This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Challenges and Opportunities of Immigrant Integration: A Study of Turkish Immigrants in Germany, Matthew Franklin Clark (Thesis)
Growth and Optical Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanowires for Anti-reflection Coatings for Solar Cells, Martha Coakley (Thesis)
Chinese Merchants and Race Relations in Astoria, Oregon, 1882 - 1924, Aaron Daniel Coe (Thesis)
Pictures of Lily and Other Stories, Cornelia Coleman (Closed Thesis)
The Second-Hand Society, Christina Elizabeth Cooke (Closed Thesis)
The Issues We Face, Doug Cornett (Closed Thesis)
Population Structure of Island-Associated Pantropical Spotted Dolphins (Stenella attenuata) in Hawaiian Waters, Sarah Shelby Courbis (Dissertation)
Snowing in Kansas, Mackenzie Courtney (Closed Thesis)
The Influence of Ambient Temperature on Green Roof R-values, Bryce Kevin Cox (Thesis)
Identifying Victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in a Juvenile Custody Setting, Jonathan Dickinson Dabney (Thesis)
Exploration of Weather Impacts on Freeway Traffic Operations and Safety Using High-Resolution Weather Data, Chengyu Dai (Thesis)
A low level analysis of Cellular Automata and Random Boolean Networks as a computational architecture, Prateen Reddy Damera (Thesis)
Scalable and Efficient Tasking for Dynamic Sensor Networks, Thanh Xuan Dang (Dissertation)
Biological Erosion of Marine Habitats and Structures by Burrowing Crustaceans, Timothy Mathias Davidson (Dissertation)
Motherland: Collected Stories, Sandra Kelly Derrick (Closed Thesis)
FPGA Implementation and Acceleration of Building blocks for Biologically Inspired Computational Models, Mandar Deshpande (Thesis)
A Study of Soil Organic Matter and Its Controlling Factors in Portland, Oregon, Megan Dillon (Thesis)
Genetic Substructure of Pacific Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) Populations Along the Coasts of Oregon and Washington, Diana Lynn Dishman (Thesis)
The Relationship Between Teachers' Multicultural Attitudes and Their Instructional Practice with English Language Learners: A Mixed Method Study, Adria Danielle Dodici (Dissertation)
Antioxidant Anthocyanidins and Calcium Transport Modulation of the Ryanodine Receptor of Skeletal Muscle (RyR1), Thomas J. Dornan (Thesis)
Landslide Inventory Mapping and Dating using LiDAR-Based Imagery and Statistical Comparison Techniques in Milo McIver State Park, Clackamas County, Oregon, Serin Duplantis (Thesis)
Assessment for Improvement in Higher Education: Faculty Perception of and Participation in Program Assessment, Serap Emil (Dissertation)
Modeling Market and Regulatory Mechanisms for Pollution Abatement with Sharp and Random Variables, Thomas Robert Fielden (Dissertation)
Emperors in America: Haile Selassie and Hirohito on Tour, Robert Alexander Findlay (Thesis)
Cultivating Environmental Stewardship in Middle School Students, Kelly Anne Fischer (Thesis)
Microbial Ecology of Active Marine Hydrothermal Vent Deposits: The Influence of Geologic Setting on Microbial Communities, Gilberto Eugene Flores (Dissertation)
An Evaluation of Moderating Influences of Employee Proactive Personality: Empowerment and Political Skill, Deborah Kaylee Ford (Dissertation)
An Investigation of the Relationships between Violence Exposure, Internalizing and Externalizing Problems, and Adolescent Alcohol Use, Gregory Lloyd Forehand (Dissertation)
"Art Feeling Grows" in Oregon : The Portland Art Association, 1892-1932, Patrick A. Forster (Thesis)
The Effects of Multiple Thematic Layers on Web Map Use by Middle School Students, Andrew Percy Freed (Thesis)
The Technological Role of Bone and Antler Artifacts on the Lower Columbia: A Comparison of Two Contact Period Sites, Kristen Ann Fuld (Thesis)
Faculty of Color and Scholarship Redefined: Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Competence, Peng Fu (Dissertation)
Perceptions of Peacebuilding and Multi-Track Collaboration in Divided Societies for a Sustainable Peace Agreement at the Political Level: A Case Study of Cyprus, Brooke Patricia Galloway (Thesis)
Work-related Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Acculturation Among Employed Latinos in Batterer Intervention Programs, Gino Galvez (Dissertation)
Youth Voices of Bounty and Opportunity: High School Students' Experiences With Food and Community, Kara Marie Gilbert (Thesis)
Chronology and Ecology of Late Pleistocene Megafauna in the Northern Willamette Valley, Oregon, Daniel McGowan Gilmour (Thesis)
Exploring Traffic Safety and Urban Form in Portland, Oregon, Kristie Werner Gladhill (Thesis)
Deforestation, Drought and Humans: New Discoveries of the Late Quaternary Paleoenvironment of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Candace Lynn Gossen (Dissertation)
A Die-level Adaptive Test Scheme for Real-time Test Reordering and Elimination, Kapil Ramesh Gotkhindikar (Thesis)
On the Effect of Topology on Learning and Generalization in Random Automata Networks, Alireza Goudarzi (Thesis)
Designing and Using Virtual Field Environments to Enhance and Extend Field Experience in Professional Development Programs in Geology for K-12 Teachers, Frank Douglas Granshaw (Dissertation)
Who Gender-Bends and Why? A Qualitative Study of World of Warcraft, Clairellyn Rose Gregory (Thesis)
An Exploration Of Heterogeneous Networks On Chip, Allen Gary Grimm (Thesis)
A Feasibility Study of Model-Based Natural Ventilation Control in a Midrise Student Dormitory Building, Steven James Gross (Thesis)
"An I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation": The Effects of Family Type and Patriarchy in the Home on Female Adolescent Delinquency and Mental Health, Stephanie-Kaye Guenther (Thesis)
Real Options Methodology in Sportswear Retail Investment Valuation, Hairong Karen Gui (Dissertation)
Motivation in Late Learners of Japanese: Self-Determination Theory, Attitudes and Pronunciation, Shannon Guinn-Collins (Thesis)
Hydrogeology of the McKinney Butte Area: Sisters, Oregon, Joshua Andrew Hackett (Thesis)
Investigating Future Variation of Extreme Precipitation Events over the Willamette River Basin Using Dynamically Downscaled Climate Scenarios, Andrew Jason Halmstad (Thesis)
Scratched Petroglyphs in the Bennett Hills, Idaho, Karla Lucille Hambelton (Thesis)
A Multi-Level Study of the Predictors of Family-Supportive Supervision, Ginger Charmagne Hanson (Dissertation)
Family-Supportive Supervisory Behaviors as a Moderator of the Relationship between Job Strain and Workers' Blood Pressure, Christopher Scott Harper (Thesis)
Event Ecology: An Analysis of Discourses Surrounding the Disappearance of the Kah Shakes Cove Herring (Clupea pallasi), Jamie Sue Hebert (Thesis)
Erasing the Space Between Japanese and American: Progressivism, Nationalism, and Japanese American Resettlement in Portland, Oregon, 1945-1948, Robert Alan Hegwood (Thesis)
The Institutional Development of the American Vice Presidency, James Emory Hite (Thesis)
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Glacier Melt in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Matthew James Hoffman (Dissertation)
Riparian Wetland Response to Livestock Exclusion in the Lower Columbia River Basin, Sarah Ann Holmen (Thesis)
HOLCF '11: A Definitional Domain Theory for Verifying Functional Programs, Brian Charles Huffman (Dissertation)
Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy: Case Study of a Female College Basketball Player, Kelly Marie Humble (Closed Thesis)
Performing Marginal Identities: Understanding the Cultural Significance of Tawa'if and Rudali Through the Language of the Body in South Asian Cinema, Lise Danielle Hurlstone (Thesis)
Power, Knowledge, Animals, Lisa Johnson (Dissertation)
The Role of Feedback in the Assimilation of Information in Prediction Markets, Richard Donald Jolly (Dissertation)
Foreign Language Students' Beliefs about Homestays, Sara Racheal Juveland (Thesis)
Transforming the Soul of Education: Sustainability at the Center of Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools, Thomas Eugene Kane (Dissertation)
"You Can See it in Their Eyes:" A Communication Ethnography of a Humane Society, Sara Victoria Kaufman (Thesis)
Numerical Modeling and Analyses of Steel Bridge Gusset Plate Connections, Thomas Sidney Kay (Thesis)
Study of the Performance and Characteristics of U.S. Academic Research Institution Technology Commercialization (ARITC), Jisun Kim (Dissertation)
Toward a Richer Shade of Blue: The Impact on Oregon Police Officer Perceptions of Racial Minorities After Anti-Racial Profiling Training, David Andrew Kline (Thesis)
Nanostructured Extremely Thin Absorber (ETA) Hybrid Solar Cell Fabrication, Optimization, and Characterization, Darcy Erin Lambert (Thesis)
African Regime Types and International Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations: A Comparative Study of the Relationships of Friends and Enemies., Krista Noel Lane (Thesis)
Development of a Hybrid Atomic Force and Scanning Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect Microscope for Investigation of Magnetic Domains, Andrew James Lawrence (Thesis)
Implications of Hydrologic Data Assimilation in Improving Suspended Sediment Load Estimation in Lake Tahoe, California, Marc Leisenring (Thesis)
A Functional Approach to Memory-Safe Operating Systems, Rebekah Leslie (Dissertation)
Ice and Other Stories, Constance D. Levesque (Closed Thesis)
Gendering the Body: Exploring the Construction of the Sexually Dimorphic Body, Sarah Kaye Lewis (Thesis)
Assessment of an Optimal Bus Stop Spacing Model Using High Resolution Archived Stop-Level Data, Huan Li (Thesis)
Foreign Language Teaching in U.S. Higher Education Classrooms: An Investigation of the Relationship between Teacher Pedagogical Beliefs and Classroom Teaching, Shaojuan Lin (Dissertation)
Prediction of Soil Layer R-Value Dependence on Moisture Content, Ziyang Liu (Thesis)
Student Approaches to Combinatorial Enumeration: The Role of Set-Oriented Thinking, Elise Nicole Lockwood (Dissertation)
The Responsibilities and Limitations of Holocaust Storytelling: Understanding the Structure and Usage of the Master Narrative in Holocaust Film, Fianna Raven MacGregor (Thesis)
Proposal and Analysis of Demagnetization Methods of High Voltage Power System Transformers and Design of an Instrument to Automate the Demagnetization Process, Nathanael Jared Makowski (Thesis)
Do "Clickers" Improve Student Engagement and Learning in Secondary Schools?, Andrew James Mankowski (Thesis)
The Role of Salmon in Middle Snake River Human Economy: The Hetrick Site in Regional Contexts, Cassandra R. Manning (Thesis)
Impacts of Rhizosphere CO₂ on Root Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Activity, Root Respiration Rate and Rhizodeposition in Populus spp., Dawn Marie Matarese (Thesis)
Model-Based Information Extraction From Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals, Shari Matzner (Dissertation)
Examining News Coverage and Framing in the Context of Environmental Reporting: Using the Sea Lion and Salmon Controversy at the Bonneville Dam as a Case Study, Tess McBride (Thesis)
Identifying Modifiable Factors associated with Depression across the Lifespan in Stroke Survivor-Spouse Dyads, Michael Joseph McCarthy (Dissertation)
Developing and Calibrating the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model CE-QUAL-W2 for Banks Lake Washington, Andrew John McCulloch (Thesis)
Tree Growth and Spatial Pattern in Two Forest Park Permanent Plots: A Look at Stand Composition and Condition, Hannah Beth McDonald (Thesis)
If You Look Into The Cloud, Sometimes You Can Hear The Silence There, Shaun Krause McGillis (Closed Thesis)
Conflict-Conditioned Communication: A Case Study of Communicative Relations between the United States and Iran from 2005-2008, Erin Leigh McKee (Thesis)
Potential for Speciation in Mammals Following Vast, Late Miocene Volcanic Interruptions in the Pacific Northwest, Ryan Thomas McKenna (Thesis)
From Blooming Judicial Philosophies to Castrated Legislation: Sexuality, Desire, and Nominations to the Supreme Court of the United States, Adam Michael McMahon (Thesis)
Aberdeen and the Reformation: Implementation and Interpretation of Reform, Catherine Elizabeth McMillan (Thesis)
Opening Black Boxes and Following Traces: An Exploration of the Coalition for a Livable Future's Regional Equity Atlas Actor-World, 2003-2007, Meg Merrick (Dissertation)
LiDAR-Based Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Mapping, and Differential LiDAR Analysis for the Panther Creek Watershed, Coast Range, Oregon, Katherine A. Mickelson (Thesis)
The Cultural Barriers to Integration of Second Generation Muslims in Northern Italy, Joseph Anthony Migliore (Thesis)
An Action Research Study to Determine the Feasibility of Using Concept Maps as Alternative Assessments by a Novice Teacher, Nancy Smith Mitchell (Thesis)
Governance in the United States Columbia River Basin: An Historical Analysis, Eric Thomas Mogren (Dissertation)
Couples Therapy: Gender and Sexuality in The Sun Also Rises, Jacob Michael Montie (Thesis)