This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
A Framework for Superimposed Applications : Techniques to Represent, Access, Transform, and Interchange Bi-level Information, Sudarshan Srivivasa Murthy (Dissertation)
Leadership and the Role of Spirituality : a Qualitative Study of University Presidents in U.S. Higher Education, Joan Margaret Neice (Dissertation)
Nonparametric Inference Using Randomization and Permutation Reference Distribution and Their Monte-Carlo Approximation, Minh D. Nguyen (Paper)
The Nature of People's Perceptions of Wolves, Laura Briana Nobel (Thesis)
Hardiness, Well-Being, and Health: A Meta-Analytic Summary of Three Decades of Research, Celina Marie Oliver (Dissertation)
Being an "Other": the Significance of Teachers' Lived Experiences in Working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Yumiko Otsuki (Dissertation)
Determinants of Cross Organizational Software Project Success, And Ozbay (Dissertation)
Phylogeographic and Phylogenetic Exploration of Plethodon (Plethodontidae, Caudata) Salamanders in the Pacific Northwest, Tara Anne Pelletier (Thesis)
Impacts of Climate Change and Urban Development on Water Resources in the Tualatin River Basin, Sarah Praskievicz (Thesis)
The Genesis of Portland's Forest Park: Evolution of an Urban Wilderness, Elizabeth M. Provost (Thesis)
Model Reduction for Simulation, Optimization and Control, Oleg Edward Roderick (Dissertation)
Peer Network Emergence and Change in the Classroom: A Multiple Systems Perspective, Nicole Ann Sage (Dissertation)
Simulation of INSB Devices using Drift-Diffusion Equations, Edin Sijercic (Dissertation)
Synthesis of Aptamer-Porphyrin Conjugate for Photodynamic Therapy & Synthesis and stability of mixed thiol/lipid coated Gold Nanoparticles, Sarita Sitaula (Dissertation)
Ethnic Place Making: Thirty Years of Brazilian Immigration to South Framingham, Massachusetts, Laura Aldea Skorczeski (Thesis)
Community, Conversation, and Conflict: a Study of Deliberation and Moderation in a Collaborative Political Weblog, Samantha Isabella Soma (Dissertation)
Learning, Identity and Agency : Secondary Mathematics Professional Developers' Lived Experiences of Participation and Collaborative Inquiry in Professional Learning Communities, Susan Stein (Dissertation)
Dependent Care and Work-Life Outcomes : Comparing Exceptional Care and Typical Care Responsibilities, Lisa Maureen Stewart (Dissertation)
Sex Work and Moral Conflict: Enhancing the Quality of Public Discourse Using Photovoice Method, Crystal Renee Tenty (Thesis)
Fabrication of Anisotropic Nanostructures on Solid Substrates for Applications as Optically Active Surfaces, Mohan Krishna Vattipalli (Dissertation)
Finite Sample Properties of Minimum Kolmogorov-Smirnov Estimator and Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Right-Censored Data, Jerzy Wieczorek (Paper)
Factors Associated with Inclusion of Spirituality in Secular Social Work Education, Leslie Grace Wuest (Dissertation)
Japanese International Graduate Students in U.S. Higher Education Classrooms: An Investigation of their Pedagogical and Epistemological Challenges and Supports, Miki Yamashita (Dissertation)
Operationalizing the Antecedents of Work-Family Positive Spillover: A Longitudinal Study, Kristi Lynn Zimmerman (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Up a Creek : the Perilous Journey of Recently Uninsured Low-Income Adults in Oregon, Heidi Allen (Dissertation)
Attributes of Effective Head Start Mental Health Consultants : a Mixed Method Study of Rural and Urban Programs, Mary Dallas Allen (Dissertation)
Head Start Parents' Perceptions of Parental Involvement During their children's transition to Kindergarten : a Phenomenological Study, Dawn Angela Barberis (Dissertation)
Quantifying Twentieth Century Glacier Change in the Sierra Nevada, California, Hassan J. Basagic (Thesis)
Bonneville Power Administration and the Creation of the Pacific Intertie, 1958 -1964, Joshua D. Binus (Thesis)
Immigrant Students and the College Classroom Climate in Higher Education, Becky Appley Boesch (Dissertation)
The Use and Interpretation of the Batería III With U.S. Bilinguals, Julie Esparza Brown (Dissertation)
"Do I Really Belong Here?" The Effects of Difference in Paths through Higher Education on Graduate Student Perception on Legitimacy, Tina Dawn Lillian Burdsall (Thesis)
Design and Synthesis of Antimalarial Drugs Based on a Chloroquine Scaffold, Steven James Burgess (Dissertation)
Buried : Unearthing the Secrets of Oregon Truffles, Lucy Burningham (Thesis)
The Institutionalization of Diversity and Gender Equity Norms and Values in Higher Education Settings, Rowanna Lynn Carpenter (Dissertation)
A Novel Approach to the Synthesis of Silicon Nanowires, Joo Chick Chan (Dissertation)
Giving Process its Due : can Collaboration Help Environmental Markets Succeed?, John Robert Cochran (Dissertation)
Staying Within the Margins: The Educational Stories of First-Generation, Low-Income College Students, Diane Lyn Cole (Dissertation)
Organizational Complexity in American Local Governance: Deploying an Organizational Perspective in Concept and Analytic Framework Development, Charles David Crumpton (Dissertation)
Zoonotic Disease Emergence : a Study of Host-Pathogen-Ecosystem Dynamics, Laurie Jeanne Dizney (Dissertation)
Benchmarking Community Investments in Green Building and Green Buying Programs in Five U.S. Cities, Shanna Nicole Eller (Dissertation)
The Role of Mitochondria ATP-sensitive Potassium Channel in Cardioprotection, Ksenia Andrukhiv Everton (Thesis)
Long Form Improvisation - Creating Spontaneous Communities Through Collaborative Comedic Performance, Brad Fortier (Thesis)
The Imago mundi of Honorius Augustodunensis, Nicholas Ryan Foster (Thesis)
The Effects of Climate Change and Urbanization on the Runoff of the Rock Creek Basin, Jon J. Franczyk (Thesis)
Hardware Architectures and Implementations for Associative Memories : the Building Blocks of Hierarchically Distributed Memories, Changjian Gao (Dissertation)
Development of Clinical Judgment in Nursing Students: A Learning Framework to use in Designing and Implementing Simulated Learning Experiences, Paula Marie Gubrud-Howe (Dissertation)
Multi-Level Environmental Governance : a Comparative Case Study of Five Large Scale Natural Resource Management Programs, Shpresa Halimi (Dissertation)
Sustainability From the Perspectives of Indigenous Leaders in the Bioregion Defined by the Pacific Salmon Runs of North America, David Edward Hall (Dissertation)
The Original Build Up of Genetic Information by RNA Recombination, Eric John Hayden (Dissertation)
At Home in the World : the American Middle-Class House as a Twenty-First Century Public Square, Kathleen Holt (Thesis)
Theoretical Investigations and Microarray Applications of DNA multiplex hybridization reactions, Michael Todd Horne (Dissertation)
What's Regulation Got to Do With It? : Examining the Impact of Regulatory Intensity on Facility Environmental Management and Performance, Cody Jones (Dissertation)
Police Organizations : an Empricial Examination of American Sheriff's Offices and Municipal Police Agencies, Matthew Adam Jones (Dissertation)
Measuring Community-Engaged Departments: A Study to Develop an Effective Self-Assessment Rubric for the Institutionalization of Community Engagement in Academic Departments, Kevin Kecskes (Dissertation)
Creating a Theoretical Framework for Understanding Homeland security using Multiple Frame Analysis, Linda Ann Kiltz (Dissertation)
Children with Incarcerated Parents : a Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Parental Incarceration on Adolescent Externalizing Behaviors, Jean Mollenkamp Kjellstrand (Dissertation)
Traumatic Experience Scale for Jurors (TESJ), Michael James Krummel (Dissertation)
Role of Food Neophobia, Food Attitudes and Written Information on the Acceptance of Novel Fish Products : a Cross-Cultural Study, Koei Kudo (Dissertation)
Emerging Governance at the Edge of Constrained Federalism : Public Administrators at the Frontier of Democracy, Gary Lloyd Larsen (Dissertation)
George Lakoff"s Theory of Worldview : a Case Study of the Oregon Legislature, Catherine Law (Dissertation)
Window Queries Over Data Streams, Jin Li (Dissertation)
Physicians Providing Alternative Medicine: Boundary Crossing and the Emergence of Integrative Medicine, Richard Scott Lockwood (Dissertation)
Who Benefits? : a Multilevel Analysis of the Impact of Oregon's Volunteer Mentor Program for Postsecondary Access on Scholarship Applicants, Alisha Ann Lund-Chaix (Dissertation)
Retention of Special Education Professionals : Perceptions of Principal Support, Laurreta Janette Manning (Dissertation)
Developing a Sense of Academic Ownership : a Longitudinal Analysis, Gwen Catherine Marchand (Dissertation)
Organizational Change in Corrections Organizations : the Effect of Probation and Parole Officer Culture on Change in Community Corrections, Shea Brackin Marshman (Dissertation)
Coupling the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model CE-QUAL-W2 With a Multi-Trophic Fish Bio-Energetics Model for Lake Roosevelt, Washington, Michael Lee McKillip (Dissertation)
Las Pioneras : New Immigrant Destinations and the Gendered Experiences of Latina Immigrants, Angie Pamela Mejia (Thesis)
Irrelevance, Polymorphism, and Erasure in Type Theory, Richard Nathan Mishra-Linger (Dissertation)
Pre-Service Science Teacher Sense of Self in Developing Multicultural Practice, Yuki Marie Monteith (Dissertation)
Psychological detachment as a moderator in work-family conflict relationships, Lauren Ann Murphy (Thesis)
Advanced Algorithms for VLSI: Statistical Circuit Optimization and Cyclic Circuit Analysis, Osama Neiroukh (Dissertation)
Peroxynitrite Chemistry: Formation, Decomposition and Possible Deactivation Mechanisms by Thiols, Olufunke Modupe Olagunju (Dissertation)
The Oregon University System's Proficiency-Admission Standards System as a Predictor of College Student Persistence-Related Outcomes, Tanya Leigh Ostrogorsky (Dissertation)
Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of Some Selected Organosulfur Oxo-acids, Adenike Otoikhian (Dissertation)
Microbial Colonization of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Chimneys, Antoine Pagé (Dissertation)
More Than Screening Tools? : an Examination of Preliminary Applicant Evaluation Methods, Matthew Eric Paronto (Dissertation)
Semantic Components: A Model for Enhancing Retrieval of Domain- Specific Information, Susan Loucette Price (Dissertation)
Cardioprotective Signal Transduction to Mitochondria, Casey Lee Quinlan (Dissertation)
Development and Investigation of Unique Organic Materials to Detect Disease Biomarkers, George Kiplimo Samoei (Dissertation)
"Railcars Loaded With Crisp Fresh Vegetables" A study of Agriculture at the Tule Lake Relocation Center 1942-1946, Michael David Schmidli (Thesis)
Work-related Outcomes of Financial Stress: Relating Perceived Income Adequacy and Financial Strain to Job Performance and Worker Well-being, Lindsay Ellen Sears (Thesis)
"Whose streets? Our streets!" Urban Social Movements and the Transformation of Everyday Life in Pacific Northwest Cities, 1990-1999, Leanne Claire Serbulo (Dissertation)
Lost in Translation : Ideas of Population Health Determinants in the American Policy Arena, Maria Gilson Sistrom (Dissertation)
The Impact of the Swingshift Options School Alternative Educational Pathway on at-risk Middle School Students' Transition to High school, Carol Rutan Smith (Dissertation)
Structural Bone Density of Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis): Taphonomic and Archaeological Implications, Ross E. Smith (Thesis)
The Reproductive and Conservation Biology of the spotted towhee in Urban Forest Fragments, Sarah Bartos Smith (Dissertation)
Representation without Taxation : China's Rural Development Initiatives For a New Millenium, Minzi Su (Dissertation)
How Organizational Arrangements Affect High Reliability in Public Research Universities: Perceptions of environmental Health and Safety Directors, Rita Finn Sumner (Dissertation)
Challenging the New Penology: A Case-Study Analysis of Correctional Management, Interstate Inmate Transfers, and Administrative Intent, Robert Thomas Swan (Dissertation)
Students' Reasoning about the Concept of Limit in the Context of reinventing the Formal Definition, Craig Alan Swinyard (Dissertation)
Financial Engineering for Energy System Capital Budgeting, Chin-Chuen Teoh (Dissertation)
Graphical User Interfaces as Updatable Views, James Felger Terwilliger (Dissertation)
The Child Care Self-Sufficiency Scale: Measuring Child Care Funding and Policy Generosity across States, Karen Tvedt (Dissertation)
Nanostructered Aminophenylporphyrin Films for Use in Bulk Heterojunction and Inverse Dye-Sensitized TiO₂ Solar Cells, Michael George Walter (Dissertation)
The Washington State Patrol, Accountability-Driven Leadership, and the Organizational Factors that Propelled their Success: An Organizational Analysis, Timothy Carl Winchell (Dissertation)
Design of Radio-Frequency Filters and Oscillators in Deep-Submicron CMOS Technology, Haiqiao Xiao (Dissertation)
Methodology for Developing a Functional Multiscale Architecture Model System Towards Future Integrated Circuits, Yamini Yadov (Dissertation)
Intimate Partner Violence, Supervisor Support and Work Outcomes for Low-Wage Workers, Nanette Lucia Yragui (Dissertation)