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Racial and Gender Equity Collection
Submissions from 2025
Conceptualising Coercion in Child/forced Marriage through an Intersectional Lens: Narratives of Survivors and Practitioners in the US, Sundari Anitha and Manjusha Gupte
Submissions from 2024
Engaging Antiracist and Decolonial Praxis to Advance Equity in Oregon Public Health Surveillance Practices, Ryan J. Petteway, Daniel López-Cevallos, Mira Mohsini, Andres Lopez, Roberta S. Hunte, Tim Holbert, and Kusuma Madamala
Annual Walk of the Heroines Lecture: "Dreaming Disability Justice in a Time of Genocide, Organizing and Hope", Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Impacts of Sex Work Criminalization on Sex Workers in Oregon: A Pilot Study, Stephanie Wahab and Katie Shammel
Eviction in Oregon's Subsidized Affordable Housing, Yi Wang, Lisa K. Bates, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, Minji Cho, Marisa Zapata, Jacen Greene, Colleen Carroll, and Devin MacArthur
Toward Queer Potentialities in Child and Youth Care, Bobbi Ali Zaman and Ben Anderson-Nathe
Submissions from 2023
Instapoetry in the Age of AI: Why E-Lit’s Artisinal Interfaces Matter, Kathi Inman Berens
Freedom Girls: Voicing Femininity in 1960s British Pop, Sarah Dougher
Gender Violence Or Tradition?: Media Coverage Of Child/Forced Marriage In US Newspapers, Manjusha Gupte and Sundari Anitha
Re-imagining Mandatory Reporting: Professionalization's Complicity, Sam Harrell and Stephanie Wahab
Failed Mothers, Risky Children: Carceral Protectionism and the Social Work Gaze, Sandra M. Leotti, Jennifer S. Muthanna, and Ben Anderson-Nathe
Submissions from 2022
Identity (Politics): Anthologizing Indian Literature in the Diaspora, Sri Craven
Worlding Queer, Sri Craven
Care Ethics, Bruno Latour, and the Anthropocene, Michael Flower and Maurice Hamington
Harassment of Low-Income Women on Transit: A Photovoice Project in Oregon and Utah, Ivis Garcia, Miriam Albelson, Nicholas M. Puczkowskyj, Sadika Maheruma Khan, and Kevin Fagundo-Ojeda
Magnifying Inequality: How Black Women Found Safety in the Midst of Dual Pandemics, Taylor A. Geyton, Matthew Town, Roberta Hunte, and Nia Johnson
Situated Agency: How LGBTQ Youth Navigate and Create Queer(ed) Space, Anita R. Gooding, Bobbi Ali Zaman, Sam J. Harrell, Sam Collins, Miriam J. Abelson, and Ben Anderson-Nathe
Feminist Care Ethics Confronts Mainstream Philosophy, Maurice Hamington and Maggie FitzGerald
Mini Series on Sexual & Reproductive Health, Season 3 Episode 1 (Audio File), Roberta Hunte, Kim Heller, Mariotta Gary-Smith, and Ngozi Olemgbe
Care Ethics, Religion, and Spiritual Traditions, Inge van Nistelrooij, Maureen Sander-Staudt, and Maurice Hamington
The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams, Patricia Shields, Maurice Hamington, and Joseph Soeters
How Neanderthals Became White: the Introgression of Race into Contemporary Human Evolutionary Genetics*, Lisa H. Weasel
Submissions from 2021
Who We Are: Focus On… Student Identity, Yarina Aguilar Becerra, Cecilia Diojuan, Jasmine Walker, Neera Malhotra, David Peterson del Mar, and Vicki Reitenauer
Queering "The Children's Movement" A Sideways Look at Political Infantilization in the (post-)2014 Global Imaginary of Hong Kong Protesters, Kai Hang Cheang
Clean and Green, Sri Craven
Mapping South Asian Queer Studies, Sri Craven
Representation Justice As a Research Agenda for Socio-Hydrology and Water Governance, Melissa Haeffner, Dana E. Hellman, Alida Cantor, Idowu Ajibade, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Maura Kelly, Laura Schifman, and Lisa Weasel
Book Review of, Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Maurice Hamington
“Black Nurses in the Home is Working”: Advocacy, Naming, and Processing Racism to Improve Black Maternal and Infant Health, Roberta Hunte, Susanne Klawetter, and Sherly Paul
Colonial Necrocapitalism, State Secrecy, and the Palestinian Freedom Tunnel, Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian and Stephanie Wahab
Submissions from 2020
Portland State University: General Education and Equitable Assessment, Rowanna L. Carpenter, Vicki Reitenauer, and Aimee Shattuck
Asian American Sociality after the Anti-Relational Turn in Queer Theory, Kai Hang Cheang
Karen Tei Yamashita: Fictions of Magic and Memory, Kai Hang Cheang
A Pedagogy of Community: Teaching Critical Social Theory, Sri Craven
Voices on Gender and Social Change, Manjusha Gupte, Leni Zumas, Emily Fitzgibbons Shafer, Eric Mankowski, and Shirley A. Jackson
Toxic Stress Among Black and African American Oregonians, Roberta Hunte and Margaret J.F. Braun
Fostering Change, Transforming Learning: Pedagogical Approaches to Carceral Education, Vicki Reitenauer, Rhiannon M. Cates, and Benjamin J. Hall
Submissions from 2019
Men in Place: Trans Masculinity, Race, and Sexuality in America, Miriam Abelson
Cultivating Your Professional Identity: Supporting Faculty Professional Development across Rank and Discipline, Rowanna L. Carpenter, Annie Knepler, and Vicki Reitenauer
Performing Self, Performing Community, Performing Care: A Polyphony, Lindsay M. Goldman, Musonda Mwango, and Vicki Reitenauer
Out of Time: Accomplices in Post-Carceral World-Building, Benjamin J. Hall, Rhiannon M. Cates, and Vicki L. Reitenauer
"The Group", Vicki Reitenauer
Accomplices in Post-Carceral World-Building: Higher Education and Correctional Partnerships, Vicki Reitenauer, Rhiannon M. Cates, Benjamin James Hall, and James Hanley
'A Practice of Freedom': Self-Grading for Liberatory Learning, Vicki L. Reitenauer
Submissions from 2018
Capstone Assessment as Faculty Development, Rowanna L. Carpenter, Seanna M. Kerrigan, and Vicki Reitenauer
‘Locations of Possibility’: Critical Perspectives on Partnership, Rhiannon M. Cates, Mariah R. Madigan, and Vicki Reitenauer
Book Review: Surrogacy: A Human Rights Violation, Sri Craven
"Diversity," Anti-Racism, and Decolonizing Service Learning in the Capstone Experience, W. Tracy Dillon, Judy BlueHorse Skelton, and Vicki Reitenauer
“You Can Show a Person Better Than You Can Tell ‘em”: Black Tradeswomen Mitigate Racial and Gender Microaggressions in Construction, Roberta Hunte
From Mentor to Faculty: Reflections on the Praxis of Care, Roberta Hunte and Joseph Wightman
Assessment as Critical Programmatic Reflection, Vicki Reitenauer and Rowanna L. Carpenter
Metamorphosis Inside and Out: Transformative Learning at Portland State University, Vicki Reitenauer, Katherine Elaine Draper-Beard, and Noah Schultz
Submissions from 2017
On Claiming an Education as Transformative Learning, Celine Fitzmaurice and Vicki L. Reitenauer
Integrating Care Ethics and Design Thinking, Maurice Hamington
Transmobilities: Mobility, Harassment, and Violence Experienced by Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Public Transit Riders, Amy Lubitow, JaDee Carathers, Maura Kelly, and Miriam Abelson
A Careful Poetics: Caring Imagination, Caring Habits, and Haiku, Ce Rosenow and Maurice Hamington
Submissions from 2016
Black Women and Race and Gender Tensions in the Trades, Roberta Hunte
Submissions from 2015
To This Day: College Graduates on the Lasting Significance of Relationality and Experiential Learning, Ann Fullerton and Vicki L. Reitenauer
A Grateful Recollecting: A Qualitative Study of the Long-Term Impact of Service-Learning on Graduates, Ann Fullerton, Vicki L. Reitenauer, and Seanna Kerrigan
Performing Care Ethics: Empathy, Acting, and Embodied Learning, Maurice Hamington
Black Women and Race and Gender Tensions in the Trades, Roberta Hunte
Lesbian Blood Drives as Community-Building Activism in the 1980s, Beth Hutchison
Enacting True Partnerships within Community-Based Learning: Faculty and Community Partners Reflect on the Challenges of Engagement, Seanna Kerrigan, Vicki L. Reitenauer, and Nora Arevalo-Meier
“Contagious Co-Motion”: Student Voices on Being Change Agents, Vicki L. Reitenauer, Tetiana Korzun, Kimberly Lane, and Melinda Joy Roberts
Submissions from 2013
"People Don't Attack You If You Dress Fancy": Consuming Femininity in Contemporary China, Sally McWilliams
Submissions from 2011
Caring, Journalism, and the Power of Particularism, Maurice Hamington
Liberté, Égalité, Sororité: How Care Ethics Informs Social Justice, Maurice Hamington
The Obvious Invisibility of the Relationship between Technology and Social Values, Jamie P. Ross
Submissions from 2010
Toward a Theory of Feminist Hospitality, Maurice Hamington
Interdisciplinary: Feminist Teaching, Research and Activism, Jamie P. Ross
Submissions from 2009
In Their Own Voices: Assessing Student Learning Through Analysis of Reflective Writing, Patti Haack, Seanna Kerrigan, and Vicki L. Reitenauer
Submissions from 2008
Lessons from the Color of Fear, Jamie P. Ross
What do Bras have to do with Puberty? Educating boys about girls bodies, Jamie P. Ross
Submissions from 2007
Necessary Preconditions for Deliberative Environmental Democracy? Challenging the Modernity Bias of Current Theory, Manjusha Gupte and Robert V. Bartlett
Submissions from 2004
Participation in a Gendered Environment: The Case of Community Forestry in India, Manjusha Gupte
Submissions from 2001
Philosophy in the Wilderness, Jamie P. Ross
Submissions from 1998
Home Movies, Vicki L. Reitenauer