Submissions from 2015
Wind Turbine Boundary Layer Arrays for Cartesian and Staggered Configurations: Part II, Low-Dimensional Representations via the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Nicholas Hamilton, Murat Tutkun, and Raúl Bayoán Cal
A Proposed Integrated Data Collection, Analysis and Sharing Platform for Impact Evaluation, Andreas Kipt, Waylon Brunette, Jordon Kellerstrass, Matthew Podolsky, Javier Rosa, Mitchell Sundt, Daniel Wilson, Gaetano Borriello, Eric Brewer, and Evan A. Thomas
Phase Transitions and In Situ Dynamics of Crystal Grain Formation of Alumina Nanotubes Templated by Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes, L. F. Lampert, A. Barnum, S. W. Smith, J. F. Conley, and Jun Jiao
Influence of Scandium Addition on the High-Temperature Grain Size Stabilization of Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened (ODS) Ferritic Alloy, Lulu Li, Weizong Xu, Mostafa Saber, Yuntian Zhu, Carl C. Koch, and Ronald O. Scattergood
Long-Term Stability of 14YT-4Sc Alloy at High Temperature, Lulu Li, Weizong Xu, Mostafa Saber, Yuntian Zhu, Carl C. Koch, and Ronald O. Scattergood
Estimation of Transient Temperature Distribution during Quenching, via a Parabolic Model, Diego E. Lozano, Gabriela Martinez-Solis, Rafael David Mercado-Solis, Rafael Colás, and George E. Totten
Evaluating Cellular Instrumentation on Rural Handpumps to Improve Service Delivery—A Longitudinal Study in Rural Rwanda, Corey Nagel, Jack Beach, Chantal Iribagiza, and Evan A. Thomas
Blade Number Effects in a Scaled Down Wind Farm, A. Jensen Newman, Raúl Bayoán Cal, and Luciano Castillo
Combining Sensor Monitoring and Ethnography to Evaluate Household Latrine Usage in Rural India, Kathleen O'Reilly, Elizabeth Louis, Evan A. Thomas, and Antara Sinha
Comparative Estimates of Anthropogenic Heat Emission in Relation to Surface Energy Balance of a Subtropical Urban Neighborhood, Changhyoun Park, Gunnar W. Schade, Nicholas D. Werner, David J. Sailor, and Cheolhee Kim
Ozone Reaction With Interior Building Materials: Influence of Diurnal Ozone Variation, Temperature and Humidity, Donghyun Rim, Elliott T. Gall, Randy L. Maddalena, and William W. Nazaroff
Thermodynamic Grain Size Stabilization Models: An Overview, Mostafa Saber, Carl C. Koch, and Ronald O. Scattergood
Development of a National Anthropogenic Heating Database with an Extrapolation for International Cities, David J. Sailor, Matei Georgescu, Jeffrey M. Milne, and Melissa A. Hart
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Hardness of Quenched and Tempered Steel, Bozo Smoljan, Dario Iljkic, and George E. Totten
Single-Build Additive Manufacturing of Autonomous Machines, Trevor Snyder, Johnathan Mick, Mark M. Weislogel, Martin Beyl, Adam Buchholz, Emilio Molina, Daniel Norris, Kyle Viestenz, and Jon Vu
Analysis of a Short Beam with Application to Solder Joints: Could Larger Stand-Off Heights Relieve Stress?, Ephraim Suhir
Human-in-the-Loop: Probabilistic Predictive Modelling, its Role, Attributes, Challenges and Applications, Ephraim Suhir
Probabilistic Design for Reliability in Electronics and Photonics: Role, Significance, Attributes, Challenges, Ephraim Suhir, A. Bensoussan, G. Khatibi, and Johann Nicolics
Bow-Free Tri-Component Mechanically Pre-Stressed Failure-Oriented-Accelerated-Test (FOAT) Specimen, Ephraim Suhir, Alain Bensoussan, and Johann Nicolics
Predicted Device-Degradation Failure-Rate, Ephraim Suhir, Alain Bensoussan, and Johann Nicolics
Predicted Stresses in a Ball-Grid-Array (BGA)/Column-Grid-Array (CGA) Assembly With a Low Modulus Solder at its Ends, Ephraim Suhir and Reza Ghaffarian
Could Application of Column-Grid-Array (CGA) Technology Result in Inelastic-Strain-Free State-of-Stress in Solder Material?, Ephraim Suhir, Reza Ghaffarian, and Johann Nicolics
Probabilistic Modelling of the Concept of Anticipation in Aviation, Ephraim Suhir, Sami Lini, Christophe Bey, Jean-Marc Salotti, Sylvain Hourlier, and Bernard Claverie
Making Gains in Rwanda: It Will Take New Business Models, not Small Donations, to Provide Meaningful Development, Evan A. Thomas
Capillary Channel Flow (CCF) EU2-02 on the International Space Station (ISS): An Experimental Investigation of Passive Bubble Separations in an Open Capillary Channel, Mark M. Weislogel, Andrew P. Wollman, Ryan M. Jenson, John T. Geile, John F. Tucker, Brentley M. Wiles, Andy L. Trattner, Claire DeVoe, Lauren M. Sharp, Peter J. Canfield, Jörg Klatte, and Michael E. Dreyer
Microstructures and Stabilization Mechanisms of Nanocrystalline Iron-Chromium Alloys with Hafnium Addition, Weizong Xu, Lulu Li, Mostafa Saber, Carl C. Koch, Yuntian Zhu, and Ronald O. Scattergood
Effect of Nano-Oxide Particle Size on Radiation Resistance of Ironechromium Alloys, Weizong Xu, Lulu Li, James A. Valdez, Mostafa Saber, Yuntian Zhu, Carl C. Koch, and Ronald O. Scattergood
P3HT/Dodecylamine Functioned Carbon Microspheres Composite Films for Polymer Solar Cells, Lingpeng Yan, Yong Li, Yongzhen Yang, Xuguang Liu, Yongkang Chen, and Bingshe Xu
Slip, Crystal Orientation, and Damage Evolution During Thermal Cycling in High-Strain Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Packages, Bite Zhou, Quan Zhou, Thomas R. Bieler, and Tae-Kyu Lee
Submissions from 2014
Designing and Piloting a Program to Provide Water Filters and Improved Cookstoves in Rwanda, Christina K. Barstow, Fidele Ngabo, Ghislaine Rosa, Fiona Majorin, Sophie Boisson, Thomas Clasen, and Evan A. Thomas
Local Vibrational Modes Competitions in Mn-Doped ZnO Epitaxial Films with Tunable Ferromagnetism, Qiang Cao, Maoxiang Fu, Guolei Liu, Huaijin Zhang, Shishen Yan, Yanxue Chen, Liangmo Mei, and Jun Jiao
Vegetable Oils as Quenchants for Steels: Residual Stresses and Dimensional Changes, Carlotta Civera, B. Rivolta, Rosa L. Simencio-Otero, J. G. Lúcio, George E. Totten, and Lauralice C.F. Canale
Passive Phase Separation of Microgravity Bubbly Flows Using Conduit Geometry, Ryan M. Jenson, Andrew Paul Wollman, Mark M. Weislogel, Lauren Sharp, Robert Green, Peter J. Canfield, Jörg Klatte, and Michael E. Dreyer
A Regression Approach for Estimation of Anthropogenic Heat Flux Based on a Bottom-Up Air Pollutant Emission Database, Sanghyun Lee, Stuart A. McKeen, and David J. Sailor
CdS Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Nano-Branched TiO2 Arrays, Chang Liu, Yitan Li, Lin Wei, Cuncun Wu, Yanxue Chen, Liangmo Mei, and Jun Jiao
Partial Decarburization and Intensive Quenching to Increase Fatigue Limit of Quenched Small Parts, Diego E. Lozano, Diego E. Lozano, George E. Totten, Gabriela M. Martínez Cázares, and Rafael David Mercado-Solis
High-Speed Quenching of High Carbon Steel, Gabriela M. Martínez-Cázares, Diego E. Lozano, Martha Guerrero-Mata, Rafael Colás, and George E. Totten
Solution of the Fokker–Planck Equation in a Wind Turbine Array Boundary Layer, Matthew Scott Melius, Murat Tutkun, and Raul Bayoan Cal
Identification of Markov Process Within a Wind Turbine Array Boundary Layer, Matthew Scott Melius, Murat Tutkun, and Raúl Bayoán Cal
Bioquenchants Formulated from Epoxidized Soybean Oil: Evaluation of Metal Quenching and Heat Transfer Performance, Rosa Lucia Simencio Otero, Lauralice C.F. Canale, and George E. Totten
Quench Factor Characterization of Steel Hardening: A Review, Rosa Lucia Simencio Otero, Walker Roberto Otero, George E. Totten, and Lauralice C.F. Canale
“Reference QuenchProbe”—An Alternative Probe Design for In-Situ Estimation of Cooling Rates, Heat Flux, and Hardenability During Immersion Quenching of Hardenable Steels, T. S. Prasanna Kumar, B. Hernández-Morales, and George E. Totten
Experimental Study on Influence of Pitch Motion on the Wake of a Floating Wind Turbine Model, Stanislav Rockel, Elizabeth Camp, Jonas Schmidt, Joachim Peinke, Raúl Bayoán Cal, and Michael Höllimg
Assessing the Impact of Water Filters and Improved Cook Stoves on Drinking Water Quality and Household Air Pollution: A Randomised Controlled Trial in Rwanda, Ghislaine Rosa, Fiona Majorin, Sophie Boisson, Christina Barstow, Michael Johnson, Miles Kirby, Fidele Ngabo, Evan A. Thomas, and Thomas Clasen
Water Cooling Method to Improve the Performance of Field-Mounted, Insulated, and Concentrating Photovoltaic Modules, Matthew K. Smith, Hanny Selbak, Carl C. Wamser, Nicholas U. Day, Matthew Krieske, David J. Sailor, and Todd Rosenstiel
Wake Interaction and Power Production of Variable Height Model Wind Farms, M. H. Vested, N. Hamilton, J. N. Sørensen, and Raul Bayoan Cal
ZnO Nanosheet Arrays Constructed on Weaved Titanium Wire for CdS-Sensitized Solar Cells, Cuncun Wu, Lin Wei, Yitan Li, Chang Liu, Jun Jiao, Yanxue Chen, and Liangmo Mei
Submissions from 2013
Capillary Channel Flow Experiments Aboard the International Space Station, Michael Conrath, P. J. Canfield, P. M. Bronowicki, Michael E. Dreyer, Mark M. Weislogel, and A. Grah
An Informational Algorithm as the Basis for Perception-Action Control of the Instantaneous Axes of the Knee, Wangdo Kim, Margarida M. Espanha, António P. Veloso, Duarte Araújo, Filipa João, Luis Carrão, and Sean S. Kohles
Tracking Knee Joint Functional Axes through Tikhonov Filtering and Plűcker Coordinates, Wangdo Kim, Yoon-Hyuk Kim, António P. Veloso, and Sean S. Kohles
Efferent Copy and Corollary Discharge Motor Control Behavior Associated with a Hopping Activity, Wangdo Kim, António P. Veloso, Filipa João, and Sean S. Kohles
An in Situ Experimental Study of Grain Growth in a Nanocrystalline Fe91Ni8Zr1 Alloy, Hasan Kotan, Kris A. Darling, Mostafa Saber, Ronald O. Scattergood, and Carl C. Koch
Annealing Effect on SB2S3-TiO2 Nanostructures for Solar Cell Applications, Yitan Li, Lin Wei, Ruizi Zhang, Yanxue Chen, Liangmo Mei, and Jun Jiao
The Effect of Microencapsulated Phase-Change Material on the Compressive Strength of Structural Concrete, Chad Norvell, David J. Sailor, and Peter Dusicka
Energy and Climate Interactions in the Urban Environment, David J. Sailor
Effects of Natural and Manual Cleaning on Photovoltaic Output, Matthew K. Smith, Carl C. Wamser, Keith E. James, Seth Sinclair Moody, David J. Sailor, and Todd Rosenstiel
Improving Global Impact: How the Integration of Remotely Reporting Sensors in Water Projects may Demonstrate and Enhance Positive Change, Evan A. Thomas
Remotely Accessible Instrumented Monitoring of Global Development Programs: Technology Development and Validation, Evan A. Thomas, Zdenek Zumr, Jodi Graf, Carson A. Wick, James H. McCellan, Zachary Imam, Christina Barstow, Kelly Spiller, and Michael Fleming
Submissions from 2012
A Mean Curvature Model for Capillary Flows in Asymmetric Containers and Conduits, Yongkang Chen, Noël Tavan, and Mark M. Weislogel
Plasma Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, and Causation, Michael D. Freeman and Sean S. Kohles
Statistical Analysis of Kinetic Energy Entrainment in a Model Wind Turbine Array Boundary Layer, Nicholas Hamilton, Hyung Kang, Raul Bayoan Cal, and Charles Meneveau
Cytoskeletal Strains in Modeled Optohydrodynamically Stressed Healthy and Diseased Biological Cells, Sean S. Kohles, Yu Liang, and Asit K. Saha
Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Assessment of Native Cartilage Explants and Hydrogel Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering, Sean S. Kohles, Shelley S. Mason, Anya P. Adams, Robert J. Berg, Jessica Blank, Fay Gibson, Johnathan Righetti, Lesha S. Washington, and Asit K. Saha
Leveraging Carbon Financing to Enable Accountable Water Treatment Programs, Evan A. Thomas
Measuring Sustainability, Evan A. Thomas
Compound Capillary Rise, Mark M. Weislogel
Submissions from 2011
Research on Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS): Approach, Challenges, and Strategies, Marina Alberti, Heidi Asbjornsen, Lawrence A. Baker, Nicholas Brozović, Laurie E. Drinkwater, Scott A. Drzyzga, Claire A. Jantz, José Fragoso, Daniel S. Holland, Timothy A. Kohler, Jianguo Liu, William J. McConnell, Herbert D. G. Maschner, James D. A. Millington, Michael Monticino, Guillermo Podestá, Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr., Charles L. Redman, Nicholas J. Reo, David J. Sailor, and Gerald Urquhart
The Integrated WRF/Urban Modeling System: Development, Evaluation, and Applications to Urban Environmental Problems, Fei Chen, Hiroyuki Kusaka, Robert Bornstein, Jason Ching, C.S.B. Grimmond, Susanne Grossman-Clarke, Thomas Loridan, Kevin W. Manning, Alberto Martilli, Shiguang Miao, David J. Sailor, Francisco P. Salamanca, Haider Taha, Mukul Tewari, Xuemei Wang, Andrzej A. Wyszogrodzki, and Chaolin Zhang
Application of the Hill Criteria to the Causal Association between Post-Traumatic Headache and Assault, Michael D. Freeman and Sean S. Kohles
Sustainable Oxygen: A low power approach for providing emergency medical oxygen for spacecraft and hospitals in developing countries, Anndee L. Huff, Evan Rhead, Zdenek Zumr, and Evan A. Thomas
Biokinetic Mechanisms Linked With Musculoskeletal Health Disparities: Stochastic Models Applying Tikhonov's Theorem to Biomolecule Homeostasis., Asit K. Saha, Yu Liang, and Sean S. Kohles
Modeling Impacts of Roof Reflectivity, Integrated Photovoltaic Panels and Green Roof Systems on Sensible Heat Flux Into the Urban Environment, Adam Scherba, David J. Sailor, Todd Rosenstiel, and Carl C. Wamser
Presentation: Proving Sustainability: The International Development Monitoring Initiative, Evan A. Thomas
Bring Your Own Water Treatment System: United States patent, Evan A. Thomas and Maximilian Gold
Proving Sustainability: The International Development Monitoring Initiative, Evan A. Thomas and Zdenek Zumr
Quasi-Steady Capillarity-Driven Flows in Slender Containers with Interior Edges, Mark M. Weislogel, J. Alex Baker, and Ryan M. Jenson
Social Innovation Concepts at NASA: Integrating International Development Challenges and Hands-On Prototyping with Spacecraft Design Training, Leonard Yowell and Evan A. Thomas
Submissions from 2010
Second-generation International Space Station Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Verification Testing and On-orbit Performance Results, Nicole L. Bentley, Evan A. Thomas, Michael Van Wie, and Chad Morrison
Moisture Sensitivity Plastic Packages of IC Devices, Xuejun Fan and Ephraim Suhir
Climate and More Sustainable Cities: Climate Information for Improved Planning and Management of Cities (Producers/Capabilities Perspective), C.S.B. Grimmond, Matthias Roth, Tim R. Oke, Y. C. Au, M. Best, R. Betts, Gregory R. Carmichael, Helen Cleugh, Walter F. Dabberdt, Rohinton Emmanuel, E. Freitas, K. Fortuniak, Steven Hanna, Petra M. Klein, Laurence S. Kalkstein, C. H. Liu, Alex Nickson, David Pearlmutter, David J. Sailor, and James Voogt
Interaction Between a Wind Turbine Array and a Turbulent Boundary Layer, Jose R. Lebron, Luciano Castillo, Raul Bayoan Cal, Hyung Suk Kang, and Charles Meneveau
Quenching Theory and Technology, Božidar Lišcic, Hans M. Tensi, Lauralice C. F. Canale, and George E. Totten
Manipulation of Suspended Single Cells by Microfluidics and Optical Tweezers, Nathalie Neve de Mevergnies, Sean S. Kohles, Shelley R. Winn, and Derek C. Tretheway
Developing Sustainable Life Support System Concepts, Evan A. Thomas
Development of a Contingency Capillary Wastewater Management Device, Evan A. Thomas
Submissions from 2009
The Rough Favourable Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer, Raul Bayoan Cal
National Urban Database and Access Portal Tool, NUDAPT, Jason Ching, Michael Brown, Steven Burian, Fei Chen, Ron Cionco, Adel Hanna, Torrin Hultgren, Timothy McPherson, David J. Sailor, Haider Taha, and David Williams
Optical Acquisition and Polar Decomposition of the Full-Field Deformation Gradient Tensor Within a Fracture Callus, Wangdo Kim and Sean S. Kohles
An Inverse Method for Predicting Tissue-Level Mechanics from Cellular Mechanical Input, Wangdo Kim, Derek C. Tretheway, and Sean S. Kohles
Technical Research Needs for Sustainable Buildings: Results From a Multidisciplinary NSF Workshop, Leidy Klotz, Vivien Loftness, Gregor Henze, David J. Sailor, and David Riley
Gravity Effects on Capillary Flows in Sharp Corners, Enrique Ramé and Mark M. Weislogel
A Model for Sustainable Humanitarian Engineering Projects, Evan A. Thomas, Bernard Amadei, and Robyn Sandekian
Developing Sustainable Spacecraft Water Management Systems, Evan A. Thomas and David M. Klaus
Submissions from 2008
Similarity Analysis of Favorable Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layers with Eventual Quasilaminarization, Raul Bayoan Cal and Luciano Castillo
Progress Toward Meeting the Challenges of our Coastal Urban Future, Juile Pullen, Jason Ching, David J. Sailor, William Thompson, Bob Bornstein, and Darko Koracin
A Better Nondimensionalization Scheme for Slender Laminar Flows: The Laplacian Operator Scaling Method, Mark M. Weislogel, Yongkang Chen, and D. Bolleddula
Submissions from 2007
North America. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Christopher B. Fields, Linda D. Mortsch, Michael Brklacich, Donald L. Forbes, Paul Kovacs, Jonathan A. Patz, Steven W. Running, Michael J. Scott, Jean Andrey, Dan Cayan, Mike Demuth, Alan Hamlet, Gregory Jones, Evan Mills, Scott Mills, Charles K. Minns, David J. Sailor, Mark Saunders, Daniel Scott, and William Solecki
Development and Implementation of the Bring Your Own Water Treatment System in Dense, Rural, and Mountainous Rwandan Communities, Maximilian Gold, Evan A. Thomas, Richard L. Byyny, and Jean Pierre Habanabakize
The Urban Heat Island Mitigation Impact Screening Tool (MIST), David J. Sailor and Nikolaas Dietsch
Submissions from 2006
Capillary-Driven Flows Along Rounded Interior Corners, Yongkang Chen, Mark M. Weislogel, and Cory L. Nardin