Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Design, Implementation, Evaluation and Results of a Race Car for the Collegiate Formula SAE Electric Competition, Quinn Jasha Bryan Sullivan (Thesis)
Household Water Filter Use Characterization in Rural Rwanda: Signal Interpretation, Development and Validation, Sarita Lucia Tellez Sanchez (Thesis)
A Utility-Scale Deployment Project of Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage for Use in Ancillary Services, Energy Resiliency, Grid Infrastructure Investment Deferment, and Demand-Response Integration, Joseph Nathanael Wilson (Thesis)
The Design of a Simple, Spiking Sparse Coding Algorithm for Memristive Hardware, Walt Woods (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Performance Metrics for Depth-based Signal Separation Using Deep Vertical Line Arrays, John K. Boyle (Thesis)
Revealing Structural Organization with Liquid Crystal-based Spectral Imaging Polarimetry, James Campbell Gladish (Dissertation)
A Spline Framework for Optimal Representation of Semiperiodic Signals, Farzin G. Guilak (Dissertation)
Evaluation of Data-Path Topologies for Self-Timed Conditional Statements, Navaneeth Prasannakumar Jamadagni (Dissertation)
Design of a Hardware Platform for GPS-Based Orientation Sensing, Daniel Eugene Kirkpatrick (Thesis)
Chemical Reaction Network Control Systems for Agent-Based Foraging Tasks, Joshua Stephen Moles (Thesis)
Advances in Autonomous-Underwater-Vehicle Based Passive Bottom-Loss Estimation by Processing of Marine Ambient Noise, Lanfranco Muzi (Dissertation)
Multivalent Rechargeable Batteries, Sudhaprasanna Kumar Padigi (Dissertation)
Formal Modeling and Verification of Delay-Insensitive Circuits, Hoon Park (Dissertation)
Device, Method, and Algorithm to Assess Changes in Cardiac Output via Intracardiac Impedance Monitoring, Geoffrey Fredrick Schau (Thesis)
Reversible Circuits Synthesis Based on EXOR-sum of Products of EXOR-sums, Linh Hoang Tran (Dissertation)
Nonlinear Analysis and Digital Pre-Distortion of the SC-FDMA Signals in LTE Uplink System, Changwen Zhu (Thesis)
Time-Variant Load Models of Electric Vehicle Chargers, Nicole P. Zimmerman (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A 3.6 GHz Doherty Power Amplifier with a 40 dBm Saturated Output Power using GaN on SiC HEMT Devices, Bryant Baker (Thesis)
Analog Implicit Functional Testing using Supervised Machine Learning, Neerja Pramod Bawaskar (Thesis)
Probabilistic Analysis for Reliable Logic Circuits, Scott Blakely (Thesis)
The Design, Implementation, Assessment, and Evaluation of a Power Systems Protection Laboratory Curriculum, Jennifer Ferris (Thesis)
Synthesis of Irreversible Incompletely Specified Multi-Output Functions to Reversible EOSOPS Circuits with PSE Gates, Robert Adrian Fiszer (Thesis)
Advances in Aquatic Target Localization with Passive Sonar, John Thomas Gebbie (Dissertation)
Training Set Design for Test Removal Classication in IC Test, Nagarjun Hassan Ranganath (Thesis)
Design and Prototyping of an Antenna-Coupled Cryotron, Shauna Jensen (Thesis)
Detection of Variable Retention Time in DRAM, Neraj Kumar (Thesis)
Mobile Robot Localization Based on Kalman Filter, Omar Q. Mohsin (Thesis)
SLM-based Fourier Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy, Sahand Noorizadeh (Thesis)
Last Mile Asset Monitoring: Low Cost Rapid Deployment Asset Monitoring, Zdenek Zumr (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Application of Support Vector Machine in Predicting the Market's Monthly Trend Direction, Ali Alali (Thesis)
A Quantitative Analysis of Memory Controller Page Policies, Matthew Blackmore (Thesis)
A Survey of Systems for Predicting Stock Market Movements, Combining Market Indicators and Machine Learning Classifiers, Jeffrey Allan Caley (Thesis)
Data Driven Feed Forward Adaptive Testing, Chaitrali Santosh Chandorkar (Thesis)
Spectrum Regrowth for OFDM-based LTE and WIMAX Systems, Bosi Chen (Thesis)
Optimal Network Topologies and Resource Mappings for Heterogeneous Networks-on-Chip, Haera Chung (Dissertation)
Joint Angle Tracking with Inertial Sensors, Mahmoud Ahmed El-Gohary (Dissertation)
Reward-driven Training of Random Boolean Network Reservoirs for Model-Free Environments, Padmashri Gargesa (Thesis)
Methods for Efficient Synthesis of Large Reversible Binary and Ternary Quantum Circuits and Applications of Linear Nearest Neighbor Model, Maher Mofeid Hawash (Dissertation)
3-D Terahertz Synthetic-Aperture Imaging and Spectroscopy, Samuel C. Henry (Dissertation)
Automated Channel Assessment for Single Chip MedRadio Transceivers, Mark Alexander Hillig (Thesis)
A Parabolic Equation Analysis of the Underwater Noise Radiated by Impact Pile Driving, Nathan Laws (Thesis)
Nonlinearity Analysis and Predistortion of 4G Wireless Communication Systems, Xiao Li (Dissertation)
A 40 GHz Power Amplifier Using a Low Cost High Volume 0.15 um Optical Lithography pHEMT Process, Kenneth W. Mays (Thesis)
An FPGA Implementation of a High Performance AER Packet Network, Sirish Kumar Munipalli (Thesis)
Self-Timed DRAM Data Interface, Rajesh Nerkar (Thesis)
Just-In-Time Power Gating of GasP Circuits, Prachi Gulab Padwal (Thesis)
Solar Data Analysis, Mike C. T. Ray (Thesis)
Quantum Circuit Synthesis using Group Decomposition and Hilbert Spaces, Michael S. Saraivanov (Thesis)
Computer Aided Design of Permutation, Linear, and Affine-Linear Reversible Circuits in the General and Linear Nearest-Neighbor Models, Ben Schaeffer (Thesis)
Enhanced Sonar Array Target Localization Using Time-Frequency Interference Phenomena, Jordan Almon Shibley (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Application of Inter-Die Rank Statistics in Defect Detection, Vivek Bakshi (Thesis)
A Fault-Tolerant Alternative to Lockstep Triple Modular Redundancy, Andrew Lockett Baldwin (Thesis)
Experimental Study Of Fault Cones And Fault Aliasing, Vedanth Bilagi (Thesis)
Evolved Design of a Nonlinear Proportional Integral Derivative (NPID) Controller, Shubham Chopra (Thesis)
Digital Fabric, Sudheer Goshi (Thesis)
Measurement and Simulation of Parallel Plate Waveguide Structures in the Terahertz Region for Sensing and Material Characterization Applications, James Alexander Higgins (Thesis)
Evaluation of Voltage Instability Countermeasures in Constrained Sub-transmission Power Networks, Peter Gibson Jones (Thesis)
Material Characterization of Zinc Oxide in Bulk and Nanowire Form at Terahertz Frequencies, Forest Emerson Kernan (Thesis)
Measurement and modeling of passive surface mount devices on FR4 substrates, Rahulkumar Sadanand Koche (Thesis)
Memristor-based Reservoir Computing, Manjari S. Kulkarni (Thesis)
Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Grid Integration System : A Case Study for Performance, Ming Shen (Thesis)
Passive Acoustic Vessel Localization, Pasang Sherpa Suwal (Thesis)
Scale Invariant Object Recognition Using Cortical Computational Models and a Robotic Platform, Danny Voils (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Development of an Objective Motor Score for Monitoring the Progression and Severity of Parkinson's Disease, Timothy W. Albers (Thesis)
A Self-Configurable Architecture on an Irregular Reconfigurable Fabric, Avinash Amarnath (Thesis)
Robust Circuit & Architecture Design in the Nanoscale Regime, Rehman Ashraf (Dissertation)
3D Interdigitated Electrode Array (IDEA) Biosensor For Detection Of Serum Biomarker, Dheeraj Kumar Bhura (Thesis)
Universal Event and Motion Editor for Robots' Theatre, Aditya Bhutada (Thesis)
Simulation and emulation of massively parallel processor for solving constraint satisfaction problems based on oracles, Gunavant Dinkar Chaudhari (Thesis)
A low level analysis of Cellular Automata and Random Boolean Networks as a computational architecture, Prateen Reddy Damera (Thesis)
FPGA Implementation and Acceleration of Building blocks for Biologically Inspired Computational Models, Mandar Deshpande (Thesis)
A Die-level Adaptive Test Scheme for Real-time Test Reordering and Elimination, Kapil Ramesh Gotkhindikar (Thesis)
An Exploration Of Heterogeneous Networks On Chip, Allen Gary Grimm (Thesis)
Proposal and Analysis of Demagnetization Methods of High Voltage Power System Transformers and Design of an Instrument to Automate the Demagnetization Process, Nathanael Jared Makowski (Thesis)
Floorplan Design and Yield Enhancement of 3-D Integrated Circuits, Rajeev Kumar Nain (Dissertation)
Spare Block Cache Architecture to Enable Low-Voltage Operation, Nafiul Alam Siddique (Thesis)
Complete and Exact Small Signal Analysis of DC-to-DC Switched Power Converters Under Various Operating Modes and Control Methods, Justin French Simmons (Thesis)
Logic Realization Using Regular Structures in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA), Rahul Singhal (Thesis)
Evolving Nano-scale Associative Memories with Memristors, Arpita Sinha (Thesis)
Prestructuring Multilayer Perceptrons based on Information-Theoretic Modeling of a Partido-Alto-based Grammar for Afro-Brazilian Music: Enhanced Generalization and Principles of Parsimony, including an Investigation of Statistical Paradigms, Mehmet Vurkaç (Dissertation)
Measurement and Characterization of Terahertz Radiation Propagating Through a Parallel Plate Waveguide, Matthew George Wachsmuth (Thesis)
Electronic Pillbox Logger for people with Parkinson's Disease, Beenish Zia (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Synthesis of Reversible Functions Using Various Gate Libraries and Design Specifications, Nouraddin Alhagi (Dissertation)
Modular, Configurable Bus Architecture for Ease of IP Reuse on System on Chip and ASIC Devices, Naveendran Balasingam (Thesis)
Medical Image Segmentation Using a Genetic Algorithm, Payel Ghosh (Dissertation)
Removing Textured Artifacts from Digital Photos Using Spatial Frequency Filtering, Ben Huang (Thesis)
3-D modelling of IC interconnect using OpenAccess and Art of Illusion, Navaneeth Prasannakumar Jamadagni (Thesis)
Biomechanical Assessment of Parkinson's Disease, Edward A. Katz (Thesis)
Model-Based Material Parameter Estimation for Terahertz Reflection Spectroscopy, Gabriel Paul Kniffin (Thesis)
Vertical Noise Structure and Target Detection Performance in Deep Ocean Environments, Zizheng Li (Thesis)
Library Characterization and Static Timing Analysis of Single-Track Circuits in GasP, Swetha Mettala Gilla (Thesis)
Modeling Terahertz Diffuse Scattering from Granular Media Using Radiative Transfer Theory, Kyung Moon Nam (Thesis)
Extraction of Small Boat Harmonic Signatures From Passive Sonar, George Lloyd Ogden (Thesis)
A Logic Formulation for the QCA Cell Arrangement Problem, Marc Stewart Orr (Thesis)
Design Space Analysis and a Novel Routing Agorithm for Unstructured Networks-on-Chip, Neha Parashar (Thesis)
Reversible Logic Synthesis Using a Non-blocking Order Search, Alberto Patino (Thesis)
Radiative Transfer Theory Applied to Ocean Bottom Modeling, Jorge Quijano (Dissertation)
Design of Regular Reversible Quantum Circuits, Dipal Shah (Dissertation)
Expressive Motion Synthesis for Robot Actors in Robot Theatre, Mathias I. Sunardi (Thesis)
Numerical Modeling of Electromagnetic Scattering in Explosive Granular Media, Garth Sundberg (Dissertation)