrier Loci and Waves of Neutral and Adaptive Introgression Across an Expanding Hybrid Zone, Mitchell Cruzan, Pamela G. Thompson, Nicolas Alexander Diaz, Elizabeth C. Hendrickson, Katie R. Gerloff, Katie A. Kline, Hannah M. Machiorlete, and Jessica Persinger

Cul3 is Required for Normal Development of the Mammary Gland., Cristina M. Cummings and Jeffrey D. Singer

A Comparison of Fruit Removal in Ficus Colubrinae Between Birds and Ectophylla Alba (chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in a Costa Rican Rain Forest, Edna De la Llata Quiroga, Luis A. Ruedas, and Jose Manuel Mora


Genetic Variation within a Species of Parasitic Nematode, Skrjabingylus chitwoodorum, in Skunks, Allie N. Denham, Malorri R. Hughes, Robert C. Dowler, Nicholas J. Negovetich, and Loren K. Ammerman


TREM2 is Thyroid Hormone Regulated Making the TREM2 Pathway Druggable with Ligands for Thyroid Hormone Receptor., Skylar J. Ferrara, Priya Chaudhary, Margaret J. DeBell, Gail Marracci, Hannah Miller, Evan Calkins, Edvinas Pocius, Brooke A. Napier, Ben Emery, Dennis Bourdette, and Thomas S. Scanlan


Applying Behavioral and Physiological Measures to Assess the Relative Impact of the Prolonged COVID-19 Pandemic Closure on Two Mammal Species at the Oregon Zoo: Cheetah (A. jubatus) and Giraffe (G. c. reticulata and G. c. tippelskirchii), Laurel Fink, Candace D. Scarlata, Becca Vanbeek, Todd Bodner, and Nadja C. Wielebnowski


A Pilot Study of Near-Field Airborne Particle Concentrations in Young Children Undergoing High Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy., Elliott T. Gall, Aurélie Laguerre, Michelle Noelck, Annalise Van Meurs, Jared A. Austin, and Byron A. Foster

Variation in Incubation Length and Hatching Asynchrony in Eastern Kingbirds: Weather Eclipses Female Effects, Samantha M. Gillette, Amanda L. Klehr, and Michael T. Murphy


Is This Science? Students' Experiences of Failure Make a Research-Based Course Feel Authentic, Emma C. Goodwin, Vladimir Anokhin, MacKenzie J. Gray, Daniel E. Zajic, Jason Podrabsky, and Erin E. Shortlidge

Organochlorine Exposure and Health Effects in Stranded Steller Sea Lions (eumetopias Jubatus) and Pacific Harbor Seals (phoca Vitulina Richardii) from Oregon and Southern Washington Coasts, Deke Gundersen, Daniel Josefchak, Deborah A. Duffield, Dalin N. D'Alessandro, and James M. Rice