
Submissions from 2021

Overqualification at Work: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature, Berrin Erdogan and Talya N. Bauer

The Role of Member Proactive Personality in Mitigating Threat During Team Learning, Brady M. Firth

Buy, Sell or Hold? the Information in Institutional Real Estate Investor Consensus, Julia Freybote and Riette Carstens

New Institutional Investors in the IPO Secondary Market: Sentiment or Fundamentals?, Xudong Fu, Janet Hamilton, Qin Lian, Tian Tang, and Qiming Wang


Enhancement of the Command-Line Environment for Use in the Introductory Statistics Course and Beyond, David W. Gerbing

Innovation Configurations in Sport Clusters: the Role of Interorganizational Citizenship and Social Capital, Anna Gerke, Davide Luzzini, and Carlos Mena

A Meta-analytic Test of Multiplicative and Additive Models of Job Demands, Resources, and Stress, Erik Gonzalez-Mulé, Minji (Mia) Kim, and Ji Woon Ryu

A Chronotype Circadian Model of Charismatic Leadership Expressions and Perceptions, Cristiano L. Guarana, Christopher Barnes, Ji Woon Ryu, and Rohan Crawley

Sleep and Self-control: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Cristiano L. Guarana, Ji Woon Ryu, Ernest H. O'Boyle, Jaewook Lee, and Christopher Barnes

The Effect of Audit Burden on Subsequent Tax Evasion, Amy M. Hageman, Ethan LaMothe, and Mary E. Marshall


Recruiting Dark Personalities for Earnings Management, Ling L. Harris, Scott B. Jackson, Joel Owens, and Nicholas Seybert

Blockchain and the Future of Business Data Analytics, Stanton Heister, Matthew Kaufman, and Kristi Yuthas


How Blockchain and AI Enable Personal Data Privacy and Support Cybersecurity, Stanton Heister and Kristi Yuthas


When Are the Bigger Fish in the Small Pond Better Citizens? A Multilevel Examination of Relative Overqualification in Workgroups, Farid Jahantab, Prajya R. Vidyarthi, Smriti Anand, and Berrin Erdogan

Is E-Commerce an Investment Risk Priced by Retail Real Estate Investors? an Investigation, Carina Kaiser and Julia Freybote


Simulating the Cause: How Grassroots Organizations Advance their Credibility through the Dramaturgical Curation of Events, Theodore A. Khoury, Yuliya Shymko, and Jacob Vermeire

Early Career Perceptions of the Review Process: Survey Evidence and Directions for Future Research, Mary E. Marshall and Donna Bobek

From Job Resources to Idea Implementation: A Moderated Sequential Mediation Model, Fabio Massei, Pamela Tierney, Salvatore Zappalà, and Vicetne González-Romá


Distressed and Distracted by COVID-19 During High-Stakes Virtual Interviews: the Role of Job Interview Anxiety on Performance and Reactions, Julie M. McCarthy, Donald M. Truxillo, Talya N. Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, Yiduo Shao, Mo Wang, Joshua Liff, and Cari Gardner

International Trade Resilience and the Covid-19 Pandemic, Carlos Mena, Antonios Karatzas, and Carsten Hansen

The Effect of Positive Anticipatory Utility on Product Pre-Order Evaluations and Choices, Amaradri Mukherjee, Scot Burton, and Ronn J. Smith

Imperfect Produce: Retailer Actions and Service Outcomes, Atmadeep Mukherjee, Amaradri Mukherjee, and Pramod Iyer

The Role of Strategic Collaborations and Relational Capital in Enhancing Product Performance - a Moderated-Mediated Model, Daniel Prajogo, Carlos Mena, and Mesbahuddin Chowdhury

Thermal Comfort - an Intercultural Comparison, Iris Ramme and Tom Gillpatrick


The Impact of COVID-19 on Transit Workers: Perceptions of Employer Responses and Associations with Health Factors, Sean P.M. Rice, Leah S. Greenspan, Talya N. Bauer, Jarred Rimby, Todd Bodner, and Ryan Olson


Institutional Theory in Sport: A Scoping Review, Jonathan Robertson, Mathew Dowling, Marvin Washington, Becca Leopkey, Dana Lee Ellis, and Lee Smith

Do REIT investors care? An investigation into the market response to the public release of SEC comment letter correspondences, Liesa Schrand, Julia Freybote, and Wolfgang Schaefers

Supply Chain Resilience Assessment with Financial Considerations: A Bayesian Network-Based Method, Wanying Shi and Carlos Mena


From Early Curiosity to Space Wide Web: Emergence of the Small Satellite Innovation Ecosystem, Yue Song, Devi R. Gnyawali, and Lihong Qian

From Early Curiosity to Space Wide Web: Emergence of the Small Satellite Innovation Ecosystem, Yue Song, Devi R. Gnyawali, and Lihong Qian


How To Train Your Algo: Investigating the Enablers of Bias in Algorithmic Development, Marta Stelmaszak Rosa


Unboxing the Algorithm: A Process Model of an Algorithmic Solution, Marta Stelmaszak Rosa


Data are in the Eye of the Beholder: Co-creating the Value of Personal Data, Marta Stelmaszak Rosa and Glenn Parry


When Imperfect is Preferred: the Differential Effect of Aesthetic Imperfections on Choice of Processed and Unprocessed Foods, Jacob A. Suher, Courtney Szocs, and Koert van Ittersum

Student Perceptions of Institutional Care: Making Sense of Hardship Funding As a Retention Tool, Erica L. Wagner, Becky Sanchez, and Karen J. Haley

The Dark and Bright Sides of Complexity: A Dual Perspective on Supply Network Resilience, Robert Wiedmer, Zachary S. Rogers, Mikaella Polyviou, Carlos Mena, and Sangho Chae

Turnover During a Corporate Merger: How Workplace Network Change Influences Staying., Meredith Woehler, Theresa M. Floyd, Neha Shah, Joshua E. Marineau, Wookje Sung, Travis J. Grosser, Jesse Fagan, and Giuseppe Joe Labianca


Strategic Value Creation through Enterprise Blockchain, Kristi Yuthas, Yolanda Sarason, and Asad Aziz

Submissions from 2020

Is Venture Capital Socially Responsible? Exploring The Imprinting Effect of VC Funding on CSR Practices, Ekin Alakent, M. Sinan Goktan, and Theodore Khoury

Partner Gender Differences in Prestige of Clients Served at the Largest US Audit Firms, Elizabeth D. Almer, M. Kathleen Harris, Julia L. Higgs, and Joseph R. Rakestraw

Regaining R&D Leadership: The Role of Design Thinking and Creative Forbearance, Melissa M. Appleyard, Albrecht H. Enders, and Herb Velazquez

Welcome Back? Job Performance and Turnover of Boomerang Employees Compared to Internal and External Hires, John D. Arnold, Chad H. Van Iddekinge, Michael C. Campion, and Talya N. Bauer

Jump-Starting the Socialization Experience: The Longitudinal Role of Day 1 Newcomer Resources on Adjustment, Talya N. Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, David Caughlin, and Allison M. Ellis

Corporate Sociopolitical Activism and Firm Value, Yashoda Bhagwat, Nooshin L. Warren, Joshua T. Beck, and George F. Watson

The Development and Validation of the Privacy and Data Security Concerns Scale (PDSCS), Grant M. Brady, Donald M. Truxillo, Talya N. Bauer, and Mark P. Jones

The Effect of Mobile Device Use and Headline Focus on Investor Judgments, T. Brown, Stephanie M. Grant, and Amanda M. Winn

Investigating the Effect of Service Messages on Noncompliant Taxpayers’ Reactions to Declining Audit Effectiveness, Nina Collum, Susan Jurney, and Mary E. Marshall

Using Public Company Filings to Plan the Audit and Perform Risk Assessment Procedures, Lauren M. Cunningham, Joleen Kremin, and Amanda D. Warren


The Hidden Paths of Category Research: Climbing New Heights and Slippery Slopes, Giusseppe Delmestri, Filippo Carlo Wezel, Elizabeth Goodrick, and Marvin Washington

Who Really Performs the Audit? Examining the Effects of Voluntary Disclosure of the Use of Other Auditors on Investors’ Perceptions of Audit Quality, Kristina C. Demek, Steven E. Kaplan, and Amanda M. Winn

Recommendations for Reviewing Meta-Analyses in Organizational Research, Justin A. DeSimone, Michael T. Brannick, Ernest H. O'Boyle, and Ji Woon Ryu

Subverting Process-Based Controls: Oscillation in Automotive Recalls and a Simulation on Opportunism Within a Network, Scott DuHadway and Ram Narasimhan


On Making Experimental Design Choices: Discussions on the Use and Challenges of Demand Effects, Incentives, Deception, Samples, and Vignettes, Stephanie Eckerd, Scott DuHadway, Elliot Bendoly, Craig R. Carter, and Lutz Kaufmann

Perceived Overqualification at Work: Implications for Extra-Role Behaviors and Advice Network Centrality, Berrin Erdogan, Aysegul Karaeminogullari, Talya N. Bauer, and Allison M. Ellis


Employee Overqualification and Manager Job Insecurity: Implications for Employee Career Outcomes, Berrin Erdogan, Zahide Karakitapoğlu‐Aygün, David Ellis Caughlin, Talya N. Bauer, and Lale Gumusluoglu

Trust and Compliance Effects of Taxpayer Identity Theft: A Moderated Mediation Analysis, Jonathan Farrar, Cass Hausserman, and Odette Pinto

The Blockchain and How it Can Influence Conceptions of the Self, Stanton Heister and Kristi Jane Yuthas

Retail Safari: Systematically Walking the Retail Store with Buyers and Suppliers, Molly Inhofe Rapert and Amaradri Mukherjee

Urbanity, Financial Crisis and the Timing of Homebuying Decisions by Young Households, Dongshin Kim, Youngme Seo, and Julia Freybote

User-Centered Design Roadmapping: Anchoring Roadmapping in Customer Value Before Technology Selection, Euiyoung Kim, Lianne W. L. Simonse, Sara L. Beckman, Melissa M. Appleyard, Herb Velazquez, Antonio Suarez Madrigal, and Alice M. Agogino

Understanding Side-Effect Intentionality Asymmetries: Meaning, Morality, or Attitudes and Defaults?, Sean M. Laurent, Brandon J. Reich, and Jeanine L. M. Skorinko


Perceived Overqualification and Task Performance:Reconciling two Opposing Pathways, Allen Lee, Berrin Erdogan, Amy Tian, Sara Willis, and Jie Cao

Energy Efficient Path Planning for Indoor Wheeled Mobile Robots, Jing Liu, Zhaojun Li, Li-Ping He, and Wanying Shi

Perceived Overqualification and Collectivism Orientation: Implications for Work and Nonwork Outcomes, Aleksandra Luksyte, Talya Bauer, Maike E. Debus, Berrin Erdogan, and Chia-Huei Wu

The Green Contagion Effect: an Investigation into the Propagation of Environmental Practices Across Multiple Supply Chains Tiers, Carlos Mena and Tobias Schoenherr

Sounds Novel or Familiar? Entrepreneurs' Framing Strategy in the Centure Capital Market, Lingling Pan, Xiumei Li, Jianhong Chen, and Tianxu Chen

Generational Technology Advancement and Firm Growth: A Study of Sales Growth in The Flat Panel Display Industry, Lihong Qian and I. Kim Wang

Who Deserves Faulty Products? How Blaming the Victim Prevents Consumer Punitive Action, Brandon J. Reich, Troy Campbell, and Robert Madrigal

Relationship Between Retailers' Return Policies and Consumer Ratings, Md Rokonuzzaman, Atmadeep Mukherjee, Pramod Iyer, and Amaradri Mukherjee

Toward Improving Impact of Sustainable Ventures in Developing Countries: A Structuration View, Yolanda Sarason, Kristi Jane Yuthas, and Asad Aziz

Logistics and Procurement Outsourcing in the Healthcare sector: A Comparative Analysis, Heather Skipworth, Emanuela Delbufalo, and Carlos Mena

How Formal and Informal Hierarchies Shape Conflict Within Cooperatives: A Field Experiment in Ghana, Angelique F. Slade Shantz, Geoffrey M. Kistruck, Desiree F. Pacheco, and Justin W. Webb


The Moderating Effect of Buying Impulsivity on the Dynamics of Unplanned Purchasing Motivations, Jacob Suher and Wayne D. Hoyer

Transcultural Development, Bastian Thomsen, Olav Muurlink, Talitha Best, Jennifer Thomsen, and Kellen Copeland


Getting an Internship in the Sport Industry: The Institutionalization of Privilege, Nefertiti A. Walker, Kwame J.A. Agyemang, Marvin Washington, Lauren C. Hindman, and Jeffrey MacCharles

Law Firm Market Share and Securities Class Action Litigation Outcomes, Qiming Wang, C. S. Agnes Cheng, Qin Lian, and Cathy Zishang Liu

The Influence of Formal and Informal Institutional Voids on Entrepreneurship, Justin W. Webb, Theodore A. Khoury, and Michael A. Hitt

Whether, How, and Why Networks Influence Men's and Women's Career Success: Review and Research Agenda, Meredith L. Woehler, Kristin L. Cullen-Lester, Caitlin M. Porter, and Katherine A. Frear


A Review and Scientometric Analysis of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Haydar Yalcin, Wanying Shi, and Zafrin Rahman


Marketing Ecosystem: An Outside-In View for Sustainable Advantage, Jonathan C. Zhang and George F. Watson

Submissions from 2019


Understanding the Consequences of Newcomer Proactive Behaviors: The Moderating Contextual Role of Servant Leadership, Talya N. Bauer, Serge Perrot, Robert C. Liden, and Berrin Erdogan

The Determinants of the Ex Ante Risk Premium in Commercial Real Estate, Eli Beracha, Julia Freybote, and Zhenguo Lin


A Review and Synthesis of the Work Ability Literature, David Cadiz, Grant Brady, Jennifer R. Rineer, and Donald M. Truxillo


Unintended Consequences: How Suppliers Compensate for Price Concessions and the Role of Organizational Justice in Buyer-Supplier Relations, Steven Carnovale, John W. Henke, Scott DuHadway, and Sengun Yeniyurt

Tone in REIT Financial Statements and Institutional Investments, Riette Carstens and Julia Freybote

The Effects of Tariff Increases on Supply Base Complexity: A Conceptual Framework, Sangho Chae, Carlos Mena, Mikaella Polyviou, Zachery Rogers, and Robert Wiedmer

The Social Construction of the Long-term Athlete Development Framework, Mathew Dowling and Marvin Washington

Daily Perceptions of Relationship Quality with Leaders: Implications for Follower Well-being, Allison M. Ellis, Talya N. Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, and Donald M. Truxillo

The Influence of Revenge and Financial Rewards on Tax Fraud Reporting Intentions, Jonathan Farrar, Cass Hausserman, and Morina Rennie

Implications of Perceived Overqualification for Employee's Close Social ties: The Moderating Role of External Organizational Prestige, Panagiotis Gkorezis, Berrin Erdogan, Despoina Xanthopoulou, and Victoria Bellou


Elevating Impact: Case Studies in Sustainable Business and Social Entrepreneurship, Jacen Greene


Using Learning Outcomes to Engage Community and Drive Iteration, Jacen Greene


Evaluation for Understanding Student Growth, Jacen Greene and Abby Chroman

Treat Me Well and I May Leave You Kindly: A Configurational Approach to a Buyer's Relationship Exit Strategy, Farooq Habib, Marko Bastl, Antonios Karatzas, and Carlos Mena


The Rule of One: Grameen Intel and the Power of Social Intrapreneurship, Kazi I. Huque, Jacen Greene, and Narayan Sundararajan

Budget Formality and Informality as a Tool for Organizing and Governance Amidst Divergent Institutional Logics, Matt Kaufman and Mark A. Covaleski

Self-monitoring Personality Trait at Work: An Integrative Narrative Review and Future Research Directions, Selin Kudret, Berrin Erdogan, and Talya N. Bauer


How Does the Primary Market Value Innovations of Newly Public Firms?, Qin Lian and Qiming Wang

Bank Equity Ownership and Corporate Hedging: Evidence from Japan, Piman Limpaphayom, Daniel Rogers, and Noriyoshi Yanase

Business for Society is Society’s Business: Tension Management in a Migrant Integration Supply Chain, Annachiara Longoni, Davide Luzzini, Madeleine Pullman, and Martin Habiague