This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Exploring the Role of Transformational Leaders in the Mentorship of Top-Level Administrators: a Case Study of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) VISN LEAD Program, Frederick Giovanni White Jr. (Dissertation)
Extended Tryptic, Samuel Arthur Willhalm (Closed Thesis)
Post Bellum Wishes, Jennifer Cie Williams (Closed Thesis)
Energy Stores and Life-History Transitions in Red-Sided Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis), Rachel Catharine Wilson (Dissertation)
Synthesis and Assessment of Radiotherapy-Enhancing Nanoparticles, Hayden Winter (Dissertation)
Narrowing the Cognitive Distance Between Engineers and Customers: a Novel Approach, Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, Byung Sung Yoon (Dissertation)
Testing the Correlation of Trace Element Characteristics with the Petrology and Temperature of Eruption of mid-Miocene Rhyolites in Eastern Oregon, Brianna Christine Young (Thesis)
Implicit Learning of Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder Across Auditory and Visual Categories, Wanchi Yu (Thesis)
No Oxygen, No Water: the Unique Physiology of Annual Killifish Embryos Across Development, Daniel Erik Zajic (Dissertation)
The Rise of Mono-Ethnic Religious Nationalism in Myanmar and Its Impacts on the Security Situation of the South Asian Region, S M Anisuz Zaman (Thesis)
Understanding Evangelical Support for, and Opposition to Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election, Joseph Thomas Zichterman (Thesis)
Valley of, Peter Zikos (Closed Thesis)
Exploring How Community College Transfer Students Experience Connection in a Commuter University, Christa Michelle Zinke (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Investigation of Electronic and Optical Properties of 2-Dimensional Semiconductor Tin Selenide (SnSe) Thin Films, Shakila Afrin (Thesis)
On the Drought Recovery and Resiliency: How Terrestrial and Riverine Ecosystems Recover from Agricultural and Hydrological Droughts, Behzad Ahmadi (Dissertation)
Strength Tuned Steel Eccentric Braced Frames, Hosam Abdullah Al-Azzawi (Dissertation)
Efficient Methods for Robust Circuit Design and Performance Optimization for Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors, Muhammad Ali (Dissertation)
UHF and Microwave Phase-Modulated Scattering Array, Nasr Nomas Hussein Alkhafaji (Dissertation)
A Secure Anti-Counterfeiting System using Near Field Communication, Public Key Cryptography, Blockchain, and Bayesian Games, Naif Saeed Alzahrani (Dissertation)
Connecting Local-scale Heavy Precipitation to Large-scale Meteorological Patterns Over Portland, Oregon Using Observations and Climate Models, Christina Marie Aragon (Thesis)
Early Intervention Referral Outcomes for Children at Increased Risk of Experiencing Developmental Delays, Kristi Laurine Atkins (Dissertation)
Behavior of Non-Ductile Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns Retrofit by CFRP Under Cyclic Loading, Wisam Amer Aules (Dissertation)
Design and Performance Evaluation of Linear and Axial-Flux Magnetic Gears, Mojtaba Bahrami Kouhshahi (Dissertation)
Annual and Seasonal Variation in Hydrologic Performance of Ecoroofs of Multiple Depths, Portland, OR, Ashley Michelle Baker (Thesis)
Necessary Conditions for Stability of Vehicle Formations, Pablo Enrique Baldivieso Blanco (Dissertation)
Development of a Readiness Assessment Model for Evaluating Big Data Projects: Case Study of Smart City in Oregon, USA, Husam Ahmad Barham (Dissertation)
Spatial Analysis of Burglary and Robbery Crime Concentration Near Mass-Transit in Portland, Bryce Edward Barthuly (Thesis)
Understanding the Politicization of Oromo Identity in the Diaspora: Re/ Locating the Bones of the Oromo, Madeline Jaye Bass (Thesis)
Cascade & Run, Morgaine Lillian Baumann (Closed Thesis)
The Influence of Shared Mobility and Transportation Policies on Vehicle Ownership: Analysis of Multifamily Residents in Portland, Oregon, Edgar Bertini Ruas (Thesis)
A Characterization of Structures Across the Hurricane Ridge Fault in the Southeastern Olympic Peninsula, WA, Hamma Hamma River Transect, Veronica Catherine Biesiada (Thesis)
Spectral Clustering for Electrical Phase Identification Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Voltage Time Series, Logan Blakely (Thesis)
The Impact of Infrastructure on Habitat Connectivity for Wildlife, Leslie Lynne Bliss-Ketchum (Dissertation)
Integrating Work Ability into the Organizational Science Literature: Advancing Theory and Developing the Nomological Network, Grant Brady (Dissertation)
Family Linked Workplace Resources and Contextual Factors as Important Predictors of Job and Individual Well-being for Employees and Families, Jacquelyn Marie Brady (Dissertation)
Hydrologic Trends and Spatial Relationships of Stream Temperature and Discharge in Urbanizing Watersheds in the Portland Metropolitan Area of the Pacific Northwest, Emma Lee Brenneman (Thesis)
Local Radiance, Scott Peter Britell (Dissertation)
Our Vision of Health for Future Generations: an Exploration of Proximal and Intermediary Motivations with Women of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Danica Love Brown (Dissertation)
Forest Structure, Composition, and Regeneration after High-Severity and Rapidly Repeated Wildfires in the Central Cascade Range, Sebastian Upton Busby (Thesis)
The Invasion Ecology of Ivy (Hedera spp.) in Portland's Forest Park, Eric Paul Butler (Thesis)
Radical Doulas Make "Caring a Political Act": Full-spectrum Birthwork as Reproductive Justice Activism, JaDee Yvonne Carathers (Dissertation)
Jet Rebound from Hydrophobic Substrates in Microgravity, Karl Jeffrey Theodore Cardin (Thesis)
Concerted Cultivation, Academic Achievement, and the Mediating Role of Non-Cognitive Factors, Bryant Carlson (Dissertation)
Correct-by-Construction Typechecking with Scope Graphs, Katherine Imhoff Casamento (Thesis)
How Does Wasta Bolster Regimes? The Case of Tunisia, Issrar Chamekh (Thesis)
Versatile Binary-level Concolic Testing, Bo Chen (Dissertation)
Dynamics of Wet-Season Turbidity in Relations to Precipitation, Discharge, and Land Cover in Three Urbanizing Watersheds, Oregon, Junjie Chen (Thesis)
The Fate of Atmospherically Deposited Mercury in Mountain Lake Food Webs, and Implications for Fisheries Management, Ariana Martos Chiapella (Dissertation)
Avian Dispersal Networks, Metacommunity Structure, and Bryophyte Community Assemblages, Matthew Wojciech Chmielewski (Dissertation)
Aggregation of Electric Water Heaters for Peak Shifting and Frequency Response Services, Thomas Leighton Clarke (Thesis)
LiDAR Predictive Modeling of Kalapuya Mound Sites in the Calapooia Watershed, Oregon, Tia Rachelle Cody (Thesis)
"Poverty Wages Are Not Fresh, Local, or Sustainable": Building Worker Power by Organizing Around (Re)production in Portland's "Sustainable" Food Industry, Amy Katherine Rose Coplen (Dissertation)
Drafting in Self-Timed Circuits, Christopher Lee Cowan (Dissertation)
Making Race Matter: Interrupting Racial Color-blindness in Education Through the Implementation of Anti-racist Curriculum, Kelly Deits Cutler (Dissertation)
HF IQ Mixer VFO Temperature Compensation and Drive Level Optimization for Opposite Sideband Suppression, Katlin Anne-Rostomyan Dahn (Thesis)
The Role of Teacher Autonomy Support Across the Transition to Middle School: its Components, Reach, and Developmental Effects, Julia Sara Dancis (Thesis)
Estimation of Association Between a Longitudinal Marker and Interval-Censored Progression Times, Naghmeh Daneshi (Dissertation)
Isoprene Emission in Polytrichaceae Mosses, Timea Deakova (Dissertation)
Simultaneous Bilingual Middle School Students Becoming Biliterate: What Do Students Think About Their Biliteracy as Taught Through the "Bridge" Strategy in a Humanities Dual Language/Immersion Class?, Alma Lucinda Diaz-Philipp (Dissertation)
Identifying with Remida: Early Childhood Educators’ Experiences with Reuse Materials in Reggio Emilia Inspired Identity Studies, Michelle Angela Domingues (Dissertation)
Fractals as Basis for Design and Critique, John Charles Driscoll (Dissertation)
Teacher Learning in the Context of Students’ Mathematical Thinking, Mary Sherrett Duden (Dissertation)
Analysis of E-cigarette Liquids and Aerosols by NMR Spectroscopy: Compositions, Boiling Points, and Degradation Profiles, Anna Katherine Duell (Dissertation)
Explaining the Sectarian Violence in the Middle East: a Conflict Analysis of the Case Study of Saudi Arabia and Iran, Ahmed Elsayed Eltally (Thesis)
Audio Beat Detection with Application to Robot Drumming, Michael James Engstrom (Thesis)
An Application of Deep Learning Models to Automate Food Waste Classification, Alejandro Zachary Espinoza (Thesis)
Evaluating the Impact and Distribution of Stormwater Green Infrastructure on Watershed Outflow, Benjamin Fahy (Thesis)
Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Long Term Changes to Tides, Storm Surge, and Total Water Level Due to Bathymetric Changes and Surge Characteristics, Ramin Familkhalili (Dissertation)
Distribution and Origin of Carbide in Ordinary Chondrites, Karla Rae Farley (Thesis)
Indigenous Party Formation and Success: the Strategic Roles of Reserved Seats, Parties, and Horizontal Accountability, Michael FitzGerald (Thesis)
Upon a Dream, Jessica Marie Fonvergne (Closed Thesis)
Impactful Care: Addressing Social Determinants of Health Across Health Systems, Nicole Lisa Friedman (Thesis)
Unmanageable, Karleigh Anne Frisbie (Closed Thesis)
Snowy Plover Demography in Oregon, Eleanor Prindiville Gaines (Dissertation)
Modeling Surface Roughness as an Indicator of Age and Landslide Susceptibility, and the Spatial Inventory of Prehistoric Landslides: Green River Valley, Washington, Rebecca Naomi Garriss (Thesis)
"Smart" Technology: Do You Buy It? Adoption of Digital Innovations, Laura Koyer Glass (Thesis)
Infinite Photovoltaic Solar Arrays: Considering Flux of Momentum and Heat Transfer, Andrew D. S. Glick (Thesis)
Assessment of Cluster Chondrite Accretion Temperature Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Implications for Chondrule Formation Models, Secana Portia Goudy (Thesis)
Engaging in a Rural Deaf Community of Practice, Kara Gournaris (Dissertation)
Regional Modeling of the Glaciers of the North Cascades Mountains, Washington, USA, Christina Eileen Gray (Thesis)
The Impact of Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Summer Camps on Middle School Students' Understanding of the Nature of Science, Sapoóq'is Wiíit'es Ciarra Solina Greene (Thesis)
Manufacturing in Place: Industrial Preservation in the US, Jamaal William Green (Dissertation)
Crumpled and Abraded Encryption: Implementation and Provably Secure Construction, Scott Sherlock Griffy (Thesis)
Convivial Clothing: Engagement with Decommodified Fashion in Portland, OR, Sarah Guldenbrein (Thesis)
Differences in Syntactic Complexity in the Writing of EL1 and ELL Civil Engineering Students, Santiago Gustin (Thesis)
Experiences of Early Childhood Educators Working with Teaching Strategies GOLD®: A Narrative Inquiry, Sarah Kathryn Guyon (Dissertation)
Evaluation of Low and High Frequency Dynamic Response for Condition Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Ali Hafiz (Dissertation)
From Drought to Food-Energy-Water-Security Nexus: an Assessment of Food Insecurity in the Middle East, Maysoun Ayad Hameed (Dissertation)
Does X Mark the Applicant? Assessing Reactions to Gender Non-Binary Job Seekers, Kelly Mason Hamilton (Thesis)
Use of Two-replisome Plasmids to Characterize How Chromosome Replication Completes, Nicklas Alexander Hamilton (Thesis)
Knowing Without Knowing: Real-Time Usage Identification of Computer Systems, Leila Mohammed Hawana (Thesis)
Closure or Censure? Examining the Determinants of Disclosure of Sexual Assault Among College Students, Whitney Head-Burgess (Thesis)
Student Voice in a Participatory Design Process Focused on Developing Equity-Based STEM Teaching Practices, Frank Heimerdinger (Dissertation)
Flood Dynamics in the Portland Metropolitan Area, Past, Present, and Future, Lumas Terence Helaire (Dissertation)
DC-RTS Noise: Observation and Analysis, Benjamin William Hendrickson (Dissertation)
Assessing the Efficacy of Virtual Experiments in the General Chemistry Laboratory, Cory Jerome Hensen (Dissertation)
Bounce House of 1000 Corpses, Jessica Hiestand (Closed Thesis)
Follow the Bone, Lauren Verdell Hobson (Closed Thesis)
Attrition and Psychotherapy, Jesse Barrington Homan (Dissertation)
Seismic Source Characterization of Faults in the Portland and Tualatin Basins and a Paleoseismic Study of the Gales Creek Fault, OR, Alison Elizabeth Horst (Thesis)