Submissions from 2025
All the Lonely People: an Integrated Review and Research Agenda on Work and Loneliness, Julie M. Mccarthy, Berrin Erdogan, Talya N. Bauer, Selin Kudret, and Emily Campion
Submissions from 2024
Are Fairness Perceptions Related to Moral Licensing Behavior? Evidence from Tax Compliance, Donna Bobek, Amy Hageman, and Cass Hausserman
Experiments in Supply Chain Management Research: A Systematic Review and Future Directions, Craig R. Carter, Renae F. Rockwood, Pankaj C. Patel, Daniel Bachrach, Elliot Bendoly, Scott DuHadway, and Lutz Kaufmann
High-Beta Stock Valuation Around Macroeconomic Announcements, Jingjing Chen and George J. Jiang
Investigating the Effect of Service Messages on Noncompliant Taxpayers' Reactions to Imperfect Audits, Nina S. Collum, Susan Jurney, and Mary E. Marshall
Customer Involvement in Co-Development: Problem-Solving and Decision-Making in New Product Development, Tereza Dean, Haisu Zhang, and Yazhen Xiao
Under Pressure: Employee Work Stress, Supervisory Mentoring Support, and Employee Career Success, Berrin Erdogan, Selin Kudret, Emily D. Campion, Talya N. Bauer, Julie McCarthy, and Bonnie Hayden Cheng
The Integrated Violin-Box-Scatter (VBS) Plot to Visualize the Distribution of a Continuous Variable, David W. Gerbing
The Food Production-Consumption Chain: Fighting Food Insecurity, Loss, and Waste with Technology, Dhruv Grewal, Abhijit Guha, Stephanie M. Noble, and Kara Bentley
Incarnation and Decay: Reconciling the Organizational Decision-Making and Organizational Institutional Theory Perspectives on Budgetary Research, Zahirul Hoque and Matt Kaufman
Capital Market Liability of Foreignness and Country-of-Origin Stereotype: An empirical investigation, Abiodun Ige and Marvin Washington
When Less is More: the Proportion of Creative Members and R&D Team Innovative Performance, Inseong Jeong, Prithviraj Chattopadhyay, Shung Jae Shin, and Owwon Park
Exploring Home Delivery Service Attributes: Sustainability Versus Delivery Expectations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Herbert Kotzab, Isik Ozge Yumurtaci Huseyinoglu, Irmak Sen, and Carlos Mena
US Federal Government Contracting for Disaster Management, Carlos Mena and Anand Nair
How Management Disclosure and Auditor Disclosure Affect Auditor Liability: the Case of the Going Concern Financial Accounting Standard, Joel Owens, K. Kelli Saunders, Samantha Schachner, and Todd A. Thornock
Discussion of "impact of Audit Committee Social Capital on the Adoption of COSO 2013", Kathleen Rupley
Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility During a Pandemic: Evidence from Stock Price Reaction to COVID-19 Related News, Anin Rupp and Piman Limpaphayom
From early Curiosity to space wide web: The emergence of the small satellite innovation ecosystem, Yue Song, Devi R. Gnyawali, and Lihong Qian
Improving Anti-Hypertensive Medication Taking: the Direct and Interacting Effects of Perceived Adherence Difficulty, Adherence Knowledge, and Commitment to Adherence, Yazhen Xiao, Alessandra S. Gessl, Cheryl Nakata, Jelena Spanjol, Stephanie Y. Crawford, Lisa K. Sharp, and Anna S. Cui
Mixing Customer Ingratiation into Evaluation: How Service Providers Judge and Evaluate Rideshare Experiences, Yazhen Xiao and Jonathan Hasford
Submissions from 2023
What is Missing from Research on Data in Information Systems? Insights from the Inaugural Workshop on Data Research, Aleksi Aaltonen, Cristina Alaimo, Elena Parmiggiani, Marta Stelmaszak, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Jannis Kallinikos, and Eric Monteiro
The Performative Production of Trace Data in Knowledge Work, Aleksi Aaltonen and Marta Stelmaszak Rosa
Does Hiring M & A Advisers Matter for Private Sellers?, Anup Agrawal, Tommy Cooper, Qin Lian, and Qiming Wang
The Impact of Supervisor Relationships on Auditor Turnover Intentions Using Leader-Member Exchange Theory, Elizabeth D. Almer, Nathan H. Cannon, and Joleen Kremin
Do Informed REIT Market Participants Respond to Property Sector Mispricing?, Ramya Aroul, Julia Freybote, and Anh Nguyen
Cultivating a Leadership Pipeline: Using a Real Options Lens to Understand Executives' Strategic Staffing Decisions, Michael C. Campion, Emily D. Campion, Michael A. Campion, and Talya N. Bauer
Interdisciplinary Problem Solving in Hybrid Organizations: the Implications of Scientific Reputation and Disciplinary Knowledge Diversity, Turanay Caner, Beverly B. Tyler, Melissa M. Appleyard, and Griffin M. Weber
Information Intensity and Pricing of Systematic Earnings Announcement Risk, Jingjing Chen, Linda H. Chen, and George J. Jiang
Organizations As Digital Enactment Systems: A Theory of Replacement of Humans by Digital Technologies in Organizational Scanning, Interpretation, and Learning, Ioanna Constantiou, Mayur Joshi, and Marta Stelmaszak
Stakeholder Conflict and Standard-setting foundation oversight, Amanda M. Convery, Matt Kaufman, and Terry D. Warfield
Use Big Data to Leverage Customer Need Diversity for Radical Innovation, Tereza Dean, Haisu Zhang, and Yazhen Xiao
"Like Ships in the Night" and the Paradox of Distinctiveness for Sport Management: A Citation Network Analysis of Institutional Theory in Sport, Mathew Dowling, Jonathan Robertson, Marvin Washington, Becca Leopkey, Dana Lee Ellis, Andie Riches, and Lee Smith
Newcomer work-to-nonwork conflict to withdrawal via work-to-nonwork self-efficacy: The buffering role of family supportive supervisor behavior, Allison M. Ellis, Talya Bauer, and Tori Crain
Relationship Institutions: Evidence from Ipos, Xudong Fu, Qin Lian, Tian Tang, Qiming Wang, and Hua Christine Xin
Political Protest and Rule 50: Exploring the Polycentric Governance of International and Olympic Sport, Spencer Harris, Mathew Dowling, and Marvin Washington
Wearing the Same Jersey? the Impact of Players' Cultural Diversity and Shared Team Tenure on National Soccer Team Performance., Yinle Huang, Marvin Washington, Brian P. Soebbing, and Daniel S. Mason
Are We Friends? Relative Overqualification, Citizenship, and the Mediating Role of Friendship Network Centrality, Farid Jahantab, Berrin Erdogan, and Prajya R. Vidyarthi
Tenant Stock Market Performance and Retail Real Estate Prices, Carina Kaiser and Julia Freybote
Governmental Restrictions and Real Estate Investor Risk Perception, Carina Kaiser, Julia Freybote, and Wolfgang Schäfers
Transformational Leadership, Idiosyncratic Deals and Employee Outcomes, Zahide Karakitapoglu-Aygun, Berrin Erdogan, David E. Caughlin, and Talya N. Bauer
Learning Analytics and Technology Through Teaching, Matthew Kaufman and Kristi Yuthas
Urban Flight: A Short-Term Phenomenon or Long-Term Trend?, Dongshin Kim, Davin Raiha, Youngme Seo, and Julia Freybote
Bought but Never Used: How and when Unused Utility reduces subsequent spending, Shruti Koley and Brandon J. Reich
Brand Affiliation and the Hotel Asset Market, Peng Liu, Julia Freybote, and Prashant Das
Time Varying Dependences Between Real Estate Crypto, Real Estate and Crypto Returns, Cathrine Nagl, Maximilian Nagl, Daniel Roesch, Wolfgang Schaefers, and Julia Freybote
Social Movements and Entrepreneurial Activity: A Study of the US Solar Energy Industry, Desiree F. Pacheco and Theodore A. Khoury
To Concentrate or to Diversify the Supply Base? Implications from the US Apparel Supply Chain During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Mikaella Polyviou, Robert Wiedmer, Sangho Chae, Zachary S. S. Rogers, and Carlos Mena
Breaking Bad: How Can Supply Chain Management Better Address Illegal Supply Chains?, Madeleine E. Pullman, Carlos Mena, and Lucy McCarthy
Strength in Numbers: Collaborative Procurement and Competitiveness of Craft Breweries, Timothy I. Ramjaun, Madeleine E. Pullman, Maneesh Kumar, and Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues
Taking a Heavier Toll? Racial Differences in the Effects of Workplace Mistreatment on Depression, Ji Woon Ryu, Erik Gonzalez-Mulé, and Ernest H. O'Boyle
Creating Resilient Supply Chains through a culture of measuring, Tobias Schoenherr, Carlos Mena, Bindiya Vakil, and Thomas Y. Choi
How Strategic Public Procurement Creates Social value: Evidence from UK anchor institutions, Kostas Selviaridis, Davide Luzzini, and Carlos Mena
From Community Rootedness to Individuated Entrepreneuring: the Development of Entrepreneurial Motivation Through a Temporary Community of Practice, Yuliya Shymko and Theodore A. Khoury
Supply Networks for Extreme Uncertainty: a Resource Orchestration Perspective, Heather Dawn Skipworth, Marko Bastl, Corrado Cerruti, and Carlos Mena
Data Are in the Eye of the Beholder: Co-Creation for Sustainable Personal Data Value, Marta Stelmaszak Rosa and Glenn Parry
Patient Mistreatment and New Nurse adjustment: The role of rumination and work engagement, Hai-Jiang Wang, Peikai Li, Talya Bauer, and Berrin Erdogan
The Boundary Conditions for Growth: Exploring the Non-Linear Relationship Between Organic and Acquisitive Growth and Profitability, Martin Weiss, Dominic Herrmann, Theodore A. Khoury, Markus Kreutzer, and Marc Hummel
The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?, David A. Wood, Muskan P. Achhpilia, Mollie T. Adams, Sanaz Aghazadeh, Elizabeth D. Almer, and multiple additional authors
The 2022 PDMA Doctoral Consortium: Emerging Research Priorities in New Product Development and Innovation and Insights into Community Building, Yazhen Xiao and Neeraj Bharadwaj
Why Can't You Be All Talk to Get Things Done? Consumer Acceptance of Voice-Assisted Products, Yazhen Xiao and Huey Yii Tan
Submissions from 2022
The Impact of Virtual Marketing Strategies on the Price‑TOM Relation, Kelley Cours Anderson, Julia Freybote, and Kerry Manis
The Role of Interdependencies in Blockchain Adoption: The Case of Maritime Trade, Melissa M. Appleyard and Kristi Yuthas
Age Diversity Climate Affecting Individual-Level Work-Related Outcomes, Lara Belotti, Sara Zaniboni, Luca Menghini, Cristian Balducci, Dave Cadiz, and Stefano Toderi
Time on Market and the Cash Discount for Condos, Eli Beracha, Julia Freybote, Zhenguo Lin, and Michael J. Seiler
Busy Boards, Entrenched Directors and Corporate Innovation, Brian Bolton and Jing Zhao
Building Blocks of Idea Generation and Implementation in Teams: A Meta-Analysis of Team Design and Team Creativity and Innovation, Kris Byron, Sejin Keem, Tanja Darden, Christina E. Shalley, and Jing Zhou
Rewards and Fear of Being Labeled As Racist: A Tax Fraud Whistleblowing Investigation, Sonia Dhaliwal, Jonathan Farrar, and Cass L. Hausserman
Assessing Asset Pricing in the Commercial Real Estate Sector with Julia Freybote, Julia Freybote
The Evolution of Green Building Amenities: the Case of EV Charging Stations, Julia Freybote
Ability to Work and Health & Safety: Property User Concerns and Satisfaction, Julia Freybote and Riette Carstens
How Can Blockchain Contribute to Developing Country Economies? A Literature Review on Application Areas, Tom Gillpatrick, Semra Boğa, and Oncel Aldanmaz
Owls, Larks, or Investment Sharks? The Role of Circadian Process in Early-stage Investment Decisions, Cristiano L. Guarana, Regan M. Stevenson, J. Jeffrey Gish, Ji Woon Ryu, and Rohan Crawley
How Local Stakeholder Stereotypes Impact Liability of Foreignness and Asset of Foreignness, Abiodun Ige and Marvin Washington
Consortium Capabilities for Enterprise Blockchain Success, Matt Kaufman, Stanton Heister, and Kristi Yuthas
How Does Ethical Leadership Relate to Team Creativity? the Role of Collective Team Identification and Need for Cognitive Closure, Sejin Keem, Gamze Koseoglu, Inseong Jeong, and Christina E. Shalley
The Role of the Hub-Firm in Developing Innovation Capabilities: Considering the French Wine Industry Cluster from a Resource Orchestration Lens, Maneesh Kumar, Mellie Pullman, Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva, and Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues
Knowledge Overconfidence is Associated with Anti-Consensus Views on Controversial Scientific Issues, Nicholas Light, Philip M. Fernbach, Nathaniel Rabb, Mugur V. Geana, and Steven A. Sloman
The Retailer's Puzzle: Influencer Opinions and Consumer-Generated Information, Atmadeep Mukherjee, Amaradri Mukherjee, Pramod Iyer, and Ronn J. Smith
For Better and Worse: How Proactive Personality Alters the Strain Responses to Challenge and Hindrance Stressors, Jordan Nielsen, Brady M. Firth, and Eean Crawford
Primary Prevention of Weight Gain Among New Bus Operators: Results of the Success & Health Impacts for Transit Operators During Onboarding (SHIFT Onboard) Pilot Study, Ryan Olson, Sean P. M. Rice, Talya N. Bauer, Brad Wipfli, W. Kent Anger, Todd E. Bodner, Peter Graven, and Leah S. Greenspan
The Roles of National Culture in Affecting Quality Management Practices and Quality Performance - Multilevel and Multi-Country Analysis, Daniel Prajogo, Carlos Mena, Brian Cooper, and Pei-Lee Teh
The Role of Digital Channels in Predicting Objective and Subjective Negotiation Outcomes, Roshni Raveendhran, Tami Kim, and Ji Woon Ryu
You Ought to Know: Why Consumers Think Companies Can Foresee Bad (but Not Good) Side Effects, Brandon J. Reich and Sean M. Laurent
Putting the Team in the Driver's Seat: A Meta-Analysis on the What, Why, And When of Team Autonomy's Impact on Team Effectiveness, Ji Woon Ryu, Emily Neubert, and Erik Gonzalez-Mulé
Envy Influences Interpersonal Dynamics and Team Performance: Roles of Gender Congruence and Collective Team Identification, Kenneth Tai, Sejin Keem, Ki Young Lee, and Eugene Kim
Dynamic Relationships Between Leader-Member Exchange and Employee Role-Making Behaviours: the Moderating Role of Employee Emotional Ambivalence, Hai-Jiang Wang, Lixin Jiang, Xiaohong Xu, Kong Zhou, and Talya N. Bauer
The Effects of Online Learning Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Satisfaction, Adjustment, Performance, and Loyalty, Michal Wilczewski, Oleg Gorbaniuk, Terry Mughan, and Ewelina Wilczewska
Perceived Overqualification, Felt Organizational Obligation, and Extra-Role Behavior during the COVID-19 crisis: The Moderating Role of Self-Sacrificial Leadership, Chia-Huei Wu, Hannah Weisman, Li-Kuo Sung, Berrin Erdogan, and Talya N. Bauer
The Impact of Food Supply Chain Traceability on Sustainability Performance, Xiongyong Zhou, Madeleine E. Pullman, and Zhiduan Xu
Submissions from 2021
Towards a Theory of Informal Supply Networks: an Exploratory Case Study of the Za'atari Refugee Camp, Ismail Abushaikha, Zhaohui Wu, and Theodore A. Khoury
Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Strategic Mortgage Default Attitudes, Jackson T. Anderson, Julia Freybote, David Lucus, Michael J. Seiler, and Lauren S. Simon
Coaching Quality and Subordinate Work Attitudes in the Multiple Supervisor Audit Context, Lindsay M. Andiola, Jean C. Bedard, and Joleen Kremin
Order from Chaos: A Meta-Analysis of Supply Chain Complexity and Firm Performance, Melek Akin Ates, Robert Suurmond, Davide Luzzini, and Daniel R. Krause
The Employee Onboarding Playbook, Talya Bauer and Amin Fard
Continuity in the Face of Disruptions: Purchasing and Supply Management Research's Persistence Amidst COVID-19, Steven Carnovale and Scott Duhadway
Can the Textual Tone in REIT Financial Statements Improve the Information Environment for Commercial Real Estate Investors? an Investigation, Riette Carstens and Julia Freybote
The View of Angels from Above: Angel Governance and Institutional Environments, Veroniek Collewaert, Igor Filatotchev, and Theodore Khoury
Regulation As a Force for Hybrid Organization: Evidence from the Bonneville Power Administration (1980-2012), Amanda M. Convery and Matt Kaufman
Investor Sentiment and Prepayment Hazard: the Case of Multifamily MBS Loans, Prashant Das and Julia Freybote
When a Ban Is Not a Ban: Institutional Work and the Russian Doping Scandal, Mathew Dowling, Spencer Harris, and Marvin Washington